A Warning contains information which is essential for avoiding a safety hazard.
A Caution contains information which is necessary for avoiding a risk of damage to the
product or other equipment.
A Note contains information, which helps to ensure correct operation of the product.
This guide does not include safety information. Incorrect installation or operation of the
drive, could cause personnel injury or equipment damage. For essential safety
information, please refer to the Unidrive M200 / 201 User Guide or the safety booklet
supplied with the drive.
The model number may be followed by additional characters that do not affect the ratings.
The variable speed drive products listed above have been designed and manufactured in accordance with the
following European harmonized standards:
EN 61800-5-1:2007
EN 61800-3: 2004
EN 61000-6-2:2005
EN 61000-6-4:2007
EN 61000-3-2:2006
EN 61000-3-3:2008
EN 61000-3-2: 2006 Applicable where input current < 16 A. No limits apply for professional equipment where input
power ≥1 kW.
These products comply with the Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive - RoHS 2011/65/EU, the Low
Voltage Directive - LVD 2006/95/EC and the Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive - EMC 2004/108/EC.
M = Manufacturing Automation, E = Elevator, F = Flow,
H = HVAC, CSD = Compressor
A = AC in AC out (with internal choke), D = DC in AC out (Inverter), C = AC in DC out
(Rectifier), E = AC in AC out (without internal choke), T = AC in AC out with Dual
Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems - Part 5-1: Safety requirements Electrical, thermal and energy
Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems - Part 3: EMC requirements and specific
test methods
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 6-2: Generic standards - Immunity for
industrial environments
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 6-4: Generic standards - Emission standard for
industrial environments
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 3-2: Limits for harmonic current emissions
(equipment input current ≤16 A per phase)
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 3-3: Limitation of voltage changes, voltage
fluctuations and flicker in public, low voltage supply systems, for equipment with rated
current ≤16 A per phase and not subject to conditional connection
Moteurs Leroy-Somer
Usine des Agriers
Boulevard Marcellin Leroy
16915 Angoulême Cedex 9
HS = High Speed
These electronic drive products are intended to be used with appropriate motors, controllers, electrical
protection components and other equipment to form complete end products or systems. Compliance with
safety and EMC regulations depends upon installing and configuring drives correctly, including using the
specified input filters. The drives must be installed only by professional installers who are familiar with
requirements for safety and EMC. The assembler is responsible for ensuring that the end product or
system complies with all the relevant laws in the country where it is to be used. Refer to the User Guide. An
EMC data sheet is also available giving detailed EMC information.
A minimum clearance of 100 mm above and below Frame 01 to 04 products is required
for applications where the product is subjected to rated load and rated ambient
by approximately 30° in a counter clockwise direction, and then slide the cover down.
00.00 100 3.93
* A minimum clearance of 50 mm above and below Frame 01 to 04 products is permissible
in applications where either the ambient operating temperature is 35 °C or less or the
average output current is derated by 20 %.
An overlay of the electrical connections / terminals is included on the back page of this manual.
4.1 AC supply requirements
100 V drive: 100 V to 120 V ±10 %
200 V drive: 200 V to 240 V ±10 %
400 V drive: 380 V to 480 V ±10 %
Number of phases: 3
Maximum supply imbalance: 2 % negative phase sequence (equivalent to 3 % voltage imbalance
between phases).
Frequency range: 45 to 66 Hz.
For UL compliance only, the maximum supply symmetrical fault current must be limited to 100 kA.
On the size 2 110 V drives or when connecting single phase to a dual rated 200 V unit, the
supply should be connected to L1 and L3. Also the DC bus (-) terminal on 110 V drives
has no internal connection. The 110 V drives use a voltage doubler circuit on the input,
therefore the default for Motor Rated Voltage (00.008) is 230 V.
4.2 External braking resistor
Overload protection
When an external braking resistor is used, it is essential that an overload protection device
is incorporated in the braking resistor circuit; as shown in the electrical diagram on the
back cover.
4.2.1Minimum resistance values and peak power rating for the braking resistor
at 40 °C (104 °F)
Table 4-1 Braking resistor resistance and power rating (100 V)
power rating
power rating
10Unidrive M200-201 Quick Start Guide
Issue Number: 6
Table 4-2 Braking resistor resistance and power rating (200 V)
Table 4-3 Braking resistor resistance and power rating (400 V)
The ground leakage current depends upon whether the internal EMC filter is installed or not. The
drive is supplied with the filter installed. Instructions for removing the internal filter are given in
section 4.5.1 Internal EMC filter on page 23.
With internal filter installed:
Size 1:
2.5 mA* AC at 230 V 50 Hz (line to line supply, star point ground)
9.2 mA* AC at 230 V 50 Hz (line to neutral supply, star point ground)
Size 2:
9.36 mA* AC at 110 V, 50 Hz (2 phase, line to line supply, star point ground)
16.4 mA* AC at 110 V, 50 Hz (1 phase, line to neutral supply, star point ground)
5.3 mA* AC at 230 V, 50 Hz (3 phase supply, star point ground)
15.4 mA* AC at 230 V, 50 Hz (1 phase, line to neutral supply, star point ground)
9.6 mA* AC at 400 V, 50 Hz (3 phase supply, star point ground)
Size 3:
19.7 mA* AC at 400 V 50 Hz (star point ground)
47.4 mA* AC at 400 V 50 Hz (corner ground)
Size 4:
21 mA* AC at 230 V 50 Hz (3 phase, star point ground)
6.8 mA* AC at 230 V 50 Hz (1 phase, line to line supply, star point ground)
30 mA* AC at 230 V 50 Hz (1 phase, line to neutral supply, star point ground)
50 mA* AC at 400 V 50 Hz (3 phase, star point ground)
*Proportional to the supply voltage and frequency.
With internal filter removed:
Size 1: <1.5 mA (line to line supply, star point ground)
<1 mA (line to neutral supply, star point ground)
Size 2: <1.7 mA (line to line supply, star point ground)
<1.9 mA (line to neutral supply, star point ground)
Size 3: <3.3 mA (star point ground)
<4.9 mA (corner ground)
Size 4: < 3.5 mA (star point ground)
The above leakage currents are just the leakage currents of the drive with the internal
EMC filter connected and do not take into account any leakage currents of the motor or
motor cable.
When the internal filter is installed the leakage current is high. In this case a permanent
fixed ground connection must be provided, or other suitable measures taken to prevent a
safety hazard occurring if the connection is lost.
When the leakage current exceeds 3.5 mA, a permanent fixed ground connection must be
provided using two independent conductors each with a cross-section equal to or
exceeding that of the supply conductors. The drive is provided with two ground
connections to facilitate this. Both ground connections are necessary to meet EN 618005-1: 2007.
12Unidrive M200-201 Quick Start Guide
Issue Number: 6
4.3.1 Use of residual current device (RCD)
There are three common types of ELCB / RCD:
1. AC - detects AC fault currents
2. A - detects AC and pulsating DC fault currents (provided the DC current reaches zero at least
once every half cycle)
3. B - detects AC, pulsating DC and smooth DC fault currents
•Type AC should never be used with drives.
•Type A can only be used with single phase drives
•Type B must be used with three phase drives
Only type B ELCB / RCD are suitable for use with 3 phase inverter drives.
If an external EMC filter is used, a delay of at least 50 ms should be incorporated to ensure spurious
trips are not seen. The leakage current is likely to exceed the trip level if all of the phases are not
energized simultaneously.
4.4 Control terminal configurations and wiring
00.005Drive Configuration
* With Unidrive M201, the default is Pad (5). The setting of Pr 00.005 automatically sets the drive
Defaults are loaded before drive configuration changes are made.
Action will only occur if the drive is inactive, not in UU state and no User Actions are running.
AV (0), AI (1), AV.Pr (2), AI.Pr (3),
Preset (4), Pad (5), Pad.Ref (6),
E.Pot (7), torque (8), Pid (9)
Analog input 1 (voltage) Analog input 2 (voltage) selected by terminal
Analog input 1 (current) or Analog input 2 (voltage) selected by terminal
Analog input 1 (voltage) or 3 presets selected by terminal
Analog input 1 (current) or 3 presets selected by terminal
Four presets selected by terminal
Keypad reference
Keypad reference with terminal control
Electronic Potentiometer
Torque mode, Analog input 1 (current frequency reference) or Analog input 2
(voltage torque reference) selected by terminal
PID mode, Analog input 1 (current feedback source) and Analog input 2
(voltage reference source)