Control Techniques UNI 1404, UNI 1402, UNI 1401, UNI 2401, UNI 1405 Product Data

Unidrive Servo & Unimotor product data
The performance matched AC Servo solution for all applications
Drive Overview 4 Introduction to Macros 7 Drive Technical Specification 12 Connections 16 Drive Installation 19 Electro Magnetic Compatibility (EMC) & Radio 24
Frequency Interference (RFI)
servo motor
Motor Overview 26 Motor Technical Specification 27 Motor Installation 32 Accessories 34
servo drive & motor combinations
Torque Speed Curves & Tables 42 Servo Sizing Software 48
motion intelligence
Options 50 Typical Applications 54
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
drive overview
UD73 - Profibus DP UD74 - Interbus S UD77 - DeviceNet UD75 - CT Net UD76 - Modbust + UD71 - RS232/485 HMI - Operator Interfaces
Standard - Encoder UD53 - Resolver UD52 - Sin/cos encoder
Brushless AC Servo motors to 70Nm On request:
- Brushless >70NM-1850Nm
- Asynchronous >70NM-2500Nm
Motor accessories: - cables, fan cowlings, brakes, planetary geared motors
Unidrive Servo & Unimotor
The complete multi purpose Servo package with high flexibility & functionality
Model size 3
Model size 2
Model size 1
Model size 4
Motion Intelligence
UD70 - Applications module UD78 - High performance servo UD50 - Extended I/O UD51 - 2nd Encoder Unisoft - Programming software SYPT - Systems programming tool CTSS - Servo sizing software tool
Power Range 380-480V
Size 1 - 0.75 to 4kW Size 2 - 5.5 to 11kW Size 3 - 15 to 37kW Size 4 - 45 to 110kW Size 5 - >110kW Line regeneration capability
The Unidrive is an advanced AC drive for use with AC brushless permanent magnet servo motors. The Unidrive’s set up can be easily and quickly changed from the on-board keypad, a remote keypad, or through UniSoft, a Windows™based configuration software tool.
There are five physical sizes comprising 26 different models ranging from 1NM to 2500 NM*. The drive is designed for stand alone as well as coordinated systems applications. There are hundreds of configurable functions in 20 logically organised menus. All functions are factory defaulted to typical values to facilitate easy set-up.
The Unidrive’s most commonly used parameters are stored in Menu 0. This menu is defaulted with those parameters which are typically accessed, but the user may map any of the drive’s other parameters to this menu for easier access. This approach means easy access for those parameters the user selects.
In addition Unidrive has many other of embedded configurable functions which are easily adapted for virtually any application. Some of these configurable functions include items such as assignable I/O, autotune, encoder feedback, frequency and direction pulse signal input and output, axis limit control, ratio control, electronic holding brake, S-ramps, position control and many others.
Many of these important product features would not be possible without the use of advanced technology in the Unidrive. The drive employs advanced microprocessor technology which controls all drive functions including input to the inverter ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit) which synthesises an adjustable carrier frequency PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) output. The ASIC output controls the IGBT (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor) inverter section. All printed circuit boards are manufactured using surface mount technology.
The Regeneration mode is used for four-quadrant operation. A Drive can be operated in Regeneration mode only when it is connected to other Drive(s) operating in one of the other (motoring) modes.
Regeneration mode allows the following:
AC supply to be fed from the Regeneration Drive to
the Drive(s) that are controlling the motor
Regenerated power to be returned to the AC supply by the Regeneration Drive instead of being dissipated in braking resistors
Regeneration Module Control Mode
drive overview
* For ratings above 65NM please consult your local Drive/Application centre
AC Supply
DC Bus
AC Motor
Key Features
General Features
Coast & Ramp to Stop modes
8 Preset speeds & Ramps
3 Skip frequencies
S Ramp
Motorised potentiometer
Internal braking transistor as standard
Encoder input as standard
Programmable security code
Bright two line LED display
Advanced Features
Position control
Digital lock
Mains dip ride through
Frequency slaving
Catch a spinning motor
Programmable logic functions
Performance Features
336µs speed loop sample time
176µs current loop sample time
16 bit speed loop
12 bit current loop
Dynamic injection/braking
Fast current loop with PI control
Flexibility Features
Speed reference selector
Full I/O programmability
Well structured menu system
Encoder I/P
Programmable logic functions
Configurable menu zero
Programmable thresholds
Resolver feedback
Sin/cos feedback
High speed communications
Applications module
High performance module
Ease of Use Features
Bright two line LED display
Cloning module
Maintenance Features
Full internal protection & diagnostics
Last ten trips stored
Programmable security code
Common control board
Pluggable terminals
drive overview
introduction to macros
The Unidrive’s more than 700 parameters are organised so that similar parameters are grouped within the same menu. For example, Menu 1 holds the parameters associated with the selection of a speed reference. Menu 2 holds parameters associated with the selection of acceleration and deceleration rates etc.
Menu zero
This menu holds parameters that are quick access
duplicates of the most used advanced parameters.
0.0 Configuration
0.01 – 0.02 Speed limits
0.03 – 0.06 Ramps
Speed reference selection Current limit
0.07- 0.09 PID gains (closed loop)
0.10 – 0.13 Monitoring
0.14 – 0.17 Jog reference
Ramp mode selector Stop and torque mode selectors
0.18 – 0.19 S-ramp
0.20 – 0.23 Skip bands
0.24 – 0.26 Analogue input modes
0.27 – 0.34 Miscellaneous
0.35 Keypad reference monitoring
0.36 – 0.38 Serial communications
Parameter displayed at power up
0.39 – 0.41 Spinning motor
Autotune PWM switching frequency
0.42 – 0.47 Motor parameters
0.48 Operating mode selection
0.49 – 0.50 Status information
Menu 1 Frequency / speed reference selection
Frequency / speed limits Skip frequencies / speeds
Menu 2 Acceleration and deceleration ramps
Ramp selection, enable selected Braking mode selection S-ramp
Menu 3 Speed indications
Speed loop PID gain Speed sensing thresholds Frequency slaving
Hard speed reference Encoder set up
Menu 4 Current monitoring
Current limiting in speed control Current loop gains Torque control Motor protection
Menu 5 Motor monitoring
Motor ratings Autotune PWM switching frequency
Menu 6 Drive sequencer
Auto-start AC supply loss Jog time Limit switches Injection braking Synchronise to a spinning motor Keypad enable Run-time log Electricity cost
Menu 7 Analogue I/O
Menu 8 Digital I/O Menu 9 Programmable logic
Motorised potentiometer Binary-sum logic
Menu 10 Status and diagnostic information
Process generated trips UD78 power supply indicator
Menu 11 Menu 0 assignments
Scale factors Initial parameters displayed Serial communications Drive information
Menu 12 Programmable comparators Menu 13 Position control Menu 14 PID controller Menu 15 Regeneration Menu 16 Small Option Module Menu 17 Large Option Module Menu 18 User parameters LOM Menu 19 User LOM Menu 20 UD70 only
Menu Overview
introduction to macros
Unidrive operation can be simplified by using pre­configured application macros. These macros are held in the internal memory of the drive and are user selectable.
Macro summary
Macro 1 – Easy Mode
Easy mode defines the most commonly used features with only 10 parameters. These parameters are numbered 0.01 to 0.10
Macro Function
0 Default mode 1 Easy mode 2 Motorised potentiometer 3 Preset speeds 4 Torque control 5 PID macro 6 Axis Limit control 7 Hoist control/brake release 8 Digital Lock
0.01 1.07 Minimum Speed
0.02 1.06 Maximum Speed
0.03 2.11 Acceleration time
0.04 2.21 Deceleration time
0.05 1.14 Reference select
0.06 4.07 Current limit
0.07 3.10 Proportional gain
0.08 3.11 Integral gain
0.09 3.12 Derivation gain
0.10 3.02 Speed feedback
Macro 2 – Motorised Potentiometer
With this function it is possible to emulate a motorised potentiometer within the Unidrive by simply supplying two logic input signals to increase or decrease the “potentiometer”. The output of the “potentiometer” may be routed to control any of the drive’s non-bit parameters such as speed, torque or current limit. The function may be configured to reset upon power cycling or to memorise its value.
Menu 0 Parameter
Param. Description
When a Macro is not enabled, the drive operates in a default configuration (EURO USA)
Drive Connections
Analog Ch 1 0-10v DC
Analog Ch 2 4-20mA Input
Speed Output Load Output
At Speed Output
Drive Reset Input
Jog Input Run Forward Input Run Reverse Input
Analog 1/2 Select Input
External Trip Input
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Drive Connections
Analog Ch 1 0-10v DC
Thermistor Speed Output Load Output
Motorised Pot Up Input
Drive Reset Input
Motorised Pot Down Up
Run Forward Input Run Reverse Input
An/Mot Pot Select Input
External Trip Input
Run Forward & Reverse
& Current
x 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Reset Input
x 1
0-10V DC Thermistor
Motorised pot
Increase &
introduction to macros
Terminal 24 Terminal 26 Speed
Open Open As set in Pr 0.25 Open Closed As set in Pr 0.26 Closed Open As set in Pr 0.27 Closed Closed As set in Pr 0.28
Macro 3 – Preset Speeds
By using this macro up to four preset frequencies / speeds can be used. Preset values must be programmed into individual parameters. Frequency / speed selection is done by activating terminal 29 and putting a binary combination on terminals 24 and 26.
Macro 4 – Torque control
When this macro is selected a drive can be operated in Speed or Torque control by using terminal 29. If in Speed control mode, speed is maintained independent of load within the limits of the drive. In Torque control mode the drive will attempt to reach the speed set point but only with the torque available as defined by the torque reference signal.
PI (Current)
Current Feedback (torque component)
Torque Ref. Post Ramp
Drive Connections
Analog Ch 1 0-10v DC
Thermistor Speed Output Load Output
Preset Select 1 Input
Drive Reset Input
Preset Select 2 Input
Run Forward Input Run Reverse Input
An/Preset Select Input
External Trip Input
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Drive Connections
Torque Ref.
Speed Ref.
Thermistor Speed Output Load Output
Drive Speed Output
Drive Reset Input
Min. Speed Output
Run Forward Input Run Reverse Input
Speed/Torque Select Input
External Trip Input
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
x 2
Run Forward & Reverse
& Current
x 1
0-10V DC
2 Inputs
for 4
Preset Speeds
Reset Input
P1 and 1 P1 and 2 P1 and 3 P1 and 4
Run Forward & Reverse
0-10V DC Thermistor
x 1
x 2
& Current
2 Outputs
for A1 Speed
& At Min.Speed
Reset Input
RPM (Speed)
Amps (Torque)
introduction to macros
Macro 6 – Axis Limit control
Using this macro enables two digital inputs to be re-programmed so providing limit switch lockout for axis position control systems. The drive would normally be run from a +/- 10v reference and controlled forward / backwards from this. If a limit switch level is reached the drive will be forced to stop independent of the speed setting.
Macro 5 – PID control
This macro configures the drive to control a motor with reference to PID control signal. In PID control, the error resulting from differences between the PID feedback and PID reference is passed through a limiter, a scaling stage and finally the error is added to the frequency / speed signal.
Drive Connections
Torque Ref.
Main Ref.
PID Reference PID Feedback Speed Output Load Output
Drive At Speed Output
Drive Reset Input
Run Forward Input Run Reverse Input
PID Enable Input
External Trip Input
x 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Drive Connections
Torque Ref.
Main Ref.
PID Reference PID Feedback Speed Output Load Output
Drive At Speed Output
Drive Reset Input
Run Forward Input Run Reverse Input
PID Enable Input
External Trip Input
Run Forward & Reverse
x 1
0-10V DC Thermistor
& Current
2 Inputs for Forward & Reverse limits
x 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Reset Input
Run Forward & Reverse
0-10V DC
PID Ref PID F/bk
x 1
& Current
Input for PID Enable & At Speed O/P
Reset Input
PID F/bk
PID Enable
introduction to macros
Macro 8 – Digital Lock
The digital lock macro enables a drive to be operated so that it will lock two motor shafts together pulse for pulse.
Macro 7 – Brake control
This macro essentially allows the control of an external brake. The brake is released when the drive is running and there is current in the motor.
Drive Connections
Speed Input from PLC
Thermistor Speed Output Load Output
Brake Release Output
Drive Reset Input
Run Forward Input Run Reverse Input
External Trip Input
Run Forward & Reverse
& Current
x 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Reset Input
Reference Counts
Feedback Counts
Drive Connections
Thermistor Speed Output Load Output
Drive At Speed Output
Drive Reset Input
Relative Jog Input Run Forward Input Run Reverse Input
Enable Input
+/- Error
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Feed Forward
x 1
0-10V DC Thermistor
Brake Release
Run Forward & Reverse
& Current
Relative Jog
x 2
Reset Input
Take Up
AC supply requirements
380V to 480V ±10%, 3-phase, 48 to 62 Hz Maximum supply imbalance: 2% negative phase sequence (equivalent to 3% voltage imbalance between phases)
Line reactors
When one of the following model sizes... UNI 1401, UNI 1402, UNI 1403, UNI 1404 used on an AC supply of 175kVA or larger, it is
recommended that a line reactor of 2% reactance is included between the AC supply and the Drive. Model sizes 1405 and larger have an internal dc-bus choke.
A line reactor reduces the risk of damage to the Drive resulting from severe disturbances on the supply network.
Temperature, humidity and cooling method
Ambient temperature range: –10°C to 50°C (14°F to 122°F). Output current de-rating may apply at high ambient temperatures. Cooling method: Natural convection Maximum humidity: 95% non-condensing at 40°C (104°F) Storage temperature range: –40°C to 50°C (–40°F to 122°F) Maximum storage time: 12 months
Altitude range: 0 to 4000m (13000 ft), subject to the following conditions: 1000m to 4000m (330 feet to 13000 ft) above sea level: de-rate the maximum output current from the specified figure by 1% per 100m (330 ft)
Maximum vibration:²0.5g as specified in IEC 68–2–61; 1982
Ingress protection
Gland plate(s) not fitted: IP00 Gland plate(s) fitted; cable glands not fitted: IP10 Cable-glands fitted; glands fitted: IP40, NEMA 1
Accuracy and Resolution
The following data applies to the Drive only; it does not include the performance of the source of the control signals. Output-frequency accuracy:² ±0.1% Output-frequency resolution: ² ± 0.01
Starts per hour
By electronic control: unlimited By interrupting the AC supply: model sizes 1 and 2: ² 20, model sizes 3 and 4: ² 10
Nominal Maximum permissible continuous output current Nominal
rating AC
@380V @460V 3kHz 4.5kHz 6kHz 9kHz 12kHz
UNI 1401 0.75 kW 1.0 HP 2.1 A 2.1 A 2.1 A 2.1 A 2.1 A 3.1 A UNI 1402 1.1 kW 1.5 HP 2.8 A 2.8 A 2.8 A 2.8 A 2.8 A 3.2 A UNI 1403 1.5 kW 2.0 HP 3.8 A 3.8 A 3.8 A 3.8 A 3.8 A 5.5 A UNI 1404 2.2 kW 3.0 HP 5.6 A 5.6 A 5.6 A 5.6 A 4.5 A 8.4 A UNI 1405 4.0 kW 5.0 HP 9.5 A 9.5 A 8.5 A 7.0 A 5.5 A 9.5 A UNI 2401 5.5 kW 7.5 HP 12.0 A 12.0 A 12.0 A 12.0 A 11.7 A 13.7 A UNI 2402 7.5 kW 10.0 HP 16.0 A 16.0 A 16.0 A 14.2 A 11.7 A 16.3 A UNI 2403 11.0 kW 15.0 HP 25.0 A 21.7 A 18.2 A 14.2 A 11.7 A 24.3 A UNI 3401 15.0 kW 25.0 HP 34.0 A 34.0 A 34.0 A 28.0 A 23.0 A 34.0 A UNI 3402 18.5 kW 30.0 HP 40.0 A 40.0 A 37.0 A 28.0 A 23.0 A 39.0 A UNI 3403 22.0 kW 30.0 HP 46.0 A 46.0 A 40.0 A 32.0 A 26.6 A 46.0 A UNI 3404 30.0 kW 40.0 HP 60.0 A 47.0 A 40.0 A 32.0 A 26.7 A 59.0 A UNI 3405 37.0 kW 50.0 HP 70.0 A 56.0 A 46.0 A 35.0 A 28.0 A 74.0 A UNI 4401 45.0 kW 75.0 HP 96.0 A 96.0 A 88.0 A 70.0 A 96.0 A UNI 4402 55.0 kW 100.0 HP 124.0 A 104.0 A 88.0 A 70.0 A 120.0 A UNI 4403 75.0 kW 125.0 HP 156.0 A 124.0 A 105.0 A 80.0 A 151.0 A UNI 4404 90.0 kW 150.0 HP 180.0 A 175.0 A 145.0 A 110.0 A 173.0 A UNI 4405 110.0 kW 150.0 HP 202.0 A 175.0 A 145.0A 110.0 A 190.0 A UNI 5401 160.0 kW 200.0 HP 300.0 A 240.0 A
Power and Current ratings
40°C (104°F)
drive technical specifications
Peak current: up to 175% of the rated current for 4 secondsFactory setting
drive technical specifications
Frequencies and speed
PWM switching
frequency: 3kHz nominal (selectable
up to 12kHz) Maximum speed
30 000 RPM Speed regulation: 0.01%
Model Nominal Maximum total power dissipation
@380V @460V 3kHz 4.5kHz 6kHz 9kHz 12kHz
UNI 1401 0.75kW 1.0HP 80 W 80 W 90 W 90 W 90 W UNI 1402 1.1kW 1.5HP 90 W 90 W 100 W 100 W 110 W UNI 1403 1.5kW 2.0HP 100 W 110 W 110 W 120 W 130 W UNI 1404 2.2kW 3.0HP 130 W 130 W 140 W 150 W 150 W UNI 1405 4.0kW 5.0HP 180 W 190 W 190 W 190 W 170 W UNI 2401 5.5kW 7.5HP 210 W 230 W 250 W 280 W 310 W UNI 2402 7.5kW 10HP 270 W 290 W 310 W 320 W 310 W UNI 2403 11.0kW 15HP 400 W 380 W 360 W 330 W 310 W UNI 3401 15.0kW 25HP 570 W 620 W 670 W 660 W 630 W UNI 3402 18.5kW 30HP 660 W 720 W 730 W 660 W 630 W UNI 3403 22.0kW 30HP 730 W 800 W 770 W 730 W 700 W UNI 3404 30.0kW 40HP 950 W 830 W 790 W 740 W 710 W UNI 3405 37.0kW 50HP 1090 W 990 W 920 W 850 W 800 W UNI 4401 45kW 75HP 1460 W 1610 W 1630 W 1530 W UNI 4402 55kW 100HP 1910 W 1780 W 1670 W 1560 W UNI 4403 75kW 125HP 2370 W 2130 W 2030 W 1860 W UNI 4404 90kW 150HP 2640 W 2890 W 2700 W 2470 W UNI 4405 110kW 150HP 2970 W 2910 W 2720 W 2490 W UNI 5401 160kW 200HP 5000 W
50°C (122°F) Maximum permissible
ambient continuous output current Model 3kHz 4.5kHz 6kHz 9kHz 12kHz
UNI 1401 2.1 A 2.1 A 2.1 A 2.1 A 2.1 A UNI 1402 2.8 A 2.8 A 2.8 A 2.8 A 2.8 A UNI 1403 3.8 A 3.8 A 3.8 A 3.8 A 3.3 A UNI 1404 5.6 A 5.6 A 5.1 A 4.0 A 3.3 A UNI 1405 6.9 A 5.9 A 5.1 A 4.0 A 3.3 A UNI 2401 12.0 A 12.0 A 12.0 A 11.6 A 9.7 A UNI 2402 16.0 A 16.0 A 14.7 A 11.6 A 9.7 A UNI 2403 20.0 A 17.3 A 14.7 A 11.6 A 9.7 A UNI 3401 34.0 A 34.0 A 28.0 A 21.0 A 17.9 A UNI 3402 40.0 A 34.0 A 28.0 A 21.0 A 17.9 A UNI 3403 44.0 A 36.0 A 31.0 A 24.0 A 20.6 A UNI 3404 44.0 A 36.0 A 31.0 A 24.0 A 20.9 A UNI 3405 50.0 A 41.0 A 34.0 A 26.0 A 23.0 A UNI 4401 95.0 A 85.0 A 75.0 A 60.0 A UNI 4402 105.0 A 85.0 A 75.0 A 60.0 A UNI 4403 135.0 A 105.0 A 85.0 A 65.0 A UNI 4404 180.0 A 150.0 A 125.0 A 95.0 A UNI 4405 190.0 A 150.0 A 125.0 A 95.0 A
Dynamic Braking
Resistor Connections
The external braking resistor should be connected to the Unidrive terminals labelled (+) and (-) on the terminal strip on Unidrive size 1 & 2 or the stud connections on Unidrive size 3 & 4. The resistor must be thermally protected in the unlikely event that the braking transistor fails. This thermal device must either disconnect the input AC power to the Inverter or disconnect the resistor from the circuit. Please contact the a Drive Centre for additional application information.
Custom Resistor Values
The resistor ohmic value is based on the torque required to stop the motor (and connected load) in the time dictated by the application. The first equation to be solved is the torque required knowing the required stop time.
T = J x N
(Ft - Lb) or
T = 2¹ J x N
d x 307 td x 60
J= Total Inertia (Lb-Ft
or Kgm2)
N = Motor Max. Speed (RPM) t
d = Decel Time (Sec.)
T = Torque (Ft-Lb or Nm)
The torque required must be equal or less than 1.5 x motor/drive capability.
(brake) = T x N
P(kW) = T x N
5250 30
The ohmic value of the resistor can now be
calculated using the following formula:
R = (V
R = (Vb)
HP(brake) x 746 P(kW)
b = Bus voltage level when braking
= 750 VDC
Minimum Values
The calculated minimum ohmic value is limited by the braking transistor supplied in the Unidrive being used. The following is a list of the minimum values.
Average Power Dissipation
The average power dissipated in the resistor for intermittent operation is then simply the number of watts dissipated per stop times the duty cycle (D).
D = t
td + toff
In order to use this formula for average power dissipation, the brake resistor must be off long enough for the temperature of the resistor to return to ambient temperature between braking cycles. Also, the maximum on time (or decel time) should not exceed the peak capabilities of the power resistor. Typically, a power resistor has the capability of dissipating 10 times rated wattage for 5 to 10 seconds.
Peak Power Rating
The peak power handling ability of the resistor must meet or exceed the following:
PPK = (Vb)2/R
Unidrive Size 1 40 Ohms Unidrive Size 2 40 Ohms Unidrive Size 3 10 Ohms Unidrive Size 4 5 Ohms
drive technical specifications
DC Bus Undervoltage Trip 350 VDC DC Bus Overvoltage Trip 830 VDC MOV Voltage Transient Protection 160 Joules, 1400 Volts Clamping (Line to Line & Line to Ground) Drive Overload Trip Current overload value is exceeded.
Programmable to allow up to 175% of Drive Current for one minute. Instantaneous Overcurrent Trip 215% of Drive rated current Phase Loss Trip DC bus ripple threshold exceeded Overtemperature Trip Drive heatsink temperature exceeds 95°C Short Circuit Trip Protects against output phase fault Ground Fault Trip Protects against output phase to ground fault Motor Thermal Trip Electronically protects the motor from overheating due to
Loading conditions
drive technical specifications
Status Relay 1 Normally open contacts
1 Dry contact output pole 1/2 5A, 240 VAC resistive
Drive OK (default)
2 Status Relay 1
Dry contact output pole 2/2
3 Circuit Common
0 VDC Analogue reference
4 +10 VDC ± 1% Voltage tolerance
User supply for external analogue signal device 10 mA output current (current limit protected)
5 Analogue Input 1 (non-inverting input) Bipolar ±10 VDC
Programmable Differential Analogue Input 100k½ input impedance Analogue Speed Reference 1 (default) 12-bit plus sign resolution, ² 2mS sampling period OL
6 Analogue Input 1 (inverting input) <45 Oµs C.L.
Programmable Differential Analogue Input
7 Analogue Input 2 Programmable: ±10 VDC (default), 4-20mA,
Programmable Single-ended Analogue Input 20-4mA, 0-20mA inputs, Analogue Speed Reference 2 (default) 100k½ input impedance
10-bit plus sign resolution ² 2mS sampling period
8 Motor Thermistor Input
Programmable Single-ended Analogue Input
9 Analogue Output 1 Programmable: ±10 VDC @ 10mA (max) (default)
Programmable Single-ended Analogue Output 4-20mA, or 0-20mA
Output Frequency (open loop default) 1k½ minimum load resistance Speed Feedback (closed loop default) 10-bit plus sign resolution, 8mS update period
Short circuit protected
10 Analogue Output 2
Programmable Single-ended Analogue Output Torque Output (default)
11 Circuit Common
0 VDC Analogue reference
21 OV Common 22 +24 VDC Voltage Tolerance: ±10%
User Supply Nominal Output: 200 mA
Overload Output: 240 mA with current foldback protection
23 Circuit Common
0 VDC Digital reference
24 Programmable Logic I/O F1 Output Mode:
Output: At speed (open loop) User-defined: Negative or positive logic At zero speed (closed loop) Negative logic (default)
Push-pull output, 0 - +24 VDC 100mA max output, 120mA overload current
Input Mode:
User-defined: Positive logic (V > +15 VDC) or negative logic (V < +5 VDC) (default) Voltage range: 0 - +24 VDC
3.2 mA max load at +24 VDC
25 Programmable Logic I/O F2
Input: Drive reset (default)
26 Programmable Logic I/O F3
Input: Jog (default)
27 Programmable Logic Input F4 User-defined: Positive logic (V > +15 VDC)
Latched Run Forward (default) or negative logic (V < +5 VDC) (default)
Voltage range:
0 - +24VDC, 3.2 mA max load @ +24 VDC
28 Programmable Logic Input F5
Latched Run Reverse (default)
29 Programmable Logic Input F6
Local (default)/Remote
30 Logic Input: Drive Enable (closed loop)
External Trip (open loop)
31 Circuit Common
0 VDC digital reference
Control Inputs and Outputs
NOTE: There are no terminals numbered 12, 13...., 20 on the Unidrive
Typical power and default signal connections for speed control in terminal mode
Status relay Drive normal
Connections for
single-ended input
Connections for
differential input
Signal connector
Analog frequency/speed reference 1 (remote)
Analog frequency/speed reference 2 (local)
Analog input 3 Motor thermistor
OV common
OV common
OV common
OV common
OV common
Optional RFI filter
Thermal protection device
Braking resistor
Incremental signal connections for all encoders
communication signal connectiona for servo-encoders
Start/ Reset
Menu 0 logic diagram
Speed-loop PID gains
Power stage
Motor control
Precision reference (not
used with Menu 0)
Preset references
(not used with Menu 0)
Speed reference 1
Analog input 1
mode selector
All parameters are shown at their default setting
integral gain
Stop mode
Synchronize to
a spinning
No. of poles
Rated voltage
Rated speed
Rated current
PWM switching
Speed reference 2
Analog input 2
Analog input 2
mode select
Ramp mode
da/dt limit
Motor parameters
Reference selection
+ 39 hidden pages