M750 and M800 Installation Instructions 3333
Fitting and Wiring Procedure .....................................7
General Wiring Considerations ..................................7
Cable Type...........................................................7
Cable Segregation...............................................7
Cables Routed inside the Control Panel ...............7
Initial Power-Up Procedure and Checks ....................7
Zone Wiring ...............................................................8
Anti-Masking Zone Connections ...........................8
Network Connections ................................................9
Network 1 Connections ........................................9
Network 2 Connections ........................................9
Telephone Connections............................................9
Approved Usage ................................................10
Digital Communicator Outputs ...............................10
Transistor Outputs.....................................................10
Relay Output ...........................................................11
External Bell/Sounder Connections ..........................11
Auxiliary Tamper Input .............................................11
Line Fault Input........................................................11
Communicator Line Fault...................................12
Remote Reset Input ................................................12
Extension Loudspeaker Connections.......................12
AC Input Connector................................................12
Battery Connector...................................................12
12Vdc Auxiliary Power Terminals ..............................12
Back Tamper Connector.........................................12
Factory Restart Connector ......................................13
Serial Printer Connector ...........................................13
Output Module Connector......................................13
Engineer Keypad Connector ..................................13
Serial Connection to PC ..........................................14
Power Availability.....................................................14
Connecting to the Mains Supply .............................14
Electromagnetic Compatibility ...............................15
Technical Specifications .........................................15
The layout of the control panel and the main features
of the printed-circuit board (PCB) are shown in Figure
1 and Figure 2 respectively.
The panel includes a wealth of features, including:
• Eight on-board zones.
• Two networks ports for the connection of keypads,
LEC2s, XNodes, MNodes and ID Node (see Figure
3). The additional network devices enable the
system to be expanded up to 40 zones.
• USB connector for local connection of a PC
running the Downloader configuration and
monitoring software.
• An on-board modem connected to PSTN and
RJ11 ports to enable remote connection to a
remote alarm receiving centre or to a PC running
the Downloader software (M800 only).
• Switched-positive, switched-negative and
voltage-free programmable outputs.
• 16-channel digital communicator outputs for
connection to an alarm receiving centre or to
provide additional programmable outputs.
• Engineer keypad port.
• CPA6 output port to provide additional
programmable outputs.
• Serial printer port.
This leaflet describes how to install the control panel.
If you need a general overview of its features, please
refer to the Engineering Manual. If you require details
of how to install keypads or other ancillary devices,
please refer to their separate installation instructions.
Note: Before connecting any external devices to
Note: Before connecting any external devices toNote: Before connecting any external devices to
Note: Before connecting any external devices to
the control panel, make sure that it is able to
the control panel, make sure that it is able tothe control panel, make sure that it is able to
the control panel, make sure that it is able to
provide sufficient current to power such devices, as
provide sufficient current to power such devices, asprovide sufficient current to power such devices, as
provide sufficient current to power such devices, as
described on page
described on page described on page
described on page 14