The above Modal Number will be found on a phte attached to
your saw, at the back, near the bottom of the b_. Always men-
tion the Model Number when communicating with us regarding
youe saw oe when ordering parts.
All par_ listed herein must be order_ through a Sears retail
or mar order store. Par_ are shipped prepaid. When ordering
repair par_, always give the folbwing information:
I. The part number in the list.
2. The pa_ name and price in the list.
3. The model number which is I13.2240i
Instructions for Ordering
113.2240 |

instructions for sem, blin g
Your Craftsman Saw is shipped complete (Mth_
_t motor) in one crate, To uncrate_ remove lid_
unfold sides, and nnboK saw' from wood base,
Before discarding packing material and paper_
examine them carefhtly fO_ loose parts.
C_ean all 1oose parts carefullyo Adjustments are
carefully checked before the saw is shipped_ but
rough handling in transk may nccasionMly make
a readjustment necessary_ The best results wiil be
obtained by assembling and checking in the fol-
lowing order:
I. Remove two screws (part So1241_ Fig. No0 3)
amd insert (part 615I, Fig:. No,. 3), &eck tightness
of saw arbor nut_ using the arbor wrench (part
3540, Fig. No. 4). Replace insert amd screws.
The saw blade sbou/d be paralIel to the mitre gage
slots in the table. If realignment of the saw blade
is necessar B loosen the screws (part: S-860, Fig. No,
3) which secure the table trunnions (part 13_ Fig.
No. 3) to the table, Shift the trunnions until the
saw blade :s parallel with the slots_ and redghten
the screws. / ............
2. Place the Rip Fence ':'F" on the saw table
as ill_trated in Fig. No, 1o The Rip Fence Kuob
"G" must be pulled out to permit the guide to
slide over the Rack "J'L A slight pressure must
be exerted upon the rip fence to cause it to seat
proper[>" on the rack. This pressure is necessary to
overcome a pressure exerted by the two alignment
bar springs (part Sd230_ Fig. No. 3.) which act on
the inner lip of the rack to hold the {ence in con+
tiuuous al{g_ment. If any part of the Rip Fence
Rip Fence and the top of the table varies appre-
ciably as the fence is moved across the: table_ the
ha& *_J" should be readjusted parallel with the
tame top to provide the proper clearance, This ad-
justment may be made by loosening the four
screws (part S_203_ Fig. No0 3) which secure the
rack m the table_ Retighten after the prefer adjust-
meat has been made° Place the Rip Fence next to
ekber of the mitre gage slots and damp ia place
by pushi_g down on cam clamp lever "H'0 If the
Rip Fence is out of Iine with the mkre gage slot,
the fence may be adjured by loosening the four
screws (parts S-659 and S-739, Fig. No, 3) which
secure the guide m the feuce, Retlghteu when _e
desired adjustment has been obtained.
3, Mount the Guard Assembly "X" on the saw_
as. illustrat_ in Fig. No. 1, by insertlng the pin
at the rear of the @ikter blade into the hole in the
spNtter blade bracket (part 72, Fig, No_ 3) at the
rear of the saw.. Press the Guard Assembly do_
firmly so that the semi-circular notch in the splitter
blade slips between the two splitter blade damp
washers (part 69, Pig. No,. 4) mounted oa the
cradle, _.e splitter blade and guard may be ad-
iusted by tooseuing the two screws (part 8-203_
Fig, No. 3) which secure the splitter blade bra&et
to the cradle° Retighten when the desired adjust-
Opera Saw
_neat has b_n obtained. The pressure on the split-
ter Made damp washers may be incr_sed or de-
creased by tightening or loosening the cap screw
(part S-I090_ Fig. No. 4) which secures the washers
to the cradle. The position of the splitter blade
clamp washers may be changed_ if n_essary, by
varying the number of flat washers (parts S-970
and S-i066_ Fig, No. 4) mounted between _e
damp washers and the cradle, er blade
must: be dlrec_ in tlne with the
4_ Mount motor on Motor Support Assembly
(also see Motor Specifieations)_ and stlde the _o
pins on the Motor Support Ass_b|y _to the
mounting holes at the rear of the cradle. Pinch
pulley on motor shaft and line up Mth pulley on
_aw arbor, Install "V" belt over pulleys and adjust
belt tensloa by moving the motor support elth_
in oe out until the belt is snug, keep_g ia mlnd
that the motor should be allowed to fall back against
the belt to obtain the automatic belt tlghten_g
feature. When the adjustment is sadsfactory_ damp
the motor support in place by tightening the two
square head set screws (part S-207, Fig. No_ 3).
If the saw is to be driven by a very large me{or
which cannot be mounted on the motor support
provided_ the motor should be mounted oa a lions.
ing rait_ and a _-inch wide belt Mth a m_im_
length of 80 inch_ should be used. The posltion
of the motor should be adjusted until _e belt
clears all obstructions through all positions of the
saw blade.
If the saw is m be driven from a line-shaft_ use
a belt at least t00 in&ca long.
5. Place the Mi_e Gage Assembly "K" in tither
of the mitre gage slo_ in the table as illustrad
in Fig, No. 1.
t ,S Your
FIG. No, I
Motor Spe¢ifkations
This saw is d_igned to be used with a 3450
r.p,m., alternating.current motor of a repulsion-in-
ductlon or capacitor type_ or a 3450 rop.m,_ corn-
direct-current motor. A V2 h.p.