Cooper Security 95EN, 65EN, 85EN Manager Manual

Preface .............................................................................................. 3
Introduction .................................................................................................. 3
Accessing the User Menu ............................................................................ 4
Options in the User Menu ................................................................ 5
Option 1: Omitting Zones........................................................................... 5
Option 2: Shunting 24hr Zones.................................................................. 6
Option 3: Setting System Options.............................................................. 7
Option 4: Testing the System .................................................................. 13
Option 5: Using the Engineer Tools......................................................... 17
Option 6: Setting the Time and Date ....................................................... 19
Option 7: Customising Text ..................................................................... 20
Option 8: Setting Up Users...................................................................... 22
Option 9: Using the Log........................................................................... 31
Text Keys ........................................................................................ 35
Zone Numbering............................................................................. 36
Telecommands and PA Transmitters............................................ 37
Telecommand Numbering.......................................................................... 37
Telecommand Buttons ............................................................................... 37
PA Buttons ................................................................................................. 38
Log Events ...................................................................................... 39
System Records ............................................................................. 44
General System Details ............................................................................. 44
User Details ...............................................................................................46
Zone Details............................................................................................... 47
Telecommand Details ................................................................................ 48
Service Record ..........................................................................................49
Installer Information ...................................................................................50
Quick Reference ............................................................................. 51
© Cooper Security Limited 2007
Every effort has been made to ensure that the contents of this book are correct. However, neither the authors nor Cooper Security Limited accept any liability for loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this book. The contents of this book are subject to change without notice.
Cooper Security Limited make every possible effort to update manuals and guides regularly to reflect changes in the product. If this document does not reflect the function of the product please let us know. You may be able to download a more recent version of the document from our website:
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Printed and published in the UK
Part No: 11773727
About your Alarm System
Your intruder alarm comprises several components, such as keypads and sensors, linked to a control unit, which is concealed from view but accessible for maintenance. There are three versions of the control unit: the 95EN, 85EN and the 65EN. The 95EN can have up to eight partitions, while the 85EN and 65EN can have up to four partitions. Ask you’re alarm company which one you have.
About this Manual
This manual describes the functions available from the user menu. The manual is intended for those people responsible for carrying out tasks such as adding new user codes, viewing the log and omitting zones from the setting procedure. Note that some of the procedures described on pages 30 to 34 are slightly different for the three control units.
Other Manuals
Please refer to the User's Guide for details of how to set, unset and reset your alarm system.
The Engineering Manual (available only to installation engineers) describes how to set up the system.
Making Changes
To ensure problem-free operation, discuss the system with your alarm company before making significant changes. It is good practice to maintain a paper record of how the system is set up, using the record sheets at the back of this manual.
Accessing the User Menu
To access the user menu:
BANNER TEXT 17:30 Sun 01 JAN
1. Enter your user code or present your proximity tag.
Set Partition?
Ptns > ***.....
2. Press .
User Menu 1: Omit Zones
The first option, Omit Zones, is displayed.
Access to options depends on user type (page 23).
Selecting Options
You can select options in two ways:
1. Press | and ¬ until the required option is displayed, then [.
2. Press a numeric "hot" key (0 to 9), e.g. press 1 to display Omit Zones, then
to select the option.
Exiting from the User Menus
To return the system to its normal operating state, press ] to step back through the
menus until the time and date are displayed.
Four / Six digit User Codes
Normally the system accepts user codes that are four digits long. For added security the installer may have programmed the system accept six digit user codes
When first installed the default user code for the system manager is 1234 (123400 if using six digit codes). Please remember to change this user code to something more secure as soon as possible.
Option 47 in Engineer menu.
Options in the User Menu
Option 1: Omitting Zones
Sometimes you may need to omit zones
when you set your system, e.g. if a zone is to remain occupied while the rest of the system is set. This option enables you to select which zones to omit.
When the system is unset, any selections made here are cleared. This prevents zones from being omitted inadvertently.
You can omit only zones that have been set up as omittable (Engineer option 11).
User Menu 1:Omit Zones
1. Press [ to select Omit Zones.
0001 is Armed
2. Select the zone to omit by using | or ¬, or by entering the four-digit zone number. Refer to page 36 for details of zone numbering.
0002 is Armed
3. Press r to change the omit status of the zone ("Omitted" indicates that the zone will be omitted).
4. Press [ to view the next zone, or ] to
: Shunting 24hr Zones
This option enables you to shunt (disable) all
24 Hour zones in selected partitions that have been set up as shuntable in Engineer option 11. Shunting disables a zone and the shuntable attribute identifies whether this is permissible.
Zones remain shunted until you use the Reinstate 24hr option (see below).
Reinstating zones may start the exit timer, depending on whether Unshunt, No Exit or Unshunt & Exit is selected (Engineer option 45).
User Menu 2:Shunt 24hr Zns
1. Press [ to select
Shunt 24hr Zns
1=Shunt 24Hr 2=Reinstate 24hr
2. Press 1 to shunt zones or 2 to
reinstate zones that have been previously shunted.
Shunt partitions
Ptns > 1*......
3. Use the numeric keys to select the partitions to shunt/reinstate, then press
[. Any partition numbers shown will be
shunted/reinstated. (A “*” indicates that the partition will not be shunted/reinstated, and “.” indicates that you have no access to the partition.)
: Setting System Options
Option 3-1: Enabling Chimes
This option enables you to select which of your partitions (if any) use the chime feature. In a partition with this feature enabled, zones that have a Chime Tone attribute (Engineer option 11) and are in a selected partition will generate a chime tone when activated. The partitions then remain chime-enabled until you deselect them with this option.
A zone may generate a single, double or triple chime, depending on the Chime Tone attribute selected in Engineer option 11.
The chime occurs only at keypads and extension loudspeakers assigned to the same partition(s) as the zone.
When a chime occurs, keypads display the zone number if configured by the Chime Visible setting in Engineer option 45-08.
User Menu 3:System Options
1. Press [ to select System Options.
System Options 1 Enable Chime
2. Press [ to select
Enable Chime
Chime On Prtns:
Ptns > 1*......
3. Use the numeric keys to select the partitions you want to have chime
enabled, then press [. Any partition numbers shown will be chime enabled. (A “*” indicates that the partition will not be chime enabled, and “.” indicates that you have no access to the partition.)
Option 3-2: Setting
the Speaker Volume
This option enables you to adjust the volume level of the extension loudspeaker connected to the control unit.
User Menu 3:System Options
1. Press [ to select this option.
System Options 2 Adjust Volume
2. Use | or ¬, or press 2 to select
Adjust Volume
, then press [.
Adjust Volume >>>>>>> (MAX)
3. Press | and ¬, or enter a value (0 to
7), to adjust the volume, from ‘Off’ up to maximum.
4. Press [ to accept the displayed value or ] to exit without change.
Option 3-3: Setting
Up Time Switches
This option enables you to define up to three time switches, which can be used to switch outputs of the alarm system on or off at selected times. The outputs may, for example, control internal or external lighting or other electrical equipment.
You can define each time switch to have up to three pairs of switch on/off times. You can also choose the days of the week that each of these operate.
The outputs controlled by the time switches are specified in Engineer option 30.
User Menu 3:System Options
1. Press [ to select System Options.
System Options 3 Time Switches
2. Use | or ¬, or press 3 to select
, then press [.
Time Switch 1
3. Use | or ¬, or press a hot key (e.g. 4)
to select the time switch to edit, then press [.
Time Switch 1 On (1) 00:00
4. Use | or ¬, or press a hot key (1 to
9) to select the on/off time or days of
operation to edit, then press [.
Each time switch has three pairs of
switch on/off times. For each of these, you will notice that there is an option to specify the on time, one to specify the off time and another to specify the days of operation.
You can manually override a time
switch by pressing 0, then pressing r
to toggle its current status.
Time Switch 1 On (1) >00:00
5. You will see a screen similar to the one shown opposite if you have chosen to edit an on/off time. The number in brackets indicates whether it is in the first, second or third pair of on/off times.
Enter the time in 24-hour format, (e.g.
for 9:00pm), then press [.
Continue from step 4 or press ] to exit.
1 Operates On :-
> ..............
6. You will see a screen similar to the one shown opposite if you have chosen to edit the days of operation. The number in the top-left corner indicates whether it is associated with the first, second or third pair of on/off times.
Press 1 to 7 to toggle days on/off,
then press [. Continue from step 4 or press ] to exit.
Option 3-4: Setting
Up Auto-Set Timers
Use this option to make the control unit set or unset selected partitions at specified times. The control unit has three auto-set timers. You can allocate each timer to one or more partitions, which the control unit sets and unsets at the times you chose.
For each auto-set timer you can specify up to three events. Each event comprises a switch on (set) time, an off (unset) time, and a day of the week.
When a timer reaches the “on” time for an event the control unit operates the keypad sounders for one minute and then sets the allocated partition(s). Note that the control unit will not set any partition where there is an active detector.
During the one minute warning a user can defer setting for a short period by entering their user code
When a timer reaches an “off” time, the control unit unsets the allocated partition(s).
User Menu 3:System Options
1. Press [ to select this option.
Engineer menu 44 option 16 specifies the length of the defer time.
System Options 4 Auto Sets
2. Use | or ¬, or press 4 to select Auto Sets, then press [.
Auto Set 1
3. Use | or ¬, or press a hot key (1 to
3) to select the auto-set timer to edit,
then press [. (The display shows the timer number at the top right.)
Auto Set 1 On (1) 00:00
Each auto-set timer has three events.
The display shows the event number in brackets on the bottom left. For each event, you can specify the on (set) time, the off (unset) time and the days of operation.
4. To select the on/off time or days of operation to edit,
Use | or ¬ then press [.
Press a hot key (1 to 9) then press
The table below shows the hot keys for
each item:
Event 1 2 3 ON
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
Auto Set 1 On (1) >00:00
5. When editing times, enter the time in 24­hour format, (e.g.
9:00pm), then press [.
1 Operates On :-
> ..............
When editing the days press 1 to 7 to
toggle days on/off, then press [.
On the days screen the event number is
in the top-left corner. (Note that day 1=Sunday.)
6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for each event you wish to program.
Auto Set 1 Ptns > **
7. To allocate partitions to the auto-set timer press r.
Use the numeric keys to select the partitions then press [. The control unit
allocates any partition numbers shown on the bottom line to the auto-set timer shown on the top line. (A “*” indicates that the partition will not be allocated, and “.” Indicates that you have no access to the partition.)
8. Repeat steps 3 to 7 for all the auto-set timers you wish to edit, or press ] to
You can stop or restart an auto-set timer at any time, whether the timer has set the system or not.
a) Enter User Menu 3-4. b) Select the auto-set timer you wish to stop.
c) Press 0, then r to toggle the timer’s current status. If the timer has set a partition, then when you toggle the timer off, the control unit will unset that partition.
Option 4: Testing the System
Option 4-1:
Performing a Walk Test
This option enables you to check that zones are operating correctly. You can test only those partitions that you have access to.
Each zone tested is added (once) to the event log, which you can review using User option 9-1 (page 31).
User Menu 4:Test Options
1. Press [ to select this option.
Test Options 1 Walk Test
2. Press [ to select
Walk Test
Walk Test
Ptns > 1*......
3. Use the numeric keys to select the partitions to test, then press [. Any
partition numbers shown will be tested. (A “*” indicates that the partition will not be tested, and “.” indicates that you have no access to the partition.
Esc To Stop Test & View Zones
4. Walk through your partitions and operate all detection devices.
0003 Active
As you activate each zone, the internal
sounders will emit a chime tone and the display will identify the activated zone.
5. When you have finished the test, press
Panel Zone 1 0001 Healthy
6. The status of the lowest zone number tested is displayed. Press [ to view the
next lowest zone tested.
7. Press ] to exit.
Option 4-2: Testing
the Bell
This option enables you to test the internal sounder, strobe and external sounder.
User Menu 4:Test Options
1. Press [ to select this option.
Test Options 2 Bell Test
2. Use | or ¬, or press 2 to select Bell Test, then press [.
Bell Test
Ptns > 12......
3. Use the numeric keys to select the partitions to test, then press [. Any
partition numbers shown will be tested. (A “*” indicates that the partition will not be tested, and “.” indicates that you have no access to the partition.)
Bell Test 1 Bell Only
4. The external sounder should activate.
Press [ to carry out the next test.
Bell Test 2 Bell & Strobe ON
5. The external sounder and strobe should
be active. Press [ to carry out the next
Bell Test 3 Strobe Only
6. Only the strobe should be active. Press
to carry out the next test.
Bell Test 4 Alarm Sounder On
7. The internal sounder should activate. Press [ to carry out the next test.
Bell Test 0 Bell/Strobe OFF
8. The sounders and strobe should switch off. Press [ to repeat the tests, or ] to
Option 4-3:
Telecommand Batteries
This option enables you to check if any telecommands have reported a low battery.
User Menu 4:Test Options
1. Press [ to select this option.
Test Options 3 Telecmd Batts
2. Use | or ¬, or press 3 to select
Telecommand Batts
, then press [.
No batteries low
The display shows that all telecommands are OK.
2:01:01 Batt Low Martha’s
The display shows the number of any telecommands that have reported a low battery. If you have programmed a text name for the telecommand, the display shows that text on the bottom line.
3. Press [ to repeat the tests, or ] to exit.
Option 4-4:
Telecommand Test
This option enables you to test a telecommand, or identify an unknown telecommand.
User Menu 4:Test Options
1. Press [ to select this option.
Test Options 4 Telecmd Test
2. Use | or ¬, or press 4 to select
Telecmd Test
, then press [.
2:01:1 RNode Martha’s
3. Either: Use | or ¬ to select the telecommand you want to test, and press [.
OR: Press any button on the telecommand
you are testing and press [.
2:01:3 RNode 9(5) Bat-H
The top line of the display shows the
number of the telecommand you are testing. The bottom line of the display shows (from left to right): Current signal strength. Previous lowest signal strength in brackets. ”Bat-” (for Battery) followed by H for healthy or L for low.
4. Either: Press ] to exit, leaving the record of
lowest signal strength as it is. OR:
Press [ to exit, resetting the record of lowest signal strength to the current signal strength, ready to record a new value.
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