Correlate SmartSERVER Installation Manual

Physical Installation Guide
SmartSERVER building 001-10134 Rev. 1 automation products
Section Contents
Physical Installation Guide........................................................................................................................................................1
1.2.1 Before you start...........................................................................................................................................................................................................1
1.2.2 Mounting Preparation (Step 1)....................................................................................................................................................................................2
1.2.3 C-Bus Cable Termination (Step 2)...............................................................................................................................................................................2
1.2.4 Physical Installation (Step 3).......................................................................................................................................................................................3
1.3.1 Electrical......................................................................................................................................................................................................................3
1.3.2 Physical.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................3
1.4.1 General Disclaimer......................................................................................................................................................................................................3
1.4.2 Limitations of Usage....................................................................................................................................................................................................3
1.4.3 Copyright and Trademarks..........................................................................................................................................................................................4
1.4.4 Contact Correlate........................................................................................................................................................................................................4
1.1 Scope
The following instructions apply to the electrician who is responsible for the physical installation activities (only) of a
Information on other aspects of the installation including C-Bus and Network integration can be found within the SmartSERVER Instruction manual, document 001-10036.
1.2 Physical Installation
1.2.1 Before you start
Prior to commencing a SmartSERVER installation ensure that your intended approach will satisfy all of the following considerations detailed in this section:
C-Bus connection
Ethernet Connection
Power Source
Location, Access and Security
C-Bus connection
The SmartSERVER requires access to a wired C-Bus system in a manner similar to that required by a Clipsal C-Bus wall switch – two terminations are required at a pluggable connection provided at the rear.
Ethernet Connection
A connection to a local wired ethernet or fast ethernet network is required. This is provided at the front of the unit by a standard RJ style connector (as is typically present on Cat 5e and Cat 6 patch cables).
SmartSERVER includes an auto MDIX feature so cross over cables are never required (but can be used at any time).
Power Source
SmartSERVER requires a 5V DC input for operation. This can be provided to the front facing barrel style connector by:
Suitably rated 5V plug pack or similar supply
USB to barrel connector cable. USB3 sources will,
and most USB2.0 interfaces, can provide sufficient current (The later meaning it may be possible to power SmartSERVER off an unused router USB port)
NOT E: Consider the total curr ent dra w of oth er devices (if pres ent ) f rom a USB router or power ed hub to con fir m s ufficie nt capacity r ema ins.
Correlate carries a range of accessories that can help you professionally complete any installation. Please visit our website for further details.
IMP ORTANT: Is is li kely a genera l powe r o utl et (GPO) will also nee d to b e provi ded i n the vic ini ty of the Smar tSE RVER to pro vide inpu t to a DC plug pac k/s upply and for oth er custom er IT equipme nt.
Location, Access and Security
SmartSERVER is designed for indoor use only. It does not in itself generate any appreciable heat nor require convection for cooling. The selected location must afford occasional front panel access ..
Common suitable locations include:
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Physical Installation Guide
SmartSERVER building 001-10134 Rev. 1 automation products
wall mounting near a wired ethernet connection and GPO
within a communications cabinet
Unsuitable locations include:
areas of high electromagnetic radiation
corrosive, explosive or highly dusty environments
close proximity to medical apparatus or similarly
sensitive equipment
anywhere where the SmartSERVERs rated parameters (Section 1.3) will be exceeded
WARNING : Always selec t a location which complie s with local bui ldi ng codes and reg ula tio ns, a nd ensure cabling sepa rat ion req uirements are m et. Typi cally equ ipment of th is typ e, as we ll as other I T equipmen t s hould n ot be i nst alled with in a mains swi tchboar d.
1.2.2 Mounting Preparation (Step 1)
The method of fixing the SmartSERVER is via two mounting screws spaced at 84mm centres. This is compatible with the standard spacing used by Australian and New Zealand switch plates and other mounting accessories.
Orientation of the SmartSERVER can be determined to best suit the installation position, however note that front panel artwork runs horizontally.
The two screws provided have sufficient reach for a mounting bracket present at the rear of a gyprock cavity wall (Illustration
C-Bus cable entry is from the rear, meaning that on solid walls a suitable wall box cavity must be present, or a mounting block affixed to the wall. Non-standard configurations will need to be addressed by the installation professional on a case by base basis.
1.2.3 C-Bus Cable Termination (Step 2)
It is recommended the C-Bus cable termination and fitting of the connector be completed immediately prior to installation of the SmartSERVER, and after application of all finishes to the mounting surface.
Untwist the 2 cable pairs identified in Table 1. The other twisted pairs present are not used for the SmartSERVER installation and should remain unterminated.
C-Bus Connection Colour
C-Bus positive (+) blue
C-Bus negative (-) blue & white
C-Bus positive (+) orange
C-Bus negative (-) orange & white
Table 1: C-Bus cable colour code
Now strip approximately 7mm of insulation off each of the four wires of interest being careful not to nick the centre conductor. Combine the positive and negative C-Bus cables are shown in Illustration 2. A crimp ferule as used by other C-Bus products can be optionally applied to the cable ends, but is not required.
WARNING : Cable out er j acket not to be strippe d back f urther tha n shown in Il lus tration 2 (requir ed for SELV complianc e).
Sufficiently loosen the two connector screws to allow the cable (with or without crimp ferule) to be inserted. Insert the cables maintaining the polarity as shown in Illustration 3 and securely tighten.
IMP ORTANT: Ensure the C-Bus wires are cor rec tly paired tog ether and te rmi nated to the correct locatio ns o n th e pro vided conn ect or.
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Illustration 3: C-Bus connector termination
Illustration 2: C-Bus cable connection
Illustration 1: Example cavity installation
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