The N VR Gate way is a new intellige nt s ecu rity equipm ent with th e fu nction of
NVR and Alarm sys tem . The ala rm system includes NVR Gat eway, alarm sensor,
ala rm cont roller and alarm receiver. The dev ices se nd informa tion to each other via
spe cific radi o frequenc y. Diffe rent count ries or regio ns hav e diffe rent frequ enc y.
NVR Gateway is t he "br ain" o f the whole system. The NVR Gat ewa y rece ives a nd
pro cess the sign als from alar m sensor s and issues i nstruct ions to the al arm c ont roller
to co ntrol all l ink ed sensor s. The N VR Ga teway als o hav e the funct ion of NVR, it can
dis play l ive video and rec ord the video from the cameras . Wi th com binatio n of the
two func tions (Gateway and NVR), the syste m prov ide both function of alarm and
sur veillan ce simult aneousl y.
Product functions
Ther e are two functio ns for th e NVR Gateway; one is alarm fun ction, th e other i s
vide o recording.
Alarm function
The NVR Gatewa y wor ks as the “brain” of the whole alarm system. It connec ts wi th
the alarm sensor s, alarm controllers and alarm receivers vi a radio frequency. It takes
the responsibili ties of si gnal receivi ng, pro cessing and issuing in struction s.
Alar m sensors detect the alarm even t and send signals to NVR Gateway, gateway
cont rols the alarm rece ivers. ( Alarm sensor s include Door/Windows sensor, Smoke
sens or, PIR motion detection sensor)
Alar m contro llers can co ntrol th e alarm receive rs thro ugh the gatewa y. Alarm
cont roller inclu des SOS/Remote cont rol.
Alar m receivers is responsibl e for r eceiving the signal from the NVR Gateway, and
carr y out alarm outpu t functions. Alarm receivers inc lude Siren that put out alarm
soun d and Smar t Power Pl ug that tu rns off power.
NVR Function
The NVR Gateway is with NVR function.
There is a RJ-45 Ethernet port on the gateway, which is compatible with 10Mbps and
100Mbps Ethernet speed. It makes the data transmission between the cameras and
gateway smooth.
There is build-in RF antenna in the gateway, which can send and receive radio
frequency from the sensors.
With powerful integrated chip, the NVR Gateway supports 8 channel cameras video
signal input and one channel video playback. There is a SATA interface for external hard
disk (Max. 5T)
There is a HDMI interface on the NVR Gateway which can connect with monitor or TV.
The maximum resolution of the video display is 1920×1080. With HDMI port, the video
from the cameras can be displayed on the HD monitor.
The NVR Gateway has a USB 2.0 interface for mouse and keyboard, which is used for
setting menu screen which include storage devices set up and copying files.
Restore to Factory Default Settings
There is a Reset button on the NVR Gateway, it can restore all the data to the default factory
setting. Please use with caution.
When the NVR Gateway is being restored to factory settings, please make sure power source
is connected.
Technical Parameters
Loc al Previe w: Suppor t PTZ contr ol, multi-sp lit scree n
Video inpu t: 8 cha nne l
Video play back: 1 cha nnel
Man agement func tions: su pport adm ini stratio n and confi guration of cameras, di sks,
and p an/tilt .
Mob ile phone m onitor: S upport iP hon e/iPad/ 3G phone/sma rt phone
Wire less rang e: 50m
Rad io freque ncy : 868. 4MH Z EU,908.4U SA; 921.4 MHZ ANZ; 869 .2MHZ RU
Har d disk inte rface: SATA×1,5T Max
USB p ort: USB 2.0×1
Pro duct size : 140(L) x 13 0(W) x 29mm (H)
Net w eight: 18 2g/pc
Pow er supply : DC 5V/2.0 A
Pow er Consum pti on: 5 Watts (Max )
Work te mperatu re: 0°C~40°C (32 °F~104°F)
Work hu midity: 2 0% ~ 85% no cond ensing
Sto rage temp era ture: -10 °C ~ 60° C (14° F ~140°F)
Sto rage humi dit y: 0% ~ 90% no condensing
Cer tificate: CE , FCC, R oHS
: 192 0×1080,12 80× 720
: 128 0×720,6 40× 352
1.Product hardware
1.1 Pro duct co nfigu ra tion
NVR Gateway Power plug Smoke sensor Contact sensor
Product accessories
Power Adapter
Motion sensor (PIR)Remote control Siren alarm
1.2 Product connection
Please ref er to the photo as bellow when connecting de vice s
HDMI cable
Network cable
Please check the NVR Gateway if the indicators are in a normal state
Indicato r
Power indicator
Hard diskBlinking after instal lation
Internet cable port indi cator
RF indicator
Power Adapter
Network Cable
Power adapter
Normal sta te
Blinking, blinking
faster while pairing
Please check if you connect th e devices in a right way if the indicators show abnormal ly.
If you do not use the monitor, then don't need to connect the monitor and mou se, which
won't affect the NVR Gateway working.
1.3 Har d disk inst allat io n
1.Remove t he ba ck cove r
Ope n here
2.Instal l har d disk
3.Clo se th e cover
2. APP download
*Us ers can download directly from website. iOS device downlo ad “Coolcamk its “on
APP store, Android devic e downl oad “Co olcamkits ” on Googl e play sto re.
The icon is shown as bello w:
Coo lcam ki ts
3.Add NVR Gat eway
Click Cool cam k its ico nEnter Cool cam k its int erf ace----
3.1 Pro duct in forma ti on
Click Coolca m kits icon and Coolcam kits interface will appe ars. Click the icon on the
upper left corner, the interface will displ ay the basic information about the product
operation manuals an d produc t brochures.
3.2 The step to add NVR Gateway
Click Coolcam kits icon, Coolcam kits interface will appears, click add icon on the upper
right corner. On NVR Gateway interface, input the basic information about NVR Gateway
and click OK.
1.The default password of NVR Gateway is: admin
2.When adding NVR Gateway on the mobile phone, the smart phone must in the same network
with NVR Gateway, otherwise it is unable to find NVR Gateway.
3.When you add NVR Gateway ID, please confirm whether the NVR Gateway UID numbers
is the same, otherwise please re-add the UID number.
4.Smart phone app support adding multiple NVR Gateway.
3.3 NVR G ateway Mo de
Alarm host m ode “ Armin g” an d “di sarmi ng”
Arming: in arming condi tion , all devices conne cted to the NVR Ga tewa y can be li nked
through th e NVR Gat eway.
Disarming: in disarming con dition, al l devices con nect ed to the NVR Gate way ca n be
disconnected throu gh NVR Gateway
Note: SOS can be link ed with NVR Gateway in any cond itio n.
4.Add Sensors
4.1 Enter the interface of Add Sensors
Click NVR Gateway Click Device Click Add Sensors
4.2 Add Co ntact Sen sor
Scan QR Code t o add t he Cont act s ens or
Click Add Sen sor s Click QR cod e as be low to add sen sor