“Industry Leader In Electronics
Laser Marking Applications”
• Mark directly on PCB
• Mark directly on housing
• Place label, then mark
• Capable of marking plastics,
metals, glass, ceramic, etc.
Product Identication Equipment & Laser Marking
The CTI Marking System is a high speed, operation friendly, laser marking system totally
integrated for the printed circuit board assembly process. The CO2 Laser is capable of printing
any legend required including logos, graphical images, true type fonts and dynamic bar codes
and 2D codes on almost all types of Printed Circuit Boards. The Nd:YAG Laser is capable of
printing any legend required and including logos, graphical images, true type fonts and dynamic
bar codes and 2D codes on almost all types of Printed Circuit Boards and bare metal surfaces.
Both the CO2 and YAG Lasers are air-cooled. At a fraction of the operating cost of conventional
marking methods, Laser Marking Technology and CTI Systems are a smart combination.
5313 WOMACK ROAD SANFORD, NC 27330 / OFFICE: (919) 776 - 7227 - FAX: (919) 774 - 3097