CoreNexa™ UC Contact Center Account Manager
CoreNexa™ UC
Leveraging CoreNexa UC
& Mobile to Enable Remote
Worker Productivity
Q&A: CoreNexa UC Webinar 3.18.20
Following is a list of questions from Partners who attended our live CoreNexa UC
Over the last few
days, we’ve enabled
UC Client features
for 50 existing
extensions and
we’re getting more
requests every day.
- Partner Attendee
800+ Channel Partners Nationwide | 30K+ Businesses | 350K+ End Users | 99.999%+ Network Availability
webinar on March 18, 2020, and the answers provided by our UC Product Owner
and UCaaS Subject Matter Expert.
Q: Am I able to import contacts from MS Outlook in CoreNexa UC?
A: Right now adding third party contacts is a manual process. Importing third
party contacts is a function we’re looking to build for future release, so stay
tuned for availability.
CoreNexa™ UC Contact Center Account Manager
Q: Is uploading contacts a manual process?
A: Yes, uploading third party contacts is currently a
manual process, however keep in mind that all of a
user’s contacts in the Enterprise will automatically
populate in the UC Client and mobile app once that
user’s contacts in the Enterprise will automatically
populate in the UC Client and mobile app once that
user is properly enabled for CoreNexa UC.
Q: Does CoreNexa UC support texting?
A: Not yet, but very soon! We’re on track for delivering
Business SMS (including MMS) in Spring 2020.
Q: If I’m setting up a brand new customer on the
CoreNexa UCaaS platform, do I have to create
an account owner before setting up users for
CoreNexa UC?
A: Yes
Q: When the landing screen option is defaulted to
the UC Client, how do you toggle between CoreNexa
UC and Account Manager?
A: To toggle back to Account Manager from CoreNexa
UC, locate the Applications icon on the left navigation
pane. When clicked, the icon will display an “Other
Applications” pop up box where you can choose
Account Manager. This screenshot shows you the
two options:
Q: If I’m making changes to a user prole role, will
those changes apply to any user assigned to that role?
A: Yes, you can apply a single prole set to enable all
users with that prole the same permissions. This
includes applying a “Custom Prole” to any user with
that specic Custom Prole role.
Q: Changes to standard prole permissions, will that
apply to any users who have a standard prole?
A: Yes, you won’t have to create a custom prole for
each individual.
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