Rev. 1
Electrical Characteristics
Absolute Maximum Ratings are stress ratings. Stresses in
excess of these ratings can cause permanent damage to
the device. Functional operation of the device at these or
any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of this data sheet is not implied. Exposure
of the device to the absolute maximum ratings for an
extended period may degrade the device and effect its
Absolute Maximum Ratings (@ 25˚ C)
Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
DC Electrical Characteristics
On-Hook Impedance V
-Ring=100VDC 10 - - MΩ
On-Hook Line Leakage Current V
-Ring=100VDC - - 10 µA
Off-Hook Relay Supply Current V
=5V 7 8 9 mA
Hookswitch Power Source - 4.75 5.0 20 V
DC Loop Current - 5 - 120 mA
Mute Relay Supply Current VCC=5V 7 8 9 mA
AC Signal Path Electrical
Return Loss f=300-3500Hz 14 25 - dB
Insertion Loss
Transmit Test Circuit 1 - - 7 dB
Receive Test Circuit 2 - - 7 dB
Frequency Response f=300-3500Hz -0.25 - +0.25 dB
Longitudinal Balance
On-Hook - 60 - - dB
Off-Hook - 40 - - dB
Total Harmonic Distortion f=350Hz, P=-10dBm - -80 - dB
Secondary Load Impedance Line 1 and Line 2 - 100 - Ω
Primary Source Impedance Tip and Ring - 600 - Ω
Ring Detection Circuit
Ringing Voltage Detection Range - 29 - - V
Ringing Frequency Detection Range 50-70Hz 15 - 70 Hz
Ringer Impedance f=25Hz - 18 - KΩ
RING Output Voltage (Pulsed) V
Logic ‘0’, Ring present - - 0.8 V
Logic ‘1’, Ring not present - - Vcc V
Surge, Transient, and Isolation
Surge Protection Voltage Tip and Ring - - - 300 V
Isolation Voltage
(Pins 1-7 to 10-11) 60 Seconds - - 1500 V
Parameter Min Typ Max Units
Isolation Voltage - - 1500 V
Operational Temperature 0 - 70 °C
Storage Temperature 0 - 100 °C
Relative Humidity 10 - 85 %
Soldering Temperature - - 260 °C
Tip/Ring Load Current
(continuous) - - 120 mA
Hookswitch LED Drive Current - - 50 mA
Hookswitch LED Reverse Voltage - - 5 V
Ring Detect Phototransistor
Voltage V