Coolpad QuattroTM II 4G
Table of Contents
YOUR PHONE ........................................................................................................... 1
FUNCTIONS OF KEYS ................................................................................................ 2
1. GETTING YOU STARTED ........................................................................................ 3
Charge the battery ....................................................................................................... 3
Power phone on & off ................................................................................................... 4
Touch screen & typing directions .................................................................................. 4
Other touch tips ............................................................................................................ 4
2. MORE BASICS ....................................................................................................... 6
How your phone looks .................................................................................................. 6
Screen-lock security options ......................................................................................... 6
Modifying phone sounds .............................................................................................. 7

Coolpad QuattroTM II 4G
Changing other settings ................................................................................................ 7
Screenshots ................................................................................................................... 7
3. PHONE APPS MADE SIMPLE .................................................................................. 9
Make a call .................................................................................................................... 9
Answer & redirect calls ................................................................................................. 9
Explore the call log ...................................................................................................... 10
Check your voicemail .................................................................................................. 11
4. TEXTING & KEYBOARD USE ................................................................................. 12
Entering & editing text ................................................................................................ 12
Next-word suggestions ............................................................................................... 12
Customize your Home screen ...................................................................................... 14
Contact Book ............................................................................................................... 14

Coolpad QuattroTM II 4G
Setting up & using Gmail ............................................................................................ 15
Control your calendar ................................................................................................. 17
Operate the alarm ...................................................................................................... 18
Managing your downloads ......................................................................................... 18
6. PHONE SET-UP AND PHONE MANAGEMENT ...................................................... 20
Privacy settings & accounts ........................................................................................ 20
Manage location history ............................................................................................. 21
Managing sound, screen & sleep settings .................................................................. 21
Notifications ............................................................................................................... 22
Airplane mode ............................................................................................................ 22
7. WIRELESS NETWORK SETTINGS .......................................................................... 23
Turning on Wi-Fi ......................................................................................................... 23
Modify network settings ............................................................................................. 24

Coolpad QuattroTM II 4G
Add on a Wi-Fi network .............................................................................................. 24
Set Wi-Fi advanced options ......................................................................................... 25
8. CONNECT TO BLUETOOTH .................................................................................. 26
Power Bluetooth on/off .............................................................................................. 26
Changing your phone’s Bluetooth name ..................................................................... 26
“Pair” your phone with a Bluetooth device ................................................................. 27
Connecting to a Bluetooth device ............................................................................... 28
“Un-pair” or align a Bluetooth device ......................................................................... 28
Monitoring your phone’s data usage .......................................................................... 29
9. CREATING & SHARING VIDEOS, PICTURES ........................................................... 30
Creating a video .......................................................................................................... 30
Taking a photo ............................................................................................................ 30
Sharing a video or photo ............................................................................................. 31

Coolpad QuattroTM II 4G
10. DATA USAGE SETTINGS .................................................................................... 32
Manage your data usage settings .............................................................................. 32
Setting a data usage limit warning ............................................................................ 33
Setting your data usage limits .................................................................................... 33
11. GOOGLE PLAY STORE ........................................................................................ 34
Accessing Play Store ................................................................................................... 34
Google Play Settings ................................................................................................... 35
12. USB FILE TRANSFERS ........................................................................................ 36
Windows transfer ....................................................................................................... 36
Mac OS transfer .......................................................................................................... 37
13. OPTIMIZE YOUR PHONE’S BATTERY LIFE ........................................................... 38
Battery settings .......................................................................................................... 38
14. COOLPAD QUATTRO II 4G SPECS & HARDWARE ............................................... 40

Coolpad QuattroTM II 4G
Functions of Keys
Keys Functions
Menu Key Tap the option interface to enable the Menu pop-up.
Home Key Application interface returns to the Desktop.
Back Key Return to the previous interface.
Volume Key Adjust the volume of calls, ringtone, music and videos.
Lock Key
Tap to turn off the background light. Tap to re-activate the
phone. Press and hold to turn on or off the Power.
Note: Touch Screen Menu, Home and Back are tap keys .

1. Getting you started
Get off to a running start with your new Coolpad Quattro 4G II
Charging the battery
1. First, connect one end of the data cable to the
charger port. This is located at the bottom of
your phone.
2. Connect the other end to the travel adapter.
3. Connect the travel adapter to an electrical
outlet & fully charge your phone.
Use the travel adapter that accompanies your phone; using other adapters may damage

Charging your phone through a USB cable that is attached to a laptop takes more time
than charging it with the travel adapter.
Power phone on & off
The Power key is located on the upper,
right-hand side of your phone. Press and hold
the Power key for a few seconds to turn on
your phone.
To turn off your phone, press and hold the
Power key to enable the Menu pop-up, and
then select Power Off.
Touch screen & typing directions
1. Tap selected icon or other items in order to select or activate them.
2. For typing a message, select Message icon
at bottom of your phone and the keypad will

Coolpad QuattroTM II 4G
3. For Swype-typing, which can be an easier method of typing by swiping, select Yes at prompt
asking whether you’d like to use Swype Technology.
4. Otherwise, type as normal for messaging, and also for Google searches.
Other touch tips
Touch & continuously hold an object on your phone screen without lifting your finger, you
can then reorganize your apps layout or drag apps to the home screen .
To drag something, touch & hold an object without lifting your finger, then move your
finger on the screen until you reach the object.
Slide or swipe by quickly gliding your finger across the surface of the screen without
pausing. Lift your finger before spelling a new word or name.
To zoom in/enlarge, double-tap by tapping two times on a screen object (such as Google
Maps). Tap again two times to zoom out.
Some apps allow you to zoom in & out by placingtwo fingers on the screen, pinching
them towards each other or spreading them apart to zoom in or out, respectively.

Coolpad QuattroTM II 4G
2. More basics
How your phone looks
1. Back Key: Return to your prior screen.
2. Home Key: Opens home.
3. Menu Key: Pull up setting menus.
4. Close or open recent apps: holding down the home key opens a list of your recent apps. Tap
an app to open it or remove an app from the list by swiping left or right.

Coolpad QuattroTM II 4G
Screen-lock security options
1. To lock your phone, press the Power key (on the phone’s right side) briefly, and let go.
2. To unlock, press Power key on, let go & slide the Padlock icon to the right.

Coolpad QuattroTM II 4G
Modifying phone sounds
Go to Settings > Device > Sound to modify your phone’s notification sounds.
Adjust Volume by pressing buttons on the side of your phone.
Changing other settings
To modify your phone’s Brightness or Font size, go to Settings > Device > Display
To Customize wallpaper
Go to Settings > Device > Display > Wallpaper
1. To take a screenshot, focus on the image so it displays on your phone screen.
2. Press the Power key & Volume Down keys at the same time.
3. The image will be auto-saved in your phone’s Gallery.

3. Phone apps made simple
Making a call
Tap the Phone icon on your Home or All Apps screen to make a call.
Calls can also be made from the Phone app or any other widgets or apps
that contain your contact information
, by simply tapping the phone number
Once you are in the Phone app, there are three tabs at the top. Tap any one of them for
making calls.
The Call log icon
displays your recent calls. Tap a number to return the call.
displays frequently called numbers along with your cont
Touch the red Phone icon at the bottom of your phone to hang up.
Answering & redirecting calls
1. The Incoming Call screen
pops up when a call is coming in, along with the caller ID & other