Cooper Security M series Manager's Manual

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Accessing the User Menus..............................................................................................3
Options in User Menu 1 ..................................................................................4
Option 1-1: Testing.....................................................................................................4
Option 1-2: Omitting Zones........................................................................................8
Option 1-3: Shunting 24hr Zones................................................................................9
Option 1-4: Changing your User Code ....................................................................10
Option 1-5: Enabling Chimes...................................................................................11
Option 1-6: Setting the Speaker Volume..................................................................12
Option 1-7: Customising Text ...................................................................................13
Option 1-8: Setting Up Silent Set Wards ....................................................................14
Option 1-9: Configuring Engineer Access ................................................................15
Option 1-0: Accessing the Set/Unset Menu ..............................................................16
Options in User Menu 2 ................................................................................17
Option 2-1: Viewing Zones .......................................................................................17
Option 2-2: Setting the Time and Date ....................................................................18
Option 2-3: Setting Up Shunt Groups........................................................................19
Option 2-4: Setting Up User Codes...........................................................................21
Option 2-5: Setting Up Chime Zones........................................................................32
Option 2-6: Using Communications.........................................................................33
Option 2-7: Assigning Zones to Wards......................................................................35
Option 2-8: Setting Up Ward Groups ........................................................................36
Option 2-9: Using the Log ........................................................................................37
Option 2-0: Setting Up Timers...................................................................................40
Text Keys.......................................................................................................48
Zone Numbering ..........................................................................................49
Radio Systems ..............................................................................................50
Telecommands and PAs ..............................................................................................50
Log Events ....................................................................................................52
System Records ............................................................................................57
General System Details ................................................................................................57
User Details...................................................................................................................60
Zone Details .................................................................................................................61
Service Record.............................................................................................................62
Installer Information ......................................................................................................63
Quick Reference ..........................................................................................64
About your Alarm System
Your intruder alarm system provides comprehensive and flexible protection for domestic or commercial premises. The system comprises several components, such as keypads and sensors, linked to a control unit, which is concealed from view but accessible for maintenance.
About this Manual
This manual describes the functions available from the two user menus. The manual is intended to be used by people who are responsible for carrying out tasks such as adding new user codes, viewing logged messages and omitting zones from the setting procedure.
Other Manuals
Please refer to the User's Guide for details of how to set, unset and reset your alarm system.
The Engineering Manual (available only to installation engineers) describes how to set up the system.
Making Changes
To ensure problem-free operation, discuss the system with your alarm company before making significant changes. It is good practice to maintain a paper record of how the system is set up, using the record sheets at the back of this manual.
Accessing the User Menus
To access the user menus:
BANNER TEXT 17:30 Sun 01 JAN
1. Enter your user code or present your proximity tag.
0=Set Selection [Ent]=User Level
2. Press [.
User Level 1 Press [Ent]or[2]
3. Press [ if you want to enter User Menu
1. If you want to enter User Menu 2, press
|, ¬ or 2 until "User Level 2" is
displayed, then press [.
User 1 Menu 1 Test Menu
The first option in the selected menu is displayed. The example shown opposite is the first option in User Menu 1.
Access to options depends on user type (page 22).
Selecting Options
You can select options in two ways:
1. Press | and ¬ until the required option is displayed, then [.
2. Press a numeric "hot" key (0 to 9), e.g. press 2 to display Omit Zones, then [
to select the option.
Exiting from the User Menus
To return the system to its normal operating
state, press ] to step back through the
menus until the time and date are displayed.
Options in User Menu 1
Option 1-1: Testing
Option 1-1-1: Testing the Bell
This option enables you to test the internal sounder, strobe, external sounder, and telecommands.
User 1 Menu 1 Test Menu
1. Press [ to select this option.
Test Menu 1 Bell Test
2. Press [ to select Bell Test.
Bell test wards:
Ward > 1*......
3. Use the numeric keys to select the wards to test, then press [. Any ward
numbers shown will be tested. (A “*” indicates that the ward will not be tested, and “.” Indicates that you have no access to the ward.)
Bell Test 1 Bell Only
4. The external sounder should activate. Press [ to carry out the next test.
Bell Test 2 Bell & Strobe ON
5. The external sounder and strobe should
be active. Press [ to carry out the next
Bell Test 3 Strobe Only
6. Only the strobe should be active. Press
to carry out the next test.
Bell Test 4 Alarm Sounder On
7. The internal sounder should activate.
Press [ to carry out the next test.
Bell Test 0 Bell/Strobe OFF
8. The sounders and strobe should switch off. Press [ to repeat the tests, or ] to exit.
Option 1-1-2: Performing a Walk Test
This option enables you to check that zones are operating correctly. You can test only those wards that you have access to.
Each zone tested is added (once) to the event log, which you can review using User option 2-9 (page 37).
Zones triggered on a walk test are not communicated to the ARC, if used.
User 1 Menu 1 Test Menu
1. Press [ to select this option.
Test Menu 2 Walk Test
2. Use | or ¬, or press 2 to select
Test, then press [.
Walk test wards:
Ward > 1*......
3. Use the numeric keys to select the wards to test, then press [. Any ward numbers
shown will be tested. (A “*” indicates that the ward will not be tested, and “.” Indicates that you have no access to the ward.
ESC To Stop Test & View Zones
4. Walk through your wards and operate all detection devices.
0003 Active
As you activate each zone, the internal
sounders will emit a chime tone and the display will identify the activated zone.
5. When you have finished, press ].
Panel Zone 1 0001 Healthy
6. The status of the lowest zone number tested is displayed. Press [ to view the
next lowest zone tested.
7. Press ] to exit.
Option 1-1-3: Telecommand Batteries
This option enables you to check if any telecommands have reported a low battery.
User 1 Menu 1 Test Menu
1. Press [ to select this option.
Test Menu 3 Telecmd Batts
2. Use | or ¬, or press 3 to select Telecommand Batts, then press [.
No batteries low
The display shows that all telecommands are OK.
2:01:01 Batt Low Martha’s
The display shows the number of any telecommands that have reported a low battery. If you have programmed a text name for the telecommand, the display shows that text on the bottom line.
3. Press [ to repeat the tests, or ] to exit.
Option 1-1-4: Telecommand Test
This option enables you to test a telecommand, or identify an unknown telecommand.
User 1 Menu 1 Test Menu
1. Press [ to select this option.
Test Menu 4 Telecmd Test
2. Use | or ¬, or press 4 to select Telecmd Test, then press [.
2:01:1 RNode Martha’s
3. Either: Use | or ¬ to select the telecommand you want to test, and press [.
OR: Press any button on the telecommand
you are testing and press [.
2:01:3 RNode 9(5) Bat-H
The top line of the display shows the
number of the telecommand you are testing. The bottom line of the display shows (from left to right): Current signal strength. Previous lowest signal strength in brackets. ”Bat-” (for Battery) followed by H for healthy or L for low.
4. Either:
Press ] to exit, leaving the record of
lowest signal strength as it is. OR:
Press [ to exit, resetting the record of
lowest signal strength to the current signal strength, ready to record a new value.
: Omitting Zones
Sometimes you may need to omit zones
when you set your wards, e.g. if a zone is to remain occupied while the rest of the ward is set. This option enables you to select which zones to omit.
When the system is unset, any selections made here are cleared. This prevents zones from being omitted inadvertently.
You can omit only zones that have been set up as omittable (Engineer option 1-1).
User 1 Menu 2 Omit Zones
1. Press [ to select this option.
0001 is Armed
2. Select the zone to omit by using | or ¬, or by entering the four-digit zone number. Refer to page 49 for details of zone numbering.
0002 is Armed
3. Press r to change the omit status of the
zone ("Omitted" indicates that the zone will be omitted).
4. Press [ to view the next zone, or ] to
: Shunting 24hr Zones
This option enables you to shunt (disable) all
24 Hour zones in selected wards that have been set up as shuntable in Engineer option 1-1. Shunting disables a zone and the shuntable attribute identifies whether this is permissible.
Zones remain shunted until you use the Reinstate 24hr option (see below).
Reinstating zones may start the exit timer, depending on whether Unshunt, No Exit or Unshunt & Exit is selected (Engineer option 1-9-1).
User 1 Menu 3 Shunt 24hr Zones
1. Press [ to select this option.
1=Shunt 24Hr 2=Reinstate 24hr
2. Press 1 to shunt zones or 2 to reinstate
zones that have been previously shunted.
Shunt Wards
Ward > 1*......
3. Use the numeric keys to select the wards
to shunt/reinstate, then press [. Any ward numbers shown will be shunted/reinstated. (A “*” indicates that the ward will not be shunted/reinstated, and “.” Indicates that you have no access to the ward.)
: Changing your User Code
This option enables you to change your own
user code. To make changes for other users, refer to page 21.
User 1 Menu 4 Change Code
1. Press [ to select this option.
Enter new code..
2. Enter your new code, e.g. press 5 6 7 8, then [.
If your new code is not accepted, the display shows "NOT ACCEPTED try a different code". This usually means that
the code is already in use. Press r enter
the code again.
Your system may be set up to use six digit user codes. If so, then the default
user code is 5 6 7 8 0 0
Requires option 01 to be set to “6 digit codes” in Engineer menu 1-9-3.
: Enabling Chimes
This option enables you to select which of
your wards (if any) use the chime feature. In a ward with this feature enabled, zones that have a Chime Tone attribute (User option 2-
5) and are in a selected ward will generate a chime tone when activated. The wards then remain chime-enabled until you deselect them with this option.
A zone may generate a single, double or triple chime, depending on the Chime Tone attribute selected in User option 2-5.
The chime occurs only at keypads and extension loudspeakers assigned to the same ward(s) as the zone.
When a chime occurs, keypads display the zone number if configured by the Chime Visible setting in Engineer option 1-9-1.
User 1 Menu 5 Enable Chime
1. Press [ to select this option.
Chime on wards:
Ward > 1*......
2. Use the numeric keys to select the wards you want to have chime enabled, then
press [. Any ward numbers shown will be chime enabled. (A “*” indicates that the ward will not be chime enabled, and “.” Indicates that you have no access to the ward.)
: Setting the Speaker Volume
This option enables you to adjust the
volume level of the extension loudspeaker connected to the control unit.
User 1 Menu 6 Volume Control
1. Press [ to select this option and display the current setting.
Volume Control >>>>>>> (MAX)
2. Press | and ¬, or enter a value (0 to 7),
to adjust the volume, from ‘Sound Off’ up to maximum.
3. Press [ to accept the displayed value
or ] to exit without change.
: Customising Text
This option enables you to edit the following
text strings:
Banner Text
This message is shown on the top line of the display when the keypad is in normal "standby" mode (i.e. waiting for a code to be entered).
Group Names
These are the names of the ward groups (see page 36). The names are displayed when setting ward groups (see the User's Guide).
Telecommand Text
These are the names of any telecommands that the installer has allocated to your system.
User 1 Menu 7 Customise Text
1. Press [ to select this option.
Custom Text 1 Banner Text
2. Use | or ¬, or press a hot key (1 , 2, or 3), to select the text string to edit, then press [.
Viewing Group 1
3. If you have chosen to edit group
names, use | or ¬, or press a hot key
to select the group name to edit, then press [.
^iewing Group 1
4. Use the text editing keys (page 48) to
change the text if required. Press [ to accept the displayed text or ] to exit
without change.
: Setting Up Silent Set Wards
This option enables you to select which of
your wards (if any) set silently, without emitting an exit tone, when the system is set normally. The wards remain enabled for silent setting until you deselect them in this option.
Pressing 8 when the display shows "0=SET WARDS" can set all your wards silently, irrespective of their setting here
User 1 Menu 8 Silent Set Wards
1. Press [ to select this option.
Silent set wards
Ward > **......
2. Use the numeric keys to select the wards you want to enable for silent setting, then
press [. Any ward numbers shown are
enabled for silent setting. (A “*” indicates that the ward will not be silent set, and “.” Indicates that you have no access to the ward.
Requires P.Set Hotkey in Engineer option 1-9-1 to be set to NO
: Configuring Engineer Access
This option enables you to define a period
during which an engineer can log into the alarm system. Once the period has expired, the engineer can continue working if logged in but will not be able to log in again.
The period starts from the time you set it and can be four hours or five minutes. You can terminate the period at any point.
The default setting is Infinite.
User 1 Menu 9 Engineer Access
1. Press [ to select this option.
2. Use | or ¬, or press a hot key (1 to 4), to select the required option, then press
If you select 4 Hour Window or 5 Min
Window, the engineer will be able to log in at any time within a 4-hour/5-minute period from now. Selecting Infinite allows the engineer access at any time.
Selecting Close Window terminates any
period currently running.
: Accessing the Set/Unset Menu
The set/unset menu is displayed whenever
you enter your user code or present your proximity tag. This option enables you to access this menu from User Menu 1.
The Set/Unset Menu has several options, but
only relevant ones are shown, e.g. if all wards are unset, the option to unset wards is not shown.
For information about setting, unsetting and
resetting the system, refer to the User's Guide.
Options in User Menu 2
Option 2-1: Viewing Zones
This option enables you to view the status of
each zone, which may be:
The normal status of a zone (e.g. a door is closed or a detector inactive).
The alarm status of a zone (e.g. a door is open or a detector is triggered).
The interference status of a zone (e.g. a cable has been cut or a cover has been removed from a detector).
The short-circuit status of a zone (e.g. a cable has been shorted or damaged).
The sensor is masked by some obstruction (e.g. boxes stacked near the sensor).
User 2 Menu 1 View Zones
1. Press [ to select this option.
Panel Zone 1 0001 Healthy
2. Press | or ¬ to scroll to the zone you want to view, or enter the zone's four­digit number. See page 49 for details of zone numbering.
You can press r to choose the
zone on the next network. However, if you keep scrolling, you will reach all zones anyway.
3. Press ] to return to User Menu 2.
: Setting the Time and Date
This option enables you to set the system
time and date.
The system automatically advances/retards the time by one hour at 1 am GMT on the standard summer/winter changeover dates.
User 2 Menu 2 Time and Date
1. Press [ to select this option.
Time and Date 1 Set Time
2. Use | or ¬, or press a hot key (1 or
2) to select Set Time or Set Date, then press [.
Enter new time:­ 11:44
3. If you need to change the date/time:
For the current time, enter four digits
(hhmm), e.g. 1810 for 6:10pm.
For the current date, enter six digits (ddmmyy), e.g. 181005 for 18th October 2005.
4. Press [ to accept the displayed date/time, or ] to exit without saving.
: Setting Up Shunt Groups
Shunt groups provide a simple way to
isolate zones until further notice. Each shunt group can contain up to eight zones, and each group can be allocated to a "Shunt" user code. When the code is first entered, the zones are isolated. When the code is entered again, they are reinstated.
Although 24-hour zones are most commonly isolated, any zone can be assigned to a shunt group.
Any zone selected must have the Shuntable attribute set in Engineer option 1-1.
Entering a shunt code to reinstate zones may start the exit timer, depending on whether Unshunt, No Exit or Unshunt & Exit is selected (Engineer option 1-9-1).
User 2 Menu 3 Edit Shunts
1. Press [ to select this option.
Edit Shunt Grps Group 01
2. Select the shunt group by using | or ¬, or by entering the group number (01 to
10), then press [.
Group 01 Zone >1 Zone ----
3. The first zone assigned to the group is displayed. This is indicated by ">1" in the top-right corner. The bottom line indicates the zone number, or "----" if a zone number has not yet been specified. (See page 49 for details of zone numbering.)
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