Cooper-Atkins TTM41 User Manual

Accurate for Life
The same innovative technology we developed for our popular thermocouple instruments
- used by some of the most sophisticated chains in the world - is now available in selected digital thermometers. With settings stored in a non-volatile memory chip, eld calibration has become a thing of the past. No “eld” adjusting of calibration settings required. And no risk of introducing error into the instrument. We are so committed to ensuring the accuracy of our products that we guarantee it.
• Waterproof
• Anti-microbial Additive
• Accurate for Life
DPP400W Pen Style Digital Pocket Test
• -40° to 392°F / -40° to 200°C
• 2.75” / 7cm Stainless Steel Stem with a reduced tip for <6 second response time
• Max / Min / Hold modes
DFP450W Digital Pocket Test with Temperature Alarm
• -40° to 450°F / -40° to 232°C
• 5” / 12.7cm Stainless Steel Stem with a reduced tip for <6 second response time
• Max / Min / Hold modes
TTM59 Pocket Test Plus™
• -4° to 350°F / -20° to 177°C
• Clock and calendar
• 3 preset timer alarms, for 5, 15 and 30 minutes
• 4.68” / 11.9cm Stainless Steel Stemwith a reduced tip for <6 second response time
• Max / Min Memory modes
TTM41 Coolit-Rite™ Cooling Validator
• -4° to 302°F / -20° to 150°C
• Timer Range: 6 Hours : 59 Minutes
• 15” / 38.1cm Stainless Steel Stem with adjustable vessel clip
• Max / Min / Hold modes
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Eliminate Error - Remove Risk
Cooper-Atkins Corporation • 800-835-5011 • 860-347-2256 •
Setting the record straight
on field-calibration of
digital pocket test thermometers
Temperature measurement using modern thermistors is one of the most accurate, reliable, and inexpensive methods currently available. These ch ara cte ris tic s, whe n m arried wit h t oda y’s po wer ful ye t low-c ost mi cro con tro lle rs, pr odu ce a new g eneration of di git al pocket t est th e r m o meters t h at fa r e xceed t h e capa b i l i ties o f their l i quid o r bi-metal ancestors.
A thermis tor is a resis to r that is made to hav e a high tempera ture coefcient, which means that the resistance of the thermistor changes as the temperature of the thermistor changes. By producing it to an exact for mula, the thermistor’s behavior can be accurately predicted an d represented in a resistance versus temperature table (R/T) which lists the known resistance value of the thermistor at a given temperature.
The repeatability or drift of the thermistor’s behavior over time varies from one thermistor manufacturer to another, but is typically in the order of < 0.05°F per year. In fact, thermistors become more stable over time, so most of the drift occurs within the rst six months of use.
In a digital thermometer, the microcontroller is programmed with the thermistor’s R/T characteristics in a look-up table. The resistance of the thermistor is measured using precision timing circuitry, and is then “looked-up” in the table to determine the measured temperature. Any difference between the measured temperature and actual temperature, kno wn as cal ibration offset, is programmed int o the mic rocontrolle r memory during the manufacturing process.
Per iodic checking of the thermometer accuracy is r ecommended as standard practice to satisfy certain governmental regulations and for HACCP programs. Over its lifetime, the digital thermometer may exhibit some minor accuracy shift, due in part to environmental variations, and in part to normal aging of the components used. However, any such shift will be far smaller than the tolerance allowed on the accuracy specication, and as such, it will not be necessary to make adjustments to calibration once the thermometer is in service.
Thoughts on eld calibratable thermometers...
“Field calibration” is a feature found in a number of digital thermometers marketed today. This feature allows the user to reset or adjust out the expected error / drift the thermometer may have over time. While this may sound like a useful feature it could actually introduce more error at critical test temperatures!
Here’s why…
Digital thermometers calibrated in the eld by the user are done so using a single test point, usually 32°F (0°C). This temperature is used because an ice bath is usually the easiest, if not the only, way to obtain a known, stable temperature in the eld without investing in laboratory calibration equipm ent. When a dj ustment is perform ed on a “field calibra ta ble” thermometer, the resistance versus temperature table (R/T) is adjusted up or down automatically when the user resets their thermometer and removes any error at the 32°F calibration point. By design, this shift in the tab le or resistance / temperature curve is applied across the ent ire temperature / resistance curve and therefore is applied to all measured temperatures.
The rst potential for introducing error during eld calibration has to do with shifting the curve within the thermometer’s microprocessor and the fact that any “drift” a thermistor exhibits is not necessarily equal at all temperatures.
For example, a thermometer utilizing an inferior sensor may drift by +2°F at 32°F (reads 34°F in a 32°F bath) but may not have drifted at all at a higher tempera ture t est poin t. I t could read 13 8°F at a cr it ical t est temperature of 140°F for instance, while being off by +2°F at 32°F. During “eld calibration” this thermometer will be reset so that instead of reading 34° F, it will read 32°F in the ice bath. The user is satisfied that their th e rmom eter is n o w “dea d -on” a t 3 2°F. Un f ortu n atel y t his sa m e thermometer will now read 136°F at 140°F, a more critical temperature for food safety! Calibrating at a single point shifts the entire resistance versus temperature relationship by the same two degrees across all temperatures. The user would have no way of realizing this unless they were able to test at other critical temperatures.
A second potential for introducing error during “eld calibration” is from an improperly constructed ice bath. The improperly made ice bath (bath made with too much water and not enough ice) will contribute to error as the test temperature, assumed to be 32°F, is actually a few degrees warmer. In this case it is possible for a thermometer without any error (at any temperature) to be reset so that it reads 32°F when the actual test temperature is say 33°F or 34°F. This introduced error would also now affect all other measured temperatures.
Per iodic checking of the thermometer accuracy is r ecommended as standard practice to satisfy certain governmental regulations and for HACCP programs. Over its lifetime, a digital thermometer may exhibit an accuracy shift, due in part to environmental variations, normal aging and the quality of the components used. However, products designed with higher technology components will experience accuracy shifts far smaller than the tolerance allowed on the accuracy specication. As such, it will not be necessary to make “adjustments to calibration” once the thermometer is in service.
While accuracy checks using a properly constructed ice bath remain the recommended in eld method, users need to recognize the limitations of single temperature point calibration. Instrument accuracy, stability and guarantees over time can only be achieved through superior design and use of high quality and robust components and sensors.
U.S. Food and Drug Administration Center for Food Safety & Applied Nutrition Food Code Chapter 4 Equipment, Utensils and Linens
4-502.11 Good Repair and Calibration. (A) UTENSILS shall be maintained in a state of repair or condition that
complies with the requirements specied under Parts 4-1 and 4-2 or shall be discarded.
(B) FOOD TEMPERATURE MEASURING DEVICES shall be calibrated in accordance with manufacturer’s specications as necessary to ensure their accuracy.
(C) Ambient air temperature, water pressure, and water TEMPERATURE MEASURING DEVICES shall be maintained in good repair and be
accurate within the intended range of use.
Committed to Innovation for Over 120 Years...
Cooper-Atkins Corporation • 800-835-5011 • 860-347-2256 •