Coretec VCX-7401 Installation And Operating Instructions Manual

Revision Date: August 26, 2011
VCX-7401 Dual H.264/MPEG-4 Encoder with H.264 Decoder
Core Tec Communications, LLC 2950 Lake Emma Rd Suite 1030 Lake Mary, FL 32746 USA
Phone (407) 331-0547 Fax (407) 331 0656
Technical Support:
U.S. 877-331-0547 (Toll Free)
Elsewhere: 407-331-0547
The model VCX-7401 is the stand-alone H.264/MPEG4 version of the VCX family and is housed in a 8.5-inch 1U rack mount case with a control port and a universal AC power supply.
The VCX Digital Video transport system consists of two video encoders, H.264 and MPEG4, and a decoder. This makes up the encoder(selectable)/decoder pair providing the capability for one-way end-end transmission of the compressed digital video stream in the H.264 format. The encoding-decoding process is applied to an NTSC (or PAL) video input, selected in software.
Modification of video format and resolution, data sub-channel characteristics, and basic IP parameters is achieved through one of the following means:
a) Terminal Program b) Telnet through the Ethernet connection c) Web Interface Applet d) SNMP
NOTE: The VCX7401 is optimized for encoder or decode operation. While both the encoders and decoder can be used simultaneously, it is not recommended as perfomance issues may occur. The exception is using the decoder to view it's own H.264 stream, as this has minimal affect on performance.
Familiarization with the VCX-7401
The VCX-7401 Video Encoder accepts one BNC video in, one BNC Video Out and one data sub-channel. The encoder has a programmable reset, which prompts the re-initiation of the video stream. The decoder also has a programmable reset command, tied to errors in the incoming video stream, as well as a reboot command.
Birds Eye view of the VCX-7401
Front Panel
Front view of the VCX-7401
Back Panel
Rear view of the VCX-7401
Com Port Data Interface
There is one bi-directional data interface, RS-232 and RS-422 selectable, on the encoder, which uses a RJ-45 connector. Refer to Table below for the correct pin out. When using the RS-232 configuration pin 4 is ground. Com Port parameters are configured through the system software.
Refer to Appendix A for the correct pin out.
Video Input Interface
Connect a BNC-terminated coaxial cable from a composite video source (e.g., CCTV camera) to the BNC connector labeled “VIDEO IN” (encoder). The composite video input should be in NTSC or PAL format. The maximum length of cable that should be interfaced to the encoder or decoder is 100 feet, although the specific installation environment will dictate the actual permissible length.
Ethernet Interface
There is one Ethernet interface for encoder or decoder, which uses a standard RJ-45 connector. The standard method of terminating an ETHERNET cable reflects the TIA568A standard (Telecommunications Industry Association standard).
Refer to Appendix A for the Straight Through and Crossover Ethernet Pin Out.
Power is applied through a standard IEC type detachable line cord at the rear of the unit. The unit automatically senses 110 VAC or 220 VAC supply and will operate with either.
The typical current is 1.2 amps from a 110VAC line and drops to 0.9 amps from a 230 VAC line source.
Mounting the Device
The VCX-7401 Encoder is a 8.5 inch wide device and provides holes for mounting onto a chassi. The unit can be mounted in any orientation.
Updating Firmware with TFTP
TFTP is a simple and reliable way of updating the firmware on any device. All that is required is to have access to a TFTP server which will be used as the host and contain the update file, which is named vcx7401.tgz.
Via Telnet, enter the following command in order to update the firmware for the device
that is being used.
TFTP <Server IP Address>
IP Configuration
The commands contained in this section provide the means to configure critical network, com ports, encoder, and decoder parameters. The user should consult the factory if specific functions of interest do not appear to be supported.
Initial IP Addressing
To set the device parameters properly, encoder and decoder units must be given appropriate IP addresses, compatible with the network on which they are to be connected. The software module VXNETCONFIG was developed to allow a network administrator to set the IP and Subnet in the VCX-7401.
To load VXNETCONFIG insert the CORE TEC CD into your CD drive. Select VXNETCONFIG by double clicking on the program. The following window will open:
Description of Program Functions
(a) The first box on the left hand side of the window displays the current IP
address of the CORE TEC device being interrogated. Type the new IP address into this space
(b) The second box is used to change the SUBNET address. Note that the address
displayed is always Type the new SUBNET address into this space.
(c) The Enable DHCP box is checked when DHCP is to be enabled.
NOTE: DHCP is not currently enabled on the VCX-7401. Selecting DHCP Will have no affect.
NOTE: Do not enable DHCP if sub-channels are being used of if there is no DHCP server. Check with the Network Administrator, or call Core Tec Tech Support if further assistance is needed.
(d) The Configure button is to execute the requested changes to the IP and
SUBNET information. Note that future queries of the SUBNET will indicate Therefore, the correct SUBNET address should always be entered prior to using the Configure button.
(e) The box on the right hand of the window displays all VCX-7401 devices
(encoders and decoders) on the network.
(f) To make a change to the equipment addressing perform the following
(g) Select the Core Tec device address from the list in the box on the right side of
the window.
(h) Move the cursor to the IP box and select the first octet by highlighting the
octet. Enter the new IP data for the selected octet. As the 3 digits are entered, the software will automatically highlight the next octet for change. Complete entering the IP address and then switch to the SUBNET data.
(i) Move the cursor to the SUBNET box and select the first octet by highlighting
the octet. Enter the new SUBNET data for the selected octet. As the 3 digits are entered, the software will automatically highlight the next octet for change. Complete entering the SUBNET data.
(j) To execute the change press the configure button. The IP address and the
SUBNET will be updated in the selected Core Tec equipment. The new IP
address will be displayed. The SUBNET will display a default class C­SUBNET there is no read back of the changed SUBNET displayed.
(k) Repeat this process for all the CORE TEC equipment requiring change.
Connecting to the Unit
There are currently three ways to connect to the VCX-7401.
1. Telnet
Password: admin (default)
To change the default password perform the following:
Type: PASSWORD <followed by your password (up to 11 characters)>
Where <your password> equals the new password.
For configuration using an Ethernet connection, activate the Telnet function by the following:
Initiating from the Command Prompt - Telnet nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn
Use the MS Windows – START – RUN Telnet nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn
(where nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn is the IP address of the unit being configured)
Employ the command set as described below.
Note that the initial IP addresses (factory default) are:
Sub net Mask
2. Terminal Program
NOTE: The following procedure is valid for standalone units only and is not
applicable to rack mount units.
The Terminal Program, such as HyperTerminal, configuration procedure uses the serial connection on the front of the unit.
Using the PCA-2400 programming cable, connect to the control port. This cable should be attached to the serial port of an attached PC and the Hyper Terminal program launched. The PC should have its Com Port configured as:
Baud rate 115,200 kbps
Data bits 8 bits
Parity No Parity
Stop Bits 1 Stop Bit
Flow control None
Activate the HyperTerminal function, normally found in a sub-menu under ACCESSORIES. Employ the command set as described in the following section.
Password: admin (default)
To change the default password perform the following:
Type: PASSWORD <followed by your password (up to 11 characters)>
Where <your password> equals the new password
3. Web Interface
To get to the Login Page of the web interface applet, the user needs to type in the IP adress of the device into a URL. On the Login Page, shown below, the user will need to type in the password to login successfully.
Login Page of Web Interface Applet
When the unit accepts the log in (default password: admin), the following web page will be displayed.
On the top of the screen is a front view image of the device. If you click on any of these ports the associated tab will appear below the image inside the tabbed pane. Also an animation will appear for a few seconds on the bottom right corner. The user may click here in order to to be sent to tutorial page. The user will find here, all the associated documents to the VCX-7401, such as the manual, as well as video tutorials on how to use the device and the web applet. Aside from clicking on the ports inteh image of the device at the top of the applet, they can click directly on the tabs below. There are currently nine tabs to choose from: Main, Network, Subchannel, OSD, Video, MPEG4, H264, Decoder and Miscallaneous. To the right the user will see 7 buttons: Logout, Commit, Commit/Reboot, Reboot, Open Manual and two other buttons that allow you to view either the H264 or MPEG4 video stream on a new web page.
+ 26 hidden pages