corbin sk-1 User Guide

SK-1-H Stripper Kit
The Corbin SK-1-H Stripper Kit works with
the Corbin Hydro-Press, Hydro-Junior, and Mega Mite Presses, in conjunction with the ET-1-H jacket trim­mer dies. It provides both automatic ejection of the trimmed jacket from the die, and automatic removal of the surplus trim material from the punch, on the down stroke.
tional plates can be added to use the kit with other calibers of dies.
The part number for the additional plate is SK-P-H (specify the cali-
The kit consists of a thin spring-steel stripper plate, which fits over the proper caliber of
jacket trim punch, a heavy steel
knock out plate, two long operat­ing rods with holes cross-drilled
through them to take spring clips, two short push rods and two
couplings, plus eight spring clips for easy assembly and disassem­bly.
The head and the ram guide plates of the various Corbin presses have two sets of holes to accept the operating rods. The rods drop through the holes in the head plate (which is eqiupped with anti-friction bearings). The knock-out plate is secured by four spring clips, as shown. The push rods and couplings attatch to the bottom of the operating rod with the remaining spring clips. The top of the rod has two closely spaced holes, and the bottom only has one hole (to attach the coupling). The stripper plate is free to move independently from the rest of the assembly.
The jacket is placed over the end of this punch, pushed up into the die, and trimmed to the length set by the die. The surplus material is pushed off the punch on the downward stroke by the stripper plate, which comes to a fixed position near the end of the stroke while the ram and punch continue down.
The exact length of trimmed jacket can be set by the depth gage, provided with the ET-1-H trimmer die. The threaded bushing in the top of the die sets the trimmed length. By setting the length of the rod
projecting from the depth gage bushing so it is the same as the desired jacket length, you can push the gage into the die mouth and then set the dies depth bushing to just permit the gage to
fit into the die (so that the gage bush­ing just touches the die face).
The ET-1-H jacket trim punch is shown in position at the bottom of the stroke.
the punch is in the top-most position, the shoulder of the punch just touches the die face. The jacket is pinched off at the end of the stroke, and ejected on the down stroke.
Depth gage is used to set the jacket trim die for desired length of jacket: stripper pushes jacket out of the die on the down stroke.
Then, the die itself is adjusted down, without a jacket, so that when