Curtain Style Ceiling Radiation Damper
Loren Cook Company’s curtain style ceiling radiation damper models CRD1, CRD2, CRD3 and CRD4 are classified by UL to
function as heat barriers in air handling penetrations through fire resistive membrane ceiling assemblies. These dampers are
for use in lieu of hinged door type dampers in fire resistive floor-ceiling or roof-ceiling designs which contain air ducts and
specify hinged door type dampers over each duct outlet, as covered in UL’s Fire Resistance Directory. The CRD dampers can be
installed either with a specific size Loren Cook Company Model Gemini fan as a listed fan and damper assembly or as a standalone damper. The following installation instructions show the recommended installation procedures for the CRD’s with the
Gemini fan. If the CRD is installed as a stand-alone damper, then a 16 ga. steel support channel must be attached to the
damper. Use 12 SWG galvanized steel wire or all thread to attach the damper to a supporting structural member. Where it is
necessary to cut a main runner or cross tee, each cut end shall be supported by a vertical No. 12 SWG hanger wire. A 1/2”
(13mm) clearance shall be maintained between the duct outlet and each cut end at main runner and cross tee. The duct outlet
shall be located so that no more than one main runner or cross tee is cut when penetrating the ceiling membrane. Consult with
local authorities that have jurisdiction with regard to local codes and guidelines regarding installation.
1/4" X 20 tpi "all-thread"
or 12 ga steel hanging wire
CRD Model #
CRD1 120 14-1/2 12-3/8 6-3/16
CRD1 140 14-1/2 12-3/8 6-3/16
CRD1 160 14-1/2 12-3/8 6-3/16
CRD1 180 14-1/2 12-3/8 6-3/16
CRD2 220, 240 12-5/8 10-1/8 5-1/16
CRD3 320, 340 12-5/8 11-1/8 5-9/16
CRD4 420 17-5/8 12-1/4 6-1/8
CRD4 520 17-5/8 12-1/4 6-1/8
CRD4 620 17-5/8 12-1/4 6-1/8
CRD4 640 17-5/8 12-1/4 6-1/8
Structural Support
CRD4 720 17-5/8 12-1/4 6-1/8
CRD4 740 17-5/8 12-1/4 6-1/8
Gemini Fan Model A
Hanging Vibration Isolator
Ceiling Radiation Damper
Meets NFPA 90A requirements.
Meets BOCA, SBCCA, UBC requirements.
The City of New York 460-88-5A
California State Fire Marshall 3225-0935:102
#10 x 3/4 speed screws
2 per side minimum
6" max spacing
A x B
See details on
UL Classification Marking
on enclosed product.
Fire Rated
Ceiling Assembly
Curtain Style Ceiling Radiation Dampers - January 2002