COSMOGAS CR04 Instructions For The Installation And Use

62403440 - R01 17-01-2008_GB-IE
T able of contents
1 - Main features ........................................................................................................... 3
2 - Operating features................................................................................................... 3
2.1 - LCD Display ............................................................................................................................. 3
2.2 - Keys and associated functions.................................................................................................. 3
3 - Initial start-up............................................................................................................4
4 - Introduction .............................................................................................................. 4
5 - Users’ menu............................................................................................................. 4
5.1 - Selecting the operating modes.................................................................................................. 5
5.2 - Automatic or manual operation of the time programmable thermostat........................................ 5
5.3 - Adjusting the domestic hot water temperature............................................................................ 6
5.4 - Manual forcing of room temperature (overrun function)............................................................... 6
5.5 - Forcing of heating programme ..................................................................................................6
5.6 - Forcing of domestic hot water programme ................................................................................ 6
5.7 - System parameters’ consultation............................................................................................... 7
5.8 - Programming the heating times.................................................................................................8
5.8.1 - Calling up an existing programme for heating.................................................................8
5.8.2 - Programming of domestic hot water timing ..................................................................10
5.8.3 - Calling up an existing programme for domestic hot water.............................................10
5.9 - Adjusting the system operating parameters............................................................................. 11
5.10 - Date, hour and minute setting................................................................................................ 12
5.1 1 - Memorizing hour/minutes/date and operating mode...............................................................12
5.12 - Indication of boiler with burner on...........................................................................................1 2
5.13 - Indication of presence of anomalies ......................................................................................12
6 - Installers’ menu...................................................................................................... 13
6.1 - Displaying the system parameters........................................................................................... 13
6.2 - Displaying and changing the system parameters..................................................................... 14
6.2.1 - Thermoregulation - Setting the gradient........................................................................ 15
6.2.2 - Thermoregulation - Correction with room temperature.................................................. 16
6.2.3 - Thermoregulation - Choosing the operating modes...................................................... 18
6.2.4 - Hour type displayed .....................................................................................................19
6.2.5 - Domestic hot water programme type ........................................................................... 19
6.2.6 - Automatic pre-heating.................................................................................................. 19
6.2.7 - Minimum supply temperature .......................................................................................20
6.2.8 - Maximum supply temperature ...................................................................................... 20
6.2.9 - Pre-setting of room temperature .................................................................................. 20
6.2.10 - Pre-setting of domestic hot water temperature ........................................................... 20
6.2.1 1 - Pre-setting of system supply type ...............................................................................20
6.2.12 - Correcting the room temperature read ....................................................................... 20
6.2.13 - Factory settings ......................................................................................................... 21
6.3 - Diagnostics............................................................................................................................. 21
6.3.1 - models AXIA-Ei, BMS-Ei and BME-Ei ......................................................................... 21
6.4 - Setting the language ............................................................................................................... 22
6.5 - Operating parameters - P AR Menu ......................................................................................... 22
6.6 - Operating parameters - P ARC Menu.......................................................................................22
6.7 - Installation ............................................................................................................................... 23
2.2 - Keys and associated functions
The remote control envisages a user interface comprising 7 keys:
K1 depends on operating mode selected K2 depends on operating mode selected K3 depends on operating mode selected K4 depends on operating mode selected K+ increases value selected K- decreases value selected KM selection of the user and installer mode menus
Figure 1 - LCD Display
Figure 2 - Keys and associated functions
Safety instructions
Please read the manual carefully: it contains important information regarding installation and use.
This device must be installed by a professionally qualified technician, observing national and
local legislation, as well as the instructions contained in this manual.
1 - Main features
The CR04 series remote control acts as a time-programmable thermostat, a thermoregulator and a remote control. It can be used as an initial installation device or as an optional extra, connecting it to COSMOGAS boilers appropriately set up for such installation.
· Connection to boiler using 2 non-polarized wires
· Three different user languages supported (English, Italian and French)
2 - Operating features
- LCD Display
- Keys and associated functions
2.1 - LCD Display
The remote control uses an alphamumeric LCD display, whose symbols are shown in the following diagram:
3 - Initial start-up
On initial start-up or in any event each time the power supply fails for more than 5 hours, it is necessary to set the time and day of the week. This is done as follows:
- switch on the power supply to the boiler, the display will come on with the date field flashing; use the K+ and K­keys to set the correct day of the week;
- press key K2 so that the hour flashes; use the K+ e K- keys to set the correct hour of the day;
- press key K3 so that the minutes flash; use the K+ e K- keys to set the correct minutes;
- press key KM to save the data and return to user mode;
- consult section 5.10 to make further changes to the day and time data.
4 - Introduction
With the exclusion of the:
· “off”, “domestic hot water with heating”, “only domestic hot water”, “only heating” operating modes;
· PROG SAN (DHW programming) PROG RIS (heating programming) programming mode;
· OROL (date and time) programming mode; the remote control display shows a two-letter code (in the field used to indicate the current day) which identifies the menu displayed.
5 - Users’ menu
It is possible to carry out the following operations in “User” mode:
- selection of the operating mode: “off”, “domestic hot water with heating”, “only domestic hot water”, “only heating”
- automatic or manual operation of time programmable thermostat
- adjustment of domestic hot water temperature
- manual forcing of room temperature (overrun function)
- forcing of heating programme, RIS menu
- forcing of domestic hot water programme, SAN menu
- system parameters’ consultation
- programming of heating and domestic hot water times, PROG menu
- adjustment of system operating parameters, IMP menu
- setting of day, hour and minutes, OROL menu
Figure 3 - Display components
KEY (figure 3)
1 Heating on 2 Dom. hot water on 3 Day 4 Hours and minutes 5 Function keys 6 Activate and
deactivate menu mode
7 Room temperature 8 Decrease value
9 Increase value 10 Active key indictors 11 Time-programmable thermostat histogram
The display has the following aspect in “user” mode:
5.1 - Selecting the operating modes
Using key K1, with the remote control positioned in any operating mode, it is possible to select, by rotation, the possible operating modes of the boiler, such as:
· domestic hot water and heating
· only domestic hot water
· only heating
Only the room anti-freeze function with temperature setting equal to 5°C is enabled in this mode. The display shows:
· current day, hour and minutes
· the value of the room temperature gauged
· the switched off symbol and the wording OFF
Domestic hot water and heating
The domestic hot water and heating functions are enabled in this mode. The display shows:
· current day, hour and minutes
· the value of the room temperature
· the tap symbol and the radiator symbol
· the timer bar (if related function enabled)
Only domestic hot water
The heating function is disabled and the functions relating to the domestic hot water are enabled in this operating mode. The display shows:
· current day, hour and minutes
· the value of the room temperature
· the tap symbol
· the timer bar (if related function enabled)
Only heating
The domestic hot water function is disabled and the functions relating to the heating are enabled in this operating mode. The display shows:
· current day, hour and minutes
· the value of the room temperature
· the radiator symbol
· the timer bar (if related function enabled)
5.2 - Automatic or manual operation of the time programmable thermostat
Using key K2, it is possible to enable or disable the time-programmable thermostat of the remote control in cyclical mode. This can be noted from the display of the histogram bar of the time-programmable thermostat (automatic position), alternatively from the display of the hand (manual position) The function only becomes available in the “heating with domestic hot water” and “only heating” modes. The function is not active in the “only domestic hot water” mode. Consult section 5.8 for the programming of the time-programmable thermostat . When the remote time control is in the MANUAL position (hand designed on the display), just use the K+ o K- keys for increasing or decreasing the temperature required.
5.3 - Adjusting the domestic hot water temperature
Using key K4, with the remote control positioned in any operating mode (excluding OFF mode), it is possible to select the menu for setting the domestic hot water temperature. The display shows the wording REG SAN and the domestic hot water temperature value; using keys K+ o K- it is possible to change these values between 40 and 65 °C. Use the KM key to save the data and return to the operating mode.
5.4 - Manual forcing of room temperature (overrun function)
This function only becomes available if the “heating mode” is enabled (see section 5.1) Having activated the automatic functioning of the time-programmable thermostat (see section 5.2) of the remote control (AUTO mode), using keys K+ o K-, the display will show TEMPER AMBIENTE and the room temperature value. By pressing K+ o K- once again, it is possible to temporarily change the room temperature required; in this way, the automatic functioning of the time-programmable thermostat is by-passed (overrun), forcing a manual setting value, until the following change of status requested of the timer of the time-programmable thermostat. Return to the operating mode takes place automatically, after 5 seconds, or manually using the KM key. If the temperature value has been changed, the display will show the hand symbol and the programming bar of the timer (see figure 3, detail 1 1) so as to indicate that the function in question is underway (the hand symbol disappears the next time the status of the time-programmable thermostat’s timer changes).
5.5 - Forcing of heating programme
Using the KM key , it is possible to access page 1 of the menus and from there, using key K1 (RIS), one accesses the heating forcing menu. Once this menu has been selected, it is possible to make the following choice:
· TIMER Return to the operating mode takes place automatically , af ter 2 minutes, or manually using the KM key. By pressing key K4 (TIMER), the TIMER heating mode function is enabled; effectively, the manual functioning of
the time-programmable thermostat is forced for a given period of time set on DURA TION using the K+ e K- keys, at a room temperature value set by pressing key K4 (TMP) and adjusted as always using the keys K+ e K-. Now the running of the boiler will depend on the room temperature selected and the duration of the time set on the timer. Return to the operating mode takes place automatically , af ter 2 minutes, or manually using the KM key. The display shows the wording TIMER RIS for the duration of the forced heating set on the TIMER, or , in the event that the domestic hot water timer function is active, the wording TIMERS. Once the time set on the TIMER has elapsed, the heating returns to that active before the setting. It is possible to interrupt the function in question at any given time; in order to do this, after having selected the RIS – TIMER heating mode (key KM followed by key K1), press key K1 (OFF). The remote control automatically returns to the operating mode.
5.6 - Forcing of domestic hot water programme
Using key KM, it is possible to access page 1 of the menus and from there, using key K2 (SAN), one accesses the domestic hot water forcing menu. This menu is enabled only if the selection parameter of the domestic hot water operating mode (PROG SAN) is set at 2 or 3 (see section 5.9). Once this menu has been selected, it is possible to make the following choice:
· TIMER By pressing key K1 (AUTO), the automatic functioning of the domestic hot water mode is obtained.
In relation to the PROGR SAN parameter set (see section 5.9), the AUTO domestic hot water mode can adopt 2 different operating features:
- follow an independent timing programme
- follow the setting of the timing programme of the heating service The activation of the AUTO domestic hot water mode is indicated on the display when the clock
symbol lights up. It is possible to interrupt the function in question at any given moment, re-setting the continual function (always ON) of the domestic hot water mode. In order to do so, after having selected the domestic hot water mode SAN – AUTO (key KM followed by key K2), press key K1 (ON); the remote control automatically returns to the operating mode.
By pressing key K4 (TIMER), the TIMER domestic hot water operating mode is enabled; in practice, the operating
of the domestic hot water mode is forced for a given period of time. The display shows the DURA TION p arameter which can be selected by using key K1 (DURATION); the flashing off said parameter indicates its selection and the possibility of changing it using the keys K+ o K-. The DURA TION parameter can adopt a value ranging between 30 minutes and 12 hours. Return to the operating mode takes place automatically, after 2 minutes, or manually using the KM key . The activation of the TIMER domestic hot water mode is indicated on the display when the TIMER SAN wording lights up, or, in the event that the heating timer function is also active, the TIMERS wording is shown. Once the timing has elapsed, the domestic hot water mode returns to that active before the setting of the TIMER domestic hot water mode. It is possible to interrupt the function in question at any given moment. In order to do so, after having selected the domestic hot water mode SAN – TIMER (key KM followed by key K2), press key K1 (OFF); the remote control automatically returns to the operating mode
5.7 - System parameters’ consultation
Using key K3, with the remote time control positioned in any operating mode (excluding OFF mode), it is possible to immediately access the user information. Having pressed key K3, the display will immediately show the external temperature; using keys K1 (<<) and K4 (>>), it is possible to display the subsequent information, listed below:
· TMP ESTERNA external temperature
· PRESSIONE data not available
boiler unit temperature
· BRUCIATORE data not available
· TMP SAN domestic hot water temperature (only with water heater)
· PORT A T A SAN data not available
· STATO SAN domestic hot water mode status, 0 inactive 1 active
· TMP RITORNO data not available
· TMP AMBIENT room temperature
Return to the operating mode takes place automatically , after 2 minutes, or manually using the KM key.
5.8 - Programming the heating times
Using key KM and subsequently key K4 (>>), page 2 of the menus is accessed. Using key K1 (PROG), the programming menu is selected. Having selected this menu, it is possible to make one of the following choices:
· RIS (HEATING timer)
If the PROGR SAN parameter set (see section 5.9), does not anticipate the management of the SAN timer (different to 2), one directly accesses the programming of just the timer for the heating.
- press key K1 (RIS), one accesses the menu for programming the heating timer;
- press key K1 (GIO) in order to set the day one intends to programme (pressing it repeatedly , one will see that the two letters corresponding to the day of the week change continually , updating the day);
- press key K2 (IMP) to access the menu for selecting the temperature raising or lowering bands, comprising the levels T0, T1 and T2 plus the choice which makes it possible to leave the value unchanged ( - - );
- choose the T0, T1 or T2 temperature level which one intends to set, the display automatically returns to the previous status;
- using the keys K+ e K-, set the hour for that day during which one wishes it to function in the set timeband; (the timebands T0, T1 and T2 are displayed on the histogram bar, respectively by means of: nil, a small black square at the base of the histogram, two small black squares overlapping);
- press key K2 (IMP) once again to select the new temperature timeband and repeat the previous operation in order to set the operating timeband under T1;
- repeat the above procedure, so as to set the operating timeband under T2. So as to shift from one part of the timer to another over 24 hours, without changing the setting made previously,
proceed as follows:
- press key K2 (IMP), then press key K1 (- -); the display returns to the clock display, thus move between the hours using the keys K+ e K- until reaching the desired time;
- repeat the above procedure, selecting a new T0, T1 or T2 temperature level. Once the programming of the day has been carried out, just press key K3 (COP) in order to copy the same
programming to the next day , then press key K1 (GIO) in order to select the following day (whose time will have the same programming made above), then press K3 (COP) once again so as to copy the programming to the next day , and so on for all the days of the week which one wishes to programme as the same as the others. In order to programme one day of the week differently, it is sufficient to do so as per the above indications, without it being copied from a previous day .
In order to save the programme set, just press key KM. The display will return to normal view . If the display shows the histogram bar 11 as per figure 3, it means that the programme set above is already active. If this is not so, follow the instructions in section 5.2 to activate it.
5.8.1 - Calling up an existing programme for heating
The remote control makes 5 pre-compiled programmes available, in order to facilitate the user when programming the time. Proceed as follows to access them:
- press key KM and subsequently key K4 (>>), page 2 of the menus is accessed;
- press key K1 (PROG), the programming menu is selected; Once this menu has been selected, it is possible to make one of the following choices:
· RIS (HEATING timer)
If the PROGR SAN parameter set (see section 5.9) does not envisage the management of the SAN timer (different to 2), one directly accesses the programming of just the timer for the heating.
- press key K1 (RIS), one accesses the menu for programming the heating timer;
- press key K4 (PRE), one accesses the menu for selecting the pre-set operating programme;
- press keys K+ o K- to select the pre-set programme nearest to one’s requirements;
- press key K1 (OK) in order to load the programme in the memory or press key K2 (ANNULLA) to return to the previous menu without loading any pre-set programme.
Once the programme has been loaded, the display returns to show the menu of the heating programming mode.
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