Conwin Magnetic Transport Signs User Manual

Magnetic Transport Signs
Conwin #32930
Important: Only display these signs when traveling with 1,000 cubic feet or more of helium- or nitrogen-filled cylinders. Remember to remove the signs when you are not tranporting helium- or nitrogen­filled cylinders
The Department of Transportation requires that you display the 4 signs on the front, back and two sides of your vehicle. Visit the DOT's website to learn more about the rules and regulations for transporting helium and nitrogen. ( Also, visit Conwin's Balloon Info Center on to learn more about setting up a safe and effi­cient balloon production center in the store and on the job.
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Qty. Cu.Ft. Gas Description Hazard Class ID No.
Helium Compressed Gas 2.2 UN1046
Helium Compressed Gas 2.2 UN1046 Helium Compressed Gas 2.2 UN1046 Helium Compressed Gas 2.2 UN1046 Helium Compressed Gas 2.2 UN1046 Helium Compressed Gas 2.2 UN1046 Helium Compressed Gas 2.2 UN1046 Helium Compressed Gas 2.2 UN1046 Helium Compressed Gas 2.2 UN1046 Helium Compressed Gas 2.2 UN1046 Helium Compressed Gas 2.2 UN1046 Helium Compressed Gas 2.2 UN1046
Nitrogen Compressed Gas 2.2 UN1066
Nitrogen Compressed Gas 2.2 UN1066 Nitrogen Compressed Gas 2.2 UN1066 Nitrogen Compressed Gas 2.2 UN1066 Nitrogen Compressed Gas 2.2 UN1066 Nitrogen Compressed Gas 2.2 UN1066 Nitrogen Compressed Gas 2.2 UN1066 Nitrogen Compressed Gas 2.2 UN1066 Nitrogen Compressed Gas 2.2 UN1066
In Case of Emergency (e.g. Spill, Leak, or Exposre to Fire)
Call Chemtrec (800) 111-1111 24-Hour Hot Line
NAME ____________________ DATE________________________ COMPANY NAME ________________________________________ ADDRESS ________________________________________________ CITY __________________________________ ZIP ____________ Vehicle Placards Required (1000 lbs. +) ❏ Yes
Certificate of Compliance
This form certifies all cylinders listed below are properly classified, described, marked and labeled, and are in proper condition for transportation according to the applicable regulations of the Department of Transportation.
( )
Conwin , Inc.
4510 Sperry Street
Los Angeles, CA90039
(818) 246-9233 • (213) 245-2842
IMPORTANT:This document must be in plain view in driver’s compartment while full or partially filled cylinders are being transported. I have read and understand the above statement of compliance.
CUSTOMER SIGNATURE __________________________________
Qty. Description Unit Cost
Hydro Test Hydro Test