COOK Medical Zenith Flex Series Instructions For Use Manual

EN 23
CS 36
DA 50
DE 64
EL 78
ES 92
Zenith Flex® AAA Endovascular Graft with the H&L-B One-Shot™ Introduction System
Instructions for Use
Endovaskulární graft Zenith Flex® AAA se zaváděcím systémem H&L-B One-Shot™
Návod k použití
Zenith Flex® AAA endovaskulær protese med H&L-B One-Shot™ indføringssystem
Endovaskuläre AAA-Prothese Zenith Flex® mit H&L-B One-Shot™ Einführsystem
Οδηγίες χρήσης
Endoprótesis vascular para AAA Zenith Flex® con el sistema de introducción H&L-B One-Shot™
Instrucciones de uso
Endoprothèse vasculaire Zenith Flex® AAA à système d’introduction H&L-B One-Shot™
Mode d’emploi
Zenith Flex® AAA endovaszkuláris graft H&L-B One-Shot™ felvezetőrendszerrel
Használati utasítás
Endoprotesi addominale Zenith Flex® con sistema di introduzione H&L-B One-Shot™
Istruzioni per l’uso
Zenith Flex® AAA endovasculaire prothese met H&L-B One-Shot™ introductiesysteem
Zenith Flex® AAA endovaskulært implantat med H&L-B One-Shot™ innføringssystem
Stent-graft wewnątrznaczyniowy Zenith Flex® AAA z systemem wprowadzającym H&L-B One-Shot™
Instrukcja użycia
Prótese endovascular AAA Zenith Flex® com o sistema de introdução H&L-B One-Shot™
Instruções de utilização
Zenith Flex® AAA endovaskulära transplantat med H&L-B One-Shot™ införingssystem
1 DEVICE DESCRIPTION ................................................23
1.1 Aortic Main Body and Iliac Leg Components ........................23
1.2 Main Body Delivery System .........................................23
1.3 Iliac Leg Delivery System ...........................................23
1.4 Zenith AAA Endovascular Graft Ancillary Components ..............23
2 INDICATIONS FOR USE ...............................................23
3 CONTRAINDICATIONS ................................................23
4 WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS ......................................23
4.1 General ...........................................................23
4.2 Patient Selection, Treatment and Follow-Up .......................23
4.3 Pre-Procedure Measurement Techniques and Imaging ............23
4.4 Device Selection .................................................24
4.5 Implant Procedure ............................................... 24
4.6 Molding Balloon Use ............................................. 24
4.7 MRI Safety and Compatibility ......................................24
5 ADVERSE EVENTS ....................................................24
5.1 Observed Adverse Events ..........................................24
Table 5.1.1 Death and Rupture from Clinical Study .................24
Table 5.1.2 Adverse Events in Clinical Study ........................25
5.2 Potential Adverse Events ...........................................25
Device Related Adverse Event Reporting ..........................25
6 SUMMARY OF CLINICAL STUDIES .....................................25
6.1 Objectives .........................................................25
6.2 Study Design .......................................................25
Table 6.2.1 Patient Follow-Up and Accountability ..................26
6.3 Patient Demographics ..............................................26
Table 6.3.1 Comparison of Subject Characteristics ..................26
Table 6.3.2 Aneurysm Diameter Distribution .......................26
6.4 Results .............................................................26
Table 6.4.1 Devices Implanted .....................................26
Table 6.4.2 Primary Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
Table 6.4.3 Success Measures .....................................28
Table 6.4.4 Abdominal Radiographic Findings – Device Integrity ...28
Table 6.4.5 CT Findings – Graft Patency ............................28
Table 6.4.6 CT Findings – Graft (Main Body) Migration ..............28
Table 6.4.7 Abdominal Radiograph Findings – Limb Separation ....29
6.5 Endoleak Management .............................................29
Table 6.5.1 Endoleaks (All Types, New and Persistent) ..............29
Table 6.5.2 First Occurrence of Endoleak for Standard Risk Patients .29
Table 6.5.3 First Occurrence of Endoleak for High Risk Patients .....29
Table 6.5.4 First Occurrence of Endoleak for Roll-in Patients ........29
6.6 Aneurysm Change .................................................30
Table 6.6.1 Change in Maximum Aneurysm Diameter by Interval ...30 Table 6.6.2 Change in Aneurysm Size and Endoleak at 12 Months ..30 Table 6.6.3 Change in Aneurysm Size and Endoleak at 24 Months ..30
6.7 AAA-Related Secondary Interventions ..............................30
Table 6.7.1 Secondary Interventions (to 12 Months) ................30
Table 6.7.2 Secondary Interventions (>12 to 24 Months) ...........30
6.8 Secondary Outcome Measures .....................................31
Table 6.8.1 Secondary Outcomes by Treatment Group .............31
7 PATIENT SELECTION AND TREATMENT ................................31
Individualization of Treatment .........................................31
8 PATIENT COUNSELING INFORMATION .................................31
9 HOW SUPPLIED ......................................................31
10 CLINICAL USE INFORMATION ........................................31
10.1 Physician Training .................................................31
10.2 Inspection Prior to Use ............................................31
10.3 Materials Required ...............................................31
10.4 Materials Recommended .........................................31
10.5 Device Diameter Sizing Guidelines ................................32
Table 10.5.1 Main Body Graft Diameter Sizing Guide ...............32
Table 10.5.2 Iliac Leg Graft Diameter Sizing Guide
11 DIRECTIONS FOR USE ...............................................32
Anatomical Requirements .............................................32
General Use Information ...............................................32
Pre-Implant Determinants .............................................32
Patient Preparation ....................................................32
11.1 Bifurcated System ................................................32
11.1.1 Bifurcated Main Body Preparation/Flush ....................32
11.1.2 Contralateral Iliac Leg Preparation/Flush ....................32
11.1.3 Ipsilateral Iliac Leg Preparation/Flush .......................32
11.1.4 Vascular Access and Angiography ..........................32
11.1.5 Main Body Placement ......................................32
11.1.6 Contralateral Iliac Wire Guide Placement ....................32
11.1.7 Main Body Proximal (Top) Deployment .....................33
11.1.8 Contralateral Iliac Leg Placement and Deployment ..........33
11.1.9 Main Body Distal (Bottom) Deployment .....................33
11.1.10 Docking of Top Cap .......................................33
11.1.11 Ipsilateral Iliac Leg Placement and Deployment ...........33
11.1.12 Molding Balloon Insertion ................................33
12.1 General ..........................................................33
12.2 Contrast and Non-Contrast CT Recommendations .................34
12.3 Abdominal Radiographs ..........................................34
12.4 Ultrasound. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
12.5 MRI Safety and Compatibility ......................................34
12.6 Additional Surveillance and Treatment ............................34
13 PATIENT TRACKING INFORMATION ................................ 34
14 TROUBLESHOOTING ..............................................34
14.1 Trigger-Wire Release Troubleshooting ........................... 34
14.2 Suprarenal Stent Deployment Troubleshooting ....................35
Final Angiogram ..........................................33
Table 12.1 Recommended Imaging Schedule
for Endograft Patients .............................................34
Table 12.2 Acceptable Imaging Protocols ..........................34
14.1.1 Main Body Proximal (Top) Deployment
14.1.2 Docking of Top Cap
14.1.3 Ipsilateral Iliac Leg Placement and Deployment
14.1.4 Contralateral Iliac Leg Placement and Deployment
14.2.1 Main Body Proximal (Top) Deployment .....................35
14.2.2 Docking of Top Cap ........................................35
14.2.3 Ipsilateral Iliac Leg Placement and Deployment .............35
14.2.4 Contralateral Iliac Leg Placement and Deployment ..........35
1 POPIS ZAŘÍZENÍ ...................................................36
1.1 Komponenty aortálního hlavního těla a iliakálního ramena ........36
1.2 Aplikační systém hlavního těla ....................................36
1.3 Aplikační systém pro iliakální rameno .............................36
1.4 Pomocné komponenty endovaskulárního graftu Zenith AAA ......36
2 URČENÉ POUŽITÍ ..................................................36
3 KONTRAINDIKACE .................................................36
4 VAROVÁNÍ A UPOZORNĚNÍ .........................................36
4.1 Obecně ...........................................................36
4.2 Výběr, léčba a následné kontroly pacienta .........................36
4.3 Měřicí techniky a zobrazování před výkonem .....................36
4.4 Volba zařízení ....................................................37
4.5 Postup implantace ...............................................37
4.6 Použití tvarovacího balónku ......................................37
4.7 Bezpečnost a kompatibilita vyšetření MRI ...........................37
5 NEŽÁDOUCÍ PŘÍHODY ............................................. 37
5.1 Zaznamenané nežádoucí příhody ................................37
Tabulka 5.1.1 Úmrtí a ruptura v klinické studii ....................37
Tabulka 5.1.2 Nežádoucí příhody v klinické studii ................ 38
5.2 Potenciální nežádoucí příhody ....................................38
Hlášení nežádoucích příhod souvisejících se zařízením ............. 38
6 SOUHRN KLINICKÝCH STUDIÍ .......................................38
6.1 Cíle ..............................................................38
6.2 Uspořádání studie ................................................38
Tabulka 6.2.1 Kontrolní vyšetření a dostupnost pacienta ......... 39
6.3 Data o pacientech ................................................39
Tabulka 6.3.1 Porovnání charakteristik subjektů ..................39
Tabulka 6.3.2 Distribuce průměru aneuryzmatu ..................39
6.4 Výsledky ......................................................... 39
Tabulka 6.4.1 Implantované zařízení .............................39
Tabulka 6.4.2 Primární výsledky. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Tabulka 6.4.3 Měřítka úspěšnosti ................................ 41
Tabulka 6.4.4 Radiografické nálezy v břišní oblasti –
integrita zařízení ................................................41
Tabulka 6.4.5 Nálezy na CT – průchodnost graftu ................41
Tabulka 6.4.6 Nálezy na CT – migrace graftu (hlavního těla) ...... 41
Tabulka 6.4.7 Radiografické nálezy v břišní oblasti –
separace větve ..................................................42
6.5 Léčba endoleaku .................................................42
Tabulka 6.5.1 Endoleaky (všechny typy, nové a perzistující) .......42
Tabulka 6.5.2 První výskyt endoleaku u pacientů se
standardním rizikem ............................................42
Tabulka 6.5.3 První výskyt endoleaku u pacientů s vysokým
rizikem .........................................................42
Tabulka 6.5.4 První výskyt endoleaku u roll-in pacientů ..........42
6.6 Změna aneuryzmatu .............................................43
Tabulka 6.6.1 Změna maximálního průměru aneuryzmatu
podle časového intervalu .......................................43
Tabulka 6.6.2 Změna velikosti aneuryzmatu a endoleaku
po 12 měsících ..................................................43
Tabulka 6.6.3 Změna velikosti aneuryzmatu a endoleaku
po 24 měsících ..................................................43
6.7 Sekundární intervence související s AAA .......................... 43
Tabulka 6.7.1 Sekundární intervence (do 12 měsíců) .............43
Tabulka 6.7.2 Sekundární intervence (>12 až 24 měsíců) .........43
6.8 Měření sekundárních výsledků. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Tabulka 6.8.1 Sekundární výsledky podle léčených skupin ........44
7 VÝBĚR A LÉČBA PACIENTA ..........................................44
Individualizace léčby .................................................44
8 PORADENSTVÍ PRO PACIENTY ......................................44
9 STAV PŘI DODÁNÍ ..................................................44
10 INFORMACE O KLINICKÉM POUŽITÍ ................................44
10.1 Školení lékařů ...................................................44
10.2 Kontrola před použitím .........................................44
10.3 Požadovaný materiál ............................................44
10.4 Doporučený materiál ............................................44
10.5 Pokyny k určení průměru zařízení. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Tabulka 10.5.1 Návod k měření průměru hlavního těla graftu .....45
Tabulka 10.5.2 Návod k měření průměru iliakálního ramena
graftu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
11 POKYNY K POUŽITÍ ...............................................45
Anatomické požadavky ................................................45
Obecné informace o použití ............................................45
Rozhodující činitele před implantací ....................................45
Příprava pacienta ......................................................45
11.1 Systém s bifurkací ...............................................45
11.1.1 Příprava a propláchnutí hlavního těla s bifurkací ...........45
11.1.2 Příprava a propláchnutí kontralaterálního iliakálního
ramena .........................................................45
11.1.3 Příprava a propláchnutí ipsilaterálního iliakálního
ramena .........................................................45
11.1.4 Cévní přístup a angiografie ............................... 45
11.1.5 Umístění hlavního těla ....................................45
11.1.6 Umístění vodicího drátu kontralaterální iliakální větve .....46
11.1.7 Rozvinutí proximální (horní) části hlavního těla ............46
11.1.8 Umístění a rozvinutí kontralaterálního iliakálního ramena ..46
11.1.9 Rozvinutí distální (dolní) části hlavního těla ...............46
11.1.10 Aretace horní čepičky ...................................46
Umístění a rozvinutí ipsilaterálního iliakálního ramena
11.1.12 Zavedení tvarovacího balónku ...........................46
Finální angiogram .......................................46
12.1 Obecně .........................................................46
Tabulka 12.1 Doporučený plán zobrazovacích vyšetření pro
pacienty s endograftem .........................................47
12.2 Doporučení pro kontrastní a nekontrastní CT ....................47
Tabulka 12.2 Akceptovatelné zobrazovací protokoly .............47
12.3 Abdominální radiogramy ........................................47
12.4 Ultrazvuk ....................................................... 47
12.5 Bezpečnost a kompatibilita vyšetření MRI ........................47
12.6 Další sledování a léčba ..........................................47
13 INFORMACE PRO SLEDOVÁNÍ PACIENTŮ ...........................47
14 ŘEŠENÍ PROBLÉMŮ ..................................................47
14.1 Řešení problémů s uvolňovacím drátem ............................ 47
14.1.1 Rozvinutí proximální (horní) části hlavního těla ...................47
14.1.2 Aretace horní čepičky .............................................48
14.1.3 Umístění a rozvinutí ipsilaterálního iliakálního ramena ...........48
14.1.4 Umístění a rozvinutí kontralaterálního iliakálního ramena ........48
14.2 Řešení problémů s rozvinováním suprarenálního stentu .............48
14.2.1 Rozvinutí proximální (horní) části hlavního těla ...................48
14.2.2 Aretace horní čepičky .............................................48
14.2.3 Umístění a rozvinutí ipsilaterálního iliakálního ramena ...........48
14.2.4 Umístění a rozvinutí kontralaterálního iliakálního ramena ........48
1 BESKRIVELSE AF PRODUKTET ........................................50
1.1 Komponenter til aortisk hovedprotese og til iliaca-ben ..............50
1.2 Hovedprotesens fremføringssystem ................................50
1.3 Fremføringssystem for iliaca-ben ...................................50
1.4 Tilbehørskomponenter til Zenith AAA endovaskulær protese ........50
2 TILSIGTET ANVENDELSE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50
3 KONTRAINDIKATIONER ..............................................50
4 ADVARSLER OG FORHOLDSREGLER ...................................50
4.1 Generelle ..........................................................50
4.2 Patientudvælgelse, behandling og opfølgning ....................
4.3 Måleteknik og billeddiagnostik før proceduren ....................
4.4 Udvælgelse af produkt ........................................... 51
4.5 Implantationsprocedure ..........................................51
4.6 Brug af formningsballon ..........................................51
4.7 Sikkerhed og kompatibilitet ved MR-scanning ......................
5 UØNSKEDE HÆNDELSER .............................................51
5.1 Observerede uønskede hændelser ..................................
Tabel 5.1.1 Død og ruptur fra klinisk undersøgelse .................
Tabel 5.1.2 Uønskede hændelser i klinisk undersøgelse ............52
5.2 Mulige uønskede hændelser. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52
Rapportering af uønskede hændelser, relateret til anordning .........52
6 RESUME OVER KLINISKE UNDERSØGELSER ............................52
6.1 Målsætning ........................................................52
6.2 Undersøgelsens design .............................................52
Tabel 6.2.1 Patientopfølgning og ansvarlighed .....................53
6.3 Demografiske oplysninger om patienter ............................53
Tabel 6.3.1 Sammenligning af forsøgspersoners karakteristika ......53
Tabel 6.3.2 Fordeling af aneurismets diameter .....................53
6.4 Resultater ..........................................................53
Tabel 6.4.1 Implanterede anordninger .............................53
Tabel 6.4.2 Primære resultater .....................................54
Tabel 6.4.3 Måltal for succes .......................................55
Tabel 6.4.4 Abdominale fund under røntgen –
Anordningens integritet ..........................................55
Tabel 6.4.5 CT fund – Åbenhed af protese .........................55
Tabel 6.4.6 CT fund – Migration af protese (hovedprotese) .........55
Tabel 6.4.7 Abdominale fund under røntgen – separation af lem ...56
6.5 Styring af endolækage .............................................56
Tabel 6.5.1 Endolækager (alle typer, nye og vedvarende) ...........56
Tabel 6.5.2 Første tilfælde af endolækage for
standardrisikopatienter ...........................................56
Tabel 6.5.3 Første tilfælde af endolækage for højrisikopatienter ....56
Tabel 6.5.4 Første tilfælde af endolækage for indlæringspatienter ..56
6.6 Aneurismeændring ................................................57
Tabel 6.6.1 Ændring i aneurismets maksimale diameter
efter interval ......................................................57
Tabel 6.6.2 Ændring af aneurismets størrelse og endolækage
ved 12 måneder ..................................................57
Tabel 6.6.3 Ændring af aneurismets størrelse og endolækage
ved 24 måneder ..................................................57
6.7 AAA-relaterede sekundære interventioner ..........................57
Tabel 6.7.1 Sekundære interventioner (til 12 måneder) .............57
Tabel 6.7.2 Sekundære interventioner (> 12 til 24 måneder) ........57
6.8 Måltal for sekundære resultater .....................................58
Tabel 6.8.1 Sekundære resultater efter behandlingsgruppe ........58
7 PATIENTUDVÆLGELSE OG BEHANDLING ..............................58
Individualisering af behandling ........................................58
8 PATIENTRÅDGIVNINGSINFORMATION .................................58
9 LEVERING ...........................................................58
10 INFORMATION OM KLINISK ANVENDELSE ............................58
10.1 Lægeuddannelse .................................................58
10.2 Inspektion inden brug ............................................58
10.3 Nødvendige materialer ............................................58
10.4 Anbefalede materialer ............................................58
10.5 Retningslinjer for størrelsesbestemmelse af produktdiameter ......59
Tabel 10.5.1 Størrelsesguide for hovedprotesens diameter .........59
Tabel 10.5.2 Størrelsesguide for iliaca-benprotesens diameter ......59
11 VEJLEDNING .......................................................59
Anatomiske krav .......................................................59
Generel information om anvendelse ...................................59
Afgørende faktorer før implantation ....................................59
Klargøring af patienten ................................................59
11.1 Bifurkationssystem ................................................59
11.1.1 Forberedelse/skylning af bifurkationshovedprotese .........59
11.1.2 Forberedelse/skylning af kontralateral iliaca-ben ............59
11.1.3 Forberedelse/skylning af ipsilateral iliaca-ben ...............59
11.1.4 Vaskulær adgang og angiografi .............................59
11.1.5 Placering af hovedprotese ..................................59
11.1.6 Placering af den kontralaterale iliaca-kateterleder ...........59
11.1.7 Proksimal (top) anlæggelse af hovedprotese ................60
11.1.8 Placering og anlæggelse af kontralateral iliaca-ben ..........60
11.1.9 Distal (bund) anlæggelse af hovedprotese ..................60
11.1.10 Sammenkobling af tophætten .............................60
11.1.11 Placering og anlæggelse af ipsilateral iliaca-ben ............60
11.1.12 Indføring af formningsballon ..............................60
Slutangiogram .............................................60
OPFØLGNING ......................................................60
12.1 Generelle .........................................................60
Tabel 12.1 Anbefalet billeddiagnostisk plan for
endoprotesepatienter .............................................61
12.2 Anbefalinger for CT-scanning med og uden kontrast ...............61
Tabel 12.2 Acceptable billeddiagnostiske protokoller ..............61
12.3 Abdominale røntgenbilleder ......................................61
12.4 Ultralydsscanning .................................................61
12.5 Sikkerhed og kompatibilitet ved MR-scanning .....................61
12.6 Yderligere kontrol og behandling ..................................61
13 OPLYSNINGER OM SPORING AF PATIENTER ..........................61
14 FEJLSØGNING .......................................................61
14.1 Fejlfinding ved udløser-wirens frigørelse ............................61
14.1.1 Proksimal (top) anlæggelse af hovedprotese. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61
14.1.2 Sammenkobling af tophætten ....................................62
14.1.3 Placering og anlæggelse af ipsilateral iliaca-ben ..................62
14.1.4 Placering og anlæggelse af kontralateral iliaca-ben ...............62
14.2 Fejlfinding ved anlæggelse af den suprarenale stent ................ 62
14.2.1 Proksimal (top) anlæggelse af hovedprotese. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62
14.2.2 Sammenkobling af tophætten ....................................62
14.2.3 Placering og anlæggelse af ipsilateral iliaca-ben ..................62
14.2.4 Placering og anlæggelse af kontralateral iliaca-ben ...............62
1 BESCHREIBUNG DES INSTRUMENTS ..................................64
1.1 Hauptteil (Aortenteil) und iliakale Schenkel .........................64
1.2 Einführsystem für Hauptteil ........................................64
1.3 Einführsystem für iliakale Schenkel .................................64
1.4 Hilfskomponenten für die endovaskuläre AAA-Prothese Zenith ......64
2 VERWENDUNGSZWECK ..............................................64
3 KONTRAINDIKATIONEN ..............................................64
4.1 Allgemeines .......................................................64
4.2 Auswahl, Behandlung und Nachsorge der Patienten ..............
4.3 Messtechniken und Bildgebung vor dem Eingriff ..................
4.4 Auswahl der Prothese ............................................65
4.5 Implantationsverfahren ..........................................65
4.6 Verwendung des Modellierungsballons ...........................65
4.7 Sicherheit und Kompatibilität mit MRT ..............................65
5 UNERWÜNSCHTE EREIGNISSE ........................................65
5.1 Beobachtete unerwünschte Ereignisse ..............................65
Tabelle 5.1.1 Todesfälle und Rupturen in der klinischen Studie .....65
Tabelle 5.1.2 Unerwünschte Ereignisse in der klinischen Studie .....66
5.2 Mögliche unerwünschte Ereignisse .................................66
Bericht zu prothesenbezogenen unerwünschten Ereignissen .........66
6.1 Ziele ...............................................................66
6.2 Studiendesign .....................................................66
Tabelle 6.2.1 Patientennachsorge und Verantwortlichkeiten ........67
6.3 Patientendemographische Daten ...................................67
Tabelle 6.3.1 Vergleich der Patientenmerkmale ....................67
Tabelle 6.3.2 Ver teilung der Aneurysmadurchmesser ...............67
6.4 Ergebnisse .........................................................67
Tabelle 6.4.1 Implantierte Geräte ..................................68
Tabelle 6.4.2 Primärergebnisse ....................................68
Tabelle 6.4.3 Erfolgsmaßstäbe .....................................69
Tabelle 6.4.4 Abdominale Röntgenbefunde – Unversehrtheit
der Prothese ......................................................69
Tabelle 6.4.5 CT-Befunde – Durchgängigkeit der Prothese ..........69
Tabelle 6.4.6 CT-Befunde – Migration der Prothese (Hauptteil) ......69
Tabelle 6.4.7 Abdominale Röntgenbefunde – Ansatzablösung. . . . . .70
6.5 Endoleak-Management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70
Tabelle 6.5.1 Endoleaks (alle Typen, neu und persistierend) .........70
Tabelle 6.5.2 Erstes Auftreten eines Endoleaks bei
Standardrisikopatienten ..........................................70
Tabelle 6.5.3 Erstes Auftreten eines Endoleaks bei
Hochrisikopatienten ..............................................70
Tabelle 6.5.4 Erstes Auftreten eines Endoleaks bei Studienpatienten ...70
6.6 Aneurysmaänderungen ............................................71
Tabelle 6.6.1 Änderungen des maximalen
Aneurysmadurchmessers nach Intervall ...........................71
Tabelle 6.6.2 Änderung der Aneurysmagröße und
Endoleak nach 12 Monaten .......................................71
Tabelle 6.6.3 Änderung der Aneurysmagröße und
Endoleak nach 24 Monaten .......................................71
6.7 AAA-bezogene Sekundärinterventionen ............................71
Tabelle 6.7.1 Sekundäre Interventionen (bis 12 Monate) ............71
Tabelle 6.7.2 Sekundäre Interventionen (> 12 bis 24 Monate) .......71
6.8 Maßstäbe für sekundäre Ergebnisse ................................72
Tabelle 6.8.1 Sekundäre Ergebnisse nach Behandlungsgruppe .....72
7 AUSWAHL UND BEHANDLUNG DER PATIENTEN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72
Individuelle Gestaltung der Behandlung ...............................72
9 LIEFERFORM ........................................................72
10 INFORMATIONEN ZUM KLINISCHEN EINSATZ .........................72
10.1 Ärzteschulung ....................................................72
10.2 Überprüfung vor dem Gebrauch ..................................72
10.3 Erforderliche Materialien ..........................................72
10.4 Empfohlene Materialien ...........................................72
10.5 Richtlinien zur Bestimmung des Prothesendurchmessers ...........73
Tabelle 10.5.1 Anleitung zur Bestimmung des Durchmessers
des Prothesenhauptteils ...........................................73
Tabelle 10.5.2 Anleitung zur Bestimmung des Durchmessers
des iliakalen Prothesenschenkels ..................................73
11 GEBRAUCHSANWEISUNG ...........................................73
Anatomische Voraussetzungen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73
Allgemeine Informationen zum Gebrauch ..............................73
Die Präimplantationsphase bestimmende Faktoren .....................73
Vorbereitung des Patienten ............................................73
11.1 Gegabeltes System ................................................73
11.1.1 Vorbereitung/Spülen des gegabelten Hauptteils ............73
11.1.2 Vorbereitung/Spülen des kontralateralen iliakalen
Schenkels ........................................................73
11.1.3 Vorbereitung/Spülen des ipsilateralen iliakalen
Schenkels ........................................................73
11.1.4 Gefäßzugang und Angiographie ............................73
11.1.5 Positionieren des Hauptteils ................................73
11.1.6 Positionieren des kontralateralen iliakalen Führungsdrahts ..74
Entfalten des proximalen (oberen) Hauptkörpers
11.1.8 Positionieren und Entfalten des kontralateralen iliakalen
Schenkels ........................................................74
11.1.9 Entfalten des distalen (untersten) Stents des Hauptteils .....74
11.1.10 Andocken der oberen Kappe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74
11.1.11 Positionieren und Entfalten des ipsilateralen iliakalen
Schenkels ........................................................74
11.1.12 Einführen des Modellierungsballons .......................74
Abschließendes Angiogramm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75
NACHSORGE .......................................................75
12.1 Allgemeines ......................................................75
Tabelle 12.1 Empfohlener Bildgebungsplan für Patienten mit
Endoprothese ....................................................75
12.2 Empfehlungen für CT mit und ohne Kontrastmittel ................75
Tabelle 12.2 Akzeptable Bildgebungsprotokolle ...................75
12.3 Röntgenaufnahmen des Abdomens ...............................75
12.4 Ultraschall ........................................................75
12.5 Sicherheit und Kompatibilität mit MRT ............................75
12.6 Zusätzliche Überwachung und Behandlung .......................76
14 FEHLERBEHEBUNG ...................................................76
14.1 Fehlerbehebung am Auslösedrahtmechanismus ....................76
14.1.1 Entfalten des proximalen (oberen) Hauptkörpers .................76
14.1.2 Andocken der oberen Kappe .....................................76
14.1.3 Positionieren und Entfalten des ipsilateralen iliakalen Schenkels .76
14.1.4 Positionieren und Entfalten des kontralateralen iliakalen
Schenkels ................................................................76
14.2 Fehlerbehebung bei der suprarenalen Stententfaltung ..............76
14.2.1 Entfalten des proximalen (oberen) Hauptkörpers .................76
14.2.2 Andocken der oberen Kappe .....................................77
14.2.3 Positionieren und Entfalten des ipsilateralen iliakalen Schenkels .77
14.2.4 Positionieren und Entfalten des kontralateralen iliakalen
Schenkels ................................................................77
64 64
1 ΠΕΡΙΓΡΑΦΗ ΤΗΣ ΣΥΣΚΕΥΗΣ ..........................................78
1.1 Εξαρτήματα αορτικού κύριου σώματος και λαγόνιου σκέλους .......78
1.2 Σύστημα τοποθέτησης κύριου σώματος ............................78
1.3 Σύστημα τοποθέτησης λαγόνιου σκέλους ...........................78
1.4 Βοηθητικά εξαρτήματα ενδαγγειακού μοσχεύματος AAA Zenith .....78
2 ΧΡΗΣΗ ΓΙΑ ΤΗΝ ΟΠΟΙΑ ΠΡΟΟΡΙΖΕΤΑΙ .................................78
3 ΑΝΤΕΝΔΕΙΞΕΙΣ ......................................................78
4 ΠΡΟΕΙΔΟΠΟΙΗΣΕΙΣ ΚΑΙ ΠΡΟΦΥΛΑΞΕΙΣ ................................78
4.1 Γενικά .............................................................78
4.2 Επιλογή, θεραπεία και παρακολούθηση ασθενούς .................
4.3 Τεχνικές μέτρησης και απεικόνιση πριν από τη διαδικασία .........
4.4 Επιλογή συσκευής ................................................79
4.5 Διαδικασία εμφύτευσης .......................................... 79
4.6 Χρήση μπαλονιού διαμόρφωσης .................................79
4.7 Ασφάλεια και συμβατότητα με μαγνητική τομογραφία (MRI) .........
5 ΑΝΕΠΙΘΥΜΗΤΕΣ ΕΝΕΡΓΕΙΕΣ ..........................................79
5.1 Παρατηρούμενες ανεπιθύμητες ενέργειες ...........................
Πίνακας 5.1.1 Θάνατος και ρήξη από την κλινική μελέτη ...........80
Πίνακας 5.1.2 Ανεπιθύμητες ενέργειες στην κλινική μελέτη .........80
5.2 Δυνητικές ανεπιθύμητες ενέργειες ..................................80
Αναφορά ανεπιθύμητων ενεργειών που σχετίζονται με
τη συσκευή .........................................................80
6 ΠΕΡΙΛΗΨΗ ΤΩΝ ΚΛΙΝΙΚΩΝ ΜΕΛΕΤΩΝ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80
6.1 Στόχοι .............................................................80
6.2 Σχεδιασμός της μελέτης ............................................80
Πίνακας 6.2.1 Παρακολούθηση και υπευθυνότητα ασθενών ........81
6.3 Δημογραφικά στοιχεία των ασθενών ................................81
Πίνακας 6.3.1 Σύγκριση των χαρακτηριστικών των ασθενών .......81
Πίνακας 6.3.2 Κατανομή διαμέτρων ανευρύσματος ................81
6.4 Αποτελέσματα .....................................................81
Πίνακας 6.4.1 Συσκευές που εμφυτεύτηκαν ........................82
Πίνακας 6.4.2 Πρωτεύοντα αποτελέσματα .........................82
Πίνακας 6.4.3 Μετρήσεις επιτυχίας. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .83
Πίνακας 6.4.4 Κοιλιακά ακτινογραφικά ευρήματα –
Ακεραιότητα της συσκευής. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .83
Πίνακας 6.4.5 Ευρήματα αξονικής τομογραφίας –
Βατότητα μοσχεύματος ...........................................83
Πίνακας 6.4.6 Ευρήματα αξονικής τομογραφίας –
Μετανάστευση μοσχεύματος (κύριο σώμα) ........................83
Πίνακας 6.4.7 Κοιλιακά ακτινογραφικά ευρήματα –
Διαχωρισμός μέλους ..............................................84
6.5 Διαχείριση ενδοδιαφυγής ..........................................84
Πίνακας 6.5.1 Ενδοδιαφυγές (Όλοι οι τύποι, νέες και επίμονες). . . . . .84
Πίνακας 6.5.2 Πρώτη εμφάνιση ενδοδιαφυγής για ασθενείς
τυπικού κινδύνου .................................................84
Πίνακας 6.5.3 Πρώτη εμφάνιση ενδοδιαφυγής για ασθενείς
υψηλού κινδύνου .................................................84
Πίνακας 6.5.4 Πρώτη εμφάνιση ενδοδιαφυγής για ασθενείς
εισαγωγικής περιόδου ............................................84
6.6 Μεταβολή ανευρύσματος ..........................................85
Πίνακας 6.6.1 Μεταβολή στη μέγιστη διάμετρο ανευρύσματος
κατά διάστημα ....................................................85
Πίνακας 6.6.2 Μεταβολή στο μέγεθος του ανευρύσματος και
ενδοδιαφυγή στους 12 μήνες .....................................85
Πίνακας 6.6.3 Μεταβολή στο μέγεθος του ανευρύσματος και
ενδοδιαφυγή στους 24 μήνες .....................................85
6.7 Δευτερεύουσες επεμβάσεις που σχετίζονται με AAA ................85
Πίνακας 6.7.1 Δευτερεύουσες επεμβάσεις (έως 12 μήνες) ..........85
Πίνακας 6.7.2 Δευτερεύουσες επεμβάσεις (>12 έως 24 μήνες) ......85
6.8 Μετρήσεις δευτερεύουσας έκβασης ................................86
Πίνακας 6.8.1 Δευτερεύουσες εκβάσεις κατά ομάδα θεραπείας .....86
7 ΕΠΙΛΟΓΗ ΚΑΙ ΘΕΡΑΠΕΙΑ ΑΣΘΕΝΩΝ ...................................86
Εξατομίκευση της θεραπείας ...........................................86
9 ΤΡΟΠΟΣ ΔΙΑΘΕΣΗΣ ..................................................86
10 ΠΛΗΡΟΦΟΡΙΕΣ ΓΙΑ ΤΗΝ ΚΛΙΝΙΚΗ ΧΡΗΣΗ ............................86
10.1 Εκπαίδευση ιατρού ...............................................86
10.2 Επιθεώρηση πριν από τη χρήση ...................................86
10.3 Απαιτούμενα υλικά ................................................86
10.4 Συνιστώμενα υλικά ................................................86
10.5 Κατευθυντήριες οδηγίες προσδιορισμού μεγέθους διαμέτρου
συσκευής ..............................................................87
Πίνακας 10.5.1 Οδηγός προσδιορισμού μεγέθους διαμέτρου
μοσχεύματος κύριου σώματος ....................................87
Πίνακας 10.5.2 Οδηγός προσδιορισμού μεγέθους διαμέτρου
μοσχεύματος λαγόνιου σκέλους ...................................87
11 ΟΔΗΓΙΕΣ ΧΡΗΣΗΣ ..................................................87
Ανατομικές απαιτήσεις .................................................87
Γενικές πληροφορίες χρήσης ...........................................87
Προσδιοριστικοί παράγοντες προ της εμφύτευσης .....................87
Προετοιμασία ασθενούς ...............................................87
11.1 Διχαλωτό σύστημα ................................................87
11.1.1 Προετοιμασία/Έκπλυση διχαλωτού κύριου σώματος ........87
11.1.2 Προετοιμασία/Έκπλυση ετερόπλευρου λαγόνιου σκέλους ...87
11.1.3 Προετοιμασία/Έκπλυση σύστοιχου λαγόνιου σκέλους .......87
11.1.4 Αγγειακή προσπέλαση και αγγειογραφία ....................87
11.1.5 Τοποθέτηση κύριου σώματος ...............................87
11.1.6 Τοποθέτηση του ετερόπλευρου λαγόνιου συρμάτινου
οδηγού ...........................................................88
11.1.7 Εγγύς (άνω) απελευθέρωση του κύριου σώματος ............88
11.1.8 Τοποθέτηση και απελευθέρωση του ετερόπλευρου λαγόνιου
σκέλους ..........................................................88
11.1.9 Περιφερική (κάτω) απελευθέρωση του κύριου σώματος .....88
11.1.10 Σύνδεση του άνω πώματος ................................88
11.1.11 Τοποθέτηση και απελευθέρωση του σύστοιχου λαγόνιου
σκέλους ..........................................................88
11.1.12 Εισαγωγή μπαλονιού διαμόρφωσης .......................88
Τελικό αγγειόγραμμα ......................................89
ΠΑΡΑΚΟΛΟΥΘΗΣΗ .................................................89
12.1 Γενικά ............................................................89
Πίνακας 12.1 Συνιστώμενο πρόγραμμα απεικόνισης για
ασθενείς με ενδαγγειακό μόσχευμα ...............................89
12.2 Συστάσεις αξονικής τομογραφίας με και χωρίς
σκιαγραφικό μέσο ................................................89
Πίνακας 12.2 Αποδεκτά πρωτόκολλα απεικόνισης ..................89
12.3 Κοιλιακές ακτινογραφίες ..........................................89
12.4 Υπέρηχος .........................................................89
12.5 Ασφάλεια και συμβατότητα με μαγνητική τομογραφία (MRI) .......89
12.6 Επιπλέον παρακολούθηση και θεραπεία ...........................90
14 ΑΝΤΙΜΕΤΩΠΙΣΗ ΠΡΟΒΛΗΜΑΤΩΝ .................................... 90
14.1 Αντιμετώπιση προβλημάτων με την απελευθέρωση του σύρματος
ενεργοποίησης .......................................................... 90
14.1.1 Εγγύς (άνω) απελευθέρωση του κύριου σώματος ............. 90
14.1.2 Σύνδεση του άνω πώματος ..................................90
14.1.3 Τοποθέτηση και απελευθέρωση σύστοιχου λαγόνιου σκέλους .. 90
14.1.4 Τοποθέτηση και απελευθέρωση ετερόπλευρου λαγόνιου
σκέλους ............................................................ 90
14.2 Αντιμετώπιση προβλημάτων απελευθέρωσης της επινεφρικής
ενδοπρόσθεσης ......................................................... 91
14.2.1 Εγγύς (άνω) απελευθέρωση του κύριου σώματος ............. 91
14.2.2 Σύνδεση του άνω πώματος ..................................91
14.2.3 Τοποθέτηση και απελευθέρωση σύστοιχου λαγόνιου σκέλους 91
14.2.4 Τοποθέτηση και απελευθέρωση ετερόπλευρου λαγόνιου
σκέλους ............................................................ 91
1 DESCRIPCIÓN DEL DISPOSITIVO ......................................92
1.1 Cuerpo principal aórtico y ramas ilíacas .............................92
1.2 Sistema de implantación del cuerpo principal .......................92
1.3 Sistema de implantación de la rama ilíaca ...........................92
1.4 Componentes auxiliares de la endoprótesis vascular para
AAA Zenith ............................................................92
2 INDICACIONES ......................................................92
3 CONTRAINDICACIONES ..............................................92
4 ADVERTENCIAS Y PRECAUCIONES ....................................92
4.1 Generales .........................................................92
4.2 Selección, tratamiento y seguimiento de los pacientes ............
4.3 Técnicas de medición y estudios de imagen previos
al procedimiento ....................................................
4.4 Selección de los dispositivos ......................................93
4.5 Procedimiento de implantación ..................................93
4.6 Uso del balón moldeador .........................................93
4.7 Seguridad y compatibilidad con MRI ................................
5 REACCIONES ADVERSAS .............................................93
5.1 Reacciones adversas observadas ....................................
Tabla 5.1.1 Muertes y roturas observadas en el estudio clínico ......
Tabla 5.1.2 Reacciones adversas observadas en el estudio clínico ...94
5.2 Reacciones adversas posibles .......................................94
Informes de reacciones adversas relacionadas con el dispositivo ......94
6 RESUMEN DE ESTUDIOS CLÍNICOS ....................................94
6.1 Objetivos ..........................................................94
6.2 Diseño del estudio .................................................94
Tabla 6.2.1 Seguimiento y disponibilidad de los pacientes. . . . . . . . . .95
6.3 Datos demográficos de los pacientes ...............................95
Tabla 6.3.1 Comparación de las características de los sujetos .......95
Tabla 6.3.2 Distribución de los diámetros de los aneurismas ........95
6.4 Resultados .........................................................95
Tabla 6.4.1 Dispositivos implantados ..............................96
Tabla 6.4.2 Resultados primarios. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .96
Tabla 6.4.3 Medidas de éxito ......................................97
Tabla 6.4.4 Resultados radiográficos abdominales: integridad
del dispositivo ....................................................97
Tabla 6.4.5 Resultados de las TAC: permeabilidad de la
endoprótesis vascular .............................................97
Tabla 6.4.6 Resultados de las TAC: migración de la endoprótesis
vascular (cuerpo principal) ........................................97
Tabla 6.4.7 Resultados radiográficos abdominales: separación
de las ramificaciones ..............................................98
6.5 Tratamiento de las endofugas ......................................98
Tabla 6.5.1 Endofugas (todos los tipos, nuevas y persistentes) ......98
Tabla 6.5.2 Primera aparición de una endofuga en pacientes
de riesgo normal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .98
Tabla 6.5.3 Primera aparición de una endofuga en pacientes
de alto riesgo .....................................................98
Tabla 6.5.4 Primera aparición de una endofuga en pacientes
de prueba ........................................................98
6.6 Cambio del aneurisma .............................................99
Tabla 6.6.1 Cambio del diámetro máximo del aneurisma
por intervalos .....................................................99
Tabla 6.6.2 Cambio del tamaño del aneurisma y endofugas
a los 12 meses ....................................................99
Tabla 6.6.3 Cambio del tamaño del aneurisma y endofugas
a los 24 meses ....................................................99
6.7 Intervenciones secundarias relacionadas con el AAA ................99
Tabla 6.7.1 Intervenciones secundarias (hasta los 12 meses) ........99
Tabla 6.7.2 Intervenciones secundarias (desde los 12 hasta
los 24 meses) .....................................................99
6.8 Medidas de los resultados secundarios ........................... 100
Tabla 6.8.1 Resultados de las intervenciones secundarias por
grupo de tratamiento ........................................... 100
Individualización del tratamiento ....................................100
9 PRESENTACIÓN ....................................................100
10 INFORMACIÓN SOBRE EL USO CLÍNICO ............................100
10.1 Formación de médicos .......................................... 100
10.2 Inspección previa al uso ......................................... 100
10.3 Material necesario ..............................................100
10.4 Material recomendado .......................................... 100
10.5 Pautas para la selección del diámetro de los dispositivos ......... 101
Tabla 10.5.1 Guía para la selección del diámetro del cuerpo
principal ........................................................ 101
Tabla 10.5.2 Guía para la selección del diámetro de las ramas
ilíacas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
11 MODO DE EMPLEO ............................................... 101
Requisitos anatómicos ............................................... 101
Información general sobre el uso ..................................... 101
Factores determinantes previos al implante .......................... 101
Preparación del paciente ............................................. 101
11.1 Sistema bifurcado ............................................... 101
11.1.1 Preparación y lavado del cuerpo principal bifurcado ....... 101
11.1.2 Preparación y lavado de la rama ilíaca contralateral. . . . . . . . 101
11.1.3 Preparación y lavado de la rama ilíaca ipsilateral. . . . . . . . . . . 101
11.1.4 Acceso vascular y angiografía ............................. 101
11.1.5 Colocación del cuerpo principal ..........................101
11.1.6 Colocación de la guía ilíaca contralateral .................. 102
11.1.7 Despliegue proximal (parte superior) del cuerpo principal . 102
11.1.8 Colocación y despliegue de la rama ilíaca contralateral .... 102
11.1.9 Despliegue distal (parte inferior) del cuerpo principal .....102
11.1.10 Acoplamiento de la cápsula superior ....................102
11.1.11 Colocación y despliegue de la rama ilíaca ipsilateral ...... 102
11.1.12 Introducción del balón moldeador. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Angiografía final ......................................... 102
POSOPERATORIO .................................................103
12.1 Generales ....................................................... 103
Tabla 12.1 Programa de estudios de imagen recomendado para
pacientes con endoprótesis vasculares .......................... 103
12.2 Recomendaciones para la TAC con contraste y sin él ............. 103
Tabla 12.2 Protocolos válidos de estudios de imagen ............ 103
12.3 Radiografías abdominales ....................................... 103
12.4 Ecografía .......................................................103
12.5 Seguridad y compatibilidad con MRI ............................ 103
12.6 Vigilancia y tratamiento adicionales ............................. 104
14 SOLUCIÓN DE PROBLEMAS .........................................104
14.1 Solución de problemas de liberación mediante alambre disparador . 104
14.1.1 Despliegue proximal (parte superior) del cuerpo principal ...104
14.1.2 Acoplamiento de la cápsula superior ........................104
14.1.3 Colocación y despliegue de la rama ilíaca ipsilateral .........104
14.1.4 Colocación y despliegue de la rama ilíaca contralateral ......104
14.2 Solución de problemas de despliegue del stent suprarrenal ........104
14.2.1 Despliegue proximal (parte superior) del cuerpo principal ...104
14.2.2 Acoplamiento de la cápsula superior ........................105
14.2.3 Colocación y despliegue de la rama ilíaca ipsilateral .........105
14.2.4 Colocación y despliegue de la rama ilíaca contralateral ......105
93 93
1 DESCRIPTION DU DISPOSITIF ....................................... 106
1.1 Corps principal aortique et composants de branches iliaques ..... 106
1.2 Système de largage du corps principal ............................ 106
1.3 Système de largage de la branche iliaque ......................... 106
1.4 Composants auxiliaires de l’endoprothèse Zenith AAA ............106
2 UTILISATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
3 CONTRE-INDICATIONS .............................................106
4 AVERTISSEMENTS ET MISES EN GARDE .............................106
4.1 Généralités ....................................................... 106
4.2 Sélection, traitement et suivi des patients ........................
4.3 Techniques de mesure et imagerie avant l’intervention ...........
4.4 Sélection des dispositifs .........................................107
4.5 Méthode d’implantation .........................................107
4.6 Utilisation du ballonnet de modelage ............................107
4.7 Sécurité d’emploi et compatibilité IRM ............................
5 ÉVÉNEMENTS INDÉSIRABLES ....................................... 107
5.1 Événements indésirables observés ................................
Tableau 5.1.1 Décès et ruptures survenus dans l’étude clinique ... 108
Tableau 5.1.2 Événements indésirables dans l’étude clinique ..... 108
5.2 Événements indésirables possibles ............................... 108
Rapport d’événement indésirable associé au dispositif. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .108
6 SOMMAIRE DES ÉTUDES CLINIQUES ................................ 108
6.1 Objectifs ......................................................... 108
6.2 Modèle de l’étude ................................................ 108
Tableau 6.2.1 Suivi et bilan post-opératoire des patients ......... 109
6.3 Données démographiques des patients. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Tableau 6.3.1 Comparaison des caractéristiques des patients .....109
Tableau 6.3.2 Distribution des diamètres d’anévrisme ............109
6.4 Résultats ......................................................... 109
Tableau 6.4.1 Dispositifs implantés .............................. 110
Tableau 6.4.2 Résultats principaux ............................... 110
Tableau 6.4.3 Critères de réussite ................................111
Tableau 6.4.4 Résultats des radiographies abdominales -
Intégrité du dispositif ........................................... 111
Tableau 6.4.5 Résultats TDM - Perméabilité de l’endoprothèse ....111
Tableau 6.4.6 Résultats TDM - Migration de l’endoprothèse
(corps principal) ................................................ 111
Tableau 6.4.7 Résultats des radiographies abdominales -
Séparation d’un membre. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
6.5 Prise en charge des endofuites ................................... 112
Tableau 6.5.1 Endofuites (tous types confondus, nouvelles
et persistantes) ................................................. 112
Tableau 6.5.2 Première survenue d’endofuite chez les patients
à risque standard ............................................... 112
Tableau 6.5.3 Première survenue d’endofuite chez les patients
à haut risque ................................................... 112
Tableau 6.5.4 Première survenue d’endofuite chez les patients
non randomisés ................................................112
6.6 Changement de taille de l’anévrisme ............................. 113
Tableau 6.6.1 Changement de diamètre maximum de
l’anévrisme par intervalle .......................................113
Tableau 6.6.2 Changement de taille de l’anévrisme et
endofuite à 12 mois ............................................. 113
Tableau 6.6.3 Changement de taille de l’anévrisme et
endofuite à 24 mois ............................................. 113
6.7 Interventions de seconde intention en rapport avec l’AAA .........113
Tableau 6.7.1 Interventions de seconde intention
(jusqu’à 12 mois). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Tableau 6.7.2 Interventions de seconde intention
(entre 12 et 24 mois) ............................................ 113
6.8 Mesures des résultats secondaires ................................ 114
Tableau 6.8.1 Résultats secondaires par groupe de traitement ....114
7 SÉLECTION ET TRAITEMENT DES PATIENTS .......................... 114
Individualisation du traitement ...................................... 114
8 CONSEILS AUX PATIENTS ...........................................114
9 PRÉSENTATION ....................................................114
10 UTILISATION CLINIQUE ........................................... 114
10.1 Formation clinique .............................................. 114
10.2 Inspection avant l’utilisation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
10.3 Matériel requis .................................................. 114
10.4 Matériel recommandé ........................................... 114
10.5 Directives de mesures relatives au diamètre des dispositifs ....... 115
Tableau 10.5.1 Guide de mesures du diamètre du corps principal 115 Tableau 10.5.2 Guide de mesure du diamètre de la branche
iliaque .......................................................... 115
11 DIRECTIVES D’UTILISATION ....................................... 115
Exigences anatomiques .............................................. 115
Informations générales sur l’utilisation ............................... 115
Facteurs déterminants avant l’implantation ...........................115
Préparation du patient ............................................... 115
11.1 Système bifurqué ............................................... 115
11.1.1 Préparation et rinçage du corps principal bifurqué ........ 115
11.1.2 Préparation et rinçage de la branche iliaque controlatérale ..
11.1.3 Préparation et rinçage de la branche iliaque homolatérale ..
11.1.4 Accès vasculaire et angiographie ......................... 115
11.1.5 Mise en place du corps principal .......................... 115
11.1.6 Mise en place du guide iliaque controlatéral .............. 116
11.1.7 Déploiement du stent proximal (supérieur) du corps
principal ........................................................ 116
Mise en place et déploiement du jambage iliaque
11.1.9 Déploiement du stent distal (inférieur) du corps principal . 116
11.1.10 Raccordement du capuchon supérieur ................... 116
11.1.11 homolatéral
11.1.12 Insertion du ballonnet de modelage ..................... 116
Angiographie finale .....................................117
12.1 Généralités ..................................................... 117
Tableau 12.1 Planification d’imagerie recommandée pour
les patients porteurs d’une endoprothèse ....................... 117
12.2 Recommandations de TDM avec et sans injection de produit
de contraste .................................................... 117
Tableau 12.2 Protocoles d’imagerie agréés ....................... 117
12.3 Radiographies abdominales ..................................... 117
12.4 Échographie .................................................... 117
12.5 Sécurité d’emploi et compatibilité IRM ...........................117
12.6 Surveillance et traitement complémentaires ..................... 118
14 DÉPANNAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .118
14.1 Dépannage du mécanisme de largage des fils de sécurité ..........118
14.1.1 Déploiement du stent proximal (supérieur) du corps principal . 118
14.1.2 Raccordement du capuchon supérieur ......................... 118
14.1.3 Mise en place et déploiement du jambage iliaque homolatéral 118
14.1.4 Mise en place et déploiement du jambage iliaque
controlatéral .......................................................... 118
14.2 Dépannage lors du déploiement du stent suprarénal ..............118
14.2.1 Déploiement du stent proximal (supérieur) du corps principal . 118
14.2.2 Raccordement du capuchon supérieur ......................... 119
14.2.3 Mise en place et déploiement du jambage iliaque homolatéral 119
14.2.4 Mise en place et déploiement du jambage iliaque controlatéral 119
.................................................... 116
Mise en place et déploiement du jambage iliaque
..................................................... 116
106 106
115 115
1 AZ ESZKÖZ LEÍRÁSA ..............................................120
1.1 Aortikus fő graft-törzs és iliaca-szár komponenesek ..............120
1.2 A fő graft-törzs bejuttatórendszere ..............................120
1.3 Az iliaca-szár bejuttatórendszere .................................120
1.4 A Zenith AAA endovaszkuláris graft tartozékai ...................120
2 HASZNÁLATI JAVALLATOK ........................................120
3 ELLENJAVALLATOK ...............................................120
4 FIGYELMEZTETÉSEK ÉS ÓVINTÉZKEDÉSEK .........................120
4.1 Általános. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.2 A betegek kiválasztása, kezelése és utánkövetése ................120
4.3 A beavatkozást megelőzően alkalmazott mérési technikák
és leképezés ........................................................120
4.4 Az eszköz kiválasztása ...........................................121
4.5 Beültetési eljárás ................................................121
4.6 A formázóballon használata .....................................121
4.7 MRI-biztonság és -kompatibilitás .................................
5 NEMKÍVÁNATOS ESEMÉNYEK ......................................121
5.1 Megfigyelt nemkívánatos események ............................121
5.1.1. táblázat. A klinikai vizsgálatban előfordult halálesetek
és ruptúrák ....................................................121
5.1.2. táblázat. A klinikai vizsgálat során jelentkező
nemkívánatos események ......................................122
5.2 Lehetséges nemkívánatos események ...........................122
Az eszközzel kapcsolatos nemkívánatos események bejelentése ...122
6.1 Célpontok .......................................................122
6.2 Vizsgálati elrendezés ............................................122
6.2.1. táblázat. A betegek utánkövetése és
beszámoltathatósága ..........................................123
6.3 A betegek demográfiai adatai ...................................123
6.3.1. táblázat. Egyéni jellemzők összehasonlítása ...............123
6.3.2. táblázat. Az aneurysma-átmérők megoszlása ..............123
6.4 Eredmények ....................................................123
6.4.1. táblázat. Beültetett eszközök .............................124
6.4.2. táblázat. Elsődleges eredmények .........................124
6.4.3. táblázat. Sikermutatók ....................................125
6.4.4. táblázat. Abdominális röntgenfelvételek eredményei –
az eszköz épsége ..............................................125
6.4.5. táblázat. CT-felvételek eredményei – a graft
átjárhatósága ..................................................125
6.4.6. táblázat. CT-felvételek eredményei – graft
(fő graft-törzs) migrációja ......................................125
6.4.7. táblázat. Abdominális röntgenfelvételek eredményei –
ág leválása .....................................................126
6.5 Endoleak kezelése ...............................................126
6.5.1. táblázat. Endoleak-ek (valamennyi típus, új és perzisztens) 126
6.5.2. táblázat. Endoleak első előfordulása standard kockázatú
betegeknél ....................................................126
6.5.3. táblázat. Endoleak első előfordulása magas kockázatú
betegeknél ....................................................126
6.5.4. táblázat. Endoleak első előfordulása roll-in
betegeknél ....................................................126
6.6 Aneurysma változás .............................................127
6.6.1. táblázat. Az aneurysma maximális átmérőjében
bekövetkezett változások időintervallum szerint ................127
6.6.2. táblázat. Az aneurysma méretében és az endoleak-
státuszban bekövetkezett változások 12 hónapnál ..............127
6.6.3. táblázat. Az aneurysma méretében és az endoleak-
státuszban bekövetkezett változások 24 hónapnál ..............127
6.7 Az AAA-val összefüggő másodlagos beavatkozások ..............127
6.7.1. táblázat. Másodlagos beavatkozások (1-12. hónap) ........127
6.7.2. táblázat. Másodlagos beavatkozások
(>12-24. hónap) ................................................127
6.8 Másodlagos végpontok mérőszámai .............................128
6.8.1. táblázat. Másodlagos végpontok kezelési
csoportok szerint ..............................................128
7 A BETEGEK KIVÁLASZTÁSA ÉS KEZELÉSE ...........................128
A kezelés egyénivé tétele ...........................................128
8 BETEGTÁJÉKOZTATÁS .............................................128
9 KISZERELÉS ......................................................128
10.1 Orvosképzés ...................................................128
10.2 Használat előtti szemle .........................................128
10.3 Szükséges anyagok ............................................128
10.4 Ajánlott anyagok ...............................................128
10.5 Az eszköz átmérője méretezésének irányelvei ...................129
10.5.1. táblázat. Útmutató a fő graft-törzs átmérőjének
méretezéséhez .................................................129
10.5.2. táblázat. Útmutató az iliaca-szár átmérőjének
méretezéséhez .................................................129
11 HASZNÁLATI UTASÍTÁS ..........................................129
Anatómiai követelmények ..........................................129
A felhasználással kapcsolatos általános információk .................129
Implantáció előtti meghatározó elemek .............................129
A beteg előkészítése ................................................129
11.1 Bifurcatiós rendszer ............................................129
11.1.1 A bifurcatiós fő grafttörzs előkészítése és öblítése ........129
11.1.2 A kontralaterális iliacaszár előkészítése és öblítése ........129
11.1.3 Az ipsilaterális iliacaszár előkészítése és öblítése ..........129
11.1.4 Vaszkuláris hozzáférés és angiográfia .....................129
11.1.5 A fő grafttörzs elhelyezése ...............................129
11.1.6 Kontralaterális iliaca vezetődrót elhelyezése ..............130
11.1.7 A fő grafttörzs proximális (csúcsi) telepítése ..............130
11.1.8 A kontralaterális iliacaszár elhelyezése és telepítése ......130
11.1.9 Fő grafttörzs disztális (alsó) telepítése ....................130
11.1.10 A csúcsi sapka összekapcsolása .........................130
11.1.11 Az ipsilaterális iliacaszár elhelyezése és telepítése .......130
11.1.12 A formázó ballon felvezetése ...........................130
Végső angiogram ......................................130
12.1 Általános ......................................................130
12.1. táblázat. Endografttal rendelkező betegek számára
ajánlott képalkotó vizsgálati program ..........................131
12.2 Kontrasztanyaggal és anélkül végzett CT-vizsgálattal
kapcsolatos ajánlások ..........................................131
12.2. táblázat. Elfogadható leképezési protokollok ..............131
12.3 Hasi röntgenfelvételek .........................................131
12.4 Ultrahang ......................................................131
12.5 MRI-kompatibilitás és -biztonságosság .........................131
12.6 További felügyelet és kezelés ...................................131
14 HIBAKERESÉS .......................................................131
14.1 Elsütődrótos kioldószerkezet hibakeresése .......................131
14.1.1 A fő grafttörzs proximális (csúcsi) telepítése .................. 131
14.1.2 A csúcsi sapka összekapcsolása .............................. 132
14.1.3 Az ipsilateralis iliacaszár elhelyezése és telepítése ............. 132
14.1.4 A kontralaterális iliacaszár elhelyezése és telepítése ........... 132
14.2 A suprarenalis sztent telepítésének hibakeresése .................132
14.2.1 A fő grafttörzs proximális (csúcsi) telepítése .................. 132
14.2.2 A csúcsi sapka összekapcsolása .............................. 132
14.2.3 Az ipsilateralis iliacaszár elhelyezése és telepítése .............132
14.2.4 A kontralaterális iliacaszár elhelyezése és telepítése ...........133
1 DESCRIZIONE DEL DISPOSITIVO .................................... 134
1.1 Corpo aortico principale e branche iliache della protesi ........... 134
1.2 Sistema di inserimento del corpo principale ...................... 134
1.3 Sistema di inserimento della branca iliaca ......................... 134
1.4 Componenti ausiliari dell’endoprotesi addominale Zenith .........134
2 INDICAZIONI PER L’USO ............................................134
3 CONTROINDICAZIONI .............................................. 134
4 AVVERTENZE E PRECAUZIONI ...................................... 134
4.1 Informazioni generali ............................................. 134
4.2 Selezione, trattamento e follow-up del paziente ..................
4.3 Tecniche di misurazione e imaging pre-procedura ................
4.4 Selezione del dispositivo ........................................135
4.5 Procedura di impianto ...........................................135
4.6 Uso del palloncino dilatatore ....................................135
4.7 Sicurezza e compatibilità in ambito MRI ...........................
5 EVENTI NEGATIVI .................................................. 135
5.1 Eventi negativi osservati ..........................................
Tabella 5.1.1 - Decesso e rottura nel corso dello studio clinico ....
Tabella 5.1.2 - Eventi negativi nel corso dello studio clinico .......136
5.2 Possibili eventi negativi ..........................................136
Notifica degli eventi negativi correlati al dispositivo .................136
6 RIEPILOGO DEGLI STUDI CLINICI ....................................136
6.1 Obiettivo ........................................................ 136
6.2 Struttura dello studio ............................................. 136
Tabella 6.2.1 - Follow-up dei pazienti e statistiche ................ 137
6.3 Caratteristiche demografiche dei pazienti ......................... 137
Tabella 6.3.1 - Confronto delle caratteristiche dei soggetti ........137
Tabella 6.3.2 - Distribuzione degli aneurismi in base al diametro. . 137
6.4 Risultati .......................................................... 137
Tabella 6.4.1 - Dispositivi impiantati ............................. 137
Tabella 6.4.2 - Risultati principali. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
Tabella 6.4.3 - Parametri di valutazione del successo ............. 139
Tabella 6.4.4 - Eventi evidenziati mediante lastre radiografiche
addominali - Integrità del dispositivo ............................ 139
Tabella 6.4.5 - Eventi evidenziati mediante TC - Pervietà
dell’endoprotesi ................................................ 139
Tabella 6.4.6 - Eventi evidenziati mediante TC - Migrazione
dell’endoprotesi (corpo principale) .............................. 139
Tabella 6.4.7 - Eventi evidenziati mediante lastre radiografiche
addominali - Separazione delle estremità ........................ 140
6.5 Gestione degli endoleak .......................................... 140
Tabella 6.5.1 - Endoleak (tutti i tipi, nuovi e recidivi) ..............140
Tabella 6.5.2 - Prima occorrenza di endoleak per i pazienti a
rischio normale ................................................. 140
Tabella 6.5.3 - Prima occorrenza di endoleak per i pazienti ad
alto rischio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
Tabella 6.5.4 - Prima occorrenza di endoleak per i pazienti
di pratica ....................................................... 140
6.6 Mutazione dell’aneurisma ........................................ 141
Tabella 6.6.1 - Variazione del diametro massimo dell’aneurisma
per intervallo di tempo ......................................... 141
Tabella 6.6.2 - Variazione della dimensione dell’aneurisma e
endoleak a 12 mesi ............................................. 141
Tabella 6.6.3 - Variazione della dimensione dell’aneurisma e
endoleak a 24 mesi ............................................. 141
6.7 Interventi secondari correlati all’AAA ..............................141
Tabella 6.7.1 - Interventi secondari (da 0 a 12 mesi) .............. 141
Tabella 6.7.2 - Interventi secondari (da >12 a 24 mesi) ............ 141
6.8 Parametri per la valutazione degli esiti secondari .................. 142
Tabella 6.8.1 - Esiti secondari per gruppo di trattamento ......... 142
7 SELEZIONE E TRATTAMENTO DEI PAZIENTI ..........................142
Requisiti per il trattamento ........................................... 142
8 INFORMAZIONI DA FORNIRE AI PAZIENTI ........................... 142
9 CONFEZIONAMENTO ..............................................142
10 INFORMAZIONI PER USO CLINICO ................................. 142
10.1 Programma di formazione per il medico ......................... 142
10.2 Esame prima dell’uso ........................................... 142
10.3 Materiali necessari .............................................. 142
10.4 Materiali consigliati ............................................. 142
10.5 Linee guida per la determinazione del diametro idoneo
del dispositivo ....................................................... 143
Tabella 10.5.1 - Guida alla determinazione del diametro idoneo
del corpo principale dell’endoprotesi ............................143
Tabella 10.5.2 - Guida alla determinazione del diametro idoneo
della branca iliaca dell’endoprotesi ..............................143
11 ISTRUZIONI PER L’USO ............................................143
Requisiti anatomici .................................................. 143
Informazioni generali sull’impiego ................................... 143
Fattori da considerare in sede preliminare ............................143
Preparazione del paziente ...........................................143
11.1 Sistema biforcato ............................................... 143
11.1.1 Preparazione/lavaggio del corpo principale biforcato ......143
11.1.2 Preparazione/lavaggio della branca iliaca controlaterale ...143
11.1.3 Preparazione/lavaggio della branca iliaca ipsilaterale ...... 143
11.1.4 Accesso al sistema vascolare e angiografia ................ 143
11.1.5 Posizionamento del corpo principale .....................143
11.1.6 Posizionamento della guida iliaca controlaterale .......... 144
11.1.7 Rilascio dell’estremità prossimale (superiore) del corpo
principale ...................................................... 144
11.1.8 Posizionamento e rilascio della branca iliaca controlaterale 144
11.1.9 Rilascio dell’estremità distale (inferiore) del corpo
principale ...................................................... 144
11.1.10 Innesto della calotta superiore ........................... 144
11.1.11 Posizionamento e rilascio della branca iliaca ipsilaterale .. 144
11.1.12 Inserimento del palloncino dilatatore .................... 144
Angiogramma conclusivo ................................ 145
POSTOPERATORIO ................................................145
12.1 Generali ........................................................ 145
Tabella 12.1 - Programma consigliato per le procedure di
imaging per i pazienti portatori di endoprotesi .................. 145
12.2 Consigli per la TC con e senza mezzo di contrasto ................ 145
Tabella 12.2 Protocolli di imaging accettabili ..................... 145
12.3 Lastre radiografiche addominali ................................. 145
12.4 Ecografia .......................................................145
12.5 Sicurezza e compatibilità in ambito MRI ......................... 145
12.6 Ulteriori esami di controllo e trattamento ........................ 146
14 GUIDA ALLA RISOLUZIONE DEI PROBLEMI ...........................146
14.1 Risoluzione dei problemi relativi al meccanismo di rilascio a filo di
sicurezza ...............................................................146
14.1.1 Rilascio dell’estremità prossimale (superiore) del corpo
principale ..............................................................146
14.1.2 Innesto della calotta superiore ..................................146
14.1.3 Posizionamento e rilascio della branca iliaca ipsilaterale ........146
14.1.4 Posizionamento e rilascio della branca iliaca controlaterale .....146
14.2 Risoluzione dei problemi relativi al rilascio dello stent soprarenale. . 146
14.2.1 Rilascio dell’estremità prossimale (superiore) del corpo
principale ..............................................................146
14.2.2 Innesto della calotta superiore ..................................147
14.2.3 Posizionamento e rilascio della branca iliaca ipsilaterale ........147
14.2.4 Posizionamento e rilascio della branca iliaca controlaterale .....147
134 134
135 135
1 BESCHRIJVING VAN HET HULPMIDDEL ..............................148
1.1 Componenten voor main body in de aorta en voor iliacale poten .. 148
1.2 Introductiesysteem van de main body ............................ 148
1.3 Introductiesysteem van de iliacale poot ........................... 148
1.4 Zenith hulpcomponenten voor de AAA endovasculaire prothese .. 148
2 INDICATIES VOOR GEBRUIK .......................................148
3 CONTRA-INDICATIES ...............................................148
4.1 Algemeen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
4.2 Selectie, behandeling en controle van de patiënt ................
4.3 Preprocedurele meettechnieken en beeldvorming ...............
4.4 Selectie van het hulpmiddel .....................................149
4.5 De implantatieprocedure ........................................149
4.6 Gebruik van de modelleerballon .................................149
4.7 MRI-veiligheid en -compatibiliteit .................................
5 ONGEWENSTE VOORVALLEN ....................................... 149
5.1 Waargenomen ongewenste voorvallen ...........................
Tabel 5.1.1 Overlijden en ruptuur bij klinische studie .............
Tabel 5.1.2 Ongewenste voorvallen in klinische studie ........... 150
5.2 Mogelijke ongewenste voorvallen ................................ 150
Melding van prothesegerelateerde ongewenste voorvallen ..........150
6 SAMENVAT TING VAN KLINISCHE STUDIES ........................... 150
6.1 Doelstellingen ...................................................150
6.2 Opzet van de studie .............................................. 150
Tabel 6.2.1 Patiëntcontrole en controleerbaarheid ............... 151
6.3 Demografische patiëntgegevens ................................. 151
Tabel 6.3.1 Vergelijking van kenmerken van proefpersonen ...... 151
Tabel 6.3.2 Verdeling diameter aneurysma ....................... 151
6.4 Resultaten ....................................................... 151
Tabel 6.4.1 Gebruikte implantaten ...............................152
Tabel 6.4.2 Primaire resultaten ...................................152
Tabel 6.4.3 Resultaatmetingen .................................. 153
Tabel 6.4.4 Abdominale radiografische bevindingen –
Integriteit van de prothese ...................................... 153
Tabel 6.4.5 CT-bevindingen – Afwezigheid van obstructies
in prothese ..................................................... 153
Tabel 6.4.6 CT-bevindingen – Migratie van main body ........... 153
Tabel 6.4.7 Abdominale radiografische bevindingen –
losraken van de stompen ....................................... 154
6.5 Behandeling van endolekkages ................................... 154
Tabel 6.5.1 Endolekkages (alle typen, nieuw en persistent) ....... 154
Tabel 6.5.2 Eerste voorkomen van endolekkage bij patiënten
met standaardrisico ............................................. 154
Tabel 6.5.3 Eerste voorkomen van endolekkage bij patiënten
met hoog risico ................................................. 154
Tabel 6.5.4 Eerste voorkomen van endolekkage bij
oefenpatiënten ................................................. 154
6.6 Veranderingen van het aneurysma. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
Tabel 6.6.1 Verandering van de maximale diameter van het
aneurysma per interval ......................................... 155
Tabel 6.6.2 Veranderingen in afmeting van het aneur ysma en de
endolekkage na 12 maanden ................................... 155
Tabel 6.6.3 Veranderingen in afmeting van het aneur ysma en de
endolekkage na 24 maanden ................................... 155
6.7 AAA-gerelateerde secundaire interventies ........................ 155
Tabel 6.7.1 Secundaire interventies (tot 12 maanden) ............ 155
Tabel 6.7.2 Secundaire interventies (> 12 tot 24 maanden) ....... 155
6.8 Metingen secundaire resultaten .................................. 156
Tabel 6.8.1 Secundaire resultaten per behandelgroep ............156
7 SELECTIE EN BEHANDELING VAN DE PATIËNT .......................156
Individualisering van de behandeling ................................ 156
8 DE PATIËNT INFORMEREN .......................................... 156
9 WIJZE VAN LEVERING .............................................. 156
10 INFORMATIE OVER HET KLINISCHE GEBRUIK .......................156
10.1 Opleiding van de arts ........................................... 156
10.2 Inspectie voorafgaand aan gebruik .............................. 156
10.3 Benodigde materialen ..........................................156
10.4 Aanbevolen materialen ......................................... 156
10.5 Richtlijnen voor het bepalen van de diameter van
het hulpmiddel ...................................................... 157
Tabel 10.5.1 Handleiding voor het bepalen van de diameter
van de main body ............................................... 157
Tabel 10.5.2 Handleiding voor het bepalen van de diameter
van de iliacale poot ............................................. 157
11 GEBRUIKSAANWIJZING ........................................... 157
Anatomische vereisten ............................................... 157
Algemene gebruiksinformatie ........................................ 157
Bepalende factoren vóór de implantatie .............................. 157
De patiënt voorbereiden ............................................. 157
11.1 Bifurcatiesysteem ............................................... 157
11.1.1 Voorbereiding/spoelen van de main body met bifurcatie ..157
11.1.2 Voorbereiding/spoelen van de contralaterale iliacale poot ..157
11.1.3 Voorbereiding/spoelen van de ipsilaterale iliacale poot ....157
11.1.4 Vasculaire introductie en angiografie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
11.1.5 Plaatsing van de main body ..............................157
11.1.6 De contralaterale iliacale voerdraad plaatsen .............. 158
11.1.7 Ontplooiing van het proximale deel (top) van de main
body ........................................................... 158
11.1.8 Plaatsing en ontplooiing van de contralaterale iliacale
poot ............................................................ 158
11.1.9 Ontplooiing van het distale deel (onderkant) main body ..158
11.1.10 Koppelen van de topkap ................................ 158
11.1.11 Plaatsing en ontplooiing van de ipsilaterale iliacale poot . 158
11.1.12 Introductie van de modelleerballon ..................... 158
Afrondend angiogram ................................... 158
POSTOPERATIEVE CONTROLE ..................................... 159
12.1 Algemeen ...................................................... 159
Tabel 12.1 Aanbevolen schema voor beeldvorming bij patiënten
met een endovasculaire prothese ............................... 159
12.2 Aanbevelingen voor CT-onderzoek met en zonder
contrastmiddel .................................................159
Tabel 12.2 Geaccepteerde beeldvormingsprotocollen ............ 159
12.3 Röntgenopnamen van de buik .................................. 159
12.4 Echografie ...................................................... 159
12.5 Veiligheid bij en compatibiliteit met MRI .........................159
12.6 Extra controle en behandeling ..................................159
13 INFORMATIE PATIËNTVOLGSYSTEEM ..............................159
14 OPLOSSEN VAN PROBLEMEN ........................................160
14.1 Problemen met de ontkoppeling van de trigger wire oplossen .....160
14.1.1 Ontplooiing van het proximale deel (top) van de main body . 160
14.1.2 Koppelen van de topkap .....................................160
14.1.3 Plaatsing en ontplooiing van de ipsilaterale iliacale poot .....160
14.1.4 Plaatsing en ontplooiing van de contralaterale iliacale poot ..160
14.2 Problemen met de ontplooiing van de suprarenale stent oplossen . 160
14.2.1 Ontplooiing van het proximale deel (top) van de main body . 160
14.2.2 Koppelen van de topkap .....................................160
14.2.3 Plaatsing en ontplooiing van de ipsilaterale iliacale poot .....160
14.2.4 Plaatsing en ontplooiing van de contralaterale iliacale poot ..161
148 148
149 149
1 BESKRIVELSE AV ANORDNINGEN ...................................162
1.1 Aortisk hoveddel og iliaca-benkomponenter .....................162
1.2 Hoveddelens innføringssystem ...................................162
1.3 Iliaca-ben innføringssystem ......................................162
1.4 Hjelpekomponenter for Zenith AAA endovaskulært implantat ....162
2 BRUKSOMRÅDER ..................................................162
3 KONTRAINDIKASJONER ............................................162
4 ADVARSLER OG FORHOLDSREGLER ................................162
4.1 Generelt .........................................................
4.2 Pasientutvelgelse, behandling og oppfølging ....................162
4.3 Målingsteknikker og avbilding før prosedyren. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
4.4 Valg av anordning ...............................................163
4.5 Implantasjon ....................................................163
4.6 Bruk av formingsballong ........................................163
4.7 MR-sikkerhet og kompatibilitet ...................................
5 UGUNSTIGE HENDELSER ...........................................163
5.1 Observerte ugunstige hendelser .................................163
Tabell 5.1.1 Død og ruptur fra klinisk studie ........................163
Tabell 5.1.2 Ugunstige hendelser i klinisk studie ....................164
5.2 Mulige ugunstige hendelser ......................................164
Rapportering av ugunstige hendelser, relatert til anordningen .....164
6 OVERSIKT AV KLINISKE STUDIER ...................................164
6.1 Målsetninger .....................................................164
6.2 Studiedesign .....................................................164
Tabell 6.2.1 Pasientoppfølging og ansvarlighet ..................... 165
6.3 Pasientbefolkningsstatistikk ..................................... 165
Tabell 6.3.1 Sammenligning av forsøkspersoners karakteristika .....165
Tabell 6.3.2 Distribusjon av aneurismens diameter ................. 165
6.4 Resultater ........................................................165
Tabell 6.4.1 Implanterte anordninger ..............................165
Tabell 6.4.2 Primære resultater .....................................166
Tabell 6.4.3 Suksessmål ............................................167
Tabell 6.4.4 Funn under abdominal røntgen –
anordningens integritet ........................................... 167
Tabell 6.4.5 CT-funn – implantatpatens .............................167
Tabell 6.4.6 CT-funn – implantat (hoveddel)-vandring .............. 167
Tabell 6.4.7 Funn under abdominal røntgen – løsning av lem ....... 168
6.5 Behandling av endolekkasje ......................................168
Tabell 6.5.1 Endolekkasjer (alle typer, nye og persistente) ...........168
Tabell 6.5.2 Første tilfelle av endolekkasje for
standardrisikopasienter ............................................168
Tabell 6.5.3 Første tilfelle av endolekkasje for høyrisikopasienter .... 168
Tabell 6.5.4 Første tilfelle av endolekkasje for innlæringspasienter .. 168
6.6 Aneurismeendringer .............................................169
Tabell 6.6.1 Aneurismens maksimale diameterendring pr. intervall ..169 Tabell 6.6.2 Endring i aneurismens størrelse og endolekkasje ved
12 måneder .......................................................169
Tabell 6.6.3 Endring i aneurismens størrelse og endolekkasje ved
24 måneder .......................................................169
6.7 AAA-relaterte sekundære intervensjoner .........................169
Tabell 6.7.1 Sekundære intervensjoner (til 12 måneder) ............ 169
Tabell 6.7.2 Sekundære intervensjoner (>12 til 24 måneder) ........169
6.8 Måltall for sekundære resultater ..................................170
Tabell 6.8.1 Sekundære resultater pr. behandlingsgruppe ..........170
7 PASIENTUTVALG OG BEHANDLING .................................170
Individualisering av behandlingen ...................................170
8 PASIENTRÅDFØRINGSINFORMASJON ...............................170
9 LEVERING .........................................................170
10 INFORMASJON OM KLINISK ANVENDELSE .......................170
10.1 Legeopplæring .................................................170
10.2 Inspeksjon før bruk .............................................170
10.3 Nødvendige materialer .........................................170
10.4 Anbefalte materialer ............................................170
10.5 Retningslinjer for størrelsesmåling av anordningens diameter ...170
Tabell 10.5.1 Diameterstørrelsesguide for hoveddel-implantat ...... 171
Tabell 10.5.2 Diameterstørrelsesguide for iliaca-ben implantat ......171
11 BRUKSVEILEDNING ...............................................171
Anatomiske krav .....................................................171
Allmenn bruksinformasjon ...........................................171
Avgjørende faktorer før implantasjonen ..............................171
Klargjøring av pasienten .............................................171
11.1 Bifurkert system ................................................171
11.1.1 Forberedelse/skylling av bifurkert hoveddel .................171
11.1.2 Forberedelse/skylling av kontralateral iliaca-ben .............171
11.1.3 Forberedelse/skylling av ipsilateralt iliaca-ben ...............171
11.1.4 Vaskulær tilgang og angiografi ..............................171
11.1.5 Plassering av hoveddel ......................................171
11.1.6 Plassering av kontralateral iliaca-ledevaier ...................171
11.1.7 Proksimal (topp) anleggelse av hoveddel ....................171
11.1.8 Plassering og anleggelse av
11.1.9 Distal (bunn) anleggelse av hoveddel ....................... 172
11.1.10 Sammenkobling av topphetten ............................172
11.1.11 Plassering og anleggelse av ipsilateralt iliaca-ben ..........172
11.1.12 Innføring av formingsballong ..............................172
Sluttangiogram ........................................... 172
OPPFØLGING .................................................... 172
12.1 Generelt ........................................................172
Tabell 12.1 Anbefalt avbildingsprogram for pasienter
med endoimplantat ...............................................173
12.2 Anbefalinger for CT med og uten kontrast .......................173
Tabell 12.2 Godkjente avbildingsprotokoller ....................... 173
12.3 Abdominale røntgenbilder ......................................173
12.4 Ultralyd .........................................................173
12.5 MRI-sikkerhet og kompatibilitet .................................173
12.6 Ytterligere kontroll og behandling .............................. 173
13 SPORING AV PASIENTINFORMASJON ..............................173
14 FEILSØKING .........................................................173
14.1 Feilsøking for vaierutløsningsmekanisme ..........................
14.1.1 Proksimal (topp) anleggelse av hoveddel ....................173
14.1.2 Sammenkobling av topphetten ..............................
14.1.3 Plassering og anleggelse av ipsilateralt iliaca-ben ............
14.1.4 Plassering og anleggelse av kontralateralt iliaca-ben .........
14.2 Feilsøking for anleggelse av suprarenal stent .......................
14.2.1 Proksimal (topp) anleggelse av hoveddel ....................
14.2.2 Sammenkobling av topphetten ..............................
14.2.3 Plassering og anleggelse av ipsilateralt iliaca-ben ............
14.2.4 Plassering og anleggelse av kontralateralt iliaca-ben .........
iliaca-ben. . . . . . . . . 172
173 174 174 174 174 174 174 174
1 OPIS URZĄDZENIA ................................................175
1.1 Główny trzon aortalny i odnogi biodrowe ........................175
1.2 System podawania głównego trzonu ............................175
1.3 System podawania odnogi biodrowej ............................175
1.4 Elementy pomocnicze do stent-graftu wewnątrznaczyniowego
Zenith AAA .........................................................175
2 WSKAZANIA DO STOSOWANIA ....................................175
3 PRZECIWWSKAZANIA .............................................175
4 OSTRZEŻENIA I ŚRODKI OSTROŻNOŚCI ............................175
4.1 Ogólne ..........................................................
4.2 Wybór pacjentów, leczenie i kontrola po zabiegu .................175
4.3 Techniki pomiarów przedoperacyjnych i obrazowanie ............175
4.4 Wybór urządzenia ...............................................176
4.5 Procedura wszczepiania .........................................176
4.6 Użycie balonu kształtującego ....................................176
4.7 Bezpieczeństwo i zgodność z badaniem MRI ......................
5 ZDARZENIA NIEPOŻĄDANE .......................................176
5.1 Obserwowane zdarzenia niepożądane ...........................176
Tabela 5.1.1 Zgon i pęknięcie – dane z badania klinicznego .....176
Tabela 5.1.2 Zdarzenia niepożądane w badaniu klinicznym ......177
5.2 Potencjalne zdarzenia niepożądane .............................177
Zgłaszanie zdarzeń niepożądanych związanych z urządzeniem ..177
6 STRESZCZENIE BADAŃ KLINICZNYCH ..............................177
6.1 Cele .............................................................177
6.2 Schemat badania ................................................177
Tabela 6.2.1 Kontrola i ewidencja pacjentów ....................178
6.3 Dane demograficzne pacjentów .................................178
Tabela 6.3.1 Porównanie charakterystyki pacjentów .............178
Tabela 6.3.2 Rozkład średnic tętniaków .........................178
6.4 Wyniki ..........................................................178
Tabela 6.4.1 Wszczepione urządzenia ...........................179
Tabela 6.4.2 Wyniki pierwszorzędowe ...........................179
Tabela 6.4.3 Wyniki oceny skuteczności .........................180
Tabela 6.4.4 Wyniki badania radiologicznego jamy brzusznej –
integralność urządzenia ........................................180
Tabela 6.4.5 Wyniki badania TK – drożność stent-graftu .........180
Tabela 6.4.6 Wyniki badania TK – przemieszczenie stent-graftu
(głównego trzonu) .............................................180
Tabela 6.4.7 Wyniki badania rtg jamy brzusznej –
oddzielenie odgałęzienia .......................................181
6.5 Postępowanie w razie przecieku wewnętrznego. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
Tabela 6.5.1 Przecieki wewnętrzne (wszystkie typy, nowe
i przetrwałe) ...................................................181
Tabela 6.5.2 Pierwszorazowe wystąpienie przecieku
wewnętrznego u pacjentów ze standardowym ryzykiem ........181
Tabela 6.5.3 Pierwszorazowe wystąpienie przecieku
wewnętrznego u pacjentów z wysokim ryzykiem ...............181
Tabela 6.5.4 Pierwszorazowe wystąpienie przecieku
wewnętrznego u pacjentów z grupy próbnej ...................181
6.6 Zmiana w obrębie tętniaka ......................................182
Tabela 6.6.1 Zmiana maksymalnej średnicy tętniaka
w poszczególnych okresach badania ...........................182
Tabela 6.6.2 Zmiana średnicy tętniaka i przeciek wewnętrzny
w okresie 12 miesięcy ..........................................182
Tabela 6.6.3 Zmiana średnicy tętniaka i przeciek wewnętrzny
w okresie 24 miesięcy ..........................................182
6.7 Interwencje wtórne związane z AAA .............................182
Tabela 6.7.1 Interwencje wtórne (do 12 miesięcy) ...............182
Tabela 6.7.2 Interwencje wtórne (>12 do 24 miesięcy) ...........182
6.8 Wskaźniki wyników drugorzędowych ............................183
Tabela 6.8.1 Wyniki drugorzędowe w poszczególnych
grupach leczenia ...............................................183
7 DOBÓR I LECZENIE PACJENTÓW ...................................183
Indywidualizacja leczenia ...........................................183
8 INFORMACJE DLA PACJENTA ......................................183
9 RODZAJ OPAKOWANIA ...........................................183
10.1 Szkolenie lekarza ...............................................183
10.2 Kontrola przed użyciem ........................................183
10.3 Wymagane materiały ...........................................183
10.4 Materiały zalecane .............................................183
10.5 Wskazówki dotyczące kalibrowania średnicy przyrządu .........184
Tabela 10.5.1 Wskazówki dotyczące kalibrowania średnicy
głównego trzonu stent-graftu ..................................184
Tabela 10.5.2 Wskazówki dotyczące kalibrowania średnicy
odnogi biodrowej stent-graftu .................................184
11 WSKAZANIA ....................................................184
Wymagania anatomiczne ............................................
Ogólne informacje o stosowaniu .....................................
Przedimplantacyjne czynniki determinujące ..........................
Przygotowanie pacjenta .............................................
11.1 System rozwidlony .............................................184
11.1.1 Przygotowanie/przepłukiwanie rozwidlonego trzonu
głównego .....................................................184
11.1.2 Przygotowanie/przepłukiwanie przeciwstronnej odnogi
biodrowej .....................................................184
11.1.3 Przygotowanie/przepłukiwanie tożsamostronnej odnogi
biodrowej .....................................................184
11.1.4 Dostęp naczyniowy i angiografia .........................184
11.1.5 Umieszczanie głównego trzonu ..........................184
11.1.6 Umieszczanie przeciwstronnego prowadnika
biodrowego ...................................................185
11.1.7 Rozprężanie proksymalnej (górnej) części głównego
trzonu .........................................................185
11.1.8 Umieszczanie i rozprężanie przeciwstronnej odnogi
biodrowej .....................................................185
11.1.9 Rozprężanie dystalnej (dolnej) części głównego trzonu ...185
11.1.10 Łączenie nasadki końcówki .............................185
11.1.11 Umieszczanie i rozprężanie tożsamostronnej odnogi
biodrowej .....................................................185
11.1.12 Wprowadzenie balonu kształtującego ...................185
Angiogram końcowy ...................................186
12.1 Ogólne ........................................................186
Tabela 12.1 Zalecany harmonogram badań dla pacjentów
ze stent-graftami wewnątrznaczyniowymi ......................186
12.2 Zalecenia dotyczące badania TK z kontrastem i bez kontrastu ...186
Tabela 12.2 Dopuszczalne protokoły obrazowania ..............186
12.3 Radiogramy brzuszne ..........................................186
12.4 Badanie USG ...................................................186
12.5 Bezpieczeństwo i zgodność z badaniem MRI ....................186
12.6 Dodatkowy nadzór i leczenie ...................................187
14 ROZWIĄZYWANIE PROBLEMÓW .....................................187
14.1 Rozwiązywanie problemów dotyczących uwalniania drutu
zwalniającego ..........................................................187
14.1.1 Rozprężanie proksymalnej (górnej) części głównego trzonu
14.1.2 Łączenie nasadki końcówki
14.1.3 Umieszczanie i rozprężanie tożsamostronnej odnogi biodrowej
14.1.4 Umieszczanie i rozprężanie przeciwstronnej odnogi biodrowej
14.2 Rozwiązywanie problemów dotyczących rozprężania stentu
nadnerkowego .........................................................187
14.2.1 Rozprężanie proksymalnej (górnej) części głównego trzonu
14.2.2 Łączenie nasadki końcówki
14.2.3 Umieszczanie i rozprężanie tożsamostronnej odnogi biodrowej
14.2.4 Umieszczanie i rozprężanie przeciwstronnej odnogi biodrowej
184 184 184 184
. 187
. 188
1 DESCRIÇÃO DO DISPOSITIVO ....................................... 189
1.1 Componentes do corpo aórtico principal e extremidades ilíacas ... 189
1.2 Sistema de colocação do corpo principal ......................... 189
1.3 Sistema de colocação da extremidade ilíaca ...................... 189
1.4 Componentes auxiliares da prótese endovascular AAA Zenith ..... 189
2 INDICAÇÕES DE UTILIZAÇÃO .......................................189
3 CONTRA-INDICAÇÕES ..............................................189
4 ADVERTÊNCIAS E PRECAUÇÕES .................................... 189
4.1 Geral ............................................................ 189
4.2 Selecção, tratamento e seguimento dos doentes .................
4.3 Técnicas de medição e imagiologia antes do procedimento ......
4.4 Escolha do dispositivo ...........................................190
4.5 Procedimento de implantação ...................................190
4.6 Utilização do balão de moldagem ...............................190
4.7 Segurança e compatibilidade com RMN ..........................
5 EFEITOS ADVERSOS ................................................190
5.1 Efeitos adversos observados ......................................
Tabela 5.1.1 Morte e rotura ocorridas no estudo clínico ..........
Tabela 5.1.2 Efeitos adversos no estudo clínico ...................191
5.2 Efeitos adversos potenciais ....................................... 191
Relato de efeitos adversos relacionados com o dispositivo ...........191
6 SÍNTESE DOS ESTUDOS CLÍNICOS ..................................191
6.1 Objectivos ....................................................... 191
6.2 Desenho do estudo .............................................. 191
Tabela 6.2.1 Seguimento e responsabilidade dos doentes ........192
6.3 Dados demográficos dos doentes ................................192
Tabela 6.3.1 Comparação das características dos sujeitos .........192
Tabela 6.3.2 Distribuição dos diâmetros dos aneurismas ......... 192
6.4 Resultados ....................................................... 192
Tabela 6.4.1 Dispositivos implantados ........................... 192
Tabela 6.4.2 Resultados primários ............................... 193
Tabela 6.4.3 Avaliações do sucesso .............................. 194
Tabela 6.4.4 Achados radiográficos abdominais - integridade
do dispositivo ..................................................194
Tabela 6.4.5 Achados da TAC - permeabilidade da prótese. . . . . . . . 194
Tabela 6.4.6 Achados da TAC - migração da prótese
(corpo principal) ................................................ 194
Tabela 6.4.7 Achados radiográficos abdominais -
separação dos ramos ........................................... 195
6.5 Tratamento de fugas intra-aneurismais ........................... 195
Tabela 6.5.1 Fugas intra-aneurismais (todos os tipos, novas
e persistentes) .................................................. 195
Tabela 6.5.2 Primeira ocorrência de fugas intra-aneurismais
para doentes de risco normal ................................... 195
Tabela 6.5.3 Primeira ocorrência de fugas intra-aneurismais
para doentes de alto risco ....................................... 195
Tabela 6.5.4 Primeira ocorrência de fugas intra-aneurismais
para doentes não permanentes ................................. 195
6.6 Alterações do aneurisma ......................................... 196
Tabela 6.6.1 Alterações nos diâmetros máximos dos
aneurismas por intervalo ........................................ 196
Tabela 6.6.2 Alterações no tamanho do aneurisma e fugas
intra-aneurismais aos 12 meses .................................196
Tabela 6.6.3 Alterações no tamanho do aneurisma e fugas
intra-aneurismais aos 24 meses .................................196
6.7 Intervenções secundárias relacionadas com AAA .................. 196
Tabela 6.7.1 Intervenções secundárias (aos 12 meses) ............ 196
Tabela 6.7.2 Intervenções secundárias (> 12 aos 24 meses) ....... 196
6.8 Avaliações dos resultados secundários ............................ 197
Tabela 6.8.1 Resultados secundários por grupo de tratamento ... 197
7 SELECÇÃO E TRATAMENTO DE DOENTES ............................197
Individualização do tratamento ...................................... 197
189 189
190 190
9 APRESENTAÇÃO ...................................................197
10 INFORMAÇÃO PARA UTILIZAÇÃO CLÍNICA ......................... 197
10.1 Formação de médicos ........................................... 197
10.2 Inspecção antes da utilização. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
10.3 Materiais necessários ............................................ 197
10.4 Materiais recomendados ........................................ 197
10.5 Orientações para escolha do diâmetro do dispositivo ............ 198
Tabela 10.5.1 Guia para escolha do diâmetro do corpo principal
da prótese ...................................................... 198
Tabela 10.5.2 Guia para escolha do diâmetro da extremidade
ilíaca da prótese ................................................ 198
11 INSTRUÇÕES DE UTILIZAÇÃO .....................................198
Requisitos anatómicos ............................................... 198
Informação geral sobre a utilização .................................. 198
Factores determinantes antes da implantação ........................ 198
Preparação do doente ............................................... 198
11.1 Sistema bifurcado ............................................... 198
11.1.1 Preparação/irrigação do corpo principal bifurcado ........ 198
11.1.2 Preparação/irrigação da extremidade ilíaca contralateral .. 198
11.1.3 Preparação/irrigação da extremidade ilíaca
11.1.4 Acesso vascular e angiografia ............................. 198
11.1.5 Colocação do corpo principal ............................. 198
11.1.6 Colocação do fio guia ilíaco contralateral .................. 199
11.1.7 Expansão da parte proximal (topo) do corpo principal ..... 199
11.1.8 Colocação e expansão da extremidade ilíaca contralateral ...199
11.1.9 Expansão da parte distal (inferior) do corpo principal ...... 199
11.1.10 Acoplagem da tampa superior. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
11.1.11 Colocação e expansão da extremidade ilíaca ipsilateral .....
11.1.12 Inserção do balão de moldagem ......................... 199
Angiograma final ........................................ 199
PÓS-OPERATÓRIO ................................................200
12.1 Geral ...........................................................200
Tabela 12.1 Plano de exames imagiológicos recomendado para
doentes com próteses endovasculares .......................... 200
12.2 Recomendações para TAC com e sem contraste .................. 200
Tabela 12.2 Protocolos de imagiologia aceitáveis ................200
12.3 Radiografias abdominais ........................................ 200
12.4 Ecografia .......................................................200
12.5 Segurança e compatibilidade com RMN ......................... 200
12.6 Vigilância e tratamento adicionais ...............................200
14 RESOLUÇÃO DE PROBLEMAS ........................................200
14.1 Resoluções de problemas relativos ao mecanismo de libertação
com fio de comando ................................................... 201
14.1.1 Expansão da parte proximal (topo) do corpo principal. . . . . . . . . . 201
14.1.2 Acoplagem da tampa superior ..................................201
14.1.3 Colocação e expansão da extremidade ilíaca ipsilateral .........201
14.1.4 Colocação e expansão da extremidade ilíaca contralateral. . . . . . 201
14.2 Resolução de problemas relativos à expansão do stent supra-renal . 201
14.2.1 Expansão da parte proximal (topo) do corpo principal. . . . . . . . . . 201
14.2.2 Acoplagem da tampa superior ..................................201
14.2.3 Colocação e expansão da extremidade ilíaca ipsilateral .........201
14.2.4 Colocação e expansão da extremidade ilíaca contralateral. . . . . . 202
. . . . . . 198
1 PRODUKTBESKRIVNING ............................................ 203
1.1 Aortahuvudstomme och komponenter för iliakaliskt graftben ..... 203
1.2 Införingssystem för huvudstommen .............................. 203
1.3 Det iliakaliska graftbenets införingssystem ........................ 203
1.4 Kompletterande komponenter för Zenith AAA endovaskulära
transplantat ......................................................... 203
2 AVSEDD ANVÄNDNING ............................................203
3 KONTRAINDIKATIONER ............................................ 203
4 VARNINGAR OCH FÖRSIKTIGHETSÅTGÄRDER ........................ 203
4.1 Allmänt .......................................................... 203
4.2 Patienturval, behandling och uppföljning ........................
4.3 Mättekniker och bildtagning före proceduren ....................
4.4 Val av anordning ................................................204
4.5 Implantationsförfarande .........................................204
4.6 Användning av formningsballong ...............................204
4.7 MRT-säkerhet och -kompabilitet ..................................
5 BIVERKNINGAR .................................................... 204
5.1 Observerade biverkningar ........................................
Tabell 5.1.1 Dödsfall och ruptur från den kliniska studien. . . . . . . . .
Tabell 5.1.2 Biverkningar i klinisk studie .......................... 205
5.2 Eventuella biverkningar .......................................... 205
Rapportering av biverkningar som har samband med anordningen ..205
6 SAMMANFATTNING AV KLINISKA STUDIER .......................... 205
6.1 Syfte ............................................................. 205
6.2 Studiedesign ..................................................... 205
Tabell 6.2.1 Patientuppföljning och redovisning ................. 206
6.3 Demografiska uppgifter om patienterna .......................... 206
Tabell 6.3.1 Jämförelse av patientkarakteristika .................. 206
Tabell 6.3.2 Distribution av aneurysmdiameter ................... 206
6.4 Resultat .......................................................... 206
Tabell 6.4.1 Implanterade anordningar .......................... 206
Tabell 6.4.2 Primära resultat ..................................... 207
Tabell 6.4.3 Mått på framgång ................................... 208
Tabell 6.4.4 Fynd vid radiografi av buken – anordningens
integritet ....................................................... 208
Tabell 6.4.5 DT-fynd – transplantatets öppenhet ................. 208
Tabell 6.4.6 DT-fynd – migration av transplantatet (huvudstommen) 208
Tabell 6.4.7 Fynd vid radiografi av buken – separation av lem ....209
6.5 Hantering av endoläckage ........................................ 209
Tabell 6.5.1 Endoläckage (alla typer, nya och ihållande) ..........209
Tabell 6.5.2 Första förekomst av endoläckage för standardrisk
patienter ....................................................... 209
Tabell 6.5.3 Första förekomst av endoläckage för högrisk patienter 209 Tabell 6.5.4 Första förekomst av endoläckage för prekliniska
patienter ....................................................... 209
6.6 Förändring av aneurysm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
Tabell 6.6.1 Förändring av maximal aneurysmdiameter per
intervall ........................................................210
Tabell 6.6.2 Förändring av aneurysmstorlek och endoläckage
vid 12 månader ................................................. 210
Tabell 6.6.3 Förändring av aneurysmstorlek och endoläckage
vid 24 månader ................................................. 210
6.7 AAA-relaterade sekundära ingrepp ............................... 210
Tabell 6.7.1 Sekundära ingrepp (till 12 månader) ................. 210
Tabell 6.7.2 Sekundära ingrepp (> 12 till 24 månader) ............ 210
6.8 Sekundära resultatmått .......................................... 211
Tabell 6.8.1 Sekundära resultat enligt behandlingsgrupp .........211
7 PATIENTURVAL OCH BEHANDLING .................................. 211
Individualisering av behandlingen ................................... 211
8 PATIENTRÅDGIVNING .............................................. 211
9 LEVERANSFORM ................................................... 211
10 INFORMATION OM KLINISK ANVÄNDNING ......................... 211
10.1 Läkarens utbildning ............................................. 211
10.2 Besiktning före användning ..................................... 211
10.3 Material som behövs ............................................ 211
10.4 Rekommenderat material ....................................... 211
10.5 Riktlinjer för dimensionering av anordningens diameter ......... 212
Tabell 10.5.1 Dimensioneringsguide för
huvudstomtransplantatets diameter ............................ 212
Tabell 10.5.2 Dimensioneringsguide för det iliakaliska
graftbenets diameter ........................................... 212
11 BRUKSANVISNING ................................................ 212
Anatomiska krav ..................................................... 212
Allmän information .................................................. 212
Avgöranden före implantation ....................................... 212
Förberedelse av patienten ........................................... 212
11.1 Bifurkerat system ...............................................212
11.1.1 Förberedelse/spolning av bifurkerad huvudstomme .......212
11.1.2 Förberedning/spolning av kontralateralt iliakaliskt
graftben ........................................................ 212
11.1.3 Förberedning/spolning av ipsilateralt iliakaliskt graftben .. 212
11.1.4 Kärlåtkomst och angiografi ............................... 212
11.1.5 Placering av huvudstomme ............................... 212
11.1.6 Placering av den kontralaterala iliakaliska ledaren ......... 212
Proximal (hög) utplacering av huvudstomme
Placering och utplacering av det kontralaterala iliakaliska
11.1.9 Distal (botten) insättning av huvudstomme ................
11.1.10 Inkoppling av det övre skyddet ...........................
Placering och utplacering av det ipsilaterala iliakaliska
11.1.12 Införande av formningsballong ...........................
Slutligt angiogram ........................................
UPPFÖLJNING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
12.1 Allmänt ..........................................................
Tabell 12.1 Rekommenderat bildtagningsschema för patienter
med endovaskulära implantat ................................... 214
12.2 Rekommendationer avseende DT med och utan kontrast ........ 214
Tabell 12.2 Godkända bildframställningsprotokoll ............... 214
12.3 Abdominala röntgenbilder ...................................... 214
12.4 Ultraljud ........................................................ 214
12.5 MRT-säkerhet och -kompabilitet ................................. 214
12.6 Ytterligare övervakning och behandling ......................... 214
13 PATIENTSPÅRNINGSINFORMATION ................................ 214
14 FELSÖKNING ........................................................214
14.1 Felsökning av frigöring av utlösningsstråden .......................
14.1.1 Proximal (hög) utplacering av huvudstomme ................
14.1.2 Inkoppling av det övre skyddet ..............................215
14.1.3 Placering och utplacering av det ipsilaterala iliakaliska
graftbenet .........................................................215
14.1.4 Placering och utplacering av det kontralaterala iliakaliska
graftbenet .........................................................215
14.2 Felsökning av utplacering av den suprarenala stenten. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
14.2.1 Proximal (hög) utplacering av huvudstomme ................215
14.2.2 Inkoppling av det övre skyddet ..............................215
14.2.3 Placering och utplacering av det ipsilaterala iliakaliska
graftbenet .........................................................215
14.2.4 Placering och utplacering av det kontralaterala iliakaliska
graftbenet .........................................................215
.............. 212
203 203
204 204
213 213
213 213 213
214 214
Illustrations • Ilustrace • Illustrationer • Abbildungen • Απεικονίσεις • Ilustraciones • Illustrations • Illusztrációk • Illustrazioni • Afbeeldingen • Illustrasjoner • Ilustracje • Ilustrações • Illustrationer
NOTE: The images in this section do not necessarily depict the actual sequence of procedures required to deploy this device. Please be
sure to reference the step-by-step instructions listed in Section 11 DIRECTIONS FOR USE and Section 14 TROUBLESHOOTING.
BEMÆRK: af dette produkt. Sørg for at henvise til trin-for-trin anvisningerne angivet i Afsnit 11 VEJLEDNING og Afsnit 14 FEJLSØGNING.
παρουσιάζονται σε αυτή την ενότητα δεν απεικονίζουν απαραίτητα την πραγματική αλληλουχία των διαδικασιών που απαιτούνται
ilustran la secuencia real de los procedimientos requeridos para desplegar este dispositivo. Asegúrese de consultar las instrucciones
paso a paso indicadas en el apartado 11, MODO DE EMPLEO, y el apartado 14, SOLUCIÓN DE PROBLEMAS.
dispositif. Veiller à consulter les instructions étape par étape indiquées dans la Section 11 DIRECTIVES D’UTILISATION et la Section
tényleges sorrendjét ábrázolják. Mindenképpen tekintse át a „11., HASZNÁLATI UTASÍTÁS” és a „14., HIBAKERESÉS” c. szakasz
lépésenkénti utasításait.
richieste per il rilascio di questo dispositivo. Fare riferimento alle istruzioni passo-passo elencate nella Sezione 11 ISTRUZIONI PER L’USO e nella Sezione 14 GUIDA ALLA RISOLUZIONE DEI PROBLEMI.
feitelijke volgorde van de procedures weer die nodig zijn om dit hulpmiddel te ontplooien. Raadpleeg de stapsgewijze instructies in
ikke nødvendigvis den faktiske sekvensen i prosedyrene som kreves for å anlegge denne anordningen. Sørg for å se trinn for trinn-
instruksjonene i avsnitt 11, BRUKSVEILEDNING, og avsnitt 14, FEILSØKING.
przedstawiają rzeczywistą kolejność procedur wymaganych do rozprężenia tego urządzenia. Należy koniecznie sprawdzić kolejne
instrukcje wyszczególnione w rozdziale 11, WSKAZANIA, i rozdziale 14, ROZWIĄZYWANIE PROBLEMÓW.
Certifique-se de que consulta as instruções passo a passo na Secção 11 INSTRUÇÕES DE UTILIZAÇÃO e na Secção 14 RESOLUÇÃO
anordningen. Använd de stegvisa anvisningarna i avsnitt 11, BRUKSANVISNING, och avsnitt 14, FELSÖKNING, som referens.
Obrázky v této části nemusí nezbytně zobrazovat skutečné pořadí postupů vyžadovaných k rozvinutí tohoto zařízení.
Prostudujte si laskavě podrobné pokyny uvedené v části 11 POKYNY K POUŽITÍ a v části 14 ŘEŠENÍ PROBLÉMŮ.
Billederne i dette afsnit afbilder ikke nødvendigvis den faktiske rækkefølge af de påkrævede procedurer til anlæggelse
Die Bilder in diesem Abschnitt stellen nicht notwendigerweise die tatsächliche Reihenfolge der Verfahrensschritte
dar, die zur Entfaltung dieser Vorrichtung erforderlich sind. Die in Abschnitt 11 „Gebrauchsanweisung“ und in Abschnitt
14 „Fehlerbehebung“ aufgeführten Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen müssen beachtet werden.
για την απελευθέρωση αυτής της συσκευής. Φροντίστε να ανατρέχετε στις οδηγίες βήμα-βήμα στην ενότητα 11 «ΟΔΗΓΙΕΣ
Las imágenes de este apartado no necesariamente
Les images dans cette section ne représentent pas nécessairement la séquence réelle des procédures requises pour déployer ce
A jelen szakaszban szereplő képek nem feltétlenül az eszköz kinyitásához szükséges eljárások
Le immagini in questa sezione non illustrano necessariamente la sequenza effettiva delle procedure
De afbeeldingen in dit hoofdstuk geven niet per se de
Ilustracje w tym rozdziale niekoniecznie
Bildene i dette avsnittet viser
desta secção não ilustram necessariamente a sequência real de procedimentos necessários para a expansão do dispositivo.
Bilderna i detta avsnitt återger inte nödvändigtvis den faktiska procedursekvens som krävs för att utplacera
Οι εικόνες που
As imagens
1. Iliac Legs
2. Gold Radiopaque Markers (4)
3. Suprarenal Stent
4. Main Body
5. Gold Radiopaque Marker
1. Iliakální ramena
2. Zlaté rentgenkontrastní značky (4)
3. Suprarenální stent
4. Hlavní tělo
5. Zlatá rentgenkontrastní značka
1. Iliaca-ben
2. Røntgenfaste guldmarkører (4)
3. Suprarenal stent
4. Hovedprotese
5. Røntgenfast guldmarkør
1. Iliakale Schenkel
2. Röntgendichte Goldmarkierungen (4)
3. Suprarenaler Stent
4. Hauptteil
5. Röntgendichte Goldmarkierung
1. Λαγόνια σκέλη
2. Χρυσοί ακτινοσκιεροί δείκτες (4)
3. Επινεφρική ενδοπρόσθεση
4. Κύριο σώμα
5. Χρυσός ακτινοσκιερός δείκτης
1. Ramas ilíacas
2. Marcadores radiopacos de oro (4)
3. Stent suprarrenal
4. Cuerpo principal
5. Marcador radiopaco de oro
1. Branches iliaques
2. Marqueurs radio-opaques en or (4)
3. Stent suprarénal
4. Corps principal
5. Marqueur radio-opaque en or
1. Iliaca-szárak
2. Arany sugárfogó markerek (4)
3. Suprarenális sztent
4. Fő graft-törzs
5. Arany sugárfogó marker
1. Branche iliache
2. Marker radiopachi d’oro (4)
3. Stent soprarenale
4. Corpo principale
5. Marker radiopaco d’oro
1. Iliacale poten
2. Gouden radiopake markeringen (4)
3. Suprarenale stent
4. Main body
5. Gouden radiopake markering
1. Iliaca-ben
2. Radioopake gullmarkører (4)
3. Suprarenal stent
4. Hoveddel
5. Radioopak gullmarkør
1. Odnogi biodrowe
2. Złote znaczniki cieniodajne (4)
3. Stent nadnerkowy
4. Główny trzon
5. Złoty znacznik cieniodajny
1. Extremidades ilíacas
2. Marcadores de ouro radiopacos (4)
3. Stent supra-renal
4. Corpo principal
5. Marcador de ouro radiopaco
1. Iliakaliskt graftben
2. Röntgentäta markeringar av guld (4)
3. Suprarenal stent
4. Huvudstomme
5. Röntgentät markering av guld
Fig. 1
1. Hub
2. Pin Vise
3. Safety Locks
4. Peel-Away® Sheath
5. Stopcock
6. Connecting Tube
7. Flexor® Introducer Sheath
8. Dilator Tip
9. Sheath Sideport
10. Captor® Hemostatic Valve
11. Gray Positioner
12. White Trigger-Wire Release Mechanism
13. Black Trigger-Wire Release Mechanism
14. Top Cap Inner Cannula
15. Endovascular Graft
1. Ústí
2. Svěrka
3. Pojistky
4. Sheath Peel-Away®
5. Uzavírací kohout
6. Spojovací hadička
7. Zaváděcí sheath Flexor®
8. Hrot dilatátoru
9. Boční port sheathu
10. Hemostatický ventil Captor®
11. Šedý polohovač
12. Bílá spoušť uvolňovacího drátu
13. Černá spoušť uvolňovacího drátu
14. Vnitřní kanyla horní čepičky
15. Endovaskulární graft
1. Muffe
2. Pin vise
3. Sikkerhedslåse
4. Peel-Away® sheath
5. Hane
6. Tilslutningsslange
7. Flexor® indføringssheath
8. Dilatatorspids
9. Sheath sideport
10. Captor® hæmostatisk ventil
11. Grå positioneringsanordning
12. Hvid udløsningsmekanisme for udløser-wire
13. Sort udløsningsmekanisme for udløser-wire
14. Tophættens indre kanyle
15. Endovaskulær protese
1. Ansatz
2. Klemmschraube
3. Sicherheitssperren
4. Peel-Away®-Schleuse
5. Absperrhahn
6. Verbindungsschlauch
7. Flexor®-Einführschleuse
8. Dilatatorspitze
9. Seitenport der Schleuse
10. Captor®-Hämostaseventil
11. Grauer Positionierer
12. Weißer Auslösedrahtmechanismus
13. Schwarzer Auslösedrahtmechanismus
14. Innere Kanüle der oberen Kappe
15. Endovaskuläre Prothese
1. Ομφαλός
2. Μέγγενη ακίδας
3. Ασφάλειες
4. Θηκάρι Peel-Away®
5. Στρόφιγγα
6. Σωλήνας σύνδεσης
7. Θηκάρι εισαγωγέα Flexor®
8. Άκρο διαστολέα
9. Πλευρική θύρα θηκαριού
10. Αιμοστατική βαλβίδα Captor®
11. Γκρι διάταξη τοποθέτησης
12. Λευκός μηχανισμός απελευθέρωσης σύρματος ενεργοποίησης
13. Μαύρος μηχανισμός απελευθέρωσης σύρματος ενεργοποίησης
14. Εσωτερική κάνουλα άνω πώματος
15. Ενδαγγειακό μόσχευμα
1. Conector
2. Manguito
3. Seguros
4. Vaina Peel-Away®
5. Llave de paso
6. Tubo conector
7. Vaina introductora Flexor®
8. Punta del dilatador
9. Orificio lateral de la vaina
10. Válvula hemostática Captor®
11. Posicionador gris
12. Mecanismo de liberación blanco mediante alambre disparador
13. Mecanismo de liberación negro mediante alambre disparador
14. Cánula interior de la cápsula superior
15. Endoprótesis vascular
1. Embase
2. Vis à broche
3. Verrous de sécurité
4. Gaine Peel-Away®
5. Robinet
6. Tube connecteur
7. Gaine d’introduction Flexor®
8. Extrémité du dilatateur
9. Orifice latéral de la gaine
10. Valve hémostatique Captor®
11. Positionneur gris
12. Mécanisme de largage blanc du guide de déclenchement
13. Mécanisme de largage noir du guide de déclenchement
14. Canule interne du capuchon supérieur
15. Endoprothèse vasculaire
1. Kónusz
2. Rögzítőelem
3. Biztosítózárak
4. Peel-Away® hüvely
5. Elzárócsap
6. Összekötőcső
7. Flexor® bevezetőhüvely
8. Dilatátor csúcsa
9. Hüvely oldalnyílása
10. Captor® vérzéscsillapító szelep
11. Szürke pozícionáló
12. Fehér elsütődrót-kioldószerkezet
13. Fekete elsütődrót-kioldószerkezet
14. Csúcsi sapka belső kanülje
15. Endovaszkuláris graft
1. Connettore
2. Morsetto
3. Blocchi di sicurezza
4. Guaina Peel-Away®
5. Rubinetto
6. Cannula di collegamento
7. Guaina di introduzione Flexor®
8. Punta del dilatatore
9. Foro laterale della guaina
10. Valvola emostatica Captor®
11. Posizionatore grigio
12. Meccanismo di rilascio bianco a filo di sicurezza
13. Meccanismo di rilascio nero a filo di sicurezza
14. Cannula interna della calotta superiore
15. Endoprotesi addominale
1. Aanzetstuk
2. Borgschroef
3. Veiligheidsvergrendelingen
4. Peel-Away® sheath
5. Afsluitkraan
6. Verbindingsslang
7. Flexor® introducer sheath
8. Dilatatortip
9. Zijpoort voor sheath
10. Captor® hemostatische klep
11. Grijze pusher
12. Wit mechanisme met trigger wire
13. Zwart vrijgavemechanisme met trigger wire
14. Binnenste canule van topkap
15. Endovasculaire prothese
1. Kanylefeste
2. Klemmeskrue
3. Sikkerhetslåser
4. Peel-Away® hylse
5. Stoppekran
6. Tilkoblingsslange
7. Flexor® innføringshylse
8. Dilatorspiss
9. Hylsens sidepor t
10. Captor® hemostaseventil
11. Grå posisjoneringsenhet
12. Hvit vaierutløsermekanisme
13. Svart vaierutløsermekanisme
14. Topphettens indre kanyle
15. Endovaskulært implantat
1. Złączka
2. Imadło sztyftowe
3. Blokady
4. Koszulka Peel-Away®
5. Kranik odcinający
6. Rurka łącząca
7. Koszulka wprowadzająca Flexor®
8. Końcówka rozszerzadła
9. Otwór boczny koszulki
10. Zastawka hemostatyczna Captor®
11. Szary pozycjoner
12. Biały mechanizm zwalniający drut
13. Czarny mechanizm zwalniający drut
14. Nasadka końcówki kaniuli wewnętrznej
15. Stent-graft wewnątrznaczyniowy
1. Conector
2. Pino de fixação
3. Dispositivos de segurança
4. Bainha Peel-Away®
5. Torneira de passagem
6. Tubo de ligação
7. Bainha introdutora Flexor®
8. Ponta dilatadora
9. Orifício lateral da bainha
10. Válvula hemostática Captor®
11. Posicionador cinzento
12. Mecanismo de libertação branco com fio de comando
13. Mecanismo de libertação preto com fio de comando
14. Cânula interior da tampa superior
15. Prótese endovascular
1. Fattning
2. Pin vise
3. Säkerhetslås
4. Peel-Away®-hylsa
5. Kran
6. Kopplingsslang
7. Flexor® införarhylsa
8. Dilatatorspets
9. Hylsans sidopor t
10. Captor® hemostasventil
11. Grå lägeställare
12. Vit utlösningstråds utlösningsmekanism
13. Svart utlösningstråds utlösningsmekanism
14. Övre skyddets inre kanyl
15. Endovaskulärt transplantat
Fig. 2
Illustrations • Ilustrace • Illustrationer • Abbildungen • Απεικονίσεις • Ilustraciones • Illustrations • Illusztrációk • Illustrazioni • Afbeeldingen • Illustrasjoner • Ilustracje • Ilustrações • Illustrationer
Illustrations • Ilustrace • Illustrationer • Abbildungen • Απεικονίσεις • Ilustraciones • Illustrations • Illusztrációk • Illustrazioni • Afbeeldingen • Illustrasjoner • Ilustracje • Ilustrações • Illustrationer
1. Hub
2. Pin Vise
3. Peel-Away® Sheath
4. Stopcock
5. Connecting Tube
6. Sheath
7. Dilator Tip
8. Sheath Sideport
9. Hemostatic Valve
10. Gray Positioner
11. Inner Cannula
12. Contralateral/Ipsilateral Endovascular Graft
1. Ústí
2. Svěrka
3. Sheath Peel-Away®
4. Uzavírací kohout
5. Spojovací hadička
6. Sheath
7. Hrot dilatátoru
8. Boční port sheathu
9. Hemostatický ventil
10. Šedý polohovač
11. Vnitřní kanyla
12. Kontralaterální/ipsilaterální endovaskulární graft
1. Muffe
2. Pin vise
3. Peel-Away® sheath
4. Hane
5. Tilslutningsslange
6. Sheath
7. Dilatatorspids
8. Sheath sideport
9. Hæmostatisk ventil
10. Grå positioneringsanordning
11. Indre kanyle
12. Kontralateral/ipsilateral endovaskulær protese
1. Ansatz
2. Klemmschraube
3. Peel-Away®-Schleuse
4. Absperrhahn
5. Verbindungsschlauch
6. Schleuse
7. Dilatatorspitze
8. Seitenport der Schleuse
9. Hämostaseventil
10. Grauer Positionierer
11. Innere Kanüle
12. Kontralaterale/ipsilaterale endovaskuläre Prothese
1. Ομφαλός
2. Μέγγενη ακίδας
3. Θηκάρι Peel-Away®
4. Στρόφιγγα
5. Σωλήνας σύνδεσης
6. Θηκάρι
7. Άκρο διαστολέα
8. Πλευρική θύρα θηκαριού
9. Αιμοστατική βαλβίδα
10. Γκρι διάταξη τοποθέτησης
11. Εσωτερική κάνουλα
12. Ετερόπλευρο/Σύστοιχο ενδαγγειακό μόσχευμα
1. Conector
2. Manguito
3. Vaina Peel-Away®
4. Llave de paso
5. Tubo conector
6. Vaina
7. Punta del dilatador
8. Orificio lateral de la vaina
9. Válvula hemostática
10. Posicionador gris
11. Cánula interior
12. Endoprótesis vascular contralateral/ipsilateral
1. Embase
2. Vis à broche
3. Gaine Peel-Away®
4. Robinet
5. Tube connecteur
6. Gaine
7. Extrémité du dilatateur
8. Orifice latéral de la gaine
9. Valve hémostatique
10. Positionneur gris
11. Canule interne
12. Endoprothèse vasculaire controlatérale/
1. Kónusz
2. Rögzítőelem
3. Peel-Away® hüvely
4. Elzárócsap
5. Összekötőcső
6. Hüvely
7. Dilatátor csúcsa
8. Hüvely oldalnyílása
9. Vérzéscsillapító szelep
10. Szürke pozícionáló
11. Belső kanül
12. Kontralaterális/ipsilaterális endovaszkuláris
1. Connettore
2. Morsetto
3. Guaina Peel-Away®
4. Rubinetto
5. Cannula di collegamento
6. Guaina
7. Punta del dilatatore
8. Foro laterale della guaina
9. Valvola emostatica
10. Posizionatore grigio
11. Cannula interna
12. Branca iliaca controlaterale/ipsilaterale
1. Aanzetstuk
2. Borgschroef
3. Peel-Away® sheath
4. Afsluitkraan
5. Verbindingsslang
6. Sheath
7. Dilatatortip
8. Zijpoort voor sheath
9. Hemostatische klep
10. Grijze pusher
11. Binnenste canule
12. Contralaterale/ipsilaterale endovasculaire
dell’endoprotesi addominale
1. Kanylefeste
2. Klemmeskrue
3. Peel-Away® hylse
4. Stoppekran
5. Tilkoblingsslange
6. Hylse
7. Dilatorspiss
8. Hylsens sideport
9. Hemostaseventil
10. Grå posisjoneringsenhet
11. Indre kanyle
12. Kontralateral/ipsilateral endovaskulært
1. Złączka
2. Imadło sztyftowe
3. Koszulka Peel-Away®
4. Kranik odcinający
5. Rurka łącząca
6. Koszulka
7. Końcówka rozszerzadła
8. Otwór boczny koszulki
9. Zastawka hemostatyczna
10. Szary pozycjoner
11. Kaniula wewnętrzna
12. Stent-graft wewnątrznaczyniowy
1. Conector
2. Pino de fixação
3. Bainha Peel-Away®
4. Torneira de passagem
5. Tubo de ligação
6. Bainha
7. Ponta dilatadora
8. Orifício lateral da bainha
9. Válvula hemostática
10. Posicionador cinzento
11. Cânula interna
12. Prótese endovascular contralateral/
1. Fattning
2. Pin vise
3. Peel-Away®-hylsa
4. Kran
5. Kopplingsslang
6. Hylsa
7. Dilatatorspets
8. Hylsans sidoport
9. Hemostasventil
10. Grå lägeställare
11. Inre kanyl
12. Kontralateralt/ipsilateralt endovaskulärt
Fig. 3
1. Converter
2. Iliac Plug
3. Iliac Leg Extension
4. Main Body Extension
1. Přechodový díl
2. Iliakální zátka
3. Extenze iliakálního ramena
4. Extenze hlavního těla
1. Konverteringsenhed
2. Iliaca-prop
3. Iliaca-benforlænger
4. Hovedproteseforlænger
1. Konverter
2. Iliakales Verschluss-Segment
3. Iliakale Schenkelverlängerung
4. Verlängerung des Hauptteils
1. Μετατροπέας
2. Λαγόνιο βύσμα
3. Προέκταση λαγόνιου σκέλους
4. Προέκταση κύριου σώματος
Fig. 4
1. Convertidor
2. Tapón ilíaco
3. Extensión de rama ilíaca
4. Extensión de cuerpo principal
1. Convertisseur
2. Obturateur iliaque
3. Extension de branche iliaque
4. Extension de corps principal
1. Konverter
2. Iliaca-dugó
3. Iliaca-szár toldaléka
4. Fő graft-törzs toldaléka
1. Convertitore
2. Dispositivo di occlusione iliaca
3. Estensione della branca iliaca
4. Estensione del corpo principale
1. Converteerder
2. Iliacale plug
3. Verlengstuk voor iliacale poot
4. Verlengstuk voor main body
1. Konverteringsenhet
2. Iliaca-propp
3. Iliaca-benforlengelse
4. Hoveddelforlengelse
1. Konwerter
2. Wtyk biodrowy
3. Przedłużenie odnogi biodrowej
4. Przedłużenie głównego trzonu
1. Conversor
2. Tampão ilíaco
3. Extensão da extremidade ilíaca
4. Extensão do corpo principal
1. Konverterare
2. Iliakalisk plugg
3. Förlängning för iliakaliskt graftben
4. Förlängning för huvudstomme
Fig. 5
Fig. 6
Fig. 7
Fig. 8
Fig. 9
Illustrations • Ilustrace • Illustrationer • Abbildungen • Απεικονίσεις • Ilustraciones • Illustrations • Illusztrációk • Illustrazioni • Afbeeldingen • Illustrasjoner • Ilustracje • Ilustrações • Illustrationer
Illustrations • Ilustrace • Illustrationer • Abbildungen • Απεικονίσεις • Ilustraciones • Illustrations • Illusztrációk • Illustrazioni • Afbeeldingen • Illustrasjoner • Ilustracje • Ilustrações • Illustrationer
1. Small radiopaque markers provide top
(proximal) orientation of graft material. Long radiopaque marker aligns with contralateral limb.
2. Fluoroscopic Image
3. Top View Cross-Section
4. Anterior Contralateral Limb Orientation
5. Posterior Contralateral Limb Orientation
6. Lateral Contralateral Limb Orientation
7. Graft Positioning - Right Side Introduction
1. Malé rentgenkontrastní značky zajišťují
horní (proximální) orientaci materiálu graftu. Dlouhé rentgenkontrastní značky jsou na úrovni kontralaterální větve.
2. Rentgenový snímek
3. Průřez v pohledu shora
4. Přední orientace kontralaterální větve.
5. Zadní orientace kontralaterální větve.
6. Laterální orientace kontralaterální větve.
7. Polohování graftu – Zavedení z pravé strany
1. Små røntgenfaste markører giver top
(proksimal) orientering af protesemateriale. Lange røntgenfaste markører tilpasser sig med den kontralaterale kant.
2. Gennemlysningsbillede
3. Tværsnit set fra oven
4. Anterior orientering af kontralateral kant
5. Posterior orientering af kontralateral kant
6. Lateral orientering af kontralateral kant
7. Positionering af protese - Indføring i højre
1. Die kurzen röntgendichten Markierungen
geben die obere (proximale) Ausrichtung des Prothesenmaterials an. Die lange röntgendichte Markierung bildet eine Linie mit dem kontralateralen Ansatz.
2. Fluoroskopische Ansicht
3. Aufsicht Querschnitt
4. Anteriore Ausrichtung des kontralateralen
5. Posteriore Ausrichtung des kontralateralen
6. Laterale Ausrichtung des kontralateralen
7. Positionierung der Prothese - Einführung
von rechts
1. Μικροί ακτινοσκιεροί δείκτες παρέχουν
άνω (εγγύς) προσανατολισμό του υλικού μοσχεύματος. Ο μακρός ακτινοσκιερός δείκτης ευθυγραμμίζεται με το ετερόπλευρο μέλος.
2. Ακτινοσκοπική εικόνα
3. Εγκάρσια διατομή άνω όψης
4. Πρόσθιος προσανατολισμός ετερόπλευρου
5. Οπίσθιος προσανατολισμός ετερόπλευρου
6. Πλευρικός προσανατολισμός ετερόπλευρου
7. Τοποθέτηση μοσχεύματος - Εισαγωγή στη
δεξιά πλευρά
1. Los marcadores radiopacos pequeños indican la orientación superior (proximal) del material de la endoprótesis vascular. El marcador radiopaco largo se alinea con la ramificación contralateral.
2. Imagen fluoroscópica
3. Vista transversal superior
4. Orientación anterior de la ramificación contralateral
5. Orientación posterior de la ramificación contralateral
6. Orientación lateral de la ramificación contralateral
7. Colocación de la endoprótesis vascular:
introducción por el lado derecho
1. Les petits marqueurs radio-opaques indiquent l’orientation supérieure proximale de l’endoprothèse. Le marqueur radio-opaque long s’aligne avec le membre controlatéral.
2. Image radioscopique
3. Section transversale vue en plan
4. Orientation du membre controlatéral antérieur
5. Orientation du membre controlatéral postérieur
6. Orientation du membre controlatéral latéral
7. Positionnement de l’endoprothèse
-Introduction du côté droit
1. A kis sugárfogó markerek lehetővé teszik a graft anyagának csúcsi (proximális) orientációját. A hosszú sugárfogó marker a kontralaterális ággal kerül egy vonalba.
2. Fluoroszkópos kép
3. Felülnézeti keresztmetszet
4. Kontralaterális ág anterior orientációja
5. Kontralaterális ág posterior orientációja
6. Kontralaterális ág lateralis orientációja
7. Graft pozícionálása – jobb oldali felvezetés
1. Piccoli marker radiopachi consentono di rilevare l’orientamento della parte superiore (prossimale) del materiale di rivestimento dell’endoprotesi. Il marker radiopaco lungo si allinea con l’estremità controlaterale.
2. Immagine fluoroscopica
3. Vista superiore, sezione trasversale
4. Orientamento anteriore dell’estremità controlaterale
5. Orientamento posteriore dell’estremità controlaterale
6. Orientamento laterale dell’estremità controlaterale
7. Posizionamento dell’endoprotesi -
Inserimento dal lato destro
1. Kleine radiopake markeringen worden gebruikt voor oriëntatie van de (proximale) bovenkant van het prothesemateriaal. De lange radiopake markering ligt in één lijn met de contralaterale stomp.
2. Fluoroscopisch beeld
3. Bovenaanzicht dwarsdoorsnede
4. Anterieure oriëntatie contralaterale stomp
5. Posterieure oriëntatie contralaterale stomp
6. Laterale oriëntatie contralaterale stomp
7. Positioneren van de prothese - Introduceren
via de rechterzijde
Fig. 10
1. Små radioopake markører gir toppdel (proksimal)-orientering av implantatmaterialet. Lang radioopak markør stilles på linje med kontralateralt lem.
2. Fluoroskopisk bilde
3. Tverrsnitt sett ovenifra
4. Anterior orientering av kontralateralt lem
5. Posterior orientering av kontralateralt lem
6. Lateral orientering av kontralateralt lem
7. Implantatplassering - Innføring høyre side
1. Małe znaczniki cieniodajne zapewniają identyfikację górnej (proksymalnej) części tworzywa stent-graftu. Długi znacznik cieniodajny zrównuje się z odgałęzieniem przeciwstronnym.
2. Obraz fluoroskopowy
3. Przekrój poprzeczny widziany od góry
4. Ustawienie przednie przeciwstronnego odgałęzienia
5. Ustawienie tylne przeciwstronnego odgałęzienia
6. Ustawienie boczne przeciwstronnego odgałęzienia
7. Ustawianie stent-graftu wprowadzenie
z prawej strony
1. Pequenos marcadores radiopacos fornecem a orientação do topo (proximal) do material da prótese. Marcador radiopaco longo alinha-se com o ramo contralateral.
2. Imagem fluoroscópica
3. Secção transversal da vista superior
4. Orientação anterior do ramo contralateral
5. Orientação posterior do ramo contralateral
6. Orientação lateral do ramo contralateral
7. Posicionamento da prótese - Introdução do
lado direito
1. Små röntgentäta markeringar anger toppläget (proximalt) för transplantationsmaterialet. Den långa röntgentäta markeringen riktar in sig i linje med den kontralaterala lemmen.
2. Fluoroskopisk bild
3. Tvärsnitt uppifrån
4. Den främre kontralaterala lemmens orientering
5. Den bakre kontralaterala lemmens orientering
6. Den laterala kontralaterala lemmens orientering
7. Transplantatplacering - Införing från högra
Fig. 11 Fig. 12
Fig. 14 Fig. 15 Fig. 16
Fig. 13
Fig. 17 Fig. 18 Fig. 19
Illustrations • Ilustrace • Illustrationer • Abbildungen • Απεικονίσεις • Ilustraciones • Illustrations • Illusztrációk • Illustrazioni • Afbeeldingen • Illustrasjoner • Ilustracje • Ilustrações • Illustrationer
Illustrations • Ilustrace • Illustrationer • Abbildungen • Απεικονίσεις • Ilustraciones • Illustrations • Illusztrációk • Illustrazioni • Afbeeldingen • Illustrasjoner • Ilustracje • Ilustrações • Illustrationer
Fig. 20
Fig. 21 Fig. 22
Fig. 23 Fig. 24 Fig. 25
Fig. 26 Fig. 27
Fig. 28
Fig. 29
Fig. 30
Fig. 32 Fig. 33
Fig. 31
Illustrations • Ilustrace • Illustrationer • Abbildungen • Απεικονίσεις • Ilustraciones • Illustrations • Illusztrációk • Illustrazioni • Afbeeldingen • Illustrasjoner • Ilustracje • Ilustrações • Illustrationer
Illustrations • Ilustrace • Illustrationer • Abbildungen • Απεικονίσεις • Ilustraciones • Illustrations • Illusztrációk • Illustrazioni • Afbeeldingen • Illustrasjoner • Ilustracje • Ilustrações • Illustrationer
Fig. 36
Fig. 35Fig. 34
1. Balloon Expansion/Graft Sealing Sites
1. Expanze balónku/místa utěsnění graftu
1. Ballonekspansion/ proteseforseglingssteder
1. Ballonafweitungs-/ Prothesendichtungsstellen
1. Θέσεις διαστολής μπαλονιού/ στεγανοποίησης μοσχεύματος
1. Lugares de hinchado del balón y sellado de la endoprótesis vascular
1. Sites de gonflage du ballonnet et d’étanchéité de l’endoprothèse
1. Ballon feltöltés/graft tapadási helyei
1. Siti di dilatazione del palloncino/ fissazione dell’endoprotesi
1. Plaatsen voor ballonexpansie/ protheseafdichting
1. Ballongekspansjons-/ implantatforseglingssteder
1. Miejsca rozprężania balonu/ uszczelniania stent-graftu
1. Locais de expansão do balão/selagem da prótese
1. Ballongexpansion/transplantatets tätningsställen
Troubleshooting (Section 14) • Řešení problémů (část 14) • Fejlsøgning (Afsnit 14) • Fehlerbehebung (Abschnitt 14)
• Αντιμετώπιση προβλημάτων (ενότητα 14) • Solución de problemas (apartado 14) • Dépannage (Section 14) • Hibakeresés (14. szakasz)
• Guida alla risoluzione dei problemi (Sezione 14) • Oplossen van problemen (hoofdstuk 14) • Feilsøking (avsnitt 14) • Rozwiązywanie problemów (rozdział 14) • Resolução de problemas (secção 14) • Felsökning (avsnitt 14)
Fig. 37
Fig. 38
Fig. 39
Fig. 40
1. View of trigger-wire under tension
1. Pohled na napjatý uvolňovací drát
1. Visning af udløser-wiren under spænding
1. Ansicht des Auslösedrahts unter Zugspannung
1. Άποψη του σύρματος ενεργοποίησης υπό τάση
1. Vista del alambre disparador tenso
1. Vue du guide de déclenchement sous tension
1. A megfeszített elsütődrót képe
1. Vista del filo di sicurezza teso
1. Aanzicht van trigger wire onder spanning
1. Visning av stram utløservaier
1. Widok naprężonego drutu zwalniającego
1. Vista do fio de comando sob tensão
1. Bild av sträckt utlösningstråd
Illustrations • Ilustrace • Illustrationer • Abbildungen • Απεικονίσεις • Ilustraciones • Illustrations • Illusztrációk • Illustrazioni • Afbeeldingen • Illustrasjoner • Ilustracje • Ilustrações • Illustrationer
Illustrations • Ilustrace • Illustrationer • Abbildungen • Απεικονίσεις • Ilustraciones • Illustrations • Illusztrációk • Illustrazioni • Afbeeldingen • Illustrasjoner • Ilustracje • Ilustrações • Illustrationer
Troubleshooting (Section 14) • Řešení problémů (část 14) • Fejlsøgning (Afsnit 14) • Fehlerbehebung (Abschnitt 14)
• Αντιμετώπιση προβλημάτων (ενότητα 14) • Solución de problemas (apartado 14) • Dépannage (Section 14) • Hibakeresés (14. szakasz)
• Guida alla risoluzione dei problemi (Sezione 14) • Oplossen van problemen (hoofdstuk 14) • Feilsøking (avsnitt 14) • Rozwiązywanie problemów (rozdział 14) • Resolução de problemas (secção 14) • Felsökning (avsnitt 14)
1. View of trigger-wire with inner cannula retracted, releasing tension
1. Pohled na uvolňovací drát s vnitřní kanylou staženou zpět, což uvolňuje napětí
1. Visning af udløser-wiren med den indre kanyle trukket tilbage, mens den frigør spænding
1. Ansicht des entspannten Auslösedrahts bei zurückgezogener innerer Kanüle
1. Άποψη του σύρματος ενεργοποίησης με αποσυρμένη την εσωτερική κάνουλα, εκτόνωση τάσης
1. Vista del alambre disparador con la cánula interior retraída, lo que destensa el alambre
1. Vue du guide de déclenchement avec la canule interne tirée vers l’arrière pour relâcher la tension
1. Az elsütődrót képe a feszítést megszüntető visszahúzott belső kanüllel
1. Vista del filo di sicurezza con la cannula interna retratta; il filo è allentato
1. Aanzicht van trigger wire met binnenste canule teruggetrokken om spanning te verminderen
1. Visning av slakk utløservaier med indre kanyle trukket tilbake
1. Widok drutu zwalniającego z wycofaną kaniulą wewnętrzną, przy zwolnionym naprężeniu
1. Vista do fio de comando com cânula interior recuada, aliviando a tensão
1. Bild av utlösningstråd med tillbakadragen inre kanyl,
Fig. 41
vilket ger minskad sträckning
Fig. 42
Fig. 43
Fig. 44
Fig. 45
Troubleshooting (Section 14) • Řešení problémů (část 14) • Fejlsøgning (Afsnit 14) • Fehlerbehebung (Abschnitt 14)
• Αντιμετώπιση προβλημάτων (ενότητα 14) • Solución de problemas (apartado 14) • Dépannage (Section 14) • Hibakeresés (14. szakasz)
• Guida alla risoluzione dei problemi (Sezione 14) • Oplossen van problemen (hoofdstuk 14) • Feilsøking (avsnitt 14) • Rozwiązywanie problemów (rozdział 14) • Resolução de problemas (secção 14) • Felsökning (avsnitt 14)
Fig. 46
Fig. 47
Fig. 48
Fig. 49
Fig. 50
Fig. 51
Illustrations • Ilustrace • Illustrationer • Abbildungen • Απεικονίσεις • Ilustraciones • Illustrations • Illusztrációk • Illustrazioni • Afbeeldingen • Illustrasjoner • Ilustracje • Ilustrações • Illustrationer
Illustrations • Ilustrace • Illustrationer • Abbildungen • Απεικονίσεις • Ilustraciones • Illustrations • Illusztrációk • Illustrazioni • Afbeeldingen • Illustrasjoner • Ilustracje • Ilustrações • Illustrationer
Troubleshooting (Section 14) • Řešení problémů (část 14) • Fejlsøgning (Afsnit 14) • Fehlerbehebung (Abschnitt 14)
• Αντιμετώπιση προβλημάτων (ενότητα 14) • Solución de problemas (apartado 14) • Dépannage (Section 14) • Hibakeresés (14. szakasz)
• Guida alla risoluzione dei problemi (Sezione 14) • Oplossen van problemen (hoofdstuk 14) • Feilsøking (avsnitt 14) • Rozwiązywanie problemów (rozdział 14) • Resolução de problemas (secção 14) • Felsökning (avsnitt 14)
Fig. 52
Read all instructions carefully. Failure to properly follow the instructions, warnings and precautions may lead to serious surgical consequences or injury to the patient.
CAUTION: Federal (U.S.A.) law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician.
CAUTION: All contents of the outer pouch (including the introduction system and the endovascular grafts) are supplied sterile, for single use only.
For the Zenith product line there are four applicable Suggested Instructions for Use (IFU). This IFU describes the Suggested Instructions for Use for the Zenith Flex AAA Endovascular Graft (main body and iliac legs). For information on other Zenith components, please refer to the following Suggested Instructions for Use:
• Zenith AAA Endovascular Graft (Zenith AAA Endovascular Graft main body and iliac legs);
• Zenith AAA Endovascular Graft Ancillar y Components (main body extension, iliac leg extension, converter and iliac plug);
• Zenith® Renu™ AAA Ancillary Graft (main body extension and converter configurations); and
• CODA® Balloon Catheter.
1.1 Aortic Main Body and Iliac Leg Components
The Zenith Flex AAA Endovascular Graft is a modular system consisting of three components, a bifurcated aortic main body and two iliac legs. (Fig. 1) The graft modules are constructed of full-thickness woven polyester fabric sewn to self-expanding stainless steel Cook-Z® stents with braided polyester and monofilament polypropylene suture. The modules are fully stented to provide stability and the expansile force necessary to open the lumen of the graft during deployment. Additionally, the Cook-Z stents provide the necessary attachment and seal of the graft to the vessel wall.
The bare suprarenal stent at the proximal end of the graft contains barbs that are placed at 3 mm increments for additional fixation of the device. To facilitate fluoroscopic visualization of the stent graft, gold radiopaque markers are positioned as follows: one on the lateral aspect of the most distal stent on the contralate ral limb of the bifurcated section of the main body and four in a circumferential orientation within 2 mm of the most superior aspect of the graft material.
1.2 Main Body Delivery System
The Zenith Flex AAA Endovascular Graft main body is shipped preloaded onto the H&L-B One-Shot Introduction System. (Fig. 2) It has a sequential deployment method with built-in features to provide continuous control of the endovascular graft throughout the deployment procedure. The H&L-B One-Shot Introduction System is designed for precise positioning and allows readjustment of the final graft position before deployment of the barbed suprarenal stent.
The main body graft delivery system uses an 18, 20 or 22 French H&L-B One­Shot Introduction System. Dual trigger-wire release mechanisms lock the endovascular graft onto the delivery system until released by the physician. All systems are compatible with a .035 inch wire guide.
For added hemostasis, the Captor® Hemostatic Valve can be loosened or tightened for the introduction and/or removal of ancillary devices into and out of the sheath. The main body delivery systems feature a Flexor® introducer sheath which resists kinking and is hydrophilically coated. Both features are intended to enhance trackability in the iliac arteries and abdominal aorta.
1.3 Iliac Leg Delivery System
The Zenith AAA Endovascular Graft iliac legs are shipped preloaded onto the H&L-B One-Shot Introduction System. (Fig. 3) The delivery system is designed for ease of use with minimal preparation. The iliac leg delivery system uses a 14 or 16 French H&L-B One-Shot Introduction System. All systems are compatible with a .035 inch wire guide.
1.4 Zenith AAA Endovascular Graft Ancillary Components
Additional ancillary endovascular components (main body extensions, iliac leg extensions, converters and iliac plugs) are available. (Fig. 4) Refer to the Zenith AAA Endovascular Graft Ancillary Components Instructions for Use for more information.
The Zenith Flex AAA Endovascular Graft with the H&L-B One-Shot Introduction System is indicated for the endovascular treatment of patients with abdominal aortic or aorto-iliac aneurysms having morphology suitable for endovascular repair, including:
• Adequate iliac/femoral access compatible with the required introduction systems,
• Non-aneur ysmal infrarenal aortic segment (neck) proximal to the aneurysm:
• with a length of at least 15 mm,
• with a diameter measured outer wall to outer wall of no greater than 32 mm and no less than 18 mm,
• with an angle less than 60 degrees relative to the long axis of the aneurysm, and
• with an angle less than 45 degrees relative to the axis of the suprarenal aorta.
• I liac artery distal fixation site greater than 10 mm in length and 7.5-20 mm in diameter (measured outer wall to outer wall).
There are no known contraindications for these devices.
4.1 General
• Read all instructions carefully. Failure to properly follow the instructions, warnings and precautions may lead to serious consequences or injury to the patient.
• Always have a qualified surgery team available during implantation or reintervention procedures in the event that conversion to open surgical repair is necessary.
• The Zenith Flex AAA Endovascular Graft with the H&L-B One-Shot Introduction System should only be used by physicians and teams trained in vascular interventional techniques (catheter-based and surgical) and in the use of this device. Specific training expectations are described in Section
10.1, Physician Training.
• Additional endovascular interventions or conversion to standard open surgical repair following initial endovascular repair should be considered for patients experiencing an enlarging aneurysm, unacceptable decrease in fixation length (vessel and component overlap) and/or endoleak. An increase in aneurysm size and/or persistent endoleak or migration may lead to aneurysm rupture.
• Patients experiencing reduced blood flow through the graft limb and/or leaks may be required to undergo secondary interventions or surgical procedures.
4.2 Patient Selection, Treatment and Follow-Up
• The Zenith Flex AAA Endovascular Graft is designed to treat aortic neck diameters no smaller than 18 mm and no larger than 32 mm. The Zenith Flex AAA Endovascular Graft is designed to treat proximal aortic necks (distal to the lowest renal artery) of at least 15 mm in length. Iliac artery distal fixation site greater than 10 mm in length and 7.5 - 20 mm in diameter (measured outer wall to outer wall) is required. These sizing measurements are critical to the performance of the endovascular repair.
• Key anatomical elements that may affect successful exclusion of the aneurysm include severe proximal neck angulation (>60 degrees for infrarenal neck to axis of AAA or >45 degrees for suprarenal neck relative to the immediate infrarenal neck); short proximal aortic neck (<15 mm); an inverted funnel shape (greater than 10% increase in diameter over 15 mm of proximal aortic neck length); and circumferential thrombus and/or calcification at the arterial implantation sites, specifically the proximal aortic neck and distal iliac artery interface. In the presence of anatomical limitations, a longer neck may be required to obtain adequate sealing and fixation. Irregular calcification and/or plaque may compromise the attachment and sealing at the fixation sites. Necks exhibiting these key anatomical elements may be more conducive to graft migration or endoleak.
• Adequate iliac or femoral access is required to introduce the device into the vasculature. Access vessel diameter (measured inner wall to inner wall) and morphology (minimal tortuosity, occlusive disease and/or calcification) should be compatible with vascular access techniques and delivery systems of a 16 French to 22 French vascular introducer sheath. Vessels that are significantly calcified, occlusive, tortuous or thrombus-lined may preclude placement of the endovascular graft and/or may increase the risk of embolization. A vascular conduit technique may be necessary to achieve success in some patients.
• The Zenith Flex AAA Endovascular Graft with the H&L-B One-Shot Introduction System is not recommended in patients who cannot tolerate contrast agents necessary for intraoperative and postoperative follow-up imaging. All patients should be monitored closely and checked periodically for a change in the condition of their disease and the integrity of the endoprosthesis.
• The Zenith Flex AAA Endovascular Graft with the H&L-B One-Shot Introduction System is not recommended in patients exceeding weight and/or size limits which compromise or prevent the necessary imaging requirements.
• I nability to maintain patency of at least one internal iliac artery or occlusion of an indispensable inferior mesenteric artery may increase the risk of pelvic/bowel ischemia.
• Multiple large, patent lumbar arteries, mural thrombus and a patent inferior mesenteric artery may all predispose a patient to Type II endoleaks. Patients with uncorrectable coagulopathy may also have an increased risk of Type II endoleak or bleeding complications.
• The safety and effectiveness of the Zenith Flex AAA Endovascular Graft with the H&L-B One-Shot Introduction System has not been evaluated in the following patient populations:
• traumatic aor tic injury
• leak ing, pending rupture or ruptured aneurysms
• mycotic aneurysms
• pseudoaneur ysms resulting from previous graft placement
• revision of previously placed endovascular grafts
• uncorrectable coagulopathy
• indispensable mesenteric ar tery
• genetic connec tive tissue disease (e.g., Marfans or Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes)
• concomitant thoracic aortic or thoracoabdominal aneur ysms
• patients with active systemic infections
• pregnant or nursing females
• morbidly obese patients
• less than 18 years of age
• patients with less than 15 mm in length or greater than 60 degrees angulation of the proximal aortic neck relative to the long axis of the aneurysm.
• Successful patient selection requires specific imaging and accurate
measurements; please see Section 4.3 Pre-Procedure Measurement
Techniques and Imaging.
• All lengths and diameters of the devices necessar y to complete the procedure should be available to the physician, especially when pre­operative case planning measurements (treatment diameters/lengths) are not certain. This approach allows for greater intraoperative flexibility to achieve optimal procedural outcomes.
4.3 Pre-Procedure Measurement Techniques and Imaging
• Lack of non- contrast CT imaging may result in failure to appreciate iliac or aortic calcification, which may preclude access or reliable device fixation and seal.
• Pre-procedure imaging reconstruction thicknesses >3 mm may result in sub-optimal device sizing, or in failure to appreciate focal stenoses from CT.
• Clinical experience indicates that contrast-enhanced spiral computed tomographic angiography (CTA) with 3-D reconstruction is the strongly recommended imaging modality to accurately assess patient anatomy prior to treatment with the Zenith Flex AAA Endovascular Graft. If contrast­enhanced spiral CTA with 3-D reconstruction is not available, the patient should be referred to a facility with these capabilities.
• Clinicians recommend positioning the x-ray C-arm during procedural angiography such that the origins of the renal arteries, and particularly the lowest patent renal artery, are well demonstrated prior to deployment of the proximal edge of the graft material (sealing stent) of the main body. Additionally, angiography should demonstrate the iliac artery bifurcations such that the distal common iliacs are well defined relative to the origin of the internal iliac arteries bilaterally, prior to deployment of the iliac leg components.
Utilizing CT, diameter measurements should be determined from the outer wall to outer wall vessel diameter (not lumen measurement) to help with proper device sizing and device selection. The contrast-enhanced spiral CT scan must start 1 cm superior to the celiac axis and continue through the femoral heads at an axial thickness slice of 3 mm or less.
Utilizing CT, length measurements should be determined to accurately assess infrarenal proximal neck length as well as planning main body sizes and leg components for the Zenith Flex AAA Endovascular Graft. These reconstructions should be performed in sagittal, coronal, and 3-D.
The long-term per formance of endovascular grafts has not yet been
established. All patients should be advised that endovascular treatment requires life-long, regular follow-up to assess their health and the performance of their endovascular graft. Patients with specific
clinical findings (e.g., endoleaks, enlarging aneurysm or changes in the structure or position of the endovascular graft) should receive enhanced follow-up. Specific follow-up guidelines are described in Section 12,
• The Zenith Flex AAA Endovascular Graft with the H&L-B One-Shot Introduction System is not recommended in patients unable to undergo, or who will not be compliant with, the necessary preoperative and postoperative imaging and implantation studies as described in Section 12,
• After endovascular graft placement, patients should be regularly monitored for perigraft flow, aneurysm growth or changes in the structure or position of the endovascular graft. At a minimum, annual imaging is required, including: 1) abdominal radiographs to examine device integrity (separation between components, stent fracture or barb separation) and 2) contrast and non-contrast CT to examine aneurysm changes, perigraft flow, patency, tortuosity and progressive disease. If renal complications or other factors preclude the use of image contrast media, abdominal radiographs and duplex ultrasound may provide similar information.
4.4 Device Selection
• Stric t adherence to the Zenith Flex AAA Endovascular Graft IFU sizing guide is strongly recommended when selecting the appropriate device size (Tables 10.5.1 and 10.5.2). Appropriate device oversizing has been incorporated into the IFU sizing guide. Sizing outside of this range can result in endoleak, fracture, migration, device infolding or compression.
4.5 Implant Procedure
(Refer to Section 11, DIRECTIONS FOR USE)
• Appropriate procedural imaging is required to successfully position the Zenith Flex AAA Endovascular Graft and assure accurate apposition to the aortic wall.
• Do not bend or k ink the delivery system. Doing so may cause damage to the delivery system and the Zenith Flex AAA Endovascular Graft.
• To avoid any twist in the endovascular graft, during any rotation of the delivery system, be careful to rotate all of the components of the system together (from outer sheath to inner cannula).
• Do not continue advancing any portion of the deliver y system if resistance is felt during advancement of the wire guide or delivery system. Stop and assess the cause of resistance; vessel, catheter or graft damage may occur. Exercise particular care in areas of stenosis, intravascular thrombosis or in calcified or tortuous vessels.
• I nadvertent partial deployment or migration of the endoprosthesis may require surgical removal.
• Unless medically indicated, do not deploy the Zenith Flex AAA Endovascular Graft in a location that will occlude arteries necessary to supply blood flow to organs or extremities. Do not cover significant renal or mesenteric arteries (exception is the inferior mesenteric artery) with the endoprosthesis. Vessel occlusion may occur. During the clinical study, this device was not studied in patients with two occluded internal iliac arteries.
• Do not attempt to re -sheath the graft after partial or complete deployment.
• Repositioning the stent graft distally after par tial deployment of the covered proximal stent may result in damage to the stent graft and/or vessel injury.
• I naccurate placement and/or incomplete sealing of the Zenith Flex AAA Endovascular Graft within the vessel may result in increased risk of endoleak, migration or inadvertent occlusion of the renal or internal iliac arteries. Renal artery patency must be maintained to prevent/reduce the risk of renal failure and subsequent complications.
• I nadequate fixation of the Zenith Flex AAA Endovascular Graft may result in increased risk of migration of the stent graft. Incorrect deployment or migration of the endoprosthesis may require surgical intervention.
• Systemic anticoagulation should be used during the implantation procedure based on hospital and physician preferred protocol. If heparin is contraindicated, an alternative anticoagulant should be considered.
• To activate the hydrophilic coating on the outside of the Flexor introducer sheath, the surface must be wiped with sterile gauze pads soaked in saline solution. Always keep the sheath hydrated for optimal performance.
• M inimize handling of the constrained endoprosthesis during preparation and insertion to decrease the risk of endoprosthesis contamination and infection.
• M aintain wire guide position during delivery system insertion.
• Fluoroscopy should be used during introduction and deployment to confirm proper operation of the delivery system components, proper placement of the graft, and desired procedural outcome.
• The use of the Zenith Flex AAA Endovascular Graft with the H&L-B One-Shot Introduction System requires administration of intravascular contrast. Patients with preexisting renal insufficiency may have an increased risk of renal failure postoperatively. Care should be taken to limit the amount of contrast media used during the procedure and to observe preventative methods of treatment to decrease renal compromise (e.g., adequate hydration).
• As the sheath and/or wire guide is withdrawn, anatomy and graft position may change. Constantly monitor graft position and perform angiography to check position as necessary.
• The Zenith Flex AAA Endovascular Graft incorporates a suprarenal stent with fixation barbs. Exercise extreme caution when manipulating interventional and angiographic devices in the region of the suprarenal stent.
• Use caution during manipulation of catheters, wires and sheaths within an aneurysm. Significant disturbances may dislodge fragments of thrombus, which can cause distal embolization, or rupture of the aneurysm.
• Avoid damaging the graft or disturbing graft positioning after placement in the event reinstrumentation (secondary intervention) of the graft is necessary.
• Before deployment of the suprarenal stent, verify that the position of the access wire guide extends just distal to the aortic arch.
• Verify that the predetermined contralateral iliac leg is selected for insertion on the contralateral side of the patient before implantation.
4.6 Molding Balloon Use
• Do not inflate the balloon in the vessel outside of the graft, as doing so may cause damage to the vessel. Use the balloon in accordance with its labeling.
• Use care in inflating the balloon within the graft in the presence of calcification, as excessive inflation may cause damage to the vessel.
• Confirm complete deflation of the balloon prior to repositioning.
• For added hemostasis, the Captor Hemostatic Valve can be loosened or tightened to accommodate the insertion and subsequent withdrawal of a molding balloon.
4.7 MRI Safety and Compatibility
Non-clinical testing has demonstrated that the Zenith AAA Endovascular Graft is MR Conditional. It can be scanned safely under the following conditions:
1.5 Tesla Systems:
• Static magnetic field of 1.5 Tesla
• Spatial gradient field of 450 Gauss/cm
• M aximum whole-body-averaged specific absorption rate (SAR) of
2.0 W/kg for 15 minutes of scanning
In non-clinical testing, the Zenith AAA Endovascular Graft produced a temperature rise of less than or equal to 1.4 °C at a maximum whole-body­averaged specific absorption rate (SAR) of 2.8 W/kg, as assessed by calorimetry for 15 minutes of MR scanning in a 1.5 Tesla M agnetom, Siemens Medical Magnetom, Numaris/4 Software, Version Syngo MR 2002B DHHS MR Scanner. The maximum whole-body-averaged specific absorption rate (SAR) was 2.8 W/ kg, which corresponds to a calorimetry measured value of 1.5 W/kg.
3.0 Tesla Systems:
• Static magnetic field of 3.0 Tesla
• Spatial gradient field of 720 Gauss/cm
• M aximum whole-body-averaged specific absorption rate (SAR) of
2.0 W/kg for 15 minutes of scanning
In non-clinical testing, the Zenith AAA Endovascular Graft produced a temperature rise of less than or equal to 1.9 °C at a maximum whole­body-averaged specific absorption rate (SAR) of 3.0 W/kg, as assessed by calorimetry for 15 minutes of MR scanning in a 3.0 Tesla Excite, GE Electric Healthcare, G3.0-052B Software, MR Scanner. The maximum whole-body­averaged specific absorption rate (SAR) was 3.0 W/kg, which corresponds to a calorimetry measured value of 2.8 W/kg.
The image artifact extends throughout the anatomical region containing the device, obscuring the view of immediately adjacent anatomical structures within approximately 20 cm of the device, as well as the entire device and its lumen, when scanned in non-clinical testing using the sequence: Fast spin echo, in a 3.0 Tesla, Excite, GE Electric Healthcare, with G3.0-052B Software, MR system with body radiofrequency coil.
For all scanners, the image artifact dissipates as the distance from the device to the area of interest increases. MR scans of the head and neck and lower extremities may be obtained without image artifact. Image artifact may be present in scans of the abdominal region and upper extremities, depending on distance from the device to the area of interest.
Clinical information is available for seventeen patients who received MRI scans after stent-graft implantation. There have been no reported adverse events or device problems in any of these patients as a result of having received an MRI. Additionally, there have been well over 50,000 Zenith AAA Endovascular Grafts implanted worldwide, in which there have been no reported adverse events or device problems as a result of MRI.
Cook recommends that the patient register the MR conditions disclosed in this IFU with the MedicAlert Foundation. The MedicAlert Foundation can be contacted in the following manners:
Address: MedicAlert Foundation International
Fax: +1 209-669-2450 Web:
2323 Colorado Avenue Turlock, CA 95382 USA
Phone: 888-633-4298 (toll free)
+1 209-668-3333 from outside the US
5.1 Observed Adverse Events
A U.S. multicenter, prospective study of a previous version of the device (Zenith AAA Endovascular Graft) conducted at 15 centers which included 352 endovascular patients (200 standard risk, 100 high risk and 52 roll-in) and 80 control patients provides the basis of the observed adverse event rates in Table 5.1.1. Patients were enrolled in the standard risk arm if they were physiologically capable of withstanding an open or endovascular repair and had anatomy suitable for treatment with the Zenith AAA Endovascular Graft with the H&L-B One-Shot Introduction System. Patients with suitable anatomy, but at higher risk of morbidity or mortality with open repair were enrolled into the high risk arm. Initial patients treated in the study were enrolled in the roll-in arm. The control group included patients whose vascular anatomy may not have been suitable for endovascular AAA repair.
Table 5.1.1 Death and Rupture from Clinical Study
Death and Rupture Zenith Standard Risk
All death
(0-30 days)
(31-365 days)
AAA-related 0.0% (0/198) 1.3% (1/78) .29 3.1% (3/98) 0.0% (0/51) Non-AAA-related 3.0% (6/198) 0.0% (0/78) .19 4.1% (4/98) 9.8% (5/51)
(0-365 days)
AAA-related 0.5% (1/199) 3.8% (3/80) .07 5.0% (5/100) 1.9% (1/52) Non-AAA-related 3.0% (6/199) 0.0% (0/80) .19 4.0% (4/100) 9.6% (5/52)
(0-30 days) 0.0% (0/199) n/a n/a 0.0% (0/100) 0.0% (0/52) (31-365 days) 0.0% (0/198) n/a n/a 1.0% (1/98) 0.0% (0/51) (0-365 days) 0.0% (0/199) n/a n/a 1.0% (1/100) 0.0% (0/52)
Denominator of 199 because one standard risk patient did not receive a device.
All deaths (0-30 days) were considered AAA and procedure related.
Of the deaths (31-365 days), four were considered AAA related: 1 surgical (septic shock from ischemic colitis) and 3 high risk (pancreatitis with renal failure and sepsis, hemorrhage
from upper abdominal aneurysm [not treated AAA] and multiple system failure).
Of the deaths (0-365 days), ten were considered AAA related: 1 standard risk (cardiac failure), 3 surgical (massive hemorrhage, mesenteric ischemia and septic shock from ischemic colitis), 5 high risk (respiratory failure, cardiac failure with pulmonary embolism, pancreatitis with renal failure and sepsis, hemorrhage from upper abdominal aneurysm [not treated AAA] and multiple system failure) and 1 roll-in (suspected cardiac failure).
0.5% (1/199) 2.5% (2/80) .20 2.0% (2/100) 1.9% (1/52)
3.0% (6/198) 1.3% (1/78) .68 7.1% (7/98) 9.8% (5/51)
3.5% (7/199) 3.8% (3/80) >.99 9.0% (9/100) 11.5% (6/52)
Surgical Standard Risk P value Zenith High Risk Zenith Roll-in
Zenith Standard Risk Surgical Standard Risk P value Zenith High Risk Zenith Roll-in
Table 5.1.2 Adverse Events1 in Clinical Study
Freedom from Morbidity
(0-30 days)
4, 9
(31-365 days)
4, 10
(0-365 days)
4, 9,10
Cardiovascular Pulmonary Renal Bowel Wound Neurologic Vascular Freedom from Morbidity
Cardiovascular Pulmonary Renal Bowel Wound Neurologic Vascular Freedom from Morbidity
Cardiovascular Pulmonary Renal Bowel Wound Neurologic Vascular
From the morbidity index.
Cardiovascular included: Q-wave and non-Q-wave myocardial infarctions, congestive heart failure, arrhythmias requiring new medication or treatment, cardiac ischemia requiring
intervention, inotropic support, medically intractable hypertension.
Pulmonary included: reintubation or ventilation >24 hours, pneumonia requiring antibiotics, supplemental oxygen at discharge.
Renal included: dialysis in patients with normal preoperative renal function, creatinine rise >30% from baseline on two or more follow-up tests.
Bowel included: bowel obstruction, bowel ischemia, aorto-enteric fistula, paralytic ileus >4 days.
Wound included: infection requiring antibiotic treatment, hernia, lymph fistula, dehiscence, necrosis requiring debridement.
Neurological included: stroke, TIA, spinal cord ischemia/paralysis.
Vascular included: limb thrombosis, distal embolization resulting in tissue loss or requiring intervention, transfusion postprocedure (resulting from pseudoaneurysm, vascular injury, aneurysm leak or other procedure-related causes), pseudoaneurysm, vascular injury (such as inadvertent occlusion, dissection or other procedure related causes), aneurysm leak or rupture, increase in aneurysm size by more than 0.5 cm relative to the smallest of any prior measurement.
Investigators reported one additional high risk patient to have occlusion of an accessory renal artery and one additional high risk patient to have chronic renal insufficiency as “other” adverse events.
Investigators reported one additional roll-in patient to have renal insufficiency and one additional surgical patient to have renal insufficiency as “other” adverse events.
Investigators reported one additional roll-in patient to have experienced intraoperative aortic plaque rupture resulting in renal artery occlusion as an “other” adverse event.
80% (160/200) 58% (46/80) <.001 68% (68/100) 73% (38/52)
3.0% (6/200) 11% (9/80) .02 14% (14/100) 1.9% (1/52)
1.0% (2/200) 15% (12/80) <.001 2.0% (2/100) 0.0% (0/52)
2.5% (5/200) 10% (8/80) .01 6.0% (6/100) 5.8% (3/52)
1.0% (2/200) 3.8% (3/80) .14 1.0% (1/100) 1.9% (1/52)
4.5% (9/200) 7.5% (6/80) .38 2.0% (2/100) 3.8% (2/52)
0.0% (0/200) 2.5% (2/80) .08 0.0% (0/100) 0.0% (0/52) 11% (21/200) 31% (25/80) <.001 20% (20/100) 19% (10/52)
91% (181/198) 86% (67/78) .25 79% (77/98) 86% (44/51)
2.5% (5/198) 3.8% (3/78) .69 5.1% (5/98) 2.0% (1/51)
0.5% (1/198) 1.3% (1/78) .49 4.1% (4/98) 0.0% (0/51)
0.5% (1/198) 0.0% (0/78) >.99 3.1% (3/98) 0.0% (0/51)
0.5% (1/198) 1.3% (1/78) .49 0.0% (0/98) 0.0% (0/51)
2.0% (4/198) 5.1% (4/78) .23 3.1% (3/98) 2.0% (1/51)
1.0% (2/198) 0.0% (0/78) >.99 1.0% (1/98) 3.9% (2/51)
3.0% (6/198) 3.8% (3/78) .72 8.2% (8/98) 5.9% (3/51)
76% (151/200) 49% (39/80) <.001 55% (55/100) 62% (32/52)
5.0% (10/200) 14% (11/80) .02 19% (19/100) 3.8% (2/52)
1.5% (3/200) 16% (13/80) <.001 6.0% (6/100) 0.0% (0/52)
2.5% (5/200) 10% (8/80) .01 9.0% (9/100) 5.8% (3/52)
1.5% (3/200) 3.8% (3/80) .36 1.0% (1/100) 1.9% (1/52)
5.5% (11/200) 13% (10/80) .08 5.0% (5/100) 5.8% (3/52)
1.0% (2/200) 2.5% (2/80) .32 1.0% (1/100) 3.8% (2/52) 12% (24/200) 33% (26/80) <.001 25% (25/100) 23% (12/52)
5.2 Potential Adverse Events
Adverse events that may occur and/or require intervention include, but are not limited to:
• Amputation
• Anesthetic complications and subsequent attendant problems (e.g., aspiration)
• Aneur ysm enlargement
• Aneur ysm rupture and death
• Aor tic damage, including perforation, dissection, bleeding, rupture and death
• Ar terial or venous thrombosis and/or pseudoaneurysm
• Ar teriovenous fistula
• Bleeding, hematoma or coagulopathy
• Bowel complications (e.g., ileus, transient ischemia, infarction, necrosis)
• Cardiac complications and subsequent attendant problems (e.g., arrhythmia, myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure, hypotension, hypertension)
• Claudication (e.g., buttock, lower limb)
• Death
• Edema
• Embolization (micro and macro) with transient or permanent ischemia or infarction
• Endoleak
• Endoprosthesis: improper component placement; incomplete component deployment; component migration; suture break; occlusion; infection; stent fracture; graft material wear; dilatation; erosion; puncture; perigraft flow; barb separation and corrosion
• Fever and localized inflammation
• Genitourinar y complications and subsequent attendant problems (e.g., ischemia, erosion, fistula, incontinence, hematuria, infection)
• Graf t or native vessel occlusion
• Hepatic failure
• Impotence
• I nfection of the aneurysm, device or access site, including abscess formation, transient fever and pain
• Lymphatic complications and subsequent attendant problems (e.g., lymph fistula)
• Neurologic local or systemic complications and subsequent attendant problems (e.g., stroke, transient ischemic attack, paraplegia, paraparesis, paralysis)
• Pulmonar y/respiratory complications and subsequent attendant problems (e.g., pneumonia, respiratory failure, prolonged intubation)
• Renal complications and subsequent attendant problems (e.g., artery occlusion, contrast toxicity, insufficiency, failure)
• Surgical conversion to open repair
• Vascular access site complications, including infection, pain, hematoma, pseudoaneurysm, arteriovenous fistula
• Vascular spasm or vascular trauma (e.g., iliofemoral vessel dissection, bleeding, rupture, death)
• Vessel damage
• Wound complications and subsequent attendant problems (e.g., dehiscence, infection)
Device Related Adverse Event Reporting
Any adverse event (clinical incident) involving the Zenith Flex AAA Endovascular Graft should be reported to COOK immediately. For customers in the United States, to report an incident, call the Customer Relations Department at 1-800-457-4500 (24-hour) or 1-812-339-2235. For customers outside the United States, please call your distributor.
6.1 Objectives
The primary objective of the clinical study was to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of a previous version of the device (Zenith AAA Endovascular Graft) as an alternative to open surgical repair in the primary treatment of infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysms. Study hypotheses examined whether standard risk patients experienced less 30-day morbidity, non-inferior 30-day survival r ates, non-inferior 12-mon th survival rates, non-inferior 12-month treatment success and improved clinical utility measures compared to surgical control patients. Safety was determined by evaluating whether the Zenith AAA Endovascular Graft subjects would have reduced 30-day morbidity, non-inferior 30-day and 12-month survival and non-inferior 12-month treatment success compared to the subjects treated with open surgical treatment. Effectiveness was based on exclusion of the aneurysm including the absence of any endoleak, the absence of aneurysm enlargement (≥5 mm) and the absence of major device adverse events evaluated through one year follow-up. Secondary objectives included an assessment of clinical benefit and quality-of-life measures.
6.2 Study Design
The U.S. clinical study was a multicenter, nonrandomized study comparing standard medical risk patients who received an endovascular graft to an open surgical control. There were two additional study arms for high medical risk and roll-in treatment groups. Fifteen centers enrolled 200 standard risk, 80 surgical control, 100 high risk and 52 roll-in patients. The control group included patients whose vascular anatomy may not have been suitable for endovascular AAA repair. Follow-up evaluations were scheduled for pre-discharge, 1 month, 6 months, 12 months and 24 months. Patient follow­up and accountability at 1 month, 12 months and 24 months are presented in Table 6.2.1 as these were the primary data analysis time points. Imaging data provided in this summary are based on findings from an independent centralized image analysis laboratory (Core Lab) which reviewed CT scans and abdominal X-rays to assess aneurysm diameter changes, device and relative component migration, device integrity (wire and graft) and the presence and type of endoleaks. Clinical events were adjudicated by an independent clinical events committee and safety was monitored by a data safety monitoring committee.
Surgical and Zenith standard risk patients met identical pathophysiologic risk criteria. The endovascular groups excluded circumferential thrombus in the proximal neck, proximal neck less than 15 mm in length, outer wall to outer wall proximal neck diameter less than 18 mm or greater than 28 mm, severe proximal neck angulation, outer wall to outer wall iliac artery diameter less than 7.5 mm or greater than 20 mm at distal fixation site or iliac artery distal fixation site less than 10 mm in length.
Patients were considered at higher risk for surgical repair if they had age greater than 80, baseline creatinine >2.0 mg/dl, home oxygen therapy, FEV1 <1 liter, ejection fraction <25%, disabling COPD, New York Heart Classification 3 or 4, hostile abdomen, dialysis, MI within last 6 months, medically intractable hypertension, previous stroke with residual deficit, cultural objection to receipt of blood or blood products, previous renal bypass surgery or inflammatory aneurysm.
Before enrolling patients into the pivotal trial, centers without Zenith AAA Endovascular Graft experience were required to treat initial patients under the supervision of a proctor. These roll-in patients were a combination of standard and high risk patients and were followed according to the same schedule as the patients in the pivotal trial.
Table 6.2.1 Patient Follow-Up and Accountability
Treatment Zenith Standard Risk Surgical Standard Risk Interval
No device 1 Conversion to open repair 0 Expired 1 7 17 2 3 n/a
1 mo. 12 mo. 24 mo. 1 mo. 12 mo. 24 mo.
0 0 n/a
n/a n/a n/a
Withdrawn/lost to follow-up 0 0 2 0 4 n/a Available 198 190 178 78 73 n/a Site CT imaging 191 168 110 69 58 n/a Core lab CT imaging 190 165 99 69 59 n/a Site KUB imaging 179 153 108 n/a n/a n/a Core lab KUB imaging 178 149 93 n/a n/a n/a Site evaluated for endoleak 187 163 107 n/a n/a n/a Core lab evaluated for endoleak 161 148 92 n/a n/a n/a Site evaluated for aneurysm enlargement n/a 149 104 n/a n/a n/a Core lab evaluated for aneurysm enlargement n/a 151 94 n/a n/a n/a
Data analysis sample size varies for each of the time points above and in the following tables. This variability is due to patient availability for follow-up, as well as quantity and quality of images available from specific time points for evaluation. For example, the number and quality of images available for evaluation of endoleak at 12 months is different than the number and quality of images available at 24 months due to variation in the number of image exams performed, the number of images provided from the clinical site to the Core Lab and/or the number of images with acceptable evaluation quality. Totals at time points are not cumulative, unless otherwise noted.
Totals at time points are cumulative.
6.3 Patient Demographics Tables 6.3.1 and 6.3.2 compare the subject characteristics and initial aneurysm diameter of the Zenith AAA Endovascular Graft and open surgical population,
Table 6.3.1 Comparison of Subject Characteristics
Item Zenith Standard Risk Surgical Standard Risk P value
High Risk
Zenith Roll-in
Age (years) 71 ± 7 69 ± 7 .03 77 ± 7 74 ± 8 Gender male 94% (187/200) 89% (71/80) .22 92% (92/100) 90% (47/52)
Current medical conditions
Peripheral vascular disease Hypertension 64% (127/200) 83% (65/78) .001 68% (67/99) 67% (35/52)
16% (31/195) 25% (19/76) .12 24% (23/96) 9.6% (5/52)
Renal failure 0.0% (0/197) 0.0% (0/79) >.99 5.2% (5/97) 1.9% (1/52) COPD 20% (39/199) 18% (14/78) .87 34% (33/98) 22% (11/51) Thromboembolic event 4.5% (9/199) 7.7% (6/78) .38 7.1% (7/99) 1.9% (1/52) Liver disease 2.1% (4/192) 5.1% (4/79) .24 1.0% (1/99) 1.9% (1/52) Diabetes mellitus 12% (24/199) 15% (12/79) .55 17% (17/99) 14% (7/51) Insulin-dependent 17% (4/24) 8.3% (1/12) .65 24% (4/17) 43% (3/7)
Previous medical conditions
39% (74/192) 29% (23/80) .13 35% (34/98) 35% (18/52) Congestive heart failure 5.0% (10/199) 12% (9/78) .07 16% (16/100) 10% (5/50) Angina 49% (98/198) 39% (31/79) .14 45% (44/98) 44% (23/52) Arrhythmia 20% (40/197) 22% (17/78) .87 28% (27/98) 24% (12/51) Cerebrovascular disease 9.5% (19/199) 16% (13/79) .14 20% (20/99) 9.8% (5/51) Systemic infection 1.0% (2/196) 0.0% (0/78) >.99 3.1% (3/97) 0.0% (0/49) Cancer 22% (43/200) 19% (15/80) .74 31% (31/99) 29% (15/51)
Family history of aneurysmal disease 16% (24/150) 27% (17/63) .09 14% (11/77) 26% (10/38) Previous surgery at site 10% (20/200) 15% (12/79) .22 10% (10/99) 14% (7/51) Previous radiation at site 0.5% (1/197) 0.0% (0/79) >.99 2.0% (2/100) 2.0% (1/51) Excessive alcohol use 3.6% (7/193) 10% (8/77) .04 3.1% (3/96) 4.0% (2/50)
Tobacco use
Never smoked Past smoker 69% (133/193) 60% (48/80) .03 69% (66/96) 57% (28/49) Still smokes 21% (40/193) 35% (28/80) 18% (17/96) 18% (9/49)
Due to inclusion criteria, high risk patients were older (P<.001), had more renal failure (P=.004), COPD (P=.01), congestive heart failure (P=.004) and cerebrovascular disease (P=.02) than standard risk patients.
10% (20/193) 5.0% (4/80)
14% (13/96) 24% (12/49)
Table 6.3.2 Aneurysm Diameter Distribution
Diameter Range Zenith Standard Risk Surgical Standard Risk Zenith High Risk Zenith Roll-in <30 mm
30-39 mm 40-49 mm 50-59 mm 60-69 mm 70-79 mm 80-89 mm ≥90 mm
Aneurysm diameter distribution was not assessed in three high-risk and one roll-in patient.
0.0% (0/199) 0.0% (0/78) 0.0% (0/100) 0.0% (0/52)
0.5% (1/199) 0.0% (0/78) 1.0% (1/100) 0.0% (0/52) 23% (45/199) 7.7% (6/78) 15% (15/100) 13% (7/52) 48% (95/199) 33% (26/78) 47% (47/100) 40% (21/52) 24% (47/199) 29% (23/78) 27% (27/100) 42% (22/52)
3.0% (6/199) 21% (16/78) 5.0% (5/100) 1.9% (1/52)
2.5% (5/199) 6.4% (5/78) 1.0% (1/100) 0.0% (0/52)
0.0% (0/199) 2.6% (2/78) 1.0% (1/100) 0.0% (0/52)
6.4 Results
Data gathered in Tables 6.4.1 through 6.4.3 were collected by the clinical study sites and Core Lab. Where available, 24-month data are provided. Control patients were not followed beyond 12 months and some data have not yet been adjudicated beyond 12 months. Therefore, some results are presented to 12 months while other results are presented to 24 months in this section. Table 6.4.1 describes the devices implanted in clinical study patients. Table 6.4.2 describes the primary results from the clinical study. Figures 6.4.1 and 6.4.2 are the Kaplan-Meier plots of all-cause and AAA-related survival to 24 months, respectively. An independent clinical events committee adjudicated all deaths for possible relationship to aneurysm repair. All early deaths (0-30 days) were considered AAA-related. Deaths after 30 days were considered AAA-related if AAA disease or device involvement was confirmed. Table 6.4.3 presents Success Measures and Figure 6.4.3 is the Kaplan-Meier plot of Freedom from Morbidity.
Table 6.4.1 Devices Implanted
Item Zenith Standard Risk Zenith High Risk Zenith Roll-in
Main body and legs 99.5% (199/200)* 100% Main body extension Ipsilateral iliac leg extension Contralateral iliac leg extension Converter 0.5% (1/199)** 0.0% (0/100) 0.0% (0/52) Occluder 0.0% (0/199) 0.0% (0/100) 0.0% (0/52)
*One standard risk patient did not receive a device due to tortuosity and calcification of the access vessel. **Converter was used without occluder.
One device was custom.
Two standard risk and one high risk patient received main body extensions postprocedure; one standard risk patient received two main body extensions.
Two standard risk and one high risk patient received ipsilateral leg extensions postprocedure.
Four standard risk, two high risk and one roll-in patient received contralateral leg extensions postprocedure.
Three standard risk and three high risk patients received both ipsilateral and contralateral extensions during the procedure; one standard risk received both ipsilateral and
contralateral extensions postprocedure.
1.5% (3/199) 1.0% (1/100) 5.8% (3/52)
9.5% (19/199) 11% (11/100) 0.0% (0/52) 11% (21/199) 11% (11/100) 13.5% (7/52)
100% (52/52)
Table 6.4.2 Primary Results
Item Zenith Standard Risk
All death
All death
(0-30 days)
(31-365 days) AAA-related 0.0% (0/199) 1.3% (1/80) .29 3.0% (3/100) 0.0% (0/52)
2, 3
0.5% (1/199) 2.5% (2/80) .20 2.0% (2/100) 1.9% (1/52)
3.0% (6/199) 1.3% (1/80) .68 7.0% (7/100) 9.6% (5/52)
Surgical Standard Risk P value Zenith High Risk Zenith Roll-in
Non-AAA-related 3.0% (6/199) 0.0% (0/80) .19 4.0% (4/100) 9.6% (5/52)
All death
(0-365 days) AAA-related 0.5% (1/199) 3.8% (3/80) .07 5.0% (5/100) 1.9% (1/52)
3.5% (7/199) 3.8% (3/80) >.99 9.0% (9/100) 11.5% (6/52)
Non-AAA-related 3.0% (6/199) 0.0% (0/80) .19 4.0% (4/100) 9.6% (5/52)
(0-30 days) 0.0% (0/199) n/a n/a 0.0% (0/100) 0.0% (0/52) (31-365 days) 0.0% (0/199) n/a n/a 1.0% (1/100) 0.0% (0/52) (0-365 days) 0.0% (0/199) n/a n/a 1.0% (1/100) 0.0% (0/52)
(0-30 days) 0.0% (0/199) n/a n/a 0.0% (0/100) 0.0% (0/52) (31-365 days) (0-365 days)
Adverse events
(0-30 days) (31-365 days) (0-365 days)
Denominator of 199 because one standard risk patient did not receive a device.
All deaths (0-30 days) were considered AAA and procedure related.
Of the deaths (31-365 days), four were considered AAA related: 1 surgical (septic shock from ischemic colitis) and 3 high risk (pancreatitis with renal failure and sepsis, hemorrhage
from upper abdominal aneurysm [not treated AAA] and multiple system failure).
Of the deaths (0-365 days), ten were considered AAA related: 1 standard risk (cardiac failure), 3 surgical (massive hemorrhage, mesenteric ischemia and septic shock from ischemic colitis), 5 high risk (respiratory failure, cardiac failure with pulmonary embolism, pancreatitis with renal failure and sepsis, hemorrhage from upper abdominal aneurysm [not treated AAA] and multiple system failure) and 1 roll-in (suspected cardiac failure).
Standard risk patients underwent conversions due to a persistent, proximal Type I endoleak and a new suprarenal aortic aneurysm. Three surgical patients had massive hemorrhages, of which 2 required re-operation and one died.
Adverse events included in the morbidity index.
1.0% (2/199) n/a n/a 1.0% (1/100) 0.0% (0/52)
1.0% (2/199) n/a n/a 1.0% (1/100) 0.0% (0/52)
20% (40/200) 43% (34/80) <.001 32% (32/100) 27% (14/52)
8.6% (17/199) 14% (11/78) .25 21% (21/98) 14% (7/51) 25% (49/200) 51% (41/80) <.001 45% (45/100) 38% (20/52)
Zenith AAA Endovascular Graft patients exhibited no significant differences between males and females for survival and freedom from major adverse events. (Error bars in Figures 6.4.1, 6.4.2 and 6.4.3 represent 95% confidence limits.) Figure 6.4.1 presents all-cause survival to 24 months. The accompanying table presents the Kaplan-Meier analysis at 1, 6, 12 and 24 months.
Figure 6.4.1 Survival at 24 Months
Zenith Standard Risk
(N=200, 1 death to 30 days 4 deaths to 6 months 7 deaths to 12 months 17 deaths to 24 months)
Surgical Standard Risk
(N=80, 2 deaths to 30 days
Percent Survival
3 deaths to 6 months 3 deaths to 12 months)
Months After Procedure
1 month 6 months 12 months 24 months
n % survival n % survival n % survival n % survival
Zenith standard
198* 99.5 194 98.0 190 96.5 97 90.9
Surgical standard risk
n= Patients alive and available for follow-up at the end of the interval P = .81 *One patient expired before 1 month and one patient did not receive a device.
78 97.5 73 96.2 67 96.2 n/a n/a
Figure 6.4.2 presents AAA-related survival (determined by Clinical Events Committee) to 24 months. The accompanying table presents the Kaplan­Meier analysis at 1, 6, 12 and 24 months.
Figure 6.4.2 AAA-Related Survival at 24 Months
Zenith Standard Risk
(N=200, 1 death to 30 days
1 death to 6 months 1 death to 12 months 2 deaths to 24 months)
Surgical Standard Risk
Relatd Death
(N=80, 2 deaths to 30 days
3 deaths to 6 months 3 deaths to 12 months)
Percent Freedom from Aneurysm
Event: Aneurysm Related Death
Months After Procedure
1 month 6 months 12 months 24 months
n % survival n % survival n % sur vival n % survival
Zenith standard
198* 99.5 194 99.5 190 99.5 97 99.0
Surgical standard risk
n= Patients alive and available for follow-up at the end of the interval P = .04 *One patient expired before 1 month and one patient did not receive a device.
78 97.5 73 96.2 67 96.2 n/a n/a
Table 6.4.3 Success Measures
Item Zenith Standard Risk Surgical Standard Risk Zenith High Risk Zenith Roll-in
Technical success
99.5% (199/200) 98.8% (79/80) 100% (100/100) 100% (52/52)
Procedural success at 30 days295.1% (155/163) 88% (60/68) 86% (70/81) 91% (30/33)
Treatment success at
12 months
Patent graft following deployment.
Technical success with no major complications, patent graft and no Type I or Type III endoleaks at 30 days.
Procedural success extended to 12 months with no aneurysm enlargement (>5 mm).
Figure 6.4.3 presents freedom from morbidity (events in the morbidity index) to 12 months. The accompanying table presents the Kaplan-Meier analysis at 1, 6 and 12 months.
89% (122/137) 85% (52/61) 70% (44/63) 87% (26/30)
Figure 6.4.3 Freedom from Morbidity (0-365 days)
Zenith Standard Risk
(N=200, 38 patients with events to 30 days
43 patients with events to 6 months 45 patients with events to 12 months)
Surgical Standard Risk
(N=80, 34 patients with events to 30 days
38 patients with events to 6 months
Percent Freedom from Morbidity
41 patients with events to 12 months)
Months After Procedure
1 month 6 months 12 months
n % n % n %
Zenith standard risk 162 81.0 154 78.5 133 77.4 Surgical standard risk 45 57.1 39 52.0 33 47.8
n= Patients alive and free of morbidity at the end of the interval P = <.001
Tables 6.4.4 through 6.4.7 describe results of the Zenith AAA Endovascular Graft subjects as reported by the Core Lab. Device performance factors analyzed by the Core Lab include device integrity (Table 6.4.4), device patency (Table 6.4.5), migration (Table 6.4.6) and limb separation (Table 6.4.7).
Table 6.4.4 Abdominal Radiographic Findings – Device Integrity
Item Zenith Standard Risk Zenith High Risk Zenith Roll-in
Stent Fractures
Pre-discharge 0.0% (0/172) 0.0% (0/81) 0.0% (0/39) 30 day 0.0% (0/172) 0.0% (0/83) 0.0% (0/43) 6 month 0.0% (0/166) 0.0% (0/78) 0.0% (0/35) 12 month 0.0% (0/148) 0.0% (0/60) 0.0% (0/28) 24 month 0.0% (0/93) 0.0% (0/42) 0.0% (0/19)
Barb Separation
Pre-discharge 0.0% (0/176) 0.0% (0/86) 0.0% (0/39) 30 day 0.0% (0/178) 0.0% (0/86) 0.0% (0/43) 6 month 1.2% (2/167) 2.5% (2/80) 0.0% (0/35) 12 month 2.0% (3/149) 1.7% (1/60) 0.0% (0/28) 24 month 1.1% (1/93) 0.0% (0/42) 0.0% (0/19)
Graft material rupture
Pre-discharge 0.0% (0/176) 0.0% (0/86) 0.0% (0/39) 30 day 0.0% (0/178) 0.0% (0/86) 0.0% (0/43) 6 month 0.0% (0/167) 0.0% (0/80) 0.0% (0/35) 12 month 0.0% (0/149) 0.0% (0/60) 0.0% (0/28) 24 month 0.0% (0/93) 0.0% (0/42) 0.0% (0/19)
Stent fracture percentages are for main body. There were also no right iliac leg, left iliac leg, occluder, converter, left iliac extension, right iliac extension or main body extension fractures observed by the Core Lab.
Patients with separation of 1 or 2 barbs (of 10 or 12 total); no adverse clinical sequelae.
Table 6.4.5 CT Findings – Graft Patency
Item Zenith Standard Risk Zenith High Risk Zenith Roll-in
Graft patency
30 day 100% (185/185) 99% (85/86) 100% (47/47) 6 month 99% (183/184) 100% (74/74) 100% (39/39) 12 month 99% (153/155) 100% (62/62) 100% (30/30) 24 month 100% (96/96) 100% (33/33) 100% (25/25)
Table 6.4.6 CT Findings – Graft (Main Body) Migration
Item Zenith Standard Risk Zenith High Risk Zenith Roll-in
Graft migration (>5 mm) at 12 months
with clinical sequelae1 or intervention 0.0% (0/162) 0.0% (0/71) 0.0% (0/34) without clinical sequelae1 or intervention 2.5% (4/162) 2.8% (2/71) 0.0% (0/34)
Graft migration (>10 mm) 0.0% (0/162) 0.0% (0/71) 0.0% (0/34)
Migration with clinical sequelae would include endoleak, conversion, rupture or AAA-related death.
Table 6.4.7 Abdominal Radiograph Findings – Limb Separation
Item Zenith Standard Risk Zenith High Risk Zenith Roll-in
Limb separation
Pre-discharge 0.0% (0/176) 0.0% (0/86) 0.0% (0/39) 30 day 0.0% (0/178) 0.0% (0/86) 0.0% (0/43) 6 month 0.0% (0/167) 0.0% (0/80) 0.0% (0/35) 12 month 0.0% (0/149) 0.0% (0/60) 0.0% (0/28) 24 month 0.0% (0/93) 0.0% (0/42) 0.0% (0/19)
6.5 Endoleak Management
During the clinical study Type I endoleaks were treated during the initial procedure by use of additional balloon seating or, if unsuccessful, additional prostheses. Type II endoleaks were observed for a period of one to six months to determine if they would spontaneously thrombose, or in the absence of enlarging aneurysms, they were treated with endovascular techniques at the discretion of the practicing physician. If the aneurysm enlarged, treatment by embolization or ligation was considered and, in some cases, performed. Type III endoleaks caused by graft defects, inadequate seal or disconnection of the modular components were treated with additional ballooning or prostheses. As reported by the angiographic Core Lab, there were no Type IV endoleaks during the U.S. clinical study. The graft material used to manufacture the Zenith AAA Endovascular Graft is of standard thickness and is the same material used in open surgical procedures. Table 6.5.1 presents the incidence of endoleaks by evaluation interval, as identified by the Core Lab for the standard risk, high risk and roll-in patients, respectively.
Table 6.5.1 Endoleaks (All Types, New and Persistent)
Item Zenith Standard Risk Zenith High Risk Zenith Roll-in
Pre-discharge 15% (23/153) 14% (11/78) 12% (3/26)
Includes both persistent endoleaks and new observations.
Tables 6.5.2 – 6.5.4 present the incidence of first occurrence of an endoleak according to evaluation interval, as identified by the Core Lab at or before the 30-day, 6-month and 12-month exams for the standard risk, high risk and roll-in patients, respectively. The number of patients who are leak-free thereafter is also given.
9.9% (16/161) 12% (9/75) 6.3% (2/32)
8.7% (15/172) 11% (8/70) 8.6% (3/35)
7.4% (11/148) 8.8% (5/57) 3.4% (1/29)
Table 6.5.2 First Occurrence of Endoleak1 for Standard Risk Patients
To One-Month Exam
% Endoleak
Six-Month Exam
% Endoleak
Twelve-Month Exam
% Endoleak
Endoleaks 17 31 17 2.3 4 3 3.4 5 2
Proximal Type I 2.8 5 4 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 Distal
Type I 1.7 3 1 0.0 0 0 0.7 1 1 Type II 9.5 17 9 2.3 4 3 1.4 2 1 Type III 1.1 2 2 0.0 0 0 0.7 1 0
Type IV 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 Multiple 1.1 2 1 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 Unknown 1.1 2 0 0.0 0 0 0.7 1 0
Identified by Core Lab.
Subsequent endoleaks may have been of different type than original.
Only 2 patients had new endoleaks after 12 months; follow-up after 24 months not available.
Table 6.5.3 First Occurrence of Endoleak1 for High Risk Patients
To One-Month Exam
% Endoleak
Six-Month Exam
% Endoleak
Twelve-Month Exam3
% Endoleak
Endoleaks 18 16 6 2.9 2 0 3.5 2 1
Proximal Type I 2.3 2 1 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 Distal
Type I 1.1 1 1 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0
Type II 9.1 8 3 1.4 1 0 1.8 1 0
Type III 0.0 0 0 1.4 1 0 1.8 1 1
Type IV 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 Multiple 4.5 4 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 Unknown 1.1 1 1 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0
Identified by Core Lab.
Subsequent endoleaks may have been of different type than original.
No endoleaks after 12 months; follow-up after 24 months not available.
Table 6.5.4 First Occurrence of Endoleak1 for Roll-in Patients
To One-Month Exam
% Endoleak
Six-Month Exam
% Endoleak
Twelve-Month Exam3
% Endoleak
Endoleaks 11 4 2 2.9 1 0 0.0 0 0
Proximal Type I 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 Distal
Type I 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0
Type II 5.6 2 1 2.9 1 0 0.0 0 0
Type III 2.8 1 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0
Type IV 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 Multiple 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 Unknown 2.8 1 1 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0
Identified by Core Lab.
Subsequent endoleaks may have been of different type than original.
No endoleaks after 12 months; follow-up after 24 months not available.
6.6 Aneurysm Change Tables 6.6.1 - 6.6.3 present the change in aneurysm diameter for the endovascular patients, as identified by the Core Lab. Table 6.6.1 presents maximum
aneurysm diameter change by interval. Tables 6.6.2 and 6.6.3 present aneurysm change and endoleak at 12 and 24 months, respectively.
Table 6.6.1 Change in Maximum Aneurysm Diameter by Interval*
Item Zenith Standard Risk Zenith High Risk Zenith Roll-in
From pre-discharge 30-day
Decrease >5 mm 1.7% (3/180) 4.8% (4/84) 0.0% (0/40) Unchanged 97% (174/180) 94% (79/84) 97.5% (39/40) Increase >5 mm 1.7% (3/180) 1.2% (1/84) 2.5% (1/40)
Change from pre-discharge 6-month
Decrease >5 mm 36% (63/173) 41% (30/73) 49% (18/37) Unchanged 62% (108/173) 59% (43/73) 51% (19/37) Increase >5 mm 1.2% (2/173) 0.0% (0/73) 0.0% (0/37)
Change from pre-discharge 12-month
Decrease >5 mm 68% (102/151) 63% (39/62) 67% (20/30) Unchanged 31% (47/151) 35% (22/62) 33% (10/30) Increase >5 mm 1.3% (2/151) 1.6% (1/62) 0.0% (0/30)
Change from pre-discharge 24-month
Decrease >5 mm 78% (74/94) 75% (27/36) 71% (17/24) Unchanged 19% (18/94) 25% (9/36) 25% (6/24) Increase >5 mm 2.1% (2/94) 0.0% (0/36) 4.2% (1/24)
*Only includes subjects with interpretable films and measurements of aneurysm change from 1 to 24 months.
Table 6.6.2 Change in Aneurysm Size and Endoleak at 12 Months
Zenith Standard Risk
Zenith High Risk
Zenith Roll-in
Endoleak Endoleak Endoleak
Aneurysm size change from pre-discharge to 12 months
N n % N n % N n %
Decrease >5 mm 96 3 3.0 35 3 9.0 20 0 0.0 Unchanged 42 8 19 17 2 12 7 1 14 Increase >5 mm 2 0 0.0 1 0 0.0 0 0 0.0
Table 6.6.3 Change in Aneurysm Size and Endoleak at 24 Months
Zenith Standard Risk
Zenith High Risk
Zenith Roll-in
Endoleak Endoleak Endoleak
Aneurysm size change from pre-discharge to 24 months
N n % N n % N n %
Decrease >5 mm 71 3 4.0 24 1 4.0 16 0 0.0 Unchanged 18 1 6.0 7 3 43 5 0 0.0 Increase >5 mm 1 1 100 1 0 0.0 0 0 0.0
6.7 AAA-Related Secondary Interventions
AAA-related secondary interventions within the first year were performed in 11% of the Zenith standard risk, 13% Zenith high risk and 5.8% Zenith roll-in subjects as shown in Table 6.7.1. Greater than 50% of the secondary interventions involved catheterization to treat an endoleak. AAA-related secondary interventions within the second year were performed in 4.2% of the Zenith standard risk, 2.2% Zenith high risk and 2.3% Zenith roll-in subjects as shown in
Table 6.7.2.
Table 6.7.1 Secondary Interventions (to 12 Months)
Conversion to open repair 2 1.0 1 1.0 0 0.0
Zenith Standard Risk
Zenith High Risk
Zenith Roll-in
n % n % n %
Subjects with ≥1 intervention 21 11 13 13 3 5.8 Treat an endoleak
Embolization 5 2.5 3 3.0 1 2.0 Ancillary component 6 3.0 4 4.0 1 2.0 Stent 1 0.5 0 0.0 0 0.0 Angioplasty 0 0.0 1 1.0 0 0.0
Treat an aneurysm increase
Embolization 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Treat a limb occlusion 1 0.5 3 3.0 1 2.0 Treat a limb stenosis 1 0.5 0 0.0 0 0.0 Treat a renal artery 5 2.5 0 0.0 0 0.0 Treat infra-inguinal ischemia 1 0.5 1 1.0 0 0.0 Treat multiple events 1 0.5 1 1.0 0 0.0
Table 6.7.2 Secondary Interventions (>12 to 24 Months)
Conversion to open repair 1 0.5 1 1.1 0 0.0
Zenith Standard Risk
Zenith High Risk
Zenith Roll-in
n % n % n %
Subjects with ≥1 intervention 8 4.2 2 2.2 1 2.3 Treat an endoleak
Embolization Ancillary component 1 0.5 0 0.0 0 0.0
1.6 0 0.0
Stent 0 0.0 1 1.1 0 0.0 Angioplasty 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Treat an aneurysm increase
Embolization 1 0.5 0 0.0
Treat a limb occlusion 1 0.5 0 0.0 0 0.0
Treat a limb stenosis 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 Treat a renal artery 0 0.0 1 1.1 0 0.0 Treat infra-inguinal ischemia 1 0.5 0 0.0 0 0.0 Treat multiple events 1 0.5 0 0.0 0 0.0
Patient also received ancillary component.
Patient underwent intervention to treat aneurysm increase and endoleak.
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