User ca n co nn ec t IP -C AM t hr ou gh L AN o r WA N. H er e on ly t ak e IE b ro ws er (6 .0 ) fo r ex am pl e.
The d et ai ls a re a s fo ll ow s:
3.1 LAN
In LA N, t he re a re t wo w ay s to a cc es s IP -C AM : 1. a cc es s th ro ug h IP -Too l; 2 . di re ct ly a cc es s
thr ou gh I E br ow se r.
3.1.1 Access thro ugh IP-Tool
Step 1:
Make sure the PC and IP-CAM are conne cted to the LAN and the IP-Tool is insta lled on the PC
from the CD.
Step 2:
Use IP-Tool to modify the net work of IP-C AM. Then dou ble clic k the icon on the desktop
to run this softw are as shown bel ow:
1. Package
Aft er y ou r ec ei ve t he d ev ic e, p le as e ch ec k th e fo ll ow in g ac ce ss or ie s. A ll p ic tu re s ar e on ly f or
ref er en ce .P le as e ta ke t he m at er ia l ob je ct a s st an da rd .
IP-Tool will search the device after start ing it. If you canno t confir m which one is
yours, please shut off the electr icit y of the IP-CAM and then pow er on it. When shutt ing off the
power, the device information will disappear. When powering on, the device information will
emerge. Well, the dev ice is the used devi ce. You can check the detail inf orma tion of IP-C AM by
clicking the address of the device as shown below:
automatic ally
Ste p 3:
Dou ble -clic k or rig ht- cl ic k the IP ad dre ss an d sele ct “b row se wi th IE”. The n the sy ste m wil l
pop up the IE bro ws er to co nne ct IP -CA M . IE brow se r will a uto do wn loa d the Act ive X co ntr ol.
Aft er fin is hin g ins tal lin g the Act ive X co ntr ol , a logi n wind ow wi ll po p up as sho wn be low :
2. Connection
MIC: connect to MIC
DC12V:connect to power supply
LAN:network port; support PoE power supply
The d ef au lt u se r na me a nd p as sw or d ar e “a dm in ” an d “1 23 45 6" r es pe ct iv el y.
You ca n mod if y th e IP a dd re ss o f th e de vi ce b y IP -Too l. T he n in pu t th e mo di fi ed I P
address a nd p or t in t he I E br ow se r ba r to a cc es s IP -C AM .
For ex ampl e, the network se gmen t of yo ur com pute r is 19 2.16 8.13 .X. Cl ick “ U se the foll owin g
IP address” an d then modify the IP add ress , gate way of th e IP-C AM which must b e in the sa me
network segme nt with the comp uter ’s. Here we take for example as shown below
figure. Please modify th e IP addr ess of y our devi ce according to the pra ctic al s itua tion . A fter
finishing, please input the user nam e and pass word . Click “OK ” button to save the setting.
The d ef au lt u se r na me a nd p as sw or d ar e “a dm in ” an d “1 23 45 6" r es pe ct iv el y.
3.1.2 Directly access through IE
The n et wo rk s er vi ce i s de fa ul t as s ho wn b el ow :
IP ad dr es s: 1 92 .1 68 .2 26 .2 01 H TT P: 80
Subne t Ma sk : 25 5. 25 5. 25 5. 0 Da ta P or t: 90 08
Gat ew ay : 19 2. 16 8. 22 6. 1
The first tim e you used the IP-CA M, pleas e connec t the device wit h the above defa ult sett ings .
Step 1:
Manually setu p the IP address of the PC and the netwo rk segme nt shoul d be as the same
as the default settin gs of IP-CAM . Right clic k “My Networ k Places ” icon on the desk top. Sele ct
“Properti es”a s shown in the left figu re. Righ t click “Loc al Area Connec tion ” at the popup windo w,
and then select “Prop erty ” as shown in the right figu re.
3.2 WAN
Access thro ug h ro ut er o r vi rt ua l se rv er
Step1 :
Connecting according to above steps in LAN. Enter int o the System Con gfig→Net work Con fig
→Port to set up the port number. Plea se refer to fig 3-1:
Step 2:
Enter into System Con fig→Netw ork Conf ig→Wired to modi fy the IP address . Please ref er to
fig 3-2:
Step 3:
Enter into the router ’s management interface through IE browser to forward the IP address and
port of IP-CA M in the “Virtua l Server ”.
Step 4:
Open the IE brows er and input its WAN IP and HTTP port to acces s the IP-CAM . The following
steps are as same as step 3 and 4 of Chapter 3.1 .2 .
Fig 3 -1 P or t Co nf igFig 3 -2 I P Co nf ig
Select “internet prot ocol (TCP /IP) ” in the “Genera l” tabs. Cli ck “Prop erti es” and inpu t networ k
address informati on of the PC in the popup window.
Fig 3 -3 R ou te r Co nf ig
4. NET Traversal Configuration
You can access to network without dynamic domain name and port forwarding by enabling
net trans it.
Step 1:
Enter into Config→Net work Con fig→NET trave rsal Con fig. Che ck the “Trans it enabl e”. Then
save the sett ing.
Step 2:
Input in IE address bar, download and install Active X control. Then a login
window pops up as shown below:
Step 2:
Open the IE Brows er and input the default address of IP-CAM and confi rm. The IE brows er
will download Active X control automatically.
Step 3:
After dow nloading Active X control, the login dialog box will pop up.
Step 4:
Input user name and password. Click “OK” butt on to enter into the liv e interf ace.
Step 3:
Input the only device ID of the IP-CA M(th e serial num ber of the devic e) , user name and passw ord
The d ef au lt u se r na me a nd p as sw or d ar e “a dm in ” an d “1 23 45 6" r es pe ct iv el y.
2 Mega Pixel
Water-Proof IP Camera
User Manual
Please read this instruction carefully for correct use of the product
Before use this product
Before operation, we strongly advise users to read this manual and keep it
properly for using later.
There may be several technically incorrect places or printing errors in this
manual. The updates will be added into the new version of this manual. The
contents of this manual are subject to change without notice.
When this product is in use, the relevant contents of Microsoft, Apple and
Google will be involved in. The pictures and screenshots in this manual are
only used to explain the usage of our product. The ownerships of trademarks,
logos and other intellectual properties related to Microsoft, Apple and Google
belong to the above-mentioned companies.
This device (short for IP-CAM) is designed for high performance CCTV solutions. It
utilizes most advanced technologies, such as video encoding and decoding technology
and complies with the TCP/IP protocol, SoC., etc to ensure this system more stable and
reliable. This unit consists of two parts: the IP-CAM device and central management
software (short for CMS). The CMS centralizes all devices together via internet or LAN
and establishes a sound surveillance system to realize unified management and remote
operation to all devices in one network.
This product is widely used in banks, telecommunication systems, electricity power
departments, law systems, factories, storehouses, uptowns, etc. In addition, it is also an
ideal choice for surveillance sites with middle or high risks.
1.2 Check Package Content
The pictures below are only for reference. Please make the object as the standard.
1.3 Connection
Below figures will introduce function of interfaces.
MIC: connect to MIC
DC12V: connect to power supply
LAN: network port; support PoE power supply
Page 2
Operating system
Windows XP
Windows XP SP2 or most updated patch; Direct 9.0c or above
Windows Vista
Windows Vista; Direct 10. c
Window 7
Window 7 Ultimate
Windows 2003
Windows 2003 serve or Directx 9.0c or above
Windows 2000
Windows 2000 SP4 or Directx 9.0c or above
2 Installation
2.1 Install IP-CAM to Ethernet Network
The connection of digital video server is show below.
Figure 2-1 Connection
User can connect the PC and IP-CAMERA in accordance with above picture. Before
connecting, please connect external devices, and then connect the power.
The connection steps are as shown below:
Step 1: Connect IP-CAM firstly.
Step 2: Internet line connect to Internet transfer equipment or devices
Step 3: Connect power cable to a power outlet.
2.2 Install CMS
You can remotely monitor and manage the device by using client software or IE browser.
This chapter mainly introduces the installation of CMS. In respect of the operation and
monitor setting details, please refer to CMS user manual in CD.
Note: Prior to installing control center software in user’s computer, please make
sure all anti-virus softwares in the computer are closed so that CMS can install
System requirement
Supported Operating System:
Computer hardware requirement
Please make sure the software running well and the computer is compatible :
Recommended PC Specification – 4 channels
Page 3
Intel Pentium 3.0 GHz or AMD 3000+
Intel Core 2 Duo 1.8 GHz or AMD Dual core 3800+
Intel Core 2 Duo 2.2 GHz or AMD Dual core 3800+
Recommended PC Specification -9 channels:
Recommended PC Specification -16 channels:
The AMD chip hyper-3800+ and X64 series are not tested.
For real-time view at CIF, max 25 channels can be played concurrently.
For real-time view at D1, max 6 channels can be played concurrently.
Installation Process
It is recommended to disable the anti-virus software before the installation of CMS.
1. Run the „Setup.exe‟ from software CD. Then install CMS according to the prompts.
2. After you install this software, double click it to run if necessary.
3. Find the user manual of the control center system from programs. You can operate
this software according to the introduction of this user manual.
If you just want to user IP-tool, there is no necessary to install CMS software. You can
open the CD and find the IP-tool software and double click it to install.
Page 4
3IE Remote Access
User can connect IP-Cam through LAN or WAN. Here only take IE browser (6.0)
for example. The details are as follows:
3.1 LAN
In LAN, there are two ways to access IP-Cam: 1. access through IP-Tool; 2. directly
access through IE browser.
3.1.1 Access through IP-Tool
Step 1: Make sure the PC and IP-Cam are connected to the LAN and the IP-Tool is
installed in the PC from the CD.
Step 2: Use IP-Tool to modify the network of IP-Cam. Then, double click the
icon on the desktop to run this software as shown below:
After starting IP-Tool and clicking the IP-Cam in the list, user can check the information
of IP-Cam. If you cannot confirm which one is yours, please shut off the electricity of the
IP-Cam and then power on it. When shutting off the power, the device information will
disappear. When powering on, the device information will emerge. Well, this device is the
used device. Right click the device information and select “Network setup”.
Page 5
For example, the network segment of this computer is 192.168.13.x under the local
config table. So, please modify the IP address, Gateway of IP-Cam which must be in the
same network segment with the computer. Modifying the network, you have to input the
password and click “OK” button to save the setting.
Note: The default user name is: admin. The default password is: 123456.
The new IP address of this device will display after modification.
Step 3: Use the IP-Tool to login the IP-Cam.
Right-click the IP address and select “browsewith IE” or double click the device
information. This will let the IE browser to connect IP-Cam as shown below. IE browser
will auto download the Active X control. If the IE browser cannot download the Active
X control, please refer to Q4 of Chapter 8. A login window will pop up after the
installation of the Active X control.
Input user name and password and then click “OK” button to login.
Note: You can also use the modified IP address of the IP-Cam. Input the IP address in
the IE browser bar and then click “Enter” to access IP-Cam. The default user name is
admin. The default password is 123456.
3.1.2 Directly Access through IE
The network service is default as shown below:
Page 6
IP address:
Subnet Mask:
HTTP: 80
Data port: 9008
When use the IP-CAM for the first time, you should connect the device with the above
default settings.Step 1: Manual setup the IP address of the PC. The network segment should be as same
as the default settings of IP-CAM. Right click “My Network Places” icon on the
desktopselect “properties” as shown in the left figure. Right click “Local Area
Connection” at the popup window, and then select “property” as shown in the right
Select “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)” in the “General” tabsclick “properties”manual
input network address information of the PC in the pop up window.
Step 2: Open the IE browser, input the default address of IP-CAM and confirm, the IE
browser will download Active X control automatically. If IE browser can‟t download
Active X control, please refer to Q4 of chapter 8.
Step 3: After downloading Active X control, the login dialog box will pop up.
Step 4: Input user name and password in the login dialog box and click “OK” button to
enter into the live interface where you can manage the IP-CAM.
Page 7
3.2 WAN
a. Access through router or virtual server
Step1: Connecting according to above steps in LAN; enter into System
ConfigurationNetwork configurationBasic configuration to setup the port number
as shown in Fig 3-1:
Step 2: Enter into System ConfigurationNetwork configurationIP configuration to
change IP address as shown in Fig 3-2:
Notice: The steps above should be saved after the change of the port and IP address.
Log back in the device with the saved setting.
Fig 3-1 Port setup Fig 3-2 IP setup
Step 3: Enter into the router‟s management interface through IE browser and forward
the IP address and port of IP-CAM in the “virtual server” (the name depends on the
router). Please refer to Fig 3-3:
Fig 3-3 Router Setup
Step 4: Open the IE browser and input its WAN IP and http port to access. The
following steps are as same as “Step 2,3 and 4” of Chapter 3.1.2.
Page 8
People icon
Fix size
Zoom in
Zoom in
Zoom out
Full screen
Start record
Enable audio
4 Remote Preview
4.1 The Remote Preview Interface
Fig 4-1 Remote Preview
When motion detection alarm is triggered, the people icon turns red.
Click icon to zoom in the preview image to suitable size. Drag the cursor on
the enlarged image to view suitable preview area. Click icon to zoom out the
enlarged image. Click icon to full-screen the live image.
Clicking icon will appear a save path window and the record file can save on
your PC.
Note: On Window 7 and Window Vista, user can not record or snap pictures until UAC
function is disabled. Please refer to following steps: Start—Control panel—User
accounts—Change user account control settings in which user needs to drag the scale to
Always notify end and then click “OK” button to save.
4.2 Record Playback
Click icon and refer to Fig 4-2:
Page 9
Fig 4-2 record playback interface
After selecting the record date, the record files will be displayed in the record file list
box. You can double click a certain record file to playback or check a certain file. Then
click Play button to do playback.
4.3 Right-click Function
Clicking right mouse will appear a pull-down list as below:
Stream: There are two options.
Turn off the live: Click this item will close present live preview.
Enable audio: Enable remote audio transmission. Users can
hear the audio from the IP-CAM.
Full screen: The live preview picture will full-screen display.
Double click or click right mouse to return to the previous
interface. Fig 4-3 Right key sub-menu
Online user: Display the users that access to the device.
System information: Display the device information: device name, firmware version,
software build date, kernel version and hardware version.
4.4 Snap Pictures
1. Select the picture number and then click “Snap” icon as shown in the Fig
2. You can snap multiple pictures. Select the picture number from Frame pull down
list box, such as 2, and check “Title” and “Time” to show capture title and time on the
snap pictures simultaneously. Refer to Fig 4-5:
3. Click “Browse” to set saving path. Click “Save” to save pictures to HDD on the
computer. Click “Printer setup” to set the printer and print the snap pictures. Drag the
Page 10
scroll bar to view all captured pictures.
Fig 4-4 Single Snap
Fig 4-5 Multi-picture Snap
Page 11
Software version
The software of the device
Software build date
The software build date of the device
Kernel version
The kernel version of the device
Hardware version
The hardware version of the device
Mac Address
MAC address of device
Maximum number of user
Support max 4 users to access
Device name
Name of the device.
5 Remote Live Surveillance
Functions of remote configurations include: System Configuration, Video Configuration,
Alarm Configuration, Network Configuration and Advanced Configuration. User should
firstly select the menu on the left, and then setup the relative parameters. When a user
setup parameters of a certain device, other users can not setup this device.
5.1 System Configuration
The “System configuration” includes two submenus: Basic Information and Date &
5.1.1 Basic Information
In the “Basic Information interface, user can setup the device name and can also check
the relative information of the server
Setting steps:
1. Clicking the "Config" icon will appear the menu list.
2. Clicking the “Basic Information "will pop up a window as shown in Fig 5-1:
3. Input the name of the device in the "Device name" text box.
4. Press the "Save" button to save the settings.
Please refer to the following table for parameters and instructions of server basic
Fig 5-1 Basic Information Config
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