Cooper TechZone Ceiling Systems User Manual

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TECHZONE™ Ceiling System
R e ce ss e d D o w n l i g h t F i x t u r e s
Ar m s t ro n g® Te c h Z on e™ Co m p a ti b le
Mini Accurus
Mini Accurus smal l aperture re cessed MR16 down lig hts boast a small 3. 9 s quare tri m and a 1.7 square a per ture.
Thre e models are o ffered: F ixe d downlight, Wall Wash with integra l aluminum ki cker reflect or, and an ad justable acc ent trim w ith 30 degree tilt X 90 degr ee rotation. All models in clude a ho usi ng and elec tro nic trans for mer with a cylindrical met al encl osu re and sep ara te wiring compartment . The e nclosure is c onnected to t he housin g via 18 o f flexible co nduit.
The s mall size of the Mini Ac curus fix tur es ensure a cle an, unobtrus ive presence in the cei lin g while main tai ning a hig h level of dow nlighting pe rformance.
Acoustical Tee Mounting Brackets
1.70˝ 3.90˝
Ite m No . Des cript ion Lam p
TZ5 101 3.9 Sq uare Fixe d Downl ight Trim wit h 1.7 12V MR1 6
Squ are Openi ng – I nclud es H ousin g wi th 5 0W Max Int egral Ele ctron ic T ransf ormer and J-b ox – Tri m fa ce h as Arms trong Whi te fini sh w ith fla t bl ack int ernal fin ish
Flexible Conduit
Integral Electronic Low Voltage Transformer with Thermal Protection and Wiring Compartment in Cylindrical Enclosure
RSA Lighting
7945 Orion Avenue Van Nuys, CA 91406 818-349-3030
Mini Accurus - Item Number TZ5101
Acoustical Tee Mounting Brackets
Ite m No . Des cript ion Lam p
TZ5 102 3.9 Sq uare Wall W asher Tri m with 1.7 S quare 12V MR1 6
Ite m No . Des cript ion Lam p
TZ5 103 3.9 Sq uare Adju stabl e Ac cent Trim with 1.7 12V MR1 6
1.70˝ 3.90˝
Ope ning – I ncl udes I nte rnal A lum inum K ick er 50W Max Ref lecto r Ho using wit h In teg ral Elect ronic Tra nsfor mer and J-box – T rim face has Arms tro ng Whi te f inish wit h flat blac k inter nal finis h
Acoustical Tee Mounting Brackets
1.70˝ 3.90˝
Squ are Openi ng – I nclud es H ousin g wi th Inte gral 5 0W Max Ele ctron ic T ransf orme r and J-b ox – A rmstr ong Whi te f inish wit h flat blac k inter nal finis h
Flexible Conduit
Flexible Conduit
Integral Electronic Low Voltage Transformer with Thermal Protection and Wiring Compartment in Cylindrical Enclosure
30° Tilt x 90° Rotational Adjustment
Integral Electronic Low Voltage Transformer with Thermal Protection and Wiring Compartment in Cylindrical Enclosure
TECHZONE™ Ceiling System
R e c e s s e d D o w n l ig ht Fi xt ur es
Lynx small aperture recessed MR16 downlights boast a small
3.5 round trim and a 1.7 to 2.3 round aperture (depending on model).
Four models are offered: Fixed downlight with internal black baffle, adjustable gimbal trim with 30 degree tilt, smooth splayed regress trim, and smooth splayed regress trim with 45 degree cut-off. All models include a housing and electronic transformer with a cylindrical metal enclosure and separate wiring compartment. The enclosure is connected to the housing via 18 of flexible conduit.
The small size of the Lynx fixtures ensure a clean, unobtrusive presence in the ceiling while maintaining a high level of down­lighting performance.
Flat Black
3.50˝ dia.
Flexible Conduit
Acoustical Tee Mounting Brackets
Integral Electronic Low Voltage Transformer with Thermal Protection and Wiring Compartment in Cylindrical Enclosure
Lynx - Item Num ber TZ3002
3.50˝ dia.
Acoustical Tee Mounting Brackets
30° Tilt
Flexible Conduit
Integral Electronic Low Voltage Transformer with Thermal Protection and Wiring Compartment in Cylindrical Enclosure
1.70˝ dia.
It em N o. Des cript ion Lam p
TZ 3001 3.5 Ro und Fix ed D ownli ght Trim with 12V MR1 6 Int ernal Bla ck B affle – I ncludes Hou sing with 37W Max Int egral Ele ctron ic T ransf ormer and J-b ox – Tri m fa ce h as Arms trong Whi te fini sh w ith fla t bl ack int ernal fin ish
Flexible Conduit
Smooth Splayed
It em N o. Des cript ion Lam p
TZ 3003 3.5 Ro und Smo oth Splay ed R egres s Tr im – 12 V MR1 6 Inc ludes Hou sing with Int egr al E lectr onic 37W Max Tra nsfor mer and J-box – T rim face has Arm stron g Wh ite finis h
3.50˝ dia.
Acoustical Tee Mounting Brackets
2.30˝ dia.
Integral Electronic Low Voltage Transformer with Thermal Protection and Wiring Compartment in Cylindrical Enclosure
2.10˝ dia.
It em N o. Des cript ion Lam p
TZ 3002 3.5 Ro und Adj ustab le G imbal Tri m – 12V MR1 6 Inc ludes Hou sing with Int egr al E lectr onic 37W Max Tra nsfor mer and J-box – T rim face has Arm stron g Wh ite finis h
Flexible Conduit
Smooth Splayed
Regress with
45° Cut-Off
It em N o. Des cript ion Lam p
TZ 3004 3.5 Ro und Smo oth Splay ed R egres s Tr im 12V MR1 6/ wit h 45 deg ree cut -off – In cludes Hous ing wit h MR16 I RC Int egral Ele ctron ic T ransf ormer and J-b ox – 37W Max Tri m fa ce h as Arms trong Whi te fini sh
3.50˝ dia.
Acoustical Tee Mounting Brackets
2.30˝ dia.
Integral Electronic Low Voltage Transformer with Thermal Protection and Wiring Compartment in Cylindrical Enclosure
RSA Lighting
7945 Orio n A venue Van Nuys, CA 91 406 818-34 9-3030 operlig hting.c om/comm on/tech zone/