Installation manual version 6.4 CowManager tel. 0031 348 443 840
2 Installation CowManager system
The installation of the CowManager system contains different steps. First, we will explain the installation
of CowManager on the PC. The next step is the installation in the barn. The third step is to link the
Sensor to the right cow and the last, and additional step, is to install CowManager on your smartphone.
2.1 Installation CowManager on the PC
The installation of CowManager on your PC contains the installation of the software, interface with the
management system, coordinator, router and activating the Sensors.
1. Software CowManager
If the computer meets the conditions mentioned in chapter one, you can go ahead with the installation
of the CowManager software. Go to:
➢ Click download CowManager Installation
➢ Click run
➢ Click open
The installation wizard opens (see picture on the right)
➢ Choose the language for the installation
➢ Accept the ‘terms in the License Agreement’
➢ The installation wizard will automatically pick the following locations
for installation:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Agis Automatisering\Sensor Coordinator\
➢ Click next
➢ Click install Agis Automatisering Sensor Coordinator
➢ Click finish to finish the CowManager software installation and your
CowManager system is now successfully installed. The ‘SensOor
Configuration Wizard’ starts automatically.
After completing the installation of CowManager, two CowManager shortcuts will appear on your
desktop. The 2 new shortcuts are: ‘SensOor Configuration Wizard’ and ‘CowManager Website’. You can
configure the coordinator, router(s) and activate Sensors in the PC-application by double clicking on
‘SensOor Configuration Wizard’ and you can open the CowManager web-application by clicking on
‘CowManager Website’.