Converters.TV 821 Operation Manual

Picture in Picture Converter
(NTSC Only) - ID# 821
Operation Manual
Operating Functions and Controls
Picture in Picture box with built-in TV receiver which allows you to watch two video inpu ts at the same time, on the same display. The unit will display a main p icture, and a sub-p ic tu re. This unit is su itable only with NTSC type signals.
Real time high resolution picture in picture display for any two video
Full range tuning covers 181 TV and CATV channels
4 PIP picture size selectable.
PIP picture may be placed in 9 different positions of the screen.
Still for PIP picture.
Main and PIP picture can be swapped by simply pressing a button.
Stereo sound on main channel and PIP channel; head phone jack for PIP
Easy button operation, compact size.
Front Panel
1. Chan n e l or v o lume d i splay .
2. Remote con t r o l r e c e i ver.
3. Stand by indicator: Illuminates when in stand by mode in which the
de vic e is power ed by AC but power butto n is tur ned o ff.
4. TV Indica tor: Ill umina tes when tune r i s set to TV m ode .
5. CATV Ind ica tor : I llu min ate s when tu ner is se t t o C ATV mo de.
6. MAIN/T V: Illum ina te s w hen TV ( CAT V) in put is s elect ed as ma in
ch annel.
7. MA IN/ V 1 : I llu min ate s when V 1' inp ut is sel ect ed as mai n ch annel.
8. MA IN/ V 2: Ill umi nate s w hen V2 inpu t is se lec ted as m ain cha nne l.
9. S UB/TV: Illuminates wh en TV (CATV) in pu t is selected as su b­chan ne l.
10 . SUB/V 1: Illuminates wh en V1 input is selecte d as sub- cha nnel. 11 . SUB/V 2: Illuminates wh en V2 input is selecte d as sub- cha nnel.
12. Ear ph o n e jack: A u d i o out f o r s ub-cha n n e l .
Rear Panel
Remote Controls and Functions
1. RF in put : Inp ut con nec tor fo r C ATV ca ble or TV an ten na.
2. A/V ou t p u t: Outp u t c onnecto r s f or Vid e o / A udio ou t .
3. A/V inp uts: Inp u t c o nnec tors for Vid e o/Au dio 1 so urce .
4. A /V inputs: Inpu t connectors for Vide o/ Audio 2 source .
5. DC 15V input: DC power supply ( 15 volts input )
1. Power : Power O N/ OFF key.
2. Mute: Audio mute ON/OFF ( for
main picture).
3.. 0-9: Numerical key for directly selecting TV/CATV channel.
4. Still : PIP channel still ON/OFF key.
6. Size: PIP size select key.
7. Position: PIP position select key.
8. Swap ex changes: Main and P IP
ch annel.
9. Vo l A: Ma i n chan n el vol u m e up.
10. V o l V: M a i n c h a n n e l v o l u m e
do w n .
11. C H A : C hannel up s e l e c t i o n .
12. C H 7 : C hannel dow n s e l e c t i on.
13. TV /CATV: TV/CATV sele ct key.
14. Main: Main channel input selecti on
15. SUB: SUB ch an ne l input selecti on
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