Converters.TV 825 Operation Manual

HDMI v1.3 2in:2out
Matrix Selector - ID# 825
Operation Manual
Applica t i o n s
System Requirements
Thank you for purchasing the HDMI v1.3 2in:2out Matrix Selector. While HDMI products are getting more and more popular in the market people usually have more than one HDMI devices and sources in one place. The HDMI v1.3 2in:2out Matrix Selector provides the excellent solution for connecting all the devices and sources together for your convenience use, it also provides you a variety of choices on where to play your images with remote controller. Further, the HDMI v1.3 2in:2out Matrix Selector can transfer Deep Color video and bit stream digital audio with maximum performance and it supports HDMI 1.3, HDCP 1.1 and DVI 1.0.
Multi-source with multi-display control.
Home entertainment integration.
Multi-task project presentation.
Showroom Display.
Advertising display control.
HDMI input device(s) and HDMI output device(s) with HDMI cables.
HDMI 1.3, HDCP 1.1 and DVI 1.0 compliant.
Supports digital video formats in Deep Color 12bit and new lossless compressed (Dolby TrueHD, Dolby Digital Plus and DTS-HD Master Audio) digital audio.
The HDMI input is compensated, clock / phase adjusted, and jitter eliminated so the output is a brand new standard HDMI signal.
Supports input source LED indicators on each output select.
Compatible with all HDMI sources and displays.
Supports a wide range of PC and HDTV resolutions from VGA to UXGA and 480i to 1080p.
Supports RS-232 control.
Supports IR remote control and IR extender.
Dolby Digital, DTS digital audio transmission (32-192 kHz Fs sample rate).
Supports LPCM7.1 channels output from each independent HDMI ports.
HDMI cable distance test with 1080p/8-bit & 12-bit resolution, the Input/ Output can run up to 15/15 meters.
Switchable EDID function for choosing the native resolution to display.
Define HDCP, HDMI and DVI source. The LED light will light up to define the input sources's format.
When HDMI signal progresses through the system, it is re-timed, and level-compensated.
Operating Functions and Controls
High performance HDMI 1.3 Matrix of 2 (two) input and 2 (two) output with remote control for you to link with your favor HDMI devices to enjoying movies, music, or games at once.
Front Panel
(1) . Remote control sensor. (2) . Power switch & LED Indicator: Green LED will illuminate when the power
is turned on and Red LED will illuminate when power is turned off. (3) Input Select/Indicators (A): Press the HDMI out "A" button repeatedly to switch to your desired source and the LED will illuminate to indicate which input source is being selected and routed to HDMI A output. Also, when the input source is HDMI/DVI the HDMI/DVI LED will illuminate, if the input source with the HDCP protection the HDCP LED will illuminate. (4) Input Select/Indicators (B): Press the HDMI out "B" button repeatedly to switch to your desired source and the LED will illuminate to indicate which input source is being selected and routed to HDMI B output. Also, when the input source is HDMI/DVI the HDMI/DVI LED will illuminate, if the input source with the HDCP protection the HDCP LED will illuminate.
Rear Panel
(1) I R IN : P la c e th e I R recei v e r c a bl e i n f ro n t of t h e di s pl ay s a n d th e n usi n g s o ur ce s r em o te c on t ro l t o co n tr o l so ur c es t h r ou gh I R r ec e iv e r cabl e . (2) R S - 2 32 : Co n ne ct th e C OM p or t o f y o ur P C fo r t he di s ta nt c o nt r ol over R S - 23 2 ch a nn el . D et a il sp ec i fi ca t io n in se c ti on 8. (3) E D I D: ED ID co n tr ol s wi t c h, t he de f ault f a c t or y se tt in g i s o n TV . Lea v e a s i t is wh e n th e displa y s ar e w o rk in g p ro pe r ly . S wi t c h to S T D to u s e bu i lt -i n E DI D .
N o t e :
1. S T D me a ns u s in g i nt er na l E D ID , TV me an s u s in g e xt e rn al E D ID .
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