Corona 23DK Owner’s Manual

This instruction manual is important to you.
your heater for best performance. It shows you simple things to check before you
1. WARNING: Use your heater only }n well-ventilated areas to elinninate the risk of indoor Air Pollution,
In a house of typical cor_struction, thBt iS, one that iS not Ot unusually tight Consttucl_n due to heavy
insulat_0n _nd tighl seals against air infiltratio_, an adequate supply of air for combustion and ventilation is provided through infiltration. However, if the heater is used in a small room where tess than 200 cubic- feet
(5 7h!) of air space is provided for each 1000 Btu per hour Of heater rating (conslde_,ng the maximum
but'nat adjustment), the door(s) tO adjacent ro0m(s) ShOUtd be kept open or the window to the outside should be opened at least t inch (25.4mm} tO guard
against potential buildup of indoor Air Pollution, Do
r4Ot use the heater in a bathroom or any other sma_I
room with the door closed.
2. WARNING: Risk of explosion or fire, Use only water clear NO.I=K kerosene (ASTM t-K) or syntl_etic
fuels for use with kerosene-fired portable heaters. 13.
NEVER use any fuel other than the fuels specifically identified for use in the heater. NEVER use gasoline, benzol, a_ohol, NO.2 fuel oil, diesel oil, white gas or
camping stove fuel iR your heater. The use of any 14. substance other than kerosene or synlhetic fuels
could result in an EXPLOSION OR FIRE. lS.
3. WARNING: NEVER add tuS_ when your heater is
operating or hot. Turn the heater "OFF" before 1e. removing the Fuel Tank for refilling
4, WARNtNG: NEVER use your heater in areas where
Ifammab_e vapors ar high dUSt contritions are present 17. to avo_ possibility of explosion
S. ALWAYS refuel the heater outdoors tO avoid risk of
tire. Use the Siphon Pump that came packed with your heater to fill the Fuel Tank. 18. Be certain to wipe away ac_y fuel spilled on the exterior of the Fuel Tank Or the Heater Cabinet.
S, WARNING: NEVER use containers that have beer}
used for other fLielS such as gasoline+ paint thinRer or 19,
alcohol. Small amounts ot other vo_ati_e fuels such as gasoline d_,ngerously increase flammabdt_y and risk of
fire NEVER store or transpo_ the fuel _n other than a
meter or plastic corltP_iner that _s: t t ) acceptable for use with the specific fuel, (2) honied _n COlOr.
r3) for t-K kerosene cle_dy n'_arKed, "kerosene". or {a) iS in the original comtamer for the Synthetic Fuel
Never store fuel in the living space
Wol'dS Of Caution ............. 1 Dally I_@plJctioPf anti Ma=ntenan¢_ .... e
Me{or Parts ............... 2 C_e=ning the WE:k ....... 6
Genera_ Speciticatlons ........... 2 w=ck Replacement ........ 6
Asset_4_ing You_" Corona Heater ........ 3 Wick Guide Assembly a
Setting the Automatic Shut=off System 4 Automalic Shul-off System @
Operating Your Heater .......... 4 Jgnitlo_System ..... 8
Filling the Fuel Tank with Fuel ..... 4 Cabmet .... 9
Lighting the Heater ........ 5 F_e[ Tank 9
Adjusting the Wick Dunng Operahon ...... 5 Storage of Your Heale_ 9
Turning Your Heater Off .... 6 1 Trouble Shool,ng Guide tO
This manual witl show you how to assemble, operate and maintain
Contact your Corona you may save the cost of unnecessary service.
Before using your heater, read these important words of caution:
7, NEVER leave your heater unattended while _n use.
ALWAYS extinguish heater before sleeping,
8. NEVER place your heater in high traffic areas such
as doorways or hallways. Heater COuld be bumped or letted, ee s%lre heater is, si_ing on a level surface
during operation.
9. NEVER place your heater in windy or drai'_y locations, Uneven burning and poor performance may result
10. WARNING: Your kerosene heater is hot while in operation. _o r_ot touch it, and keep chitdrsn.'clothing
and furniture away t_'om the heater. NEVER allow children to operate or refuel heater. NEVER I:dace
heater closer than three feet from combustible matenals such as furniture, d_apetiea, and clothing,
11. NEVER move, handle, servlce or refuel your heater white it is o_lrating or stilt hot.
12. NEVER use your he_ter =n a moving vehicle. Motion
can CaUSe fuel spillage and increase risk of fire, Store fuel in a clean, tighHy sealed approved safety
co_tainer. Store the fue_ container in a cool. dn/, well- ventilated place outside the living area and OUt of
reach of chttdren DO NOT piece a pan of water or* the top or attempt to
cook on top Of your heater. DO NOT attempt to modify or repai_" the Automatic
shut-off System. DO NOT usa your heater if ithas been damaged or is
burning irregularly. See your selling Corona dealer immediately.
Independent testing has conti_ed that this heater
complies with emission standards at elevatlons up to
7.000 feet, Heating output is reduced as elevation
+noreases. WARNING: Risk of indoor Air Pollution-Use healer
only in WelIwentilated areas People with breathing
problems ShOUld consult a physician before using the heater. Be sure the Grille Guard is in place before operating
t_e he_ter
iiiiiiiiiIH, II III I ,lllllll
= Major Parts
ylng Handle
HelndJe ACCess=; Door
Adjustment Knob
- Wck
Ignition Plug
Wick Guide Assembly _ _ _ _ ....
Fuel Gauge = ..... _:-- -
m, i
Mo_let 23_DK
Heating Output: 22,800 8TLI!hr
Fuel Tank Capacl, ty: I 6gallons
Burning Rate: 68qtihr.
Recommended Heating Area: 81Qsq ft.
Continuous Hours of Heating: About95
ignition: 28v, ignition PILAU:
Size: 26 4'h X 18 1_ v/ X 18 1"0
Weightt(em_ty) 26.5 Ibs. (12.0k 9)
Acce@sories: 2'D" SiZe Ory Celt batteries
2"D"size dry cet! batteries,
{670_ X 460_,, X 4GO_,}
and refilling S_;3hon
(.17 gats}
35 v each
P_I Nurr_ber _0_OlC}
Model Heating Output:
Fuel Tank Capacity:
Burning Rate:
Recommended Heating Area: Continuous Hours of Heating:
Weight:{ernpty) Accessories:
Siphon Pump Batteries
2"b- size dry cell battedes+
249"h x 181"w X 181"0
_630 "_ ;_ 460_ _ X 460_ i
2"O'_size dry ceil batteries
18,000 BTU/hr
f 6 gallons
.53 _t/ht
650sq ff
Aboul t0 5
28v Ignition Plug:
t,_,v e_lch
232 IbS. (t0,SKg)
and refilling Siphon
" Assembling Your Corona Heater
1. Read this entire Instruction Man_Jal before you begin
assembly and operation.
2. Open top of carton¸ NOTE: C;arton will contain:
Batleries, Battery Case Cover, Top Plate. Base (in slot at side of carton), Top Guard, Stphon Pump for fueling,
and Carrying Handle
:3. Remove the batteries, battery case cover and top
4. Remove Siphon Pump, Top Plate. Top Guard, and
Carrying, Handle from the carton.
5. Remove the Base from its place in the side of the
carton and place it on the floor, Front and back
indications are clearly marked on the base.
6. Lift out heater and p_ace it on the Base
7. Fa._ten heater to
the Base using the two screws already in place on the Base. Flrlge¢ tighten base screws.
USe of a screw-driver or pliers wilt Cause screws
to Crack or split. NOTE: I1 screws are not in place on the heater base,
book for them in the bottom of the carton among
packing materials. They rt_ay have separated
from the Heater Base during shipping
8. Lift plastic cover from heater arid save it for late? use
9. The burner chimney is packed in the _eater Cab-
inet. Be @u_-_ you h_v_ removed Ihe p,3c_.lng r_,_- lariat from the Burner inside the Heater Cablmel
2) Hair, stalling the front grilt:
t_on ot rods of the gr_ll mto the holes located
uppe_ than lhe holes
where they wele Then. - _. _ - _rlsert the tower portion
of rods of the g_dt, by _ushing u_ward, into the hole_ located ;st the _eff
_,nd ='ight side of the heate_, cabinet
Plate on the Cabinet Make certain the
holes on the F_ter'_ng
Tabs aiign with Carry-
3) Place the Top
tng Handle hOleS in
Be sure the Iwo brackets n_usl be _nside the heater cabl_et
NOTE: 18-DK has three brac_-._t5 w_{ch a_SQ must be
ir_side tl_e he;_ter C_{3lr_et
4) IQ_IaH the Carrying Handle
_) Rei_stalliag the rea_ grill:
Pla<3e c_P_i_g r_3_le in the frc_t side of the healer Then, reinstall the rear _rl_l by [he same procedure
Of lhe if'ant gi'ill
11. Fasten the top _f_ll to the front and rear grills using metal
brackets _nd act e'_s Drovldedv F;_slen the
feint per tlorl of the
front _nd r_ar gr_lfs
first, then _aste_ the front arid rear b_ackets
the C abi_et
CAUTION: Risk _f burnS. Do not operate the heater =,._[h_ul th_ gu_Id or g_llk_ COmpletely _ttached
12 i_ 5ur_ burlier
._rt_ney h, lndle iS tOL_(.3hable through the a_;c ass door located _n the front side of
the he_ter cabinet¸ Check the alignment Of the Burner by rotating it LFFT and RtGHT two or
thre_ t)trtes
t3, YOur heater iS now assembled Return all
packir_g material to carton and store it_ a Ory place.
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