1.2 System Components............................................................................................................................................. 5
1.2.1 System ....................................................................................................................................................... 5
1.2.4 Control Center ........................................................................................................................................... 5
1.3 NVMS-5000 Version Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 6
3 Install and Uninstall the Software ................................................................................................................................ 8
3.1 Install the software ............................................................................................................................................... 8
3.2 Uninstall the software ........................................................................................................................................ 13
4 System Configuration ................................................................................................................................................ 13
4.3.1 Create area .............................................................................................................................................. 17
4.4 Media Server Settings ........................................................................................................................................ 22
4.4.1 Create Media Server ............................................................................................................................... 22
4.4.2 Modify Device of the Media Server........................................................................................................ 23
4.4.3 Start Media Server .................................................................................................................................. 23
4.5 Storage Server Settings ...................................................................................................................................... 24
4.5.1 Add Storage Server ................................................................................................................................. 24
4.5.2 Add Channels to Storage Server ............................................................................................................. 25
4.5.3 Setup Record Schedule ........................................................................................................................... 26
4.5.4 Start Storage Server ................................................................................................................................ 27
4.5.5 Partition Group Settings of Storage Server ............................................................................................. 2 9
4.6 Alarm Server ...................................................................................................................................................... 31
4.6.1 Alarm Server Setting ..............................................................................................................................
4.7.2 Modify or Delete Schedule ..................................................................................................................... 36
4.7.3 Set Shedule for All Applications ............................................................................................................. 37
4.8 TV Wall Server Settings ..................................................................................................................................... 37
4.8.1 Create TV Wall Server ............................................................................................................................ 37
4.8.2 Install Video Decoding Card ................................................................................................................... 38
4.8.3 Start TV Wall Server ............................................................................................................................... 39
4.9 E-Map Server ..................................................................................................................................................... 39
4.9.1 E-Map Server Setting .............................................................................................................................. 39
4.9.2 Start E-Map Server ................................................................................................................................. 40
4.9.3 Modify Map & Add Hotspot and Hotzone .............................................................................................. 41
4.10 Account and Permission ................................................................................................................................... 43
4.10.1 Add User ............................................................................................................................................... 43
4.10.2 Add User Group .................................................................................................................................... 44
4.10.3 Modify User Permission ....................................................................................................................... 44
4.11 System and Security ......................................................................................................................................... 45
5.1.2 Group and Scheme Setting ...................................................................................................................... 49
5.1.3 Live Preview ........................................................................................................................................... 50
5.1.9 System Log ............................................................................................................................................. 61
5.2 Web Client ......................................................................................................................................................... 63
5.2.1 Operating Environment of Web Client .................................................................................................... 63
NVMS-5000 which combines video capture devices (including various DVR/DVS/IPC), alarm capture devices
(including various alarms and sensors), servers, IP-SAN, clients (including mobile phones) and background monitor
(monitor and TV-Wall) is a set of network video surveillance and management software. It is suitable for large,
medium and small enterprises to use.
1.1.2 Software Architecture
1.2 System Components
1.2.1 System
NVMS-5000 User manual
1.2.2 Front-end Access
z Front-end devices include IPC, DVR and DVS.
z You need to connect monitor devices such as IPC, DVR and DVS to internet through hubs or routers accessed by
Cat5 or Cat5e cables (less than 100 meters) or optical fiber.
z Run monitor client through local PC to configure the local video monitor, monitor devices and so on.
1.2.3 Background Monitor
z Background monitors include TV Wall Client, Config Client and Monitor Client.
z You can setup the real-time image of display devices, these display devices including TV-Wall (decoding images
to show on the TV-Wall through video decoder), digital display screen and so on.
z Run config client through local PC to configure and manage the whole system.
z Run monitor client through local PC to view, playback and remotely configure and manage the real-time video of
front-end monitor devices.
1.2.4 Control Center
z In the control center, configure servers including authentication server, media transfer server, storage server, alarm
server to realize various service, such as, device authentication(including Web), video transmission, image storage,
alarm handling, etc.
z In the control center, add IP-SAN storage array to realize centralized storage.
z In the control center, connect servers and IP-SAN storage array to internet through hub.
z We take the following IP addresses for example in this manual. (Please set up IP addresses in accordance with the
actual situation) :
IP address
Authentication server
Media transfer server
Transfer images
Storage server
Image storage
Alarm server
Alarm handling
Emap server
Emap application
channels video signals
ch video signals
Recommendation for hardware
for software
Media server/
Storage server/
Alarm Server/
-map Server
CPU˖XEON 3430 2.40GHz/Core
z Main board˖Intel 3420
z Memory˖4GB DDR3 ECC
z NIC˖2×1000M˄
More NICs need if
more networks access˅
Windows server
2003 32 bit
/Windows server
It is up to the video format and
the number of channel
simultaneously for
media server and storage server.
Authentication Server: 1
Alarm Server:1
E-Map Server: 1
It is up to the stream, channel and
time of the storage video
It is up to the number of the
Recommendation for hardware
Recommendation for
software configuration
Monitor Client
Intel Core i3 530 double core
Windows 7 SP1 32bit
As required by user
If servers are installed in the same PC, these servers shall have the same IP address.
1.3 NVMS-5000 Version Introduction
Versi on Average signal access Max signal access
NVMS-5000 User manual
2 Configuration Requirement
2.1 Software and Hardware Configuration Requirement
2.1.1 S&H Config Requirement for Contorl Center
HDD z Capacity: 500GB/1TB/2TB --
2.1.2 S&H Config Requirement for Background Monitor
z Supports 12/16/24 SATAs --
2.93GHz or above/4GB DDR3/NV
GT430 or AMD HD 6570 or above,
above 512MB GDDR5 Memory
(recommend 1GB GDDR5 memory)
/500GB SATA/100M NIC
Professional/ Ultimate
TV-Wall Server
Use 8/4
Windows 7/Windows
32 bit
It is up to the
number of the
decoding channel
and output display
Config Client
TV-Wall Client
CPU˖2G or above
z Memory˖2GB DDR3
z NI˖1000M
Windows XPSP3 32bit
/Windows 7 SP1 32bit
Port Type
Authentication server
Internal port
Web server
Service port
Media transfer server
Internal port
Storage server
Internal port
Auto report
Alarm server
Internal port
Internal port
Checkup Standard
Checkup whether the hardware meets the standard required. ˄including CPU, memory, HDD, etc.˅
Checkup whether the software meets the standard required.˄including the type and version of the
operation system, NVMS-5000 version, etc.˅
Checkup whether the device
access is normal and the DVR version is 3.1.9 or above.
Firewall setup
Checkup whether th
ose open ports of firewall meet the standard required.
Checkup whether the networks o
f front-end devices and center equipments are normal.
TCP/IP config
Checkup whether the settings
of IP address, subnet mask, gateway and DNS correct.
-ch decoder
2.2 Requirement for Firewall
NVMS-5000 User manual
In order to ensure the network security, it is necessary for the system to setup firewall. All monitor ports shall be
opened in the installed servers. The open ports are as follows:
-map server
Note: The above-mentioned ports are the default internal ports of servers. If all these ports are modified,
these open ports shall be modified accordingly in the firewall configuration.
2.3 Confirm Installation Environment
NVMS-5000 User manual
3 Install and Uninstall the Software
3.1 Install the software
1˅Find the “setup.exe” file in the DVD disk. A welcome interface will pop up by double clicking it. Now click ‘NNeexxtt’
2˅Select “II aacccceepptt tthhee tteerrmmss ooff tthhee lliicceennssee aaggrreeeemmeenntt” and then click ‘NNeexxtt’ buttonDŽ
3˅Select the setup type˄take custom type for example˅and then click ‘NNeexxtt’ buttonDŽ
4˅Click ‘BBrroowwssee’ to choose the destination folder and then click ‘NNeexxtt’DŽ
5˅Select features and then click ‘NNeexxtt’ button.
NVMS-5000 User manual
6˅It will pop up “Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Setup” wizard. If it is not installed in your PC, the
following interface will pop up. Click ‘NNeexxtt” Æselect “II hhaavvee rreeaadd aanndd aacccceepptt tthhee lliicceennssee tteerrmmss”Æclick ‘IInnssttaallll”.
7˅Click ‘FFiinniisshh’ button to complete.
NVMS-5000 User manual
8˅ Return to the installation interface of NVMS-5000 to review settings. Then click ‘NNeexxtt’ button.
9˅ Select “Create shortcut in desktop” as needed and then click ‘FFiinniisshh’ button. Now the NVMS-5000 installation is
10) After you finish installing NVMS-5000, a wizard for Apache HTTP Server pops up. If you want to access web client, please click
’ button to install.
10˅Select “I accept the terms in the license agreement” and click NNeexxtt to continue.
11) Read the information of Apache HTTP Server and then click NNeexxtt .
NVMS-5000 User manual
12˅Set the server information as shown below. The information inputted below is for reference only. It is recommended to choose port 80as
a service. Then click NNeexxtt to continue.
13˅ Select the installation type. Options: Typical, Custom and Custom. Then click “Change...” to assign the path to install and click NNeexxtt
to continue.
14˅Click IInnssttaallll to install the program.
NVMS-5000 User manual
15˅Click FFiinniisshh to complete the installation wizard of Apache HTTP Server.
NVMS-5000 User manual
3.2 Uninstall the software
If the new version needs to be installed or there is no necessary to use this software, you can uninstall this software.
We strongly recommend that you back up your configuration data before you install the new version of
The methods of uninstallation are as follows: Click ‘Start’ÆProgramsÆNVMS-5000ÆUninstall to pop up the
following wizard. Click ‘Yes” to confirm.
Then click ‘Finish’ button to completely uninstall this software.
If you have already installed the Apache HTTP Server, the configuration tool can still call the Apache installation files. You can select
“Repair” or “Uninstall” or close this interface to continue.
4 System Configuration
4.1 Authentication Server
Authentication server provides a uniform authentication for all devices, servers and clients to access. Therefore,
the authentication server must be started first and continuously.
Double click icon˄or click ‘Start’ÆProgramsÆNVMS-5000ÆServerÆAuthentication Server˅ to run
this server as shown below. Because other modules are not started, there is no information listed.
NVMS-5000 User manual
Click icon to pop up the dropdown list through which you can view the version of servers, change the
web server port and set up login and maintenance and server parameters.
Click CChhaannggee tthhee wweebb sseerrvveerr ppoorrtt to modify the web server port. The default port of Web Server is 8088.
To start the software automatically after Boot, click SSeerrvveerr ssttaarrtt aanndd mmaaiinntteennaannccee ccoonnffiigguurraattiioonn and check
‘Software Auto Startup after Boot’. If ‘Auto Reboot PC’ is selected, please input the username and password of the PCˈ
the time interval and restart time. Finally, click ‘OK’ to save settings.
Click SSeerrvveerr ccoonnffiigguurraattiioonn ppaarraammeetteerrss to pop up the following window. You can modify the internal port. The
default internal port of Authentication Server is 6003. If it is changed, the changed internal port shall take effect after
NVMS-5000 User manual
4.2 Config Client
Config Client can configure all resource approved by Authentication Server, including devices, users, media
servers, storage servers, alarm server and TV walls. After starting the authentication server, please run Config Client to
create servers, add front-end devices and configure the whole system.
Double click icon (or click ‘Start’Æ ProgramsÆNVMS-5000ÆClientÆConfig Client) to run Config
Client. A login window will pop up as shown below. Please input the username and password. The default username is
admin and the default password is admin. Then you should setup the IP address and port of the authentication server
at the first time. Please click ‘Setup” to pop up a window.
Then click ‘New” (Here we will introduce two ways to input).
z You can self-define the name. If the authentication server runs in the PC which the authentication server is
installed, you can input your LAN IP address (Double click ‘My Network Places’Æclick ’View network connection’
under the field of Network Tasks Æright click ‘Local area connection’Æselect ‘Properties’Æchoose ‘Internet
protocol(TCP/IP)Æclick ‘Properties’ button to see). The default port is 6003 (If it is modified, please input the
modified port).
Return to the previous
Enter into the next
Display the server
information and
configure parameters
Shrink the window
Minimize the window
NVMS-5000 User manual
z If the authentication server runs in LANˈplease input the LAN IP address and port of the authentication server.
z If the authentication server runs in WAN, please input the WAN IP address or select ‘Domain’ to input the domain
name and port of the authentication server.
After inputting all information, please click ‘OK’ button and then click ‘Close’ button to return to the login
window. Then click ‘Login’ button to enter into the Config Client interface.
Config Client includes three modules: Device and Server, Account and Permission, System and Security.
Click the relevant icon or blue letters to enter into the relevant module.
Device and Server interface includes adding, modifying and deleting device, Media Server, Storage Server, TV
Wall and Schedule as well as modifying Alarm Server and E-Map Server.
NVMS-5000 User manual
Account and Permission interface includes creating, modifying or deleting account and user group as well as user
System and Security interface includes system backup and restoration.
4.3 Device Settings
Create area and add or delete device.
4.3.1 Create area
In the Configuration Panel Home, enter into the device and server configuration interface by clicking ‘Device and
Server’. Then click ‘Device’ to enter into the device configuration interface.
NVMS-5000 User manual
To pop up an area creation window, click ‘Create Area’ button. Then input new area name to create the upper area.
After that, please click ‘OK’ button to save settings.
To create the lower area, please click ‘Create Area” and then choose the Upper Area and input the area name.
After that, click ‘OK’ button to save settings.
If you want to create another upper Area, please don’t choose the upper area. Input the area name directly. Then click
‘OK’ to save settings.
4.3.2 Add Device
Select the created area and click ‘Add Device” to add device to this area as shown below.
There are three ways to add device.
z Input Device Information Manually
In device creation interface, input the device information as shown below.
NVMS-5000 User manual
If the media server doesn’t create in advance, please click ‘Create Media Server’ to create media server as shown
NVMS-5000 User manual
After you create the media server, please return to the device creation interface to select a media server and then
click ‘Create Device’ button to add the device.
z Search Online Device
In device creation interface, a device list will pop up by clicking “Search Device” button.
The device IP address, port and MAC address automatically on the same network area will list on the Search
Device window. You can double click the IP address which is on the same network segment as the authentication
server’s. The device type, stream mode, IP address and port will be added automatically. Then you just need to
select area and input device name, username and password. The channel count, sensor count and alarm out count
will be automatically filled by clicking “Auto Fill” button.
z Auto Report
In device creation interface, select device type and checkmark “Auto report” as shown below.
NVMS-5000 User manual
Select area and media server and input device name, device number, channel count, sensor count and alarm out
count. You also need to configure the network of the device before the auto report takes effect (Please see the
network configuration chapter of the device user manual for the detail configuration).
After adding the device, return to the device configuration interface. Now you can see the information of the
device listed as below.
To modify the device name, password, IP address, Port and the media server of the device, please select the
device and click ‘Modify’ button. To delete this device, please select the device and click ‘Delete’ button.
If the video signals connected to this software are more than 300 channels, you shall register. The system will
support to add the third-party device after registration. Please refer to the below picture. Here you can choose to add
other device Type 1 or other device type 2.
NVMS-5000 User manual
4.4 Media Server Settings
Media server is in charge of the video signal receival of the front-end devices and transfers the signal to the client
to preview or to the storage server to record. The client or storage server sends the command of viewing the video of
the front-end devices that is also transferred by the media server to the front-end devices.
4.4.1 Create Media Server
Before creating devices, please create media server first. In the configuration panel home, click ‘Device and
Server” Æ click ‘Media Server’ to enter into the configuration interface of the media server. Next, click ‘Add Media
Server’ button.
Please input the server name and password and then click ‘OK’ button.
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