Craftsman 15130382 Owner’s Manual

2 Speed - 8 Amp Electric Blower
Sopladora el_ctrica de 2 velocidades y 8 Amps de potencia
Modelo no
_ CAUTION: To reduce the risk of injury, the user must read and understand the operator's manual before using
_ PRECAUCl6N: Para reducir el riesgo de lesiones, el usuario debe leer y comprender el manual antes de utilizar
Sears Brands Management Corporation, Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 USA
Visit the Craftsman web page: Visite el sitio Web de Craftsman: www,
este producto,
Save this manual for future reference
Conserve este manual para futura referencia.
[] Warranty ................................................................... 2
[] Introduction ............................................................... 2
[] Important safety instructions ................................. 3-4
[] Specific safety rules ................................................. 5
[] Symbols .................................................................... 6
[] Features ................................................................... 7
[] Electrical information ................................................ 8
[] Assembly .................................................................. 9
[] Operation ................................................................ 10
[] Care and maintenance ........................................... 11
[] Troubleshooting ...................................................... 11
[] Illustrated parts list ............................................ 12-13
CRAFTSMAN LIMITED WARRANTY FOR TWO YEARS from the date of sale, this product is warranted against defects in material or workmanship.
WITH PROOF OF SALE, a defective product will be replaced free of charge. For warranty coverage details to obtain free replacement, visit the web page:
This warranty is void if this product is ever used while providing commercial services or if rented to another person.
This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. Sears Brands Management Corporation, Hoffman Estates, IL 60179
GARANT(A LIMmTADA CRAFTSMAN DURANTE DOS AlkIOS a contar de la fecha de venta, este producto est& garantizado contra defectos en sus
materiales o fabricacion. Un producto defectuoso puede reemplazarse por uno nuevo, de manera gratuita, considerando que se presente
una PRUEBA DE VENTA. Para conocer la cobertura de la garantia y obtener un reemplazo gratuito, visite el sitio Web
warranty La garantia de un are se anula si el producto se usa para proporcionar servicios comerciales o si se le arrienda a
otra persona. Esta garantia le entrega derechos legales especificos que pueden vadar segL]n su estado (podria tener otros
derechos adicionales). Sears Brands Management Corporation, Hoffman Estates, IL 60179
[] Garantia .............................. Secci6n de Ingles pgg. 2
[] Introducci6n ......................... Secci6n de Ingles pgg. 2
[] Importantes instrucciones de seguridad ................ 3-4
[] Reglas de seguridad especificas ............................. 5
[] Simbolos .................................................................. 6
[] Caracteristicas ......................................................... 7
[] Informaci6n electrica ................................................ 8
[] Armado ..................................................................... 9
[] Funcionamiento ...................................................... 10
[] Cuidado y mantenimiento ....................................... 11
[] Resoluci6n de probiemas ....................................... 11
[] Lista de piezas, ilustrada ................................... 12-13
[] Figura numeras (ilustraciones) ............................... i-ii
This tool has many features for making its use more pleasant and enjoyable. Safety, performance, and dependability have been given top priority in the design of this product making it easy to maintain and operate.
Esta herramienta tiene muchas fanciones para hacerla m&s agradable y comoda de usar. Se ha dado m&xima prioridad a la seguridad, rendimiento y confiabilidad en las etapas de diseRo de este producto para qae sea f&cil
de utilizar y mantener.
2 -- English
instructions listed below may result in electric shock, fire, and/or serious personal injury.
[] Do not operate power tools in explosive environments (such as in the presence of
flammable liquids, gases, or dust), or use to pick up flammable or combustible liquids, Power tools create sparks which may ignite
the dust or fumes. [] To reduce the risk of electric shock, this
tool has a polarized plug ( one blade is wider than the other ) and will require the use of a polarized extension cord. The plug will fit into a polarized extension cord only one way. If the plug does not fit fully into the extension
cord, reverse the plug. If the plug still does not fit, obtain a correct polarized extension cord. A polarized extension cord will require the use of a polarized wall outlet. This plug
will fit into the polarized wall outlet only one way. If the plug does not fit fully into the wall outlet, reverse the plug. If the plug still does not fit, contact a qualified electrician to install the proper wall outlet. Do not change the equipment plug, extension cord receptacle,
or extension cord plug in any way. [] Avoid body contact with grounded surfaces
such as pipes, radiators, ranges, and refrigerators. There is an increased risk of electric shock if your body is grounded.
[] Don't expose power tools to rain or wet conditions. Water entering a power tool will increase the risk of electric shock.
[] Do not handle plug or tool with wet hands. [] Use outdoor extension cords marked W-A,
W, SW-A, SOW-A, STW-A, STOW-A, SJW-A, SJTW-A, or SJTOW-A. These cords are
rated for outdoor use and reduce the risk of electric shock.
[] Never allow children to operate the equipment. Never allow adults to operate the
equipment without proper instruction. [] Wear eye protection with side shields which
is marked to comply with ANSI Z87.1 as well as hearing protection when operating this
product. [] Always use face or dust mask if operation
is dusty. [] Use extra care when cleaning on stairs. [] Do not leave appliance plugged in. Unplug
from outlet when not in use and before servicing.
[] Do not expose to rain, store indoors. [] Use only as described in this manual.
Use only manufacturer's recommended attachments.
[] Keep hair, loose clothing, fingers and all body parts away from openings and moving parts.
[] Wear heavy long pants, long sleeves, boots, and gloves. Avoid loose garments or
jewelry that could get caught in moving parts
of the machine or its motor. [] Do not force tool. Use the correct tool for your application. The correct tool will do the
job better and safer at the rate for which it is
designed. [] Do not operate the equipment while
barefoot or when wearing sandals or similar lightweight footwear. Wear protective
footwear that will protect your feet and improve your footing on slippery surfaces.
[] Do not use on steps, a ladder, roof top, tree, or other unstable support. Stable footing
on a solid surface enables better control of the blower in unexpected situations.
[] Secure long hair so it is above shoulder level to prevent entanglement in any moving parts.
[] Keep firm footing and balance. Do not overreach. Overreaching can result in loss of
3 -- English
[]Turnoffallcontrolsbeforeunplugging. []Donotallowtobeusedasatoy.Close
attentionisnecessarywhenusedbyornear children.
[]Avoidaccidentalstarting.Besurethepower switchisnotonbeforepluggingin.Turnoff
powerswitchbeforeunplugging. []Donotusetoolifswitchdoesnotturnit
onoroff.Anytoolthatcannotbecontrolled withtheswitchisdangerousandmustbe repaired.
[]Donotusewithdamagedplug.Iftoolisnot workingasitshouldorhasbeendropped,
damaged,leftoutdoors,ordroppedinto water,takeittoaqualifiedservicedealerfor inspectionandpossiblerepair.
[]Donotleavethetoolwhenpluggedin. Unplugfromthepoweroutletwhennotinuse,
beforeservicing,andbeforestoringthetool. Suchpreventativesafetymeasuresreduce theriskofstartingthetoolaccidentally.
[]Keepallbystanders,children,andpetsat least50ft.away.
[]Donotoperatethisunitwhenyouaretired, ill,upsetorundertheinfluenceofalcohol,
drugs,ormedication. []Donotoperateinpoorlighting. []Keepallpartsofyourbodyawayfromany
movingpartsandallhotsurfacesoftheunit. []Donotputanyobjectintoopenings.Donot
usewithanyopeningblocked;keepopenings freeofdust,lint,hair,andanythingthatmay
[]Checktheworkareabeforeeachuse. Removeallobjectssuchasrocks,broken
glass,nails,wire,orstringwhichcanbe thrownorbecomeentangledinthemachine.
[]Neveruseblowernearfires,fireplaces,hot ashes,barbecuepits,etc.,whichmaycause
firetospread. []Donotpullorcarrybycord,usecordasa
handle,closeadooronacord,orpullcord aroundsharpedgesorcorners.Donotrun
applianceovercord.Keepcordawayfrom heatedsurfaces.
[]Donotunplugbypullingoncord.To unplug,grasptheplug,notthecord.
[]Donothandleplugorappliancewithwet hands.
[]Useonlyidenticalmanufacturer's replacementpartsandaccessories.Useof
anyotherpartsmaycreateahazardorcause productdamage.
[]Inadoubleinsulatedappliance,two systemsofinsulationareprovidedinstead ofgrounding.Nogroundingmeansis
providedonadoubleinsulatedappliance, norshouldameansforgroundingbe addedtotheappliance.Servicingadouble insulatedappliancerequiresextremecare andknowledgeofthesystemandshould bedoneonlybyqualifiedservicepersonnel.
Replacementpartsforadoubleinsulated appliancemustbeidenticaltothepartsthey replace.
4-- English
[]Makesureyourextensioncordisingood condition.Whenusinganextensioncord,be
suretouseoneheavyenoughtocarrythe currentyourproductwilldraw.Awiregauge size(A.W.G.)ofatleast14isrecommended
foranextensioncord50feetorlessinlength. Ifindoubt,usethenextheaviergauge.The smallerthegaugenumber,theheavierthe cord.Anundersizedcordwillcauseadrop inlinevoltageresultinginlossofpowerand overheating.
[]Donotpointtheblowernozzleinthe directionofpeopleorpets.
[]Neverplacebloweronanysurface,except ahard,cleansurfacewhenmotorisrunning. Gravel,sand,andotherdebriscanbepicked upbytheairinletandthrownattheoperator orbystanders,causingpossibleserious
injuries. []Neverruntheunitwithouttheproper
equipmentattached.Alwaysensurethe blowertubesareinstalled.
[]Donotattempttoclearclogsfromtool withoutfirstunpluggingit.
[]Donotpullorcarrybycord,usecordas ahandle,orpullcordaroundsharpedges orcorners.Keepcordawayfromheated
surfaces. []Donotunplugbypullingoncord.To
unplug,grasptheplug,notthecord. []Toreducetheriskofelectricalshock,donot
exposetorain,donotuseonwetsurfaces. Storeindoors.
[]Ifthepowersupplycordisdamaged,stop usingtheunit.Taketheunittoaqualified servicedealerforinspectionandpossible
repair. []Protectyourlungs.Wearafaceordust
maskiftheoperationisdusty.Followingthis rulewillreducetheriskofseriouspersonal injury.
[]Save these
[]Whennotinuse,blowershouldbestored indoorsinadry,lockedupplace--outofthe
reachofchildren. []Maintaintoolwithcare.Keepfanarea
cleanforbestandsafestperformance.Follow instructionsforpropermaintenance.
Refer to them frequently and use them to instruct others who may use this power tool. If you loan someone this power tool, loan
them these instructions also.
5 -- English
The following signal words and meanings are intended to explain the levels of risk associated with this product.
Some of the following symbols may be used on this product. Please study them and learn their meaning. Proper interpretation of these symbols will allow you to operate the product better and safer.
V Volts Voltage
A Amperes Current
Hz Hertz Frequency (cycles per second)
W Watt Power
rain Minutes Time
Alternating Current
Direct Current Class II Construction
Indicates an imminently hazardous situation, which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury.
(Without Safety Alert Symbol) Indicates a situation that may result in property damage.
Type of current Type or a characteristic of current
Double-insulated construction
Safety Alert Indicates a potential personal injury hazard.
Read The Operator's Manual operator's manual before using this product
Eye and Hearing Protection Always wear eye protection with side shields marked to comply
Wet Conditions Alert Do not expose to rain or use in damp locations.
Keep Bystanders Away Keep all bystanders at least 50 ft. away.
Long Hair
Blower Tubes Do not operate without tubes in place.
Loose Clothing
To reduce the risk of injury, user must read and understand
with ANSI Z87.1, along with hearing protection.
Failure to keep. long hair away from the air inlet could result in personal injury
Failure to keep loose clothing from being drawn into air intake could result in personal injury
6 -- English
Voltage .................................................................................................................................................. 120V ~ 60Hz
Amp ..................................................................................................................................................................... 8A
Air Speed .................................................................................................. Low = 125 MPH / High = 160 MPH Max
Air Volume ................................................................................................. Low = 145 CFM / High = 180 CFM Max
Weight .............................................................................................................................................. 1.7 kg (3.8 Ibs)
KNOW YOUR BLOWER This product has many features for making its use more pleasant and enjoyable, Safety, performance, and
dependability have been given top priority in the design of this product making it easy to maintain and operate.
The safe use of this product requires an understanding of the information on the tool and in this operator's
manual as well as a knowledge of the project you are attempting. Before use of this product, familiarize
yourself with all operating features and safety rules,
BLOWER TUBE The blower tube can be easily installed on the blower without any additional tools.
CORD RETAINER A convenient cord retainer helps keep the extension
cord connection secure during blower operation.
TWO SPEEDS This Blower is designed with two speeds to assist in varying jobs,
7 i English
Double insulation is a concept in safety in electric power tools, which eliminates the need for the usual
threewire grounded power cord, Att exposed metal parts are isolated from the internal metal motor components with protecting insulation. Double insulated tools do not
need to be grounded.
_iL WARNING! The double insulated system is intended to protect the user from shock resulting from
a break in the tool's internal insulation. Observe all normal safety precautions to avoid electrical shock,
NOTE: Servicing of a product with double insulation requires extreme care and knowledge of the system
and should be performed only by a qualified service technician. Take the unit to a qualified service dealer
for inspection and possible repair using only identical replacement parts.
ELECTRICAL CONNECTmON This product has a precision-built electric motor. It
should be connected to a power supply that is 120 volts, AC only (normal household current), 60 Hz.
Do not operate this product on direct current (DC). A substantial voltage drop will cause a toss of power
and the motor will overheat. If your product does not operate when plugged into an outlet, double-check the
power supply,
GFCI Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) protection
should be provided on the circuit(s) or outlet(s) to be used for the product.Receptacles are available having
built-in GFCl protection and may be used for this measure of safety,
your extension cord is in good condition. When using an extension cord, be sure to use one heavy enough to
carry the current your product will draw. An undersized cord will cause overheating. The table below shows
the correct size to use depending on cord length and nameplate ampere rating. If in doubt, use the next
heavier gauge. The smaller the gauge number, the heavier the cord.
Minimum Gauge for Extension Cords (AWG)
(when using 120V only)
Ampere Rating Total Length of Cord in Feet (meters)
More Than Not More Than 25' (7.6 m) 50' (15.2 m) 100' (30.4 m) 150' (45.7 m)
O 6 18 16 16 14
6 10 18 16 14 12 10 12 16 16 14 12 12 16 14 12 Not recommended
Make sure your extension cord is properly wired and in good electrical condition,Always replace a damaged
extension cord or have it repaired by a qualified person before use.
Keep extension cords away from sharp objects,excessive heat and damp or wet areas,
Use a separate electrical circuit for your tools, This circuit should comprise a wire of at least 12 gauge and
should be protected with a 15 A time-delayed fuse, Before connecting the motor to the power line, make
sure the switch is in the OFF position and the electric current is identical to that stamped on the motor
nameplate. Running at a lower voltage will damage the motor.
_1!_WARNING! Check extension cords before
each use. If damaged replace immediately, Never use product with a damaged cord since touching
the damaged area could cause electrical shock resulting in serious injury,
8 -- English
UNPACKING This product requires assembly. [] Carefully remove the product and any accessories
from the box. Make sure that all items listed in the packing list are included.
,_ WARNING! If any parts are damaged or
missing do not operate this product until the parts are replaced. Use of this product with damaged or missing parts could result in serious personal injury.
_ll WARNING! Do not use this product if any
parts on the Packing List are already assembled to your product when you unpack it. Parts on this list are not assembled to the product by the manufacturer and
require customer installation. Use of a product that may have been improperly assembled could result in
serious personal injury. [] inspect the product carefully to make sure no
breakage or damage occurred during shipping. [] Do not discard the packing material until you have
carefully inspected and satisfactorily operated the product. [] If any parts are damaged or missing, do not operate
the btower. Return it for replacement to the retailer from which it was purchased.
Blower Blower Tube Operator's Manual
_1_ WARNING! Do not attempt to modify this
product or create accessories not recommended for use with this product. Any such alteration or
modification is misuse and could result in a hazardous condition leading to possible serious personal injury.
,_ WARNING! Do not connect to power supply until assembly is complete. Failure to comply could result in accidental starting and possible serious
personal injury.
Slide blower tube forward until the lock button clicks into the top of the tube.
9 -- English
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