Control Techniques Reconditioned HVAC Drive H300 Installation Guide

Installation and Commissioning Guide
HMI Bypass Controller
HVAC Drive H300
Part Number: PSD-H300HMIBP-ICG Issue: 2.0
Section 1 - Introduction ........................................................................................5
Section 2 - Installation Instructions .....................................................................6
2.1 Receiving ......................................................................................................6
2.2 Nameplate Information ................................................................................6
2.2.1 Labels ...................................................................................................6 HMI Bypass Package Label ............................................................6 Typical Standard VFD Rating Label ...............................................7
2.3 Part Number Identication ............................................................................8
2.4 Mounting & Clearances .................................................................................9
2.5 Wiring and Precautions ..............................................................................10
2.5.1 General ..............................................................................................10
2.5.2 Input Wiring .......................................................................................10
2.5.3 Output Wiring ....................................................................................11
2.5.4 Control Circuit Wiring .........................................................................12 Analog Input ..............................................................................12 Digital Inputs .............................................................................12 Relay Outputs ............................................................................12 Digital Output ............................................................................13 Additional HVAC H300 VFD Connections ....................................13 Additional SI-I/O Connections ....................................................13
2.5.5 Grounding .........................................................................................14
2.5.6 Customer Connection Terminals .........................................................14 Emergency Bypass Operation .....................................................14
2.5.7 Customer Connection Diagram ..........................................................15
2.5.8 HVAC Drive H300 HMI Bypass Schematic ............................................16
2.6 Inspection ..................................................................................................18
Section 3 – Overview of the HMI bypass ..........................................................18
3.1 HMI Bypass Touchscreen Functions .............................................................18
3.1.1 Splash Screen ......................................................................................18
3.1.2 Main Control Screen ...........................................................................19
3.1.3 Drive Status and System Diagnostics...................................................20 General Status ............................................................................20 Additional Drive Status ....................................................................21 Trip Log ............................................................................................21 Graphical Trend Viewer ..............................................................22 I/O Status ...................................................................................23
3.2 System Settings...........................................................................................23
3.2.1 Motor Map ..........................................................................................24
3.2.3 Advanced VFD Settings .......................................................................26
3.2.4 Skip Frequencies .................................................................................27
3.2.5 Motor Ramp/Limits .............................................................................27
3.2.6 I/O Settings .........................................................................................28
2 HMI Bypass Controller Installation and Commissioning Guide
3.2.7 Auto-Reset Setup ................................................................................28
3.2.8 Remote Control ..................................................................................29
3.2.10 Modbus RTU Conguration ...............................................................30 Serial Data Format ....................................................................31
3.2.11 Alarm Response ................................................................................31
3.2.12 Alarm Response - Fireman’s Override ................................................32
3.2.13 Advanced I/O Settings ......................................................................32
3.2.14 PID Setup ..........................................................................................33 PID Setup - Sleep/Wake Function ..............................................33
3.2.15 Miscellaneous ...................................................................................34
3.3 Touchscreen HMI Settings ...........................................................................34
3.3.1 Setting the Date and Time ..................................................................35
3.4 Touchscreen LCD HMI Software Update Procedure ......................................36
Section 4 – Startup ...............................................................................................37
4.1 Setup Wizard Process ..................................................................................38
4.2 Setup Wizard - Step-by-Step Instructions ....................................................38
4.3 Checking Motor Rotation ............................................................................42
4.3.1 Check #1: Rotation on VFD power .....................................................42
4.3.2 Check #2: Rotation on Bypass power ..................................................42
4.4 Normal Operation .......................................................................................43
4.4.1 Current System Status ........................................................................43
4.4.2 Starting Operation .............................................................................44
4.4.3 Ending Operation ...............................................................................44
Section 5 - Troubleshooting ................................................................................45
Section 6 - Additional Information ....................................................................47
6.1 Specications - HVAC Drive H300 HMI Bypass .............................................47
6.1.1 Approvals ...........................................................................................47
6.1.2 Design ................................................................................................47
6.1.3 Operating Conditions .........................................................................47
6.1.4 Options ..............................................................................................48
6.2 Maintenance & Inspection ...........................................................................48
6.3 VFD Parameter Access .................................................................................49
6.4 VFD Replacement ........................................................................................49
6.5 HVAC Drive H300 HMI Bypass Parameter Defaults .......................................50
HMI Bypass Controller Installation and Commissioning Guide 3
Safety and Precautions
1. Read this manual in its entirety before installing or operating the HMI bypass package. This manual applies to HMI bypass packages with the Nidec Control Techniques HVAC Drive H300 variable frequency drive.
2. Do not connect or disconnect wiring, or perform signal checks while the power supply is turned ON.
3. The internal capacitor of the installed drive may be charged even after the power supply has been turned OFF. To prevent electrical shock, disconnect all power before servicing the HMI bypass. Wait at least 10 minutes after the power supply has been disconnected and all LEDs have been extinguished.
4. Do not perform a voltage withstand test on the HMI bypass or the installed drive. This electronic equipment uses semiconductors and is vulnerable to high voltage. Severe damage to the equipment may occur.
5. The HMI bypass is suitable for use on a circuit capable of delivering not more than 100,000 RMS symmetrical Amperes, 240 volts maximum (230 Volt class units), 480 Volts maximum (460 Volt Class units), 600 Volts maximum (575 Volt Class units).
6. Static sensitive printed circuit boards are installed in the HMI bypass package. Damage may occur due to Electrostatic Discharge (ESD). DO NOT handle any components without following proper ESD precautions.
Failure to observe these and other precautions highlighted in this manual will expose the user to high voltages, resulting in equipment damage, serious injury or death.
The information contained within this document is proprietary to Nidec Control Techniques and may not be copied, reproduced or transmitted to other parties without the expressed written consent of Nidec Control Techniques.
No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of information contained herein. Moreover, because Nidec Control Techniques is constantly improving its high quality products, the information contained in the manual is subject to change without notice. Every precaution has been taken in the preparation of the manual. Nevertheless, the manufacturer assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained in this publication.
4 HMI Bypass Controller Installation and Commissioning Guide
Section 1 - Introduction
Thank you for purchasing your Nidec Control Techniques HMI bypass package. This manual provides information concerning the installation, wiring and general startup procedures for the HVAC Drive H300 line of HMI bypass packages. The HMI bypass is a complete integrated HVAC control system which employs the latest Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) technology and incorporates a dedicated micro-processor based controller for HVAC applications. The HMI bypass package uses a dedicated LCD touchscreen Human Machine Interface (HMI) that clearly shows the system operating status. The HMI bypass is designed for ease of installation and startup.
Please follow this instruction manual’s guidelines for proper installation and programming of your HMI bypass package.
HVAC Drive H300
LCD touchscreen HMI bypass
Lower enclosure
Disconnect handle (padlockable)
HMI Bypass Controller Installation and Commissioning Guide 5
Section 2 - Installation Instructions
2.1 Receiving
After unpacking the HMI bypass package:
3 Verify that the part numbers on the package match the numbers on your
purchase order, packing slip or tagging information.
3 Check the unit for physical damage which may have occurred during
shipping. If any part of the package is missing or damaged, notify the carrier and your Nidec Control Techniques representative immediately.
3 Verify that all internal hardware (i.e. components, screws, etc.) is properly
seated and fastened securely.
2.2 Nameplate Information
The HMI bypass package has two nameplates for identification. The main label is located on the inside of the enclosure. This nameplate provides information on the entire package. The second nameplate is located on the VFD. This nameplate contains information related to the VFD only. The nameplate information should be recorded and kept in a safe location. This information is required for any service or repair.
2.2.1 Labels HMI Bypass Package Label
6 HMI Bypass Controller Installation and Commissioning Guide Typical Standard VFD Rating Label
* This label is only applicable to VFD size 7 and above. Refer to the following page Section 2.3 Part Number Identification for further information relating to the labels.
HMI Bypass Controller Installation and Commissioning Guide 7
2.3 Part Number Identification
Order Code Configurator
HVAC/R Packaged Drives
Packaged HVAC/R Drives from 1 to 600 hp
[Order Code
digit number]
P X XXXX N X X X - X 0 X X X X X 0 - X X X X 0 X X X X X 1 2 3 - 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
[1] Package Types
G = Pre-Engineered, New Generation P = Pre-Engineered S = Seismic* C = Custom*
*Contact Factory
[2] Voltage Ratings
8 = 208 Vac 2 = 230 Vac 4 = 460 Vac 5 = 575 Vac
[3] - [6] Horsepower Ratings
0001 = 1 HP 0060 = 60 HP 01P5 = 1.5 HP 0075 = 75 HP 0002 = 2 HP 0100 = 100 HP 0003 = 3 HP 0125 = 125 HP 0005 = 5 HP 0150 = 150 HP 0007 = 7.5 HP 0200 = 200 HP 0010 = 10 HP 0250 = 250 HP 0015 = 15 HP 0300 = 300 HP 0020 = 20 HP 0350 = 350 HP 0025 = 25 HP 0400 = 400 HP 0030 = 30 HP 0450 = 450 HP 0040 = 40 HP 0500 = 500 HP 0050 = 50 HP 0600 = 600 HP
[7] Duty Ratings
N = Normal Duty
[8] Enclosure Styles
1 = NEMA 1 2 = NEMA 12 3 = NEMA 3R 4 = NEMA 4X B = NEMA 1 (Bypass Only) F = NEMA 1 (Disconnect with Fusing)
[9] Input Power Connections
1 = Circuit Breaker (25 kAIC) 2 = Disconnect Switch with Fusing 3 = Circuit Breaker (65 kAIC) 4 = Circuit Breaker (100 kAIC) 5 = Fused Disconnect (100 kAIC)
Input fuses for drives are included as standard for all input power options
[10] Products
A = Afnity Active Front End B = Afnity Drive 2 = Unidrive M200 3 = HVAC Drive H300 X = HVAC Drive H300 AFE
[12] Bypass Options
0 = No Bypass 1 = Electronic 3-Contactor Bypass 2 = Manual Bypass 3 = HMI 2-Contactor Bypass with VFD Service Swtich 4 = HMI 2-Contactor Bypass 6 = Soft Starter 3-Contactor Bypass
[14] Door-Mounted Keypad/HMI
0 = None C = LCD Keypad E = LED Keypad H = Door-mounted Touchscreen HMI E = LED Keypad
Unidrive M200 includes LED keypad as standard.
Afnity BA includes LCD keypad as standard.
[15] Input Filtering
0 = None 1 = Input Reactor 3% 2 = Input Reactor 5% 3 = RFI Filter 4 = Input Reactor 3% + RFI Filter 5 = Input Reactor 5% + RFI Filter 6 = Matrix AP Filter
Enclosure size considerations. Addition of one or
multiple ltering options may change the size and/or style of the enclosure. Matrix lter - consult factory.
[16] Output Filtering
0 = None 1 = Output Reactor 3% 2 = dV/dt Filter 3 = Sine Filter 4 = Output Reactor 1.5%
[17] Multiple Motors
0 = None Drive Protected 2 = Two Manual Motor Protectors (MMP) 3 = Three Manual Motor Protectors 4 = Four Manual Motor Protectors 5 = Five Manual Motor Protectors 6 = Six Manual Motor Protectors
Cumulative amp ratings of motors must not exceed the drive rating. Each motor must have its
own overload protection. Multiple Manual Motor Protectors are of equal size.
[18] Space Heater**
0 = None 2 = 200 W 4 = 400 W
Larger heaters can be chosen for extremely cold ambient temperatures.
[21] - [23] Option Modules
Unidrive M200 has 1 option module slot only, Afnity has 2 option module slots, HVAC Drive H300 has 3 option slots
[24] Phase Loss Monitor
0 = None 1 = Yes
[26] Temperature Controller***
0 = None 1 = Thermocouple 2 = RTD
*SI options used with Unidrive M200 & HVAC Drive H300
**Available with NEMA 3R enclosure only
***Selection of options 26-29 require a cooling tower NEMA 3R enclosure.
NOTE: For options not included in the Order Code Congurator, please consult factory for a custom quote.
[27] Basin Heater**
0 = None 1 = 1 kW 2 = 2 kW 3 = 3 kW 4 = 4 kW 5 = 5 kW 6 = 6 kW 7 = 7 kW 8 = 8 kW 9 = 9 kW A = 10 kW B = 11 kW C = 12 kW D = 13 kW E = 14 kW F = 15 kW G = 16 kW H = 17 kW I = 18 kW J = 19 kW K = 20 kW
[28] Spray Pump***
0 = None 1 = 1 HP 2 = 2 HP 3 = 3 HP 5 = 5 HP 7 = 7 HP A = 10 HP B = 15 HP
[29] De-icer / Sun Shield***
0 = None 1 = De-icer 2 = Sun Shield 3 = De-icer & Sun Shield
[30] Siemens FLN
0 = None 1 = Yes
8 HMI Bypass Controller Installation and Commissioning Guide
2.4 Mounting & Clearances
Install the HMI bypass package on a vertical surface and allow the following minimum clearances for normal heat dissipation.
12 in
6 in 12 in 6 in
Potentially hazardous voltage can exist within this device. Only fully trained, qualied personnel should service this equipment.
Pressing the stop button will not remove power from this equipment. Never service this equipment without rst being sure all power is safely removed. Hazardous voltage levels may exist for up to 5 minutes after power is disconnected!
Potentially hazardous voltage can exist within this device. Only fully trained, qualied personnel should service this equipment.
Pressing the stop button will not remove power from this equipment. Never service this equipment without rst being sure all power is safely removed. Hazardous voltage levels may exist for up to 5 minutes after power is disconnected!
Air Flow
• Ambient operating temperature; 32 °F to 104 °F (0 °C to 40 °C)
• Install the unit in a dry environment free from oil mist and dust
• Install the unit in a location free from radioactive materials, combustible materials, harmful gases or liquids
• Do not install the unit in a location susceptible to excessive vibrations
• Do not install in direct sunlight
• During installation, protect the unit from foreign particles such as metal shavings produced by drilling
• Failure to follow these notes could void the warranty
HMI Bypass Controller Installation and Commissioning Guide 9
2.5 Wiring and Precautions
2.5.1 General
1. DO NOT connect or disconnect wiring or perform signal checks while the power supply is turned ON.
2. Connect the power supply wiring to the HMI bypass input terminals L1, L2 and L3 on the main circuit disconnect device.
3. Connect the motor wiring to the bypass output terminals T1, T2 and T3 at the Class 20 Motor O/L or the output reactor if installed.
4. Never touch the output circuit directly or place the output line in contact with the package enclosure.
5. DO NOT connect power factor correction capacitors on the output circuit.
6. Power supply wiring and motor wiring must be in separate conduits with separate ground conductors. (DO NOT use conduits as ground).
7. Control wiring must be in conduit separate from both power supply and motor wiring.
8. Tighten the screws on the main circuit disconnect (if provided) and control circuit terminals.
9. Observe national and local codes when wiring electrical devices.
Failure to observe these precautions may result in equipment damage or improper operation and may not be covered under warranty.
2.5.2 Input Wiring
The HMI bypass package may be supplied with several different input device options. These input options include protective devices as well as non– protective devices. It is the responsibility of the installing parties to ensure that requirements for branch circuit protection of the appropriate size and location are observed. All incoming power is connected to terminals L1, L2, and L3. The following input options are available.
» Fused disconnect » Circuit breaker » Input line reactor » Input RFI filter
10 HMI Bypass Controller Installation and Commissioning Guide
Connect the main power supply, motor and control wiring using the following
control wiring
recommended conduit locations. The input phase sequence does not affect the output phase sequence of the VFD. It will affect bypass sequence and motor rotation direction.
conduit entrances
Potentially hazardous voltage can exist within this device. Only fully trained, qualied personnel should service this equipment.
Pressing the stop button will not remove power from this equipment. Never service this equipment without rst being sure all power is safely removed. Hazardous voltage levels may exist for up to 5 minutes after power is disconnected!
incoming suppl
motor connection
2.5.3 Output Wiring
The HMI bypass package is always supplied with a Class 20 motor O/L on its output. However, the unit may be supplied with several different output options. The following output options are available.
• Single motor O/L (Terminals T1, T2, and T3)
• Dual motor O/L (Terminals (Motor 1 – T1, T2, and T3) (Motor 2 – T4, T5, and T6))
• Output reactor
Note: All contactors and relays supplied in the HMI bypass package are suppressed with R/C snubbers. If adding additional inductive loads (i.e. magnetic contactors, magnetic relays, magnetic valves, solenoids, magnetic brakes, etc.) in or near the HMI bypass package, use an appropriate surge suppressor across the coils to limit the transients on the supply lines.
HMI Bypass Controller Installation and Commissioning Guide 11
2.5.4 Control Circuit Wiring Analog Input
A 4 to 20 mA analog input signal is available by connecting to the customer terminals 5 (+) and 4 (-).
Terminal No. Description
4 0V Common Analog 5 Speed/Frequency Reference Digital Inputs
The HMI bypass combines digital inputs from the HVAC H300 VFD and SI-I/O option module. As per the following table, the HMI bypass control provides ten (10) digital inputs.
There are ten (10) digital inputs. (24 Vdc).
Terminal No. Description
1 (3 positions) 0V Common 22 Fireman’s Override 23 Damper Feedback 24 Fire Alarm 25 Customer Reset 27 Auto Run 29 Enable 203 Safety 204 Relay Output Select (223) 207 Remote Bypass Select 208 Remote VFD Select
Terminal 204 is used as an input signal to control terminal 223 relay output when terminal 223 is set to “T204 24V Input”. All digital inputs are dry contacts (voltage free). Relay Outputs
There are two (2) form A relay outputs.
Terminal No. Description
221 System Fault 222 0V Common for dry contacts 221 & 223 223 System On or 204 24V Input
When Relay Output Select is set up for “204 24V Input” terminal 223 will be controlled by the input on terminal 204.
12 HMI Bypass Controller Installation and Commissioning Guide
There is one (1) form C relay output.
Terminal No. Description
71 0V Damper Control Contact Common 74 Damper Control Contact (NO) Digital Output
There is one (1) digital output. (24 Vdc).
Terminal No. Description
202 Auto Mode Selected Additional HVAC H300 VFD Connections
Additional analog inputs and outputs are available by making connections directly to the HVAC H300 VFD. The following connections are located on the VFD and not the customer connection terminal block.
VFD Terminal No. Description
4 0V Common Analog Input 6 Analog PID Feedback
VFD Terminal No. Description
7 Speed/Frequency Output 8 Analog Torque Output 9 0V Common Analog Output
For further information see HVAC Drive H300 User Guide. Additional SI-I/O Connections
Additional Analog I/O and Digital I/O can be made by making connections directly to the SI-I/O module mounted in slot 3 of the HVAC Drive H300. The following connections are not found on the customer connection terminal block.
SI-I/O Terminal No. Description
205 Digital Input/Output 4 206 0V Common SI-I/O 209 Analog Input 3/Digital Input 7 210 0V Common SI-I/O 211 Analog Output 1/Digital Input 8
HMI Bypass Controller Installation and Commissioning Guide 13
2.5.5 Grounding
(a) Acceptable (b) Acceptable (c) Not Acceptable
Never ground the HMI bypass package in common with welding machines, motors or other high current electrical equipment. Run all ground wires in a separate conduit.
When using several electronic bypass packages side by side, ground as shown below.
2.5.6 Customer Connection Terminals
All control circuit connections are made through the Customer Connection terminal block. There are connections between the Customer Terminal block, the HVAC Drive H300, and the SI-I/O module. These connections are made at the factory and are for reference only. DO NOT change this wiring as it will cause the HMI bypass to operate improperly or not at all.
See following page for Customer Connection Terminal diagram. Emergency Bypass Operation
In situations requiring Emergency Bypass operation (i.e. drive removal or +24 Vdc supply failure) bypass contactor can be engaged to run the motor across the line by moving Jumper (41-100) to (44-EB). Note the thermal overload protection is protecting the motor.
14 HMI Bypass Controller Installation and Commissioning Guide
2.5.7 Customer Connection Diagram
NOTE: For Emergency Bypass
Operation (i.e. drive removal or +24 Vdc supply failure) bypass contactor can be engaged to run the motor across the line by moving Jumper (41-100) to (44­EB). Note the thermal overload protection is protecting the motor.
HMI Bypass Controller Installation and Commissioning Guide 15
2.5.8 HVAC Drive H300 HMI Bypass Schematic
16 HMI Bypass Controller Installation and Commissioning Guide
HMI Bypass Controller Installation and Commissioning Guide 17
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