Craftsman 107280340 Owner’s Manual

Operator's anual
Rear Engine Riding Mower with Electric Start
Model No.
107.280340 (12.5HP Briggs & Stratton Engine with 28" Mower Deck)
For answers to your questions about this product, call:
Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179
Visit our Craftsman website:
Revision B
Thank You for purchasing this quality-built Craftsman product. We're pXeased that you placed your confidence in our brand. When operated and maintained according to the instructions in this
manual, your Craftsman product will provide many years of dependable service.
This manuaU contains safety information to make you aware of the hazards and risks associated with the machine and how to avoid them. This machine is designed and intended onJy for finish
cutting of established lawns and is not intended for any other purpose. It is important that you read and understand these instructions thoroughJy before attempting to start or operate this equipment.
Save these instructions for future reference.
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When contacting the service center for replacement parts, service, or information you MUST have these
Record your model name/number, manufacturer's
identification numbers, and engine serial numbers in the space provided for easy access.
The identification tag is located on the rear frame, be- tween the wheels.
For answers to your questions about this product, call the Sears Craftsman Help Line at 1-800-659-5917, between 5 am - 5 pm, Monday-Saturday.
Mede_Description NameiNamber
Stock Nnmber Unit Serial Nnmber
Date Pnrchased
EngineMaker EngineMeae_
EngineType/Spec EngineCode/SeHaJtlnrnber
Identification Numbers Warranty Statement
Emissions Statement
Operator Safety
Features and Controls
CRAFTSMAN FULL WARRANTY When operated and maintained according to aH supplied instructions, if any non-expendable part of this riding equip-
ment fails due to a defect in material or workmanship within two years from the date or purchase, call 1-800-659-5917 to arrange for free in-home repair.
The frame and front axle will be repaired free of charge for five years from the date of purchase if defective in material or workmanship.
All of the above warranty coverage applies for only 90 days from the date of purchase if this riding equipment is ever used for commercial or rental purposes.
2 Maintenance 17 3 Storage 21
4 Troubleshooting 22 5 Specifications 24
10 Service Parts PTS-1 11
In alUcases, if repair proves impossible, the riding equipment will be replaced free of charge with the same or an equiva- lent model.
The battery will be replaced free of charge for 90 days from the date of purchase if defective in material or workmanship (or testing proves that it will not hold a charge).
This warranty covers ONLY defects in materia_and workmanship. Sears will NOT pay for: o Expendable items that become worn during normal use. including but not limited to blades, spark plugs, air cleaners,
belts, and oil filters.
o Standard maintenance servicing, oil changes, or tune-ups. o Tire replacement or repair caused by punctures from outside objects, such as nails, thorns, stumps, or glass.
o Tire or whee_ replacement or repair resuking from normal wear. accident, or improper operation or maintenance. o Repairs necessary because of operator abuse, including but not limited to damage caused by towing objects beyond
the capability of the riding equipment, impacting objects that bend the frame or crankshaft, or over-speeding the engine.
o Repairs necessary because of operator negligence, including but not limited to, e_ectrical and mechanical damage
caused by improper storage, failure to use the proper grade and amount of engine oil, failure to keep the deck clear of flammable debris, or failure to maintain the riding equipment according to the instructions contained in the opera-
tot's manual.
o Engine (fuel system) cleaning or repairs caused by fuel determined to be contaminated or oxidized (stale). In general,
fuel should be used within 30 days of its purchase date.
o Normal deterioration and wear of the exterior finishes, or product label replacement. This warranty applies only while this product is within the United States.
This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179
Emissions Control SystemWarranty Statement
California, United States and Canada Emissions Contrn! Defects Warranty Statement
TheCaliforniaAirResourceBoard(CAR6),U.S.EPAadn6&Sarepleasedto explainthe EmissionsControlSystemWarrantyonyour smalloff-roadengine(SORE).InCalifor-
nai,newsmalloff=roadenginesmodelyear2006andlatermustbedesigned,builtand equippedtomeettheState'sstdgentanti=smogstandards.ElsewhereintheUnitedStates, newnon=road,spark-ignitionenginescertifiedfor modelyear1997andlatermust meet similarstandardssetforth bythe U.S.EPA.B&Smustwarranttheemissionscontrolsys=
temon yourenginefor theperiodsof timelistedbelow,providedtherehasbeennoabuse, neglectorimpropermaintenanceofyoursmalloff-roadengine.
Youremissionscontrolsystemincludespartssuchasthecarburetor,aircleaner,ignition system,fuelline,mufflerandcatalyticconverter.Alsoincludedmaybeconnectorsand
Whereawarrantableconditionexists,B&Swillrepairyoursmalloff-roadengineat no costto youincludingdiagnosis,partsandlabor.
Bfiggs & Stratton Emissions Centre! Defects Warranty Coverage Smalloff=roadenginesarewarrantedrelativetoemissionscontrol partsdefectsfor a periodof two years,subiectto provisionssetforth below.If anycoveredparton your engineis defective,the partwill berepairedor replacedby B&S.
Thefollowing arespecificprovisions relativeto your EmissionsControlDefectsWarrantyCoverage.It is in additionto the B&Senginewarrantyfor non°regulatedenginesfound in the Operatingand MaintenanceInstructions.
Coverageunderthis warrantyextendsonlyto the paris s_eobelow the emissions control systemsparts)to the extent these partswere oresenron me engne purchased.
a. FuelMeteringSystem
Coldstartenrichmentsystem(soft choke)
Carburetorandinternalparts Fuelpump 4.
Fuelline,fuel linefittings, clamps
Fueltank, capandtether
b. Air inductionSystem
Air cleaner
intake manifold
Purgeandvent line
c. IgnitionSystem 5.
Magnetoignition system
d. CatalystSystem
Air injectionsystemor pulsevalve
e. MiscellaneousItems Usedin AboveSystems
Vacuum,temperature,position,time sensitivevalvesandswitches
2.Lengthof Coverage 6&S warrantstothe initialownerand eachsubsequentpurchaserthatthe Warranted 6. Partsshall befreefrom defectsin materialsandworkmanshipwhich causedthe
failureof theWarrantedpartsfor a periodof twoyearsfrom the datetheengineis deliveredto a retailpurchaser.
Owner's Warranty Respnnsibitity Asthesmalloff-madengineowner,you areresponsiblefor the performanceoftherequired maintenancelistedinyour OperatingandMaintenanceInstructions.B&Srecommends
thatyouretainallyour receiptscoveringmaintenanceonyoursmalloff-roadengine,but
B&Scannotdenywarrantysolelyfor thelackof receiptsor foryour failureto ensurethe performanceof allscheduledmaintenance.
Asthesmalloff-madengineowner,you shouldhoweverbeawarethat6&Smaydenyyou warrantycoverageifyour smalloff-roadengineor aparthasfaileddueto abuse,neglect, impropermaintenanceor unapprovedmodifications.
Youareresponsiblefor presentingyoursmalloff-roadengineto anAuthorized6&S Service Dealerassoonasaproblemexists.Theundisputedwarrantyrepairsshouldbecompleted ina reasonableamountoftime,notto exceed30 days.
if you haveanyquestionsregardingyour warrantyrightsandresponsibilities,you should contactaB&SServiceRepresentativeat(414)259-5262.
Theemissionswarrantyis a defectswarranty.Defectsarejudgedon normalengineperfor= mance.Thewarrantyis not relatedto anin=useemissionstest.
3. NoCharge Repairor replacementofanyWarrantedPartwill beperformed at nochargeto the
owner, nc_umngdiagnosticlabor which leadsto thedeterminationthat aWar- rame_Partis defecttive,if the diagnosticworkis performedat an AuthorizedB&S ServiceDealeras listedin the"YellowPages"under "Engines,Gasoline,""Gasoline
Engnee.""LawnMowers,"or similarcategory.
Warrantyclaims shallbefiled inaccordancewith the provisionsofthe B&S Engine WarrantyPolicy.Warrantycoverageshallbeexcludedfor failures ofWarrantedParts
whicharenot original 6&Spartsor becauseof abuse,neglector impropermain=
renanceassetforth inthe B&S EngineWarrantyPolicy.B&Sis notliableto cover
failuresof WarrantedPartscausedbythe useof add-on, non-original,or modified
AnyWarrantedPartwhich is notscheduledfor replacementasrequiredmaintenance or whichis scheduledonlyfor regularinspectionto the effect of "repairor replaceas necessary"shallbewarrantedasto defectsfor thewarranty period. AnyWarranted Partwhichis scheduledfor replacementasrequired maintenanceshallbewarranted
asto defectsonlyfor the periodoftime up tothefirst scheduledreplacementfor
that part.Any replacementpartthat is equivalentinperformanceanddurabilitymay
beusedin theperformanceof anymaintenanceor repairs.Theowner is responsible for theperformanceof all requiredmaintenance,asdefinedin theB&S Operating
Coveragehereundershallextendto thefailure ofany enginecomponentscausedby
thefailure ofanyWarrantedPartstill underwarranty.
Enginesthatarecertified to meettheCaliforniaAirResourcesBoard(CAR6)Emiso sions Standardmust displayinformationregardingthe EmissionsDurabilityperiod
andthe Air Index.Bdggs& Stratton makesthis informationavailabletothe con- sumer on our emissions labels.Theengineemissionslabelwill indicatecertification
information. TheEmissions Durability Perioddescribesthe numberof hoursof actual running
time forwhich the engineis certifiedto beemissionscompliant,assumingproper maintenancein accordancewihtthe OperatingandMaintenanceinstructions. The
following categoriesareused:
Engineis certifiedto be emissionscompfiantfor 125hoursof actual runningtime.
Intermediate: Engineis certifiedto be emissionscompliantfor 256hours ofactualrunningtime.
Extended: Engineis certifiedto be emissionscompliantfor 566 hoursof actualenginerunningtime.
Forexample,atypicalwalk-behindlawn moweris used20 to 25 hoursperyear.There°
fore, theEmiseieesDurability Period ofan enginewith anintermediate rating would
equateto 10to 12years. 6riggs & Strattonenginesarecertifiedto meetthe UnitedStatesEnvironmentalProteco
tion Agency(ESEPA)Phase2emissionsstandards.ForPhase2 certifiedengines,the
EmissionsCompliancePeriodreferredto on the EmissionsCompliancelabel indicatesthe numberof operatinghours forwhichthe enginehasbeenshownto meetFederalemis-
sions requirements. Forengineslessthan 225cc displacement. CategoryC=125 hours,CategoryB=250 hours,CategoryA=500 hours
Forenginesof 225ccor moredisplacement. CategoryC=250 hours,CategoryB=500 hours,CategoryA= 1000hours
_mportant Safety _nstructions
SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS -This manua_ contains important instructions that should be followed during the
initial set-up, the operation, and the maintenance of the equipment.
Safety SymboUs and Meanings
WARNmNGThe engine exhaust from this product
contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects, or other reproductive harm.
WARNmNGCertain components in this product
and its related accessories contain chemicals known to
the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects, or
other reproductive harm. Wash hands after handling.
The safety alert symbol is used to identify safety
information about information about hazards that can result in personal injury. A signal word (DANGER,
WARNING, or CAUTION) is used with the alert symbol to indicate the likelihood and the potential severity of injury. In addition, a hazard symbol may be used to represent the type of hazard.
WARNING Battery posts, terminals, and related
accessories contain lead and lead compounds = chemicals known to the State of California to cause
cancer, birth defects, or other reproductive harm. Wash hands after handling.
WARNING Running engine gives off carbon monoxide, an odorless, colorless, poison gas.
Breathing carbon monoxide can cause headache, fatigue, dizziness, vomiting, confusion, seizures, nausea, fainting or death.
Operate equipment ONLY outdoors. o Keep exhaust gas from entering a confined area
through windows, doors, ventilation intakes, or other openmngs.
DANGER indicates a hazard which, if not avoided,
will result in death or serious injury.
WARNING indicates a hazard which, if not
avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
CAUTmON indicates a hazard which, if not avoided,
could result in minor or moderate injury,
NOTICE indicates a situation that could result in
damage to the product.
WARNING: This cutting machine is capable of amputating hands and feet and can throw objects that can cause injury and damage! Failure to comply with the following SAFETY instructions could result in serious
injury or death to the operator or bystanders. The owner of the machine must understand these instructions and must allow only persons who understand these instructions to operate machine. Each person operating
the machine must be of sound mind and body and must not be under the influence of any substance, which
might impair vision, dexterity or judgment.
Protection for Children Tragic accidents can occur ifthe operator is not alert to
the presence of children. Children are often attracted to the machine and the mowing activity. Never assume that children will remain where you last saw them.
1. KEEP children out of the mowing area and under the watchful care of a responsible adult.
2. DO NOT allow chi}dren or others to ride on machine, attachments or towed equipment (even with the
blades OFF). They may fall and be seriously injured.
3. ALLOW only responsiMe adults & teenagers with mature judgment under dose adult supervision to operate machine.
4. DO NOT operate blades in reverse. STOP BLADES. LOOK and SEE behind and down for children, pets and hazards before and while backing.
5. USE EXTRA CARE when approaching blind corners. shrubs, trees, or other objects that may obscure vi-
Protection against Tipovers Slopes are a major factor related to loss-of-control and
tip-over accidents, which can result in severe injury or
death. All slopes require extra CAUTION. ff you cannot back up the slope or if you feel uneasy on the slope. DO
NOT mow it. Use extra care with grass catchers or other attachments; these affect the handling and the stability of the machine. Refer to the Slope Guide at the end of this
1. DO NOT operate machine on slopes exceeding 10 degrees, which is 3.5 feet (1.1 m) vertically for every
20 feet (6.1 m) horizontally.
2. Turn blades OFF when traveling uphill. Use a slow speed and avoid sudden or sharp turns.
3. DO NOT operate machine back and forth across face of slopes. Operate up and down. Practice on slopes
with blades off.
4. AVOID starting, stopping or turning on slopes, ff machine stops going uphill or tires lose traction, turn blades OFF and back slowly straight down the slope.
5. STAYALERT for holes and other hidden hazards. Tall grass can hide obstacles. Keep away from ditches,
washouts, culverts, fences and protruding objects.
6. KEEP A SAFE DISTANCE of at least 3 feet (.9 meters) away from edge of ditches and other drop offs. The
machine could turn over if an edge caves in.
7. Always begin forward motion slowly and with caution.
8. Use weights or a weighted load carrier in accordance with instructions supplied with a grass catcher. DO
NOT operate machine on slopes exceeding 10 de- grees.
9. DO NOT put your foot on the ground to try to stabilize the machine.
10. DO NOT operate machine on wet grass. Reduced traction could cause sliding.
11. Choose a low enough speed setting so that you will
not have to stop or shift on a slope. Tires may lose traction on slopes even though the brakes are func- tioning properly.
12. DO NOT operate machine under any condition where traction, steering or stability is doubtful.
13. Always keep the machine in gear when going down slopes. DO NOT shift to neutral (or actuate hydro roll
release) and coast downhill.
Before Mowing
1= Read, understand, and follow instructionsand warm
ings in this manual and on the machine, engine and
attachments. Know the controls and the proper use of
the machine before starting.
2. Only mature, responsible persons shall operate the
machine and only after proper instruction.
3. Data indicates that operators age 60 and above,
are involved in a large percentage of mower=related
injuries. These operators should evaluate their ability to operate the mower safely enough to protect them-
selves and others from serious injury.
4. Handle fuel with extra care. Fuels are flammable
and vapors are explosive. Use only an approved fuel container. DO NOT remove fuel cap or add fuel with
engine running. Add fuel outdoors only with engine
stopped and cool. Clean spilled fuel from machine. DO
NOT smoke.
5. Practice operation of machine with BLADES OFF to
learn controls and develop skills.
6. Check the area to be mowed and remove all objects
such as toys, wire, rocks, limbs and other objects that could cause injury ifthrown by blade or interfere with
7. Keep people and pets out of mowing area. Immedi-
ately STOP blades, STOP engine, and STOP machine
ifanyone enters the area.
8. Check shields, deflectors, switches, blade controls
and other safety devices frequently for proper opera- tion and location.
9. Make sure aHsafety decals are clearly legible. Re- place if damaged.
10. Protect yourself when mowing by wearing safety glasses, a dust mask, long pants and substantial
11. Know how to STOP blades and engine quickly in preparation for emergencies.
12. Use extra care when loading or unloading the ma- chine into a trailer or truck.
13. Check grass catcher components frequently for signs of wear or deterioration and replace as needed to prevent injury from thrown objects going through weak or worn spots.
Safe Handling of Gasoline To avoid personal injury or property damage, use ex- treme care in handling gasoline. Gasoline is extremely flammable and the vapors are explosive.
1. Extinguish all cigarettes, cigars, pipes and other sources of ignition.
2. Use only an approved fuel container.
3. DO NOT remove fuel cap or add fuel with the engine running. Allow the engine to cool before refueling.
4. DO NOT refuel the machine indoors.
5. DO NOT store the machine or fuel container inside where there is an open flame, spark or pilot light such
as on a water heater or other appliances.
6. DO NOT fill fuel containers inside a vehicle or on a truck or trailer bed with a plastic liner. Always place the
containers on the ground away from the vehicle before filling.
7. Remove gas-powered equipment from the vehicle or trailer and refuel it on the ground. If this is not possi- ble, then refuel equipment using a portable container. rather than a gasoline dispenser nozzle.
8. DO NOT start gas powered equipment in enclosed vehicles or trailers.
9. Keep the nozzle in contact with the rim of the fuel tank or container opening at all times until fueling is com- plete. DO NOT use a nozzle lock-open device
10. If fuel is spilled on clothing, change clothing immedi- ately.
11. Never overfill a fuel tank. Replace fuel cap and tighten securely.
Genera_ Operating Safety
1. Mount and dismount machine from left side. Keep clear of discharge opening at all times.
2. Start engine from operator's seat. Make sure blades are OFF and parking brake is set.
3. DO NOT leave machine with engine running. STOP engine, STOP blades, SET brake, and Remove key before leaving operators position of any reason.
4. DO NOT operate machine unless properly seated with feet on rests or pedal(s).
5. STOP BLADES and ENGINE and make sure blades have stopped before removing grass catcher or un-
clogging mower to prevent loss of fingers or hand.
6. Blades must be OFF except when cutting grass. Set blades in highest position when mowing over rough ground.
7. Keep hands and feet away from rotating blades un- derneath deck. DO NOT place foot on ground while
BLADES are ON or machine is in motion.
8. DO NOT operate machine without entire grass catcher or guards in place and working. DO NOT point
discharge at people, passing cars, windows or doors.
9. Slow down before turning.
10. Watch out for traffic when near or crossing roadways.
11. STOP engine immediately after striking an obstruc- tion. Inspect machine and repair damage before resuming operation.
12. Operate machine only in daylight or with good artifi-
cial light.
13. Move joystick (if equipped) SLOWLY to maintain con-
tro_during speed and directional changes.
14. DO NOT operate engine in enclosed areas. Engine
exhaust gases contain carbon monoxide, a deadly
15. DO NOT discharge material against a wall or obstruc-
tion. Material may ricochet back towards the operator.
16. Only use accessories approved by the manufacturer.
See manufacturer's instructions for proper operation and installation of accessories.
1. Tow only with a machine that has a hitch designed for towing. DO NOT attach towed equipment except at the hitch point,
2. Follow the manufacturer's recommendation for weight limits for towed equipment and towing on slopes.
3. DO NOT allow children or others on towed equipment.
4. On slopes, the weight of the towed equipment may cause loss of traction and loss of control.
5. Travel slowly and allow extra distance to stop.
6. Exercise CAUTION when pulling loads. Limit loads to those you can safely control and attach loads to hitch plate as specified in the attachment instructions.
Maintenance Safety
1. DO NOT store machine or fuel container inside where fumes may reach an open flame, spark or pilot light
such as in a water heater, furnace, clothes dryer or other gas appliance. Allow engine to cool before stor- ing machine in an enclosure. Store fuel container out
of the reach of children in a well ventilated, unoccu- pied building.
2. Keep engine free of grass, leaves or excess grease to reduce fire hazard and engine overheating.
3. When draining fuel tank, drain fuel into an approved container outdoors and away from open flame.
4. Always provide adequate ventilation when running engine. Exhaust gases contain carbon monoxide, an odorless and deadly poison.
5. Disconnect negative (black) cable from battery before performing maintenance or service. Cranking engine could cause injury.
6. DO NOT work under machine without safety blocks.
7. Service engine and make adjustments only when em gine is stopped. Remove spark plug wire(s) from spark plug(s) and secure wire(s) away from spark plug(s).
8. DO NOT change engine governor speed settings or
overspeed engine.
9. Mower blades are sharp and can cut. Wrap the blades
or wear heavy leather gloves and use CAUTION when
handling them.
10. DO NOT test for spark by grounding spark plug next to spark plug hole; spark plug could ignite gas exiting engine.
11. Maintain or replace safety and instruction labels as
W _L
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NOTmCE:The figures and illustrations in this manual are provided for reference only and may differ from your specific model.
A. Steering Wheel R Blade Pedal
B. Engine Speed Control (hidden from view) G. Blade Lever C. Ignition Switch H Discharge Deflector
D. Clutch/Brake Pedal J. Override Control E. Parking Brake Latch K. Transmission Shift Lever
L. Fuel Tank
FueU Recommendations
We recommend the use of Bdggs & Stratton Warranty
Certified oils for best performance. Other high-qualky de-
tergent oils are acceptable if classified for service SF, SG,
SH, SJ or higher. Do not use special additives.
Outdoor temperatures determine the proper oil viscosity for the engine. Use the chart to select the best viscosity for the outdoor temperature range expected.
120 100
= 60
40 20
* Below 400F(40C)the useof SAE 30wi resultin hard
** Above 800F(270C)the useof 10W30maycause
increasedoil consumption.Checkoil levelmorefrequently.
o 49
- 38
- 27
o - 15
¢ -- -- 4
-- -- -7
>' -18
How to Check/Add OiU
1. Remove the dipstick and wipe with a c_ean cloth.
2. Insert and tighten the dipstick.
3. Remove the dipstick and check the oil level It should be at the top of the full indicator on the dipstick.
4. If low, add oil slowly into the engine oil fill. Do not overfill After adding oil, wait one minute and then
recheck the oil _evel.
5. Replace and tighten the dipstick.
Fuem must meet these requirements:
o Clean, fresh, unleaded gasoline oA minimum of 87 octane!87 AKI (91 RON). High alti-
tude use, see below.
o Gasoline with up to 10% ethanol (gasohol) or up to
15% MTBE (methyl tertiary butyl ether) is acceptable.
CAUTmON: Do not use unapproved gasolines, such as
E85. Do not mix oil in gasoline or modify the engine to run
on alternate fuels. This will damage the engine compo-
nents and void the engine warranty° To protect the fuel system from gum formation, mix a fuel stabilizer into the fuel. See Storage. AHfuel is not the same. If starting or performance problems occur, change the fuel providers or change brands. This engine is certi- fied to operate on gasoline. The emissions control system for the engine is EM (Engine Modifications).
High AUtitude
At altitudes over 5,000 feet (1524 meters), a minimum 85 octane/85 AKI (89 RON) gasoBine is acceptable. To
remain emissions compliant, high altitude adjustment is
required. Operation without this adjustment will cause de- creased performance, increased fuel consumption, and
increased emissions. See a Craftsman Service Dealer for high altitude adjustment information.
Operation of the engine at altitudes below 2,500 feet (762 meters) with the high altitude kit is not recommended.
How to Add FueU
WARNmNGGasoline and its vapors are extremely
flammable and explosive.
_Fire or explosion can cause severe burns or death.
When Adding Fuel
Turn engine off and let engine cool at least 2 minutes before removing the fuel cap.
Fill fuel tank outdoors or in well-ventilated area.
Do not overfill fuel tank. To allow for expansion of gasoline, do not fill above the bottom of the fuel tank
Keep gasoline away from sparks, open flames, pilot lights, heat, and other ignition sources.
Check fuel lines, tank, cap, and fittings frequently for cracks or leaks. Replace if necessary.
If fuel spills, wait until itevaporates before starting
Before Starting
1. Check the tire pressure; add or release air as needed to bring pressure to values listed on Specifications
2. Check guards, deflectors and covers to make sure all are in place and securely tightened.
3. Check engine oil and add oil as needed to bring level up to the FULL mark (A, Figure 2).
1. Add fuel to the fuel tank after pushing the machine outside where fumes can dissipate. Make sure the
fuel filler cap (A, Figure 1) is tight, and the vent (B) is open after refueling. If the vent is not opened, the
engine will stall.
4. With the engine stopped, loosen the two adjusting knobs (B, Figure 3) and move the seat to the desired position. After adjustment, tighten the knobs securely.
5. Check the blade lever mechanism. If the blade peda_ is depressed, the blade lever can be moved manually from ON to OFF to stop the blade.
6. Check the Reverse Lockout Mechanism. With the blade pedal depressed, the transmission shift lever
must not go into reverse.
How to Start the Engine
WARNmNG Gasoline and its vapors are extremely flammable and explosive.
_Fire or explosion can cause severe burns or death.
When Starting Engine
Ensure that spark plug, muffler, fuel cap and air cleaner (if equipped) are in place and secured.
Do not crank the engine with the spark plug removed.
Ifengine floods, set choke (if equipped) to OPEN/RUN
position, move throttle (if equipped) to FAST postion
and crank until engine starts.
WARNING Running engine gives off carbon monoxide, an odorless, colorless, poison gas. Breathing carbon monoxide can cause headache,
fatigue, dizziness, vomiting, confusion, seizures,
nausea, fainting or death.
Operate equipment ONLY outdoors.
Keep exhaust gas from entering a confined area through windows, doors, ventilation intakes, or other
WARNING DO NOT start the engine with the
transmission shift lever ina drive position. Follow starting
instructions carefully.
iMPORTANT: When the ignition key is turned to START,
the engine will turn over, but will not start unless the
clutch/brake pedal is pressed all the way down, and the blade lever is OFE The operator must be in the seat.
1. Move the transmission shift lever (A, Figure 4) to the (N) NEUTRAL position.
2. Make sure the blade lever (A, Figure 5) is in the OFF position.
3. Press the clutch/brake pedal (Figure 6) all the way down and hold while starting the engine.
4. Move the engine speed control (Figure 7) to the CHOKE position to start a cold engine.
5. Turn the ignition key (Figure 8) to the START position until the engine starts.
NOTE: If after 5 seconds of cranking the engine does not start, release the key, make sure the clutch/brake pedal is
fully depressed, and attempt starting again after waiting for approximately 20 seconds.
6. After the engine starts, move the engine speed control
to the FAST position and allow a brief warm-up until
engine runs smooth.
How to Operate the Mower BUade
1. To engage the blade, move the blade lever (A, Figure
9) to ON position, then depress the blade pedal (B) to hold the blade lever in the ON position.
2. To stop the blade, release the blade pedal. The blade lever will return to the OFF position.
WARNmNGDO NOT leave the machine with the
engine running. STOP blade. STOP engine. Shift to neutral and engage parking brake. Remove key.
WARNmNG If blade does not come to a
s_opin 3 seconds or less, the blade brake must be adjusted. DO NOT operate machine until proper
adjustment has been performed by an authorized service dealer
How to Set the Cutting Height
1. Adjust the cutting height by raising or lowering the deck lift lever (A, Figure 10) into the desired height of cut notch (B).
2. When mowing is completed, set the deck lift lever to the highest position, then stop the blade.
7. Turn the ignition key (Figure 8) to the OFF position to stop the engine.
How to Engage the Drive System
WARNmNGDO NOT operate blades in reverse.
STOP BLADES. LOOK and SEE behind and down for children, pets and hazards before and while backing.
3. Smoothly release the clutch/brake pedal to begin forward motion.
4. During forward motion, the transmission shift lever may be placed inany desired forward speed without
depressing the clutch/brake pedal.
5. To stop the machine, fully depress the clutch/brake pedal. Shift to the Neutral (N) position.
1. Fully depress the clutch/brake pedal (Figure 11).
2. Place the transmission shift lever (B, Figure 12) into the first forward speed notch (C).
NOTE: For best cutting results, use a slower forward
speed with the engine throttle set to FAST.This combi-
nation will allow the mower blade to lift the grass while
cutting smoothly and evenly.
Reverse Lockout Mechanism
This riding mower has a Reverse Lockout Mechanism. This device prevents the mower from being shifted into reverse while the blade is turning.
1. To shift into reverse, stop the blade by releasing the blade pedal
2. Fully depress the clutch/brake pedal, then shift into Reverse.
3. After visually clearing the area behind the machine, smoothly release the clutch/brake pedal.
WARNmNGDO NOT operate blades in reverse.
STOP BLADES. LOOK and SEE behind and down for children, pets and hazards before and while backing.
Reverse Lockout Override How to Set the Parking Brake
Failure to obey these rules could result in loss of control of unit, severe personal injury or death to you, or bystanders, or damage to property or
Do not mow when children or others are present.
Do not carry riders (especially children) even with the blades off.They may fall off or return for another ride
when you are not expecting it.
Look down and behind before and while backing.
This override should never be selected unless you are absolutely sure that no children or others are present in the mowing area.
If the machine is used in areas that require quick shift- ing to reverse (such as operation near a roadway), the override lever will allow mowing in reverse until the blade pedal is released.
iMPORTANT: DO NOT use the Reverse Lockout Over° ride as the normal operating mode.
1. Stop the machine and the blade.
2. Push down and hold the override lever on the trans- mission shift bracket.
3. Depress and hold the blade pedal, then release the override lever.
4. Move the blade lever to ON position.
5. Engage the drive system as usual.
To set the parking brake, press the clutch/brake pedal (A, Figure 13) all the way down, slide the parking brake latch (B) all the way in, and release the clutch/
brake pedal. A detent in the parking brake latch will keep the parking brake engaged.
-_ WARNmNGDO NOT park on slopes.
2. To release the parking brake, press firmly on the clutch/brake pedal. The parking brake latch will auto- matically disengage.
When the blade pedal is released, the Reverse Lockout Mechanism is automatically reactivated.
IMPORTANT: DO NOT use the Reverse Lockout Override as the normal operating mode. Check the Reverse Lock-
out Mechanism frequently for proper function. With the blade pedal depressed, the transmission shift lever must not go intoreverse. DO NOT operate machine if Reverse Lockout Mechanism is not functioning properly. Contact a
Craftsman Service dealer for assistance.
Emissions Contro_
Maintenance, replacement, or repair of the emissions control devices and systems may be performed by any non-road engine repair establishment or individual. However, to obtain "no charge" emissions control service, the work must be performed by a Craftsman or Briggs & Stratton service dealer. See the Emissions Warranty.
Equipment Maintenance Chart
Every8 Hours or Uaily
Check safety interlock system Clean debris off tractor and mower deck
Clean debris from engine compartment
Every 25 Hours or Annually *
Check tire pressure Check mower Made stopping time
Check tractor and mower for loose hardware
_ Unintentional sparking can result infire or electric
_ shock.
Unintentional start-up can result in entanglement,
traumatic amputation, or laceration.
Fire hazard.
Before performing adjustments or repairs:
Disconnect the spark plug wire and keep it away from the spark plug.
Disconnect battery at negative terminal.
Use only correct tools.
Do not tamper with governor spring, links or other parts
to increase engine speed.
Replacement parts must be the same and installed in
the same postion as the original parts.
STOP engine
STOP blade
Engage parking brake
Remove key
Avoid serious burns. Allow all parts to cool before
working on machine.
Fuel filler cap and vent must be closed securely to
prevent fuel spillage.
Every 50 Hours or Annually *
Clean battery and cables Check tractor brakes
Lubricate tractor and mower
Check mower blades **
Whichever comes first
* Check blades more often in regions with sandy soils or high dust conditions.
Engine Mair tenance Chart
Change engl ne oil
Every 8 Hours or Daily
Check engine oi_level
Every 25 Hours or Annually *
Clean engine air filter and pre-cleaner ""
Every 50 Hours or Annually *
Change engine oil
Replace oil filter
Replace air fiker Replace pre-c[eaner
See Dealer Annually to
Inspect muffler and spark attester Replace spark plug Replace fuel fiker
Clean engine air cooling system
Whichever comes first
** Clean more often in dusty conditions or when airborne
debris is present.
Check Safety _nteHockSystem Check Reverse Lockout Mechanism
This unit is equipped with safety interlock switches. Do not attempt to bypass safety switches, and never tamper with safety devices.
OperationaU SAFETY Checks
Test 1 -- Engine should NOT crank when: o Mower blade lever isON, or o Transmission is in Forward or Reverse positions, or o Clutch/brake pedal is released.
Test 2 -- Engine SHOULD crank when: o Mower blade isOFF, and o Transmission is in Neutral (N) position, and o Clutchipeda_ is fully depressed.
Test 3 _ Engine shoumd SHUT OFF when: o Operator rises off seat with the mower blade ON o Operator rises off seat wkh the transmission engaged o Operator rises off seat with the parking brake OFF.
Test 4 _ Check Mower BmadeStopping Time The mower blade should come to a complete stop within
three seconds after the mower blade is turned OFF.
WARNmNGIf Reverse Lockout Mechanism is
not functioning properly, DO NOT operate machine until proper adjustment has been performed by an
authorized service dealer.
Check the function of the Reverse Lockout Mechanism with the engine OFR
1. Depress and hold the b_ade pedal.
2. Depress and ho{d the clutch/brake pedal
3. The transmission shift lever must not go into re- verse.
CUean Debris Off Tractor, Mower Deck, and
Engine Compartment
WARNmNGCombustible debris, such as leaves, grass, brush, etc can catch fire.
o Remove accumulated debris from muffler area, mower
deck, and engine compartment.
WARNmNGIf blade does not come to a compJete stop in 3 seconds or less, the blade brake must be adjusted. DO NOT operate machine until proper adjustment has been performed by an authorized
service dealer.
Remove any grass clippings, dirt, leaves, or other debris
from the unit and engine compartment.
1 Stop engine and allow engine to cool.
2 Remove ignition key, then disconnect sparkpJug wire
from spark p{ug.
3 Wear safety goggles. Using a brush and/or com-
pressed air, clean debris from aHsurfaces of tractor
and top of mower deck.
4 Clean engine compartment thoroughly, including any
debris from the intake screen on the top of the engine, exposed engine cooling fins, and around the air filter
Check Tire Pressure CUean Battery and CabUes
Tire pressure should be checked (Figure 14) periodically,
and maintained at the pressures listed on the Specifica-
tions page. The pressures shown provide proper traction,
improve cut quality, and extend tire life.
NOTE:These pressures may differ from the "Max Infla-
tion" stamped on the side-wall of the tires.
WARNmNGBattery posts, terminals, and related
accessories contain Leadand lead compounds - chemicals known to the State of California to cause
cancer, birth defects, or other reproductive harm. Wash
hands after handling.
1. Disconnect the cables from the battery, negative cable first (A, Figure 15).
2. Remove the battery.
3. Clean the battery, battery terminals, and battery com- partment using a brush with a solution of baking soda
and water.
4. Rinse with clean water.
5. Reinstall the battery.
6. Reattach the battery cables: first attach the positive cable (B), then attach the negative cable (A).
7. Coat the cable ends and battery terminals with petro- leum jelly or non-conducting grease.
Check Mower BUade Stopping Time
WARNING If blade does not come to a complete stop in 3 seconds or less, the blade brake must be adjusted. DO NOT operate machine until proper adjustment has been performed by an authorized
service dealer.
Check the blade brake for proper function. The blade should stop rotating in 3 seconds or less after moving the blade control lever to the OFF position or after releasing the blade pedals.
Check Tractor Brakes
Check the brakes for proper function. Engage the park- ing brake, and push the machine. The rear tires should skid. Drive the machine forward and apply the brake. The machine should come to a complete stop in less than 5 ft.
How to Change the Engine Oil
How to Service the Air Filter
WARNING Gasoline and its vapors are extremely
flammable and explosive.
_Fire or explosion can cause severe burns or death.
Never start or run the engine with the air cleaner
assembly or the air filter removed.
Used oil is a hazardous waste product and must be disposed of properly. Do not discard with household
waste. Check with your local authorities, service center, or dealer for safe disposal/recycling facilities.
1. Set the parking brake, then raise the front of the mower slightly by placing wood blocks beneath the
front axle.
2. Disconnect the spark plug wire and keep itaway from the spark plug.
3. Remove the dipstick and loosen or remove the oil fill cap on the engine.
4. Place an appropriate container under the oil drain (Figure 16). Remove or open the oil drain plug and al- low oil to drain completely.
5. If equipped, change the oil filter.
6. Replace or close the drain plug, and wipe up any oil that may have spilled. Dispose of used oil properly.
7. Pour new oil slowly into the engine oil fill. Do not over- fill. After adding oil, wait one minute and then check
the oil level.
8. Install and tighten the dipstick, then remove the dip- stick and check the oil level. It should be at the top of
the full indicator.
9. Install and tighten the dipstick.
NOTICE: Do not use pressurized air or solvents to clean
the filter. Pressurized air can damage the filter and sol- vents will dissolve the filter.
1. Lift up on the bottom of the latch (A, Figure 17) and flip the latch away from the cover (B).
2. Remove the cover. Remove the filter (O) and the pre- cleaner (D).
3. To loosen debris, gently tap the filter on a hard surface.
if filter is excessively dirty, replace with a new filter.
4. Wash the pre-cleaner in liquid detergent and water. Then allow itto thoroughly air dry. Do not oil the pre-
5. Install the pre-cleaner with the mesh side up. Install the filter
6 Install the cover making sure the tabs are inserted into
their slots. Secure with the latch.
Before Storage After Storage
Before storing the unit perform the following steps:
1. -Palmthe mower blade OFF, move the transmission shift lever to Neutral (N), set the parking brake, and
remove the key from the ignition switch.
2. Check all fluid levels. Check all maintenance items.
3. Remove battery and store in a cool place. Recharge about once a month. If the battery is left in the unit, disconnect the negative cable.
Protect FueU System
Fuel can become stale when stored over 30 days. Stale
fuel causes acid and gum deposits to form in the fuel
system or on essential carburetor parts. To keep fuel
fresh, use Bdggs & Stratton FRESH START® fuel stabi-
lizer, available as a liquid additive or a drip concentrate cartridge.
There is no need to drain gasoline from the engine if a fuel stabilizer is added according to instructions. Run the
engine for 2 minutes to circulate the stabilizer throug bout
the fuel system. The engine and fuel can then be stored
up to 24 months.
Before starting the unit after it has been stored:
1. Check all fluid levels. Check aHmaintenance items.
2. Fill with FRESH fuel.
3. After starting, allow the engine to warm before operating.
If gasoline in the engine has not been treated with a fuel stabilizer, it must be drained into an approved container. Run the engine until it stops from lack of fuel. The use of a fuel stabilizer in the storage container is recommended
to maintain freshness.
TroubUeshooting the Tractor
Engine will not turnover
or start.
Engine starts hard or runs pooHy.
Engine knocks.
Brake pedal not depressed. Blade lever is in ON
position. Fuel cap vent closed.
Out of fuel. Engine flooded.
Fuse is blown. Battery terminals require
cleaning. Battery discharged or
dead. Wiring loose or broken.
Solenoid or starter motor faulty.
Safety interlock switch faulty.
Water in fuel. .....
Gas is old or stae. .........
Fuel mixture _ee ........
Engine has S_her problem.
Low oil level. Using wrong grade o
Engine running
Fully depress brake pedal.
Place blade lever in OFF position.
Open fuel cap vent.
If engine is hot, allow it to cool, then refill the fuel tank. Disengage the choke.
See authorized dealer. See Cleaning the Battery and Cables section.
Recharge or replace battery.
Visually check wiring. If wires a_efrayed or broken, see authorize8 dealer.
See au_6_:_izeddealer ....... .....
_e _a¢_Srized
See authorized 8eal_. See auSho_ize8_e_i_r.
See a_ho[i_d dealer.
C_Be:Wadd oil as required. _ee OHRecommendations Chart.
:See authorized dealer. See OHRecommendations Chart.
Drain excess oil.
Engine exhaust is Dirty air filter .... See Servicing the Air Filter section.
Mack. Choke closed. Open choke.
Drive disc worn or out of See authorized dealer.
Engine runs, but tractor adjustment.
will not drive. Parking brake is engaged. Disengage parking brake.
TroubUeshooting the Tractor
Brake will not ho_d. internal brake worn. See authorized dealer.
Steering linkage is loose. See authorized dealer.
Tractor steers hard or improper tire inflation. See Check Tire Pressure section.
handles poorly. Front whee_ spindle See authorized dealer.
bearings dry.
TroubUeshooting the Mower
Mower will not raise.
Mower cut is uneven.
Mower cut is rough _ooking°
Engine stal_s easily with mower engaged.
Excessive mower
vibration. Engine runs and tractor
drives, but mower will not drive.
Lift linkage not properly
attached or damaged.
Mower not leveled properly.
Tractor tires not properly
inflated. Engine speed too slow;
Ground speed too fas_ Mower has other p _ble_.
Engine speed _o_::_l:o_:.....
Ground specs _ofast. Dirty or clogged air filter.
Cutting height set too low: Discharge chute jam_::ing
Damaged cuttlng blade or deck belt.
Deck belt loose or damaged.
See authorized dealer.
See autherized dealer.
Se_te full throttle:::":
,,;_i_i_i_.... _';'_,_,_';i_:_,_;
Slow down. See authorized deaier.
8_e S_wicing Air Filter section.
Gut _il grass at maximum cutting height during first pass. CGt grass with discharge pointing toward previously cut area.
Run engine for several minutes to warm-up.
Start the mower in a cleared area.
See authorized dealer.
See authorized dealer.
ModeE # 107o280340
Overall Length 64" Overall Width 32"
Deck Size (inches} 28" Height of Cut (5-position} 1.5 - 4.0"
Transmission Type 5-Spd Disc Drive Tire Pressure
Front 11×4°00-4 12 psi Rear 16x6.5-8 12 psi
Turning Radius 28"
Engine Power (hp} 12.5 Engine Displacement (cc} 344 cc Engine OH Capacity 42 - 44 oz.
Fue_Tank Capacity 7 qts. Spark PEug Gap .030"
Weight 314 Ibs.
Common Service Part
Cutter B_ade (28" Standard Air-Lift) Cutting Deck Belt (28"} Air FHter Cartridge
Air FHter Pre-CEeaner Fue_ Stabilizer
Spark P_ug
Engine Power Rating Information: The gross power rating for individual gas engine models is labeled in accordance with SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) code J 1940 (Small Engine Power & Torque Rating Procedure), and rating performance has been obtained and corrected in accordance with SAE
J1995 (Revision 2002-05). Torque values are derived at 3060 RPM; horsepower values are derived at 3600
RPM. Actual gross engine power wifl be lower and is affected by, among other things, ambient operating
conditions and engine-to-engine variabilky. Given both the wide array of products on which engines are
placed and the variety of environmental issues applicable to operating the equipment, the gas engine will not develop the rated gross power when used ina given piece of power equipment (actual "on-site" or net power). This difference is due to a variety of factors including, but not limited to, accessories (air cleaner, exhaust, charging, cooling, carburetor, fuel pump, etc.), application limitations, ambient operating conditions (temperature, humidity, altitude), and engine-to-engine variability. Due to manufacturing and capacity limitations, Bdggs & Stratton may substitute an engine of higher rated power for this Series engine.
Part Number
7022252 698413 or 5079 697292 or 5079
nual d
Tractor ¢ortac6sped con motor trasero con arranque
ModeJo N
107.280340 (Motor Briggs & Stratton de 12,5 HP con pJataforma deJ
cortac6sped de 71 cm [28 puJg.])
Para obtener respuestas a sus preguntas
sobre este producto, Ilame al:
Linea de ayuda de Sears Craftsman Lunes a sabado de 5 a.m. a 5 p.m.
Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, JL60179 EE.UU.
Visite nuestro sitio Web de Craftsman:
Modificaci6n B
Gracias por comprar este producto fabricado con la catidad Craftsman. Nos complace que haya depositado su confianza en nuestra marca. Cuando se opera y se mantiene segQn 1as
instrucciones de este manual, su producto Craftsman le puede brindar muchos a_os de servicio confiabte.
Este manuaU contiene informaci6n de seguddad para que tome conciencia de los peligros y
riesgos asociados a esta maquina y c6mo evitarlos. Esta maquina se dise_6 y pens6 soXamente para obtener un corte de acabado de cesped establecido y no fue prevista para otros prop6sitos.
Es importante que lea y comprenda a cabalidad estas instrucciones antes de que intente arrancar
u operar este equipo. Guarde estas instrucciones para consuUtas futuras.
SerialNo. O000t
Sears,RoebuckandCo, HoffmanE_
Cuando se comunique con el centro de manter_imiento para pedir piezas de repuesto, mantenimiento o informaci6n_ el usuario DEBE tenet estos n5meros a su disposici6n.
Registre su nombreinOmero de modelo, los n0meros de identificaci6n del fabricante y los nOmeros de serie del motor en el espacio proporcionado para tenet un acceso
La etiqueta de identificaci6n esta situada en el lado de abajo del asiento, incline el asiento hacia delante para acceder a la etiqueta de identificaci6n.
Nembre/n_mere de descripcl6n del medele
N_rnere de Inventnrie N_mere de seHe de In unldad
I:echa de cemprn
FnbHcnnte de_meter ffiede_e de_meter
Tipe/espedficncienes de_ meter Cddlge!n_mere de seHe de_meter
Para obtener respuestas a sus preguntas sobre este producto, Ilame a la linea de ayuda de Sears Craftsman en el 1-800-659-5917, de lunes a sabado de 5 a.m. a 5 p.m.
N[3meros de identificaci6n
Declaraci6n de garantia
Declaraci6n de emisiones Seguridad del operario
Caracteristicas y mandos
GARANTmA COMPLETA DE FABRICACiON Cuando se opera y mantiene de acuerdo con todas las instrucciones que se proporcionan, sJalguna pieza no
ampliable de este equipo faHa deUdo a un defecto en los materiales o en la fabncaci6n dentro de dos a_os desde la fecha de compra, Ilame a 1-800-659-5917 para solicitar una reparaci6n gratuita en su hogar.
La cubierta y el eje delantero se repararan de manera gratuita durante cinco a_os desde la fecha de compra si se trata de un defecto de material o de fabricacion.
La cobertura de la garantia anterior se aplica solo durante 90 dias desde la fecha de compra si este equipo se usa alguna vez con prop6sitos comerciales o de arriendo.
2 Mantenimiento 17 3 AImacenaje 21
4 Localizaci6n de fallas 22
5 Especificaciones tecnicas 24 10 Repuestos PTS-1 11
En todos los casos, si la reparaci6n no es posible, el equJpo se reemp_azara de manera gratuita con el mismo modelo o un modelo equivalente.
La bateda se reemplazara de manera gratuita durante 90 dias desde la fecha de compra si tiene defectos en los materiales o en lafabricaci6n (o se comprueba que no almacena carga).
Esta garantia SOLAMENTE cubre defectos de materia_ y fabricaci6n. Sears NO pagara: o Articulos desechables que se gasten durante el uso normal, entre los que se incluyen, entre otros cuchiHas, bujias,
depuradores de aire, correas y filtros de aceite. o Servicio de mantenim]ento normal, cambios de aceite o afinamientos. o Reemplazo o reparaci6n de neumaticos debido a pinchazos por objetos exteriores, como clavos, espinas, tocones o
Reemplazo o reparaci6n de neumaticos o ruedas producto de desgaste normal, accidentes o funcionamiento o
mantenimiento inadecuados. o Reparaciones necesarias debido a abuso del operador, incluidos, entre otros, da_os provocados por remolcar
objetos que sobrepasen la capacidad del equipo con asiento, impactos a objetos que doblen el bastidor o cigOerhal,
o sobrepasar la velocidad del motor. o Reparaciones necesarias debido a neg_igencia del operador, incluidos, entre otros, da_os electncos y mecanicos
provocados por almacenamiento inadecuado, no utilizar el grado ni la cantidad correcta de aceite de motor, no
mantener la cubierta libre de desperdicios inflamables o no mantener al equipo con asiento segOn las instrucciones
que se incluyen en el manual del operador. o Limpiezas o reparaciones al motor (sistema de combustible) provocadas por combustible que se determine como
contaminado u oxidado (deteriorado). En general, se debe utilizar el combustible dentro de 30 dias a partir de la
fecha de compra. o Desgaste y deterioro normal de los acabados exteriores o reemplazo de la etiqueta del producto.
Esta garantia s61ose aplica mientras este producto este dentro de los Estados Unidos. Esta Garantia le otorga derechos legales especificos, y Ud. puede ostentar otros derechos, que pueden variar de
estado en estado. Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, _L60179
Emissions Control SystemWarranty Statement
California, United States and Canada Emissions Centre] Defects Warranty Statement
TheCaliforniaAirResourceBoard(CARB),U.S.EPAadeB&Sarephasedtoexplainthe EmissionsControlSystemWarrantyonyour smalloff-roadengine(SORE).InCalifor-
nai,newsmalloff-roadenginesmodelyear2006andlatermustbedesigned,builtand equippedtomeettheState'sstdgentanti-smogstandards.Elsewherein theUnitedStates, newnon-road,sparkoignitionenginescertifiedfor modelyear1997andlatermust meet similarstandardssetforth bythe U.S.EPA.B&Smustwarranttheemissionscontrolsys- ternonyourengineforthe periodsoftimelistedbelow,providedtherehasbeennoabuse, neglectorimpropermaintenanceofyour smalloff-roadengine.
Youremissionscontrolsystemincludespartssuchasthecarburetor,aircleaner,ignition system,fuelline,mufflerandcatalyticconverter.Alsoincludedmaybeconnectorsand
Whereawarrantableconditionexists,B&Swillrepairyoursmalloff-roadengineat no costto youincludingdiagnosis,partsandlabor.
Briggs & Straiten Emissions Control Defects Warranty Coverage Smalloff-roadenginesarewarrantedrelativetoemissionscontrol partsdefectsfor a periodof two years,subjectto provisionssetforth below.If anycoveredparton your engineis defective,the partwill berepairedor replacedby B&S.
Thefollowing arespecificprovisions relativeto your EmissionsControlDefectsWarrantyCoverage.It is in additiontothe B&Senginewarrantyfor non-regulatedenginesfound in the Operatingand MaintenanceInstructions.
1.WarrantedParts 3.
Coverageunderthis warrantyextendsonlyto the paris sted below _neemissions control systemsparts)to the extent these partswere oresemon_r_eergme purchased.
a. FuelMeteringSystem
CoWstartenrichmentsystem(soft choke) Carburetorandinternalparts Fuelpump 4. Fuelline, fuel linefittings, clamps Fueltank,capandtether
b. Air InductionSystem
Aircleaner Intakemanifold
Purgeandvent line
c. IgnitionSystem 5.
Sparkplug(s) Magnetoignition system
d. CatalystSystem
Catalyticconverter Exhaustmanifold
Airinjection systemor pulsevalve
e. MiscellaneousItems Usedin AboveSystems
Vacuum,temperature,position,time sensitivevalvesandswitches
* Connectorsandassemblies
2.Lengthof Coverage
B&Swarrantstothe initial ownerand eachsubsequentpurchaserthat theWarranted 6. Partsshall befreefrom defectsin materialsandworkmanshipwhich causedthe failureof theWarrantedpartsfor a periodof twoyearsfrom the datetheengineis deliveredto a retailpurchaser.
Owner's Warranty Responsibility Asthesmalloff-roadengineowner,youarerespoesibbfor theperformanceof therequired maintenancelistedinyour OperatingandMaintenanceInstructions.B&Srecommends thatyouretainallyour receiptscoveringmaintenanceon yoursmalloff-roadengine,but B&Scannotdenywarrantysoldyfor the lackof receiptsor foryourfailureto ensurethe performanceof allscheduledmaintenance.
Asthesmalloff-roadengineowner,youshouldhoweverbeawarethatB&Smaydenyyou warrantycoverageifyour smalloff-roadengineor aparthasfaileddueto abuse,neglect, impropermaintenanceor unapprovedmodifications.
Youareresponsibbfor presentingyoursmalloff-roadengineto anAuthorizedB&SService Dealerassoonasaproblemexists.Theundisputedwarrantyrepairsshouldbecompleted
ina reasonableamountoftime,notto exceed30 days. Ifyou haveanyquestionsregardingyour warrantyfightsandresponsibilities,you should
contactaB&SServiceRepresentativeat(414)259-526£ Theemissionswarrantyis a defectswarranty.Defectsarejudgedon normalengineperfoP
mance.Thewarrantyis not relatedto anin-useemissionstest.
No Charge
Repair or replacement of any Warranted Part will be performed at no charge to the owner, nc_uo_rg diagnostic labor which leads to the determination that a War- rained Part is defecttive, if the diagnostic work is performed at an Authorized B&S Service Dealer as listed in the "Yellow Pages" under "Engines, Gasoline," "Gasoline En_lnes." "Lawn Mowers," or similar category.
Warrantyclaims shaftbefliedmaccordancewith the provisionsofthe B&SEngine WarrantyPolicy.Warrantycoverageshallbeexcludedfor failures ofWarrantedParts whicharenot original B&Spartsor becauseof abuse,neglector impropermain_
-[enanceas setforth in the B&SEngineWarrantyPolicy.B&Sis notliableto cover failuresof WarrantedPartscausedbythe useof add-on, non-original,or modified parts.
AnyWarrantedPartwhich is notscheduledfor replacementasrequiredmaintenance or whichis scheduledonlyfor regularinspectionto the effect of "repairor replaceas necessary"shallbewarrantedasto defectsfor thewarranty period. AnyWarranted Partwhichis scheduledfor replacementasrequired maintenanceshaftbewarranted asto detectsonlyfor the periodof time up tothefirst scheduledreplacementfor [na_part.Any replacementpartthat is equivalentinperformanceanddurabilitymay se useom[ne performanceof any maintenanceor repairs.The owner is responsible for theperformanceof all requiredmaintenance,asdefinedin theB&S Operating
Coveragehereundershallextendtothe failure of any enginecomponentscausedby thefailureofanyWarranted Partstill underwarranty.
Enginesthatarecertified to meettheCaliforniaAirResourcesBoard(CARD)Emis- sions Standardmust displayinformationregardingthe EmissionsDurabilityperiod andthe Air Index.Briggs& Stratton makesthis informationavailabletothe con- sumer on our emissions labels.Theengineemissionslabelwifl indicatecertification
information. TheEmissionsDurability Perioddescribesthe numberof hoursof actual running
time forwhich the engineis certifiedto beemissionscompliant,assumingproper maintenancein accordancewihtthe OperatingandMaintenanceinstructions. The following categoriesareused:
_'Joderate: Engineis certifiedto be emissionscompliant for 125 hours ofactual runningtime.
mntermediate: Engineis certifiedto be emissionscompliant for 250 hours ofactual runningtime.
Extended: Engineis certifiedto be emissionscompliantfor 500 hoursof actualenginerunningtime.
Forexample,atypicalwalk-behindlawn moweris used20 to 25 hoursperyear.There- fore,theEmissiensDurability Peried ofanenginewith an intermediate rating would equateto 10to 12years. Briggs& Strattonenginesarecertifiedto meetthe UnitedStatesEnvironmentalProtec-
tion Agency(ESEPA)Phase2emissionsstandards.ForPhase2 certifiedengines,the
EmissionsCompliancePeriodreferredto on the EmissionsCompliancelabel indicatesthe numberof operatinghours forwhichthe enginehasbeenshownto meetFederalemis- sions requirements. Forengineslessthan 225cc displacement.
CategoryC=125 hours,CategoryB=250 hours,CategoryA=500 hours Forenginesof 225ccor moredisplacement.
CategoryC=250 hours,CategoryB=500 hours,CategoryA= 1000hours
[nstrucciones importantes de seguridad
GUARDE ESTAS INSTRUCCIONES - Este manual contiene instrucc[ones importantes
que se deben seguir durante e[ ajuste inic[a[, [a operad6n y e[ mantenimiento de[ equipo.
ADVERTENC[A El escape del motor de
este producto contiene sustandas quimicas que el estado de California sabe que causan cancer, defectos congenkos u otros daffos reproductivos.
S[mbo[os de seguridad y sus significados
E[ simbo[o de a[erta de seguridad indica un posib[e pe[igro de [esiones persona[es Se usa una pa[abra (PELIGRO. ADVERTENCIA o
PRECAUC[ON) como seffa[ con el simbo[o de
a[erta para designar un grado o nive[ de gravedad de[ pe[igro. Se puede usar un simbo[o de seguridad para representar e[ tipo de pe[igro. Se usa [a pa[abra AWSO como seha[ para dirigir practicas no
re[acionadas con [esiones persona[es.
ADVERTENC[A Ciertos componentes en
este producto y sus accesorios relacionados
contienen sustancias quimicas que el estado
de California sabe que causan cancer, defectos
congenitos u otros daSos reproductivos. LAvese las
manes despues de la manipulaci6n.
ADVERTENC[A Los bornes, terminales y
accesorios relacionados con [a bateria contienen
p[omo y compuestos de p[omo, productos
quimicos que e[ estado de California sabe que
producen cancer y defectos congenitos u otros daSos reproductivos. LAvese las manos despues
de usarlos.
ADVERTENC[A El motor encendido [ibera
mon6xido de carbono, un gas venenoso,
nco[oro e nodoro.
Respirar mon6xido de carbono puede causar dolor de cabeza, fatiga, vertigo, v6mitos, confusi6n, ataques, nAuseas, desmayos o
nc[uso la muerte.
* Opere el equipo SOLO en e[ exterior. * Evite que e[ gas del escape entre en Areas
cerradas a trav6s de ventanas, puertas,
entradas de vent[laci6n u otras aberturas.
PEL[GRO indica un pe[igro que, si no se evita,
producira [a muerte o [esiones graves.
ADVERTENC[A indica un pe[igro que, si no se evita, podria producir [a muerte o [esiones graves.
PRECAUC[6N [nd[ca un pe[[gro que, s[ no se
evita, podria producir [esiones menores o moderadas.
AV[SO dirige practicas no re[acionadas con
[esiones persona[es.
ADVERTENCIA: iEsta maquina cortacesped es capaz de amputar manos y pies y puede lanzar objetos que pueden causar lesiones y daSos! Si no se cumplen las siguientes instrucciones de SEGURIDAD, el operador o los transeOntes podrian sufrir lesiones graves o la muerte. El propietario de la maquina deberb. comprender estas instrucciones y permitira utilizar la maquina 0nicamente a personas que comprendan estas instrucciones. Todas las personas que hagan funcionar la maquina deberan ser dueSas de si mental y fisicamente y no deberan hallarse bajo la influencia de ningOn tipo de sustancias que puedan deteriorar sus capacidades visuales, su destreza o capacidad de juicio.
Protecci6n a la infancia Pueden ocurrir accidentes graves si el usuario no esta
atento ante la presencia de ni_os. Los ni_os suelen sentirse atraidos por la unidad y por la actividad del
cortacesped. Nunca de por hecho que los ni_os vayan a permanecer en el Oltimo lugar en el que los vio.
1.MANTENGA a los ni_os fuera del area de corte y bajo la vigilancia atenta de alg0n adulto responsable.
2. NO PERMITA que ni_ios ni otros se monten en la maquina, en sus accesodos ni en el equipo remolcado
(incluso con las cuchillas DESCONECTADAS). Poddan caerse y resultar gravemente heddos.
3. PERMITA Qnicamente que adultos y adolescentes responsables con capacidad de juicio madura y bajo la
supervisi6n cercana de un adulto utilicen la maquina
4. NO opere las cuchillas marcha atras. DETENGA LAS CUCHILLAS. MIRE detras y debajo de Ud. antes de
retroceder y antes de retroceder y mientras Io haga por si hay ni_os, animales domesticos u otros peligros.
5. PONGA ESPECIAL CUIDADO al acercarse a esquinas cerradas, arbustos, arboles u otros objetos que
puedan obstaculizar lavisi6n.
O6mo evitar que vuelque Las pendientes son un factor de gran p(_rdidaen los casos de perdida de control yen los accidentes en los que
vuelca el cortacesped, que pueden resultar en lesiones graves o incluso la muerte. Todas las pendientes requ_eren
mayor PRECAUCION. Si no puede ir hacia atras sobre una pendiente con el cortacesped, o no se siente seguro sobre la pendiente, NO corte el cesped en la misma. Ponga
el mayor cuidado con los recogedores de hierba y otros elementos anexos: afectan al manejo y a la estabiJidad de
la maquina. Consulte laGuia de trabajo en pendientes que encontrara al final de esta secci6n.
1.NO opere la maquina en pendientes que excedan los 10 grados, Io que equivale a 1,1 m (3,5 pies)
verticalmente por cada 6,1 m (20 pies) hodzontalmente.
2. DESCONECTE las cuchillas cuando se desplace cuesta arriba. Utilice una velocidad lenta evitando
giros bruscos.
3. NO maneje la maquina hacia delante y hacia atras en medio de las pendientes. Manejela hacia arriba y
hacia abajo. Practique sobre las pendientes con las cuchiHas desconectadas.
4. EVITE arrancar, detenerse, o girar en pendientes. Si la maquina se detiene mientras sube o los neumaticos
pierden tracci6n, DESCONECTE las cuchillas y retroceda lentamente en linea recta hacia abajo.
5. ESTP ALERTA ante la presencia de hoyos y otros peligros ocultos. La hierba alta puede ocultar obstaculos. Mantengase lejos de cunetas, deslaves, alcantarillas,
cercas y objetos que puedan salir proyectados.
6. MANTENGA UNA DISTANCIA DE SEGURIDAD minima de 0,9 metros (3 pies) de separaci6n desde el
borde de zanjas y otros desniveles. La maquina podria volcar si se mete una parte en un desnivel.
7. Comience siempre a moverse hacia delante lentamente y con precauci6n.
8. Manipule pesos o un transportador de carga con peso segOn las instrucciones proporcionadas junto con el recolector de hierba. NO MANEJE la maquina en
pendientes que excedan los 10 grados.
9. NO coloque su pie en elsuelo para intentar estabilizar la maquina.
10. NO utilice el cortac(_sped sobre hierba homed& La reducci6n de tracci6n puede causar deslizamiento.
11. Escoja una velocidad lo suficientemente baja de manera tal que no tenga que detenerse ni hacer
cambios en pendientes. Los neumaticos pueden
perder tracci6n en las pendientes incluso cuando los
frenos funcionen debidamente.
12. NO maneje la maquina en circunstancias en que la
tracciono la direcci6n o la estabilidad sean dudosas.
13. Siempre mantenga la maquina con un cambio a_bajar pendientes. NO utilice el punto muerto (ni libere el
hidroorodamiento) para bajar una pendiente.
Antes de cortar el c_sped
1.Lea. cornprenda y siga las instrucciones y advertencias
en este manual y las indicadas sobre la maquina, el motor y sus accesorios. Conozca los controles y el uso
apropiado de la maquina antes de comenzar.
2. Unicamente deben hacer funcionar la maquina personas maduras y responsables y s61odespues de
la adecuada instrucci6n.
3. Los datos indican que operadores de 60 o mas a5os estan implicados en un amplio porcentaje de lesiones
relacionadas con el uso de tractores cortacesped. Estos operadores deberan evaluar su capacidad de
utilizar la unidad de manera Iosuficientemente segura como para protegerse a si mismos y a los demas
frente a graves lesiones.
4. Manipule el combustible con especial precauci6n. Los combustibles son infiamables y sus vapores, explosivos. Utilice un recipiente de combustible
homologado. NO retire la tapa del combustible ni ahada combustible con el motor en marcha. A5ada
combustible Qnicamente en exteriores y con el motor parado y frio. Limpie el carburante derramado sobre la
maquina. NO fume.
5. Practique el manejo de la maquina con LAS CUCHILLAS DESCONECTADAS para aprender los
controles y desarrollar destrezas.
6. Revise la zona de cesped que se va a cortar y retire objetos como juguetes, cables, piedras, ramas y
otros elementos que puedan causar lesiones si
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