Corega DSLAAU User Manual

User Manual
1. Overview
1.1 About ADSL.......................................................................... 4
1.2 Protocol and Device Driver Selection................................. 4
1.3 Features................................................................................ 6
2.1 Before you start ....................................................................7
· Hardware Installation.............................................7
3. Software Installation
3.1 Before you start.................................................................... 8
3.2 Windows Installation.............................................................9
• Installing the Driver Software................................9
3.3 MAC OS 9.x Installation...................................................... 14
• Installing the Driver Software............................. 14
3.4 MAC OS X Installation........................................................ 15
• Installing the Driver Software............................. 15
4. Customizing Communication Settings
4.1 Accessing Communication Settings on Windows............17
4.2 Accessing Communication Settings on Mac.....................17
5. Updating Software
5.1 Windows Drivers Update................................................... 18
5.2 MAC OS 9.x and OS X Drivers Update............................... 18
6. Software Uninstall
6.1 Windows Uninstall............................................................. 19
6.2 MAC OS 9.x Uninstall.......................................................... 19
6.3 MAC OS X Uninstall............................................................ 20
Appendix A: Modifying TCP/IP Networking Options
• WAN USB Driver..................................................................... 22
Microsoft Windows XP.......................................... 22
Microsoft Windows 2000..................................... 25
Microsoft Windows Me......................................... 27
Microsoft Windows 98 and Windows 98 SE......... 30
MAC OS 9.x............................................................. 32
MAC OS X................................................................35
Establishing a Connection.................................................... 38
• LAN USB Driver...................................................................... 39
Microsoft Windows XP.......................................... 39
Microsoft Windows 2000....................................... 41
Microsoft Windows Me.......................................... 43
Microsoft Windows 98 and Windows 98 SE..........46
MAC OS 9.x............................................................. 47
MAC OS X................................................................ 48
Establishing a Connection.....................................................51
Appendix B: Point-to-Point Protocal over Ethernet
PPPoE for WAN Applications..................................53
PPPoE for LAN Applications...................................53
Appendix C: Specifications
• corega DSLAAU Connector................................................... 55
• Data Transfer Rates................................................................ 55
• Power Requirements............................................................. 56
• System Requirements ........................................................... 56
• Hardware Requirements........................................................ 57
This manual contains information regarding the installation, opera­tion, and configuration of corega DSLAAU. Additionally, it outlines the use of the Control Panel Application.
The following chapters are included in this manual:
Chapter 1: “Overview” offers a brief description of ADSL, protocol
and device driver selection, and the features of corega DSLAAU.
Chapter 2: “Hardware Installation” describes the steps for
connecting corega DSLAAU.
Chapter 3: “Software Installation” describes the steps for installing
corega DSLAAU drivers under various operating systems.
Chapter 4: “Customizing Communication Settings” provides
detailed steps for altering the ATM Virtual Path ID (VPI), ATM Virtual Circuit ID (VCI), Encapsulation type and/or Modulation type values previously defined.
Chapter 5: “Updating Software,” details the procedure for
updating to a new version of the modem software.
Chapter 6: “Software Uninstall” provides detailed steps for
removing corega DSLAAU software from the PC.
1.1 About ADSL
Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) technology provides high-speed data access across regular phone lines (copper wires) by making use of previously unused frequency bandwidth above the voice band. By placing the ADSL signal above the frequency of the voice signal, ADSL service is able to coexist on the same line with your telephone service. ADSL is asymmetric in the sense that it pro­vides a higher data rate in the downstream (receive) direction than in the upstream (transmit) direction. Asymmetric operation is ideal for typical home and small office use where files and information are downloaded more frequently than uploaded.
corega DSLAAU is capable of supporting the following DSL stand­ards: ANSI T1.413 Issue 2, ITU G.992.1 (G.DMT), ITU G.992.2 (G.lite), and ITU G.992 Annexes A, B, and C as applicable.
1.2 Protocol and Device Driver Selection
corega DSLAAU can be easily connected to a USB port on the PC via a standard USB cable. corega DSLAAU is fully software upgradeable so that new features and updates may be added by simply loading a new version of the device driver onto your PC.
two types of device drivers are provided for corega DSLAAU, WAN, and LAN. The proper choice of driver depends on the combination of Windows operating system and protocol.
1. WAN driver – This driver causes the modem to resemble a dial-
up modem. Call establishment is performed through Dial-Up Networking. This driver supports RFC 2364 and 2516 with PVC connections. It can be used with Windows 98, Windows 98 SE,
Windows 2000, Windows Me, and Windows XP, MAC OS 9.x (RFC 2364 only), MAC OS X 10.1.x and above (RFC 2364 only), as well as Linux.
2. LAN driver - This driver makes the modem appear as a LAN or
Ethernet device. Connection establishment is automatic. This driver supports RFC 1483 with PVC connections. Additionally, PPPoE is supported via third-party software. This driver can be used with Windows 98, Windows 98 SE, Windows 2000, Windows Me, and Windows XP, MAC OS 9.x, MAC OS X 10.1.x and above, as well as Linux.
The device driver choices are summarized in the table below:
Driver Type Protocol Operating System
WAN RFC 2364
RFC 2516 (not with MAC OS 9.x, nor with MAC OS X)
Windows 2000 Windows XP Windows Me Windows 98 SE Windows 98 MAC OS 9.x MAC OS X 10.1.x and above
LAN RFC 1483
RFC 2516 (MAC OS X 10.1.x and above, only)
Windows 2000 Windows XP Windows Me Windows 98 SE Windows 98 MAC OS 9.x MAC OS X 10.1.x and above
1.3 Features
corega DSLAAU provides the following features:
• Compliant with Universal Serial Bus Specification Revision 1.1
• USB bus-powered; an external power supply is not required
• Supports two device drivers: Microsoft NDIS 4.0 WAN Miniport and
NDIS 4.0 LAN Miniport
• Compatible with T1.413 i2, G.DMT, and G.lite compliant CO DSLAM
• Software upgradeable
• Includes a control panel monitoring program for configuring
the adapter and checking the status of the connection on both Windows and Macintosh systems
• Provides an RJ-11 connector for connection to the telephone line
• Supports DSL downstream data rates up to 8 Mbps (125 times
faster than standard 56K modems)
• Supports DSL upstream data rates up to 1024 kbps
• Support for PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE)
2.1 Before you start…
In MAC operating systems, you need to install the device drivers first (see next chapter) and then perform the hardware installation steps below.
· Hardware Installation
Install corega DSLAAU by following steps with the PC running:
1. Insert the rectangular end of a USB cable into the USB port of your
2. Insert the square end of the USB cable into the USB port of corega
In Windows operating systems, corega DSLAAU will be detected and informational messages will be displayed on the PC’s screen. Proceed with the software installation in the next chapter, using the operating system appropriate to you.
Hardware Installation
The software installation procedures vary depending upon the oper­ating system of your PC. Be sure to follow the instructions provided for the operating system appropriate for you.
3.1 Before you start…
The following information may be required for software installation. Contact your DSL service provider before proceeding with software installation.
• IP Address Settings – the software installation process allows the
server to dynamically assign IP Address settings. If your application requires static setting of specific address information you will need to know:
• IP Address
• Subnet Mask (for Bridged Ethernet applications only)
• Default Gateway (for Bridged Ethernet applications only)
• Name Server Information – the software installation process allows the server to dynamically assign Name Server Address settings. If your application requires static setting of specific address information you will need to know:
• Primary DNS Address
• Secondary DNS Address
• Primary WINS Address
• Secondary WINS Address
• Type of Driver to be installed – WAN and LAN software drivers are supported.
* Note: Required if not using default value
Software Installation
• Encapsulation type
* Note: Required if not using default value
• Modulation type
* Note: Required if not using default value
• User Name (for PPP applications only)
• Password (for PPP applications only)
3.2 Windows Installation
The software setup process for Microsoft Windows applications (XP, 2000, Me, 98 SE, and 98) is described below with operating system specific differences noted. corega DSLAAU should be connected to your PC prior to installing the driver software. No other Windows programs should be running on your PC during the software install process.
* Note: The appearance of the windows and the wording of the
options may be slightly different for each operating system, but the same procedure applies.
Installing the Driver Software
1. In the procedure that follows, we shall refer to the folder where the driver files reside as the Device Driver Folder.
2. An informational message may be displayed. If so, click Next> to start the installation.
3. A window will appear asking what you want the system to do. The recommended option will always search for the appropriate driver software. Select the recommended option by clicking on the radio button to its left, and click Next>
4. A window may be displayed which allows you to specify the location of the driver software to be installed. If so, point to the Device Driver Folder (See Step 1) with no other options selected and click Next>. A message will indicate that the system is ready to install the device driver; click Next>.
a) For Windows Me applications, the “Select Other Driver” window
may ask you to select the driver from a list of drivers. If asked, highlight the root directory, identified with “GROOTUSB.INF” in the Location column, and click <OK>.
5. For Windows 98, Windows 98 SE, Windows Me applications, a message will confirm that the device driver software has been installed; click <Finish>.
6. The “Welcome” window appears to start the next phase of the installation, and provides an opportunity to quit the setup process to exit all Windows programs before continuing. If the Windows programs were previously closed, click Next>.
* Note: If you quit this process, run setup.exe from the Device Driver
Folder to resume the installation.
7. The “Select Service Provider” window allows you to specify your DSL service provider. A list of service providers is displayed. Default values are provided for each DSL service provider listed in the window.
• If your DSL service provider is listed and you would like to accept
the default values, highlight the provider’s name and click Next>. Continue with Step 9.
• If your DSL service provider is listed and you would like to change
the default values, highlight the provider’s name and click <Cus­tomize>. Continue with Step a).
• If your DSL service provider is not listed select Other Service
Provider and click Next>. Continue with Step a).
a) Select the type of driver to be installed from the “Select Driver
Type” window and click Next>.
b) Enter/Select the VPI, VCI, Encapsulation type and Modulation
type from the “Communication Settings” window and click Next>.
* Note: The encapsulation types that appear in the drop-down
list vary depending upon the type of driver selected in the previous step.
9. The “Ready to Install” window will be displayed. You may review the current settings and click <Back to change the settings, or click Next> to accept the current settings.
10. A message will be displayed indicating that the drivers are being installed.
* Note: You may need the Windows CD to complete the installation.
11. The system must be rebooted to have the new settings take effect, therefore the “Reboot” window will appear. Remove all disks from their drives, select <Yes>, reboot the computer now; and click <Close> to reboot.
12. Once the PC has rebooted, installation of corega DSLAAU is complete.
a) Windows 98 WAN applications will ask you to provide telephone
number and location information. Enter the information and click <Close>.
b) The “Finished” window will be displayed indicating the installa-
tion has been completed. Click <Finish>.
3.3 MAC OS 9.x Installation
When installing corega DSLAAU on a Macintosh running OS 9.x, you will need to install the drivers first, and then plug the USB cable from your modem to the computer.
Installing the Driver Software
1. In the procedure that follows, we shall refer to the folder where the driver files reside as the Device Driver Folder.
2. In the Device Driver Folder, locate the Installer application and invoke it by double-clicking on it.
3. The “Welcome” screen will appear. Click <Next> to proceed.
4. When all necessary files have been copied, the “Finished” screen will appear giving you the opportunity to restart your computer. Since you must restart your computer before using your modem, select <Restart now> (click inside the radio button to the left of it) and click <Finish>.
3.4 MAC OS X Installation
When installing corega DSLAAU on a Macintosh running OS X, you will need to install the drivers first, then plug the USB cable from your modem to the computer.
* Note: This device driver supports MAC OS X 10.1.x and above. It
does not support MAC OS X 10.0.
Installing the Driver Software
1. In the procedure that follows, we shall refer to the folder where the driver files reside as the Device Driver Folder.
2. In the Device Driver Folder, locate the Installer application and invoke it by double-clicking on it.
3. The “Welcome” screen will appear; click <Next> to proceed.
4. Enter the administrator login and password on the “Authenticate” screen and click <OK>.
5. When all necessary files have been copied, the “Finished” screen will
appear giving you the opportunity to restart your computer. Since you must restart your computer before using your modem, select <Restart now> (click inside the radio button to the left of it) and click <Finish>.
The driver is now installed. Before using your corega DSLAAU, con­nect the modem to the computer using the proper USB device cable and connect the DSL line to corega DSLAAU. To configuration corega DSLAAU, consult “Appendix A: Modifying TCP/IP Networking Options.” Instructions for the WAN driver and In­structions for the LAN driver (RFC 1483).
4.1 Accessing Communication Settings on Windows
Once corega DSLAAU and software have been installed, the commu­nication settings may be easily updated by performing the following steps:
1. From your PC desktop click Start => Programs => Corega USB ADSL Modem => Configure.
2. The “Communication Settings” window will be displayed.
Make the necessary changes to the VPI, VCI, Encapsulation type
and/or Modulation type and click Next>.
3. The system must be rebooted to have the new settings take effect, therefore the “Reboot” window will appear. Remove all disks from their drives, select <Yes>, reboot the computer now; and click <Close> to reboot.
4.2 Accessing Communication Settings on Mac
Access to corega DSLAAU’s Communication Settings is not provided on the MAC OS.
Customizing Commnuication Setting
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