The manufacturer accepts no liability for any
consequences resulting from inappropriate ,
negligent or incorrect installation or adjustment of
the optional operating parameters of the equipment
or from mismatching the variable speed drive
(Drive) with the motor.
The contents of this User Guide are believed to be
correct at the time of printing. In the interests of a
commitment to a policy of continuous development
and improvement, the manufacturer reserves the
right to change the specification of the product or
its performance, or the contents of the User Guide,
without notice.
All rights reserved. No parts of this User Guide may
be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electrical or mechanical including
photocopying, recording or by any informationstorage or retrieval system, without permission in
writing from the publisher.
Drive software version
This product is supplied with the latest version of
user-interface and machine-control software. If this
product is to be used with other Control Techniques
variable speed drives in an existing system, there
may be some differences between their software
and the software in this product. These differences
will cause a difference in functions. This may also
apply to variable speed drives returned from a
Control Techniques Service Centre.
If there is any doubt, contact a Control Techniques
Drive Centre.
The AC variable speed drive products listed above,
including the VTC and LFT variants, have been
designed and manufactured in accordance with the
following European harmonised, national and
international standards:
EN60249Base materials for printed circuits
IEC326-1Printed boards: general information for the
IEC326-5Printed boards: specification for single- and
IEC326-6Printed boards: specification for multilayer
IEC664-1Insulation co-ordination for equipment
EN60529Degrees of protection provided by
UL94Flammability rating of plastic materials
UL508CStandard for power conversion equipment
EN50081-11Generic emission standard for the
EN50081-2Generic emission standard for the industrial
EN50082-2Generic immunity standard for the
EN61800-3Adjustable speed electrical power drive
Conducted emission. See the relevant EMC Data
specification writer
double-sided printed boards with
plated-through holes
printed boards
within low-voltage systems: principles,
requirements and tests
enclosures (IP code)
residential, commercial and light industrial
industrial environment
systems – Part 3: EMC product standard
including specific test methods
These products comply with the Low Voltage
Directive 73/23/EEC, the Electromagnetic
Compatibility (EMC) Directive 89/336/EEC and the
CE Marking Directive 93/68/EEC.
W. Drury
Executive Vice President, Technology
Date: 20th September 1999
These electronic Drive products are
intended to be used with appropriate
motors, controllers, electrical
protection components and other
equipment to form complete end
products or systems. Compliance with
safety and EMC regulations depends
upon installing and configuring Drives
correctly, including using the specified
input filters. The Drives must be
installed only by professional
assemblers who are familiar with
requirements for safety and EMC. The
assembler is responsible for ensuring
that the end product or system
complies with all the relevant laws in
the country where it is to be used.
Refer to the Installation Guide. A
Unidrive EMC Data Sheet is also available
giving detailed EMC information.
Unidrive LV model sizes 1 to 3 Installation Guide
Issue code: uliu1
1Safety Information
Warnings, Cautions
and Notes
A Warning contains information which is essential
for avoiding a safety hazard.
A Caution contains information which is necessary
for avoiding a risk of damage to the product or
other equipment.
A Note contains information which helps to ensure
correct operation of the product.
1.2 Electrical safety –
general warning
1.4 Environmental limits
Instructions in this Installation Guide regarding
transport, storage, installation and use of Drives
must be complied with, including the specified
environmental limits. Drives must not be subjected
to excessive physical force.
1.5 Compliance with
The installer is responsible for complying with all
relevant regulations, such as national wiring
regulations, accident prevention regulations and
electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) regulations.
Particular attention must be given to the
cross-sectional areas of conductors, the selection of
fuses or other protection, and protective earth
(ground) connections.
This Installation Guide contains instructions for
achieving compliance with specific EMC standards.
The voltages used in the Drive can cause severe
electric shock and/or burns, and could be lethal.
Extreme care is necessary at all times when working
with or adjacent to the Drive.
Specific warnings are given at the relevant places in
this Installation Guide and the accompanying User
The installation must comply with all relevant safety
legislation in the country of use.
1.3 System design
The Drive is intended as a component for
professional incorporation into complete equipment
or systems. If installed incorrectly the Drive may
present a safety hazard. The Drive uses high
voltages and currents, carries a high level of stored
electrical energy, and is used to control mechanical
equipment which can cause injury.
Close attention is required to the electrical
installation and the system-design to avoid hazards
either in normal operation or in the event of
equipment malfunction. System-design,
installation, commissioning and maintenance must
be carried out by personnel who have the necessary
training and experience. They must read this safety
information and this Installation Guide carefully.
To ensure mechanical safety, additional safety
devices such as electro-mechanical interlocks may
be required. The Drive must not be used in a safetycritical application without additional high-integrity
protection against hazards arising from a
Unidrive LV model sizes 1 to 3 Installation Guide
Issue code: uliu1
Within the European Union, all machinery in which
this product is used must comply with the following
98/37/EC: Safety of Machinery
89/336/EEC: Electromagnetic Compatibility.
1.6 Safety of personnel
The STOP function of the Drive does not remove
dangerous voltages from the output of the Drive or
from any external option unit.
The Stop and Start controls or electrical inputs of
the Drive must not be relied upon to ensure safety
of personnel. If a safety hazard could exist from
unexpected starting of the Drive, an interlock that
electrically isolates the Drive from the
must be installed to prevent the motor being
inadvertently started.
Careful consideration must be given to the
functions of the Drive which might result in a
hazard, either through their intended functions
(eg. Auto-start) or through incorrect operation due
to a fault or trip (eg. stop/start, forward/reverse,
maximum speed).
Under certain conditions, the Drive can suddenly
discontinue control of the motor. If the load on the
motor could cause the motor speed to be increased
(eg. hoists and cranes), a separate method of
braking and stopping the motor must be used (eg. a
mechanical brake).
Safety Information1-1
AC supply
Before connecting the AC supply to the Drive, it is
important that you understand the operating
controls and their operation. If in doubt, do not
adjust the Drive. Damage may occur, or lives put at
risk. Carefully follow the instructions in this
Installation Guide.
Standard squirrel-cage induction motors are
designed for single-speed operation. If it is
intended to use the capability of the Drive to run a
motor at speeds above its designed maximum, it is
strongly recommended that the manufacturer is
consulted first.
Before making adjustments to the Drive, ensure all
personnel in the area are warned. Make notes of all
adjustments that are made.
1.7 Risk analysis
In any application where a malfunction of the Drive
could lead to damage, loss or injury, a risk analysis
must be carried out, and where necessary, further
measures taken to reduce the risk. This would
normally be an appropriate form of independent
safety back-up system using simple electromechanical components.
1.8 Motor
Ensure the motor is installed in accordance with the
manufacturer’s recommendations. Ensure the
motor shaft is not exposed.
Low speeds may cause the motor to over-heat
because the cooling fan becomes less effective.
The motor should then be fitted with a protection
thermistor. If necessary, a separate cooling fan
should be used.
If a Drive is to be used to control a number of
motors, special measures need to be taken to ensure
protection of the motors; refer to Motor protection
in Appendix A Motor Information.
1.9 Adjusting parameters
Some parameters have a profound effect on the
operation of the Drive. They must not be altered
without careful consideration of the impact on the
controlled system. Measures must be taken to
prevent unwanted changes due to error or
1-2Safety Information
Unidrive LV model sizes 1 to 3 Installation Guide
Issue code: uliu1
2Installing the Drive
Adhere to the instructions
Unless otherwise stated, instructions and
information in this Installation Guide relate
to all versions of the Unidrive.
2.1 Environmental
The mechanical and electrical
installation instructions must be
adhered to. Any questions or
doubt should be referred to the
supplier of the equipment. It is
the responsibility of the owner
or user to ensure that the
installation of the Drive and any
external option unit, and the way
in which they are operated and
maintained, comply with the
requirements of the Health and
Safety at Work Act in the United
Kingdom or applicable
legislation and regulations and
codes of practice in the country
in which the equipment is used.
Competence of the installer
The Drive must be installed only
by professional assemblers who
are familiar with the
requirements for safety and EMC.
The assembler is responsible for
ensuring that the end-product or
system complies with all the
relevant laws in the country
where it is to be used.
Installation in an enclosure
The Drive must be protected
against water, condensation and
electrically conductive
contamination. When the gland
plate and appropriate glands are
fitted, the Drive can attain
ingress protection to NEMA 1 and
IP40 (in accordance with
IEC529). UL listing is valid when
the Drive is installed in a type 1
enclosure as defined in UL 50.
Authorized access
The enclosure should prevent
access by anyone except for
authorized, trained service
Fire enclosure
The Drive case is not classified
as a fire enclosure. When this
protection is required, the
Drive should be installed in a
fire enclosure.
Hazardous areas
1. Refer to Appendix C Data for details of the
environmental requirements.
2. If condensation is likely to occur when the Drive
is not in use, an anti-condensation heater must
be installed. This heater must be switched off
when the Drive is in use; automatic switching is
3. If the Drive is to be mounted directly above any
heat-generating equipment (such as another
Drive), the maximum temperature of the air
immediately below the Drive should be taken as
the ambient temperature for the Drive.
4. If the Drive is to be mounted beneath other
equipment, such as another Drive, the Drive
should not cause the ambient temperature
requirements of the equipment to be exceeded.
5. When compliance with EMC emission standards
is required, the enclosure must be made of
metal but does not require special EMC
UL-listing requirements are given in Appendix B.
The Drive must not be located
in a classified hazardous area
unless the Drive is installed in
an approved enclosure and the
installation is certified.
Before a Drive is used in the
fully sinusoidal Regeneration
mode, the Drive and the
accompanying motoring
Drive(s) must be modified.
Contact the supplier of the
Drive for details.
Unidrive LV model sizes 1 to 3 Installation Guide
Issue code: uliu1
Installing the Drive2-1
2.2 EMC considerations
Depending on the requirements of the installation,
one of the following levels of electromagnetic
compatibility (EMC) should be adopted:
Routine EMC precautions
These precautions are recommended when
strict compliance with emission standards is not
required. The risk of disturbing adjacent
electronic equipment is minimized by adopting
these precautions.
Compliance with EMC emission
These precautions are recommended when
strict compliance with emission standards is
required. In addition, it is recommended that
these precautions are taken when the Drive is
installed in a residential area, or adjacent to
sensitive electronic equipment such as radio
receivers or similar.
Compliance with EN61800-3
(standard for Power Drive Systems)
Meeting the requirements of this standard
depends on the environment that the Drive is
intended to operate in, as follows:
Operation in the first environment
Observe the guidelines given in Compliance with
EMC emission standards. An RFI filter will always
be required. Some model sizes may require
additional filtering techniques to be applied.
Operation in the second environment
An RFI filter may not be required. Follow the
guidelines given in Routine EMC precautions or
Compliance with EMC emission standards
depending on the requirements of the end user.
The second environment
typically includes an industrial
low-voltage power supply
Instructions are given later in this chapter for these
levels of EMC. Refer to Appendix C Data for further
information on compliance with EMC standards and
definitions of environments.
Detailed instructions and EMC information are given
in the Unidrive LV EMC Data Sheet which is available
from the Drive Centres and distributors listed at the
end of this Installation Guide.
Compliance data is given in Appendix C Data.
network which does not supply
buildings used for domestic
purposes. Operating the Drive
in this environment without an
RFI filter may cause
interference to nearby
electronic equipment whose
sensitivity has not been
appreciated. The user must
take remedial measures if this
situation arises. If the
consequences of unexpected
disturbances are severe, it is
recommended that the
emission limits of EN50081-2 be
adhered to.
The installer of the Drive is responsible for
ensuring compliance with the EMC
regulations that apply where the Drive is to
be used.
The Drive will comply with the standards
for emission, such as EN50081–2, only when
the instructions given in Planning theinstallation and Wiring recommendations later
in this chapter are followed closely.
2-2Installing the Drive
Unidrive LV model sizes 1 to 3 Installation Guide
Issue code: uliu1
2.3 Planning the installation
UNI 1201
UNI 1202
UNI 1203
UNI 1204
UNI 1205
UNI 2201
UNI 2202
UNI 2203
UNI 3201
UNI 3202
UNI 3203
UNI 3204
Table 2–1Fuse ratings for all versions of
the Unidrive LV
Instructions in numbered steps
The instructions in this section are contained in
numbered steps. In some of these steps you will
need to make a note of a value for future reference
and, to help with identification, the number of the
AC supply protection
AC supply to the Drive must
be fitted with suitable
protection against overload
and short-circuits. Table 2–1
shows recommended fuse
ratings. Failure to observe this
recommendation will cause a
risk of fire.
TEP 1Include a fuse of the specified rating in
each phase of the
AC supply. The use of the
following types of fuse is recommended:
• Europe: Type gG HRC industrial fuses to
IEC 269 (BS88)
• USA: RK1 600V
An MCB or MCCB having the correct thermal
and magnetic trip ratings may be used in place
of fuses, on condition the fault-current clearing
capacity is sufficient for the installation.
Power cables
Wiring must be in accordance
with local regulations and
Cable type and size
codes of practice. The table
below shows typical cable sizes
for power input and output
wiring. In the event of a
conflict, local regulations
Fuse rating
6 A
10 A
10 A
16 A
16 A
16 A
20 A
35 A
40 A
60 A
70 A
80 A
UL listing is dependent on the use of the
correct type of UL-listed fuse, and applies
when the symmetrical short-circuit current
does not exceed 5kA. Refer to Appendix B
UL Listing Information.
STEP 2For the following power connections...
AC supply to RFI filter (when used)
AC supply (or RFI filter) to Drive
• Drive to motor
• Drive to braking resistor
... use 105°C (221°F) pvc-insulated cable of
suitable voltage rating and having copper
conductors, as shown in Table 2–2.
Unidrive LV model sizes 1 to 3 Installation Guide
Issue code: uliu1
Installing the Drive2-3
Table 2–2Cable sizes
Table 2–3Maximum cable lengths
ModelCable size
UNI 12011.5 mm
UNI 12022.5 mm
UNI 12032.5 mm
UNI 12042.5 mm
UNI 12052.5 mm
UNI 22012.5 mm
UNI 22024 mm
UNI 22034 mm
UNI 32016 mm
UNI 320210 mm
UNI 320316 mm
UNI 320425 mm
16 AWG
14 AWG
14 AWG
14 AWG
14 AWG
14 AWG
10 AWG
10 AWG
When EMC emission requirements are to be
met, shielded cable or steel wire armoured
cable may be required for the following:
AC supply to enclosure
• Drive to motor
• Drive to braking resistor when part of the
cable is outside the enclosure
For further details, see Wiring guidelines later in this
Motor cable
STEP 3Since capacitance in the motor cable
causes loading on the output of the Drive,
ensure the cable length does not exceed the
values given in Table 2–3.
Maximum length of the encoder cable
ModelMaximum cable length *
UNI 120165
UNI 1202100
UNI 1203130
UNI 1204200
UNI 1205300
UNI 2201 ~
UNI 2203
UNI 3201 ~
UNI 3204
* Cable lengths in excess of the specified values may be
used only when special techniques are adopted; refer to
the supplier of the Drive.
PWM switching
frequency at 3kHz)
The maximum cable length is reduced from that
shown in the table under the following
PWM switching frequency exceeding
3kHz in model size 3 The maximum
cable length is reduced in proportion to the
increase in
9kHz, the maximum length is
PWM switching frequency, eg. at
/3 of that
• High-capacitance cables Most cables
have an insulating jacket between the cores
and the armour or shield; these cables have a
low capacitance and are recommended.
Cables that do not have an insulating jacket
tend to have high capacitance; if a cable of
this type is used, the maximum cable length
is half that quoted in the table. (Figure 2–1
shows how to identify the two types.)
When a Unidrive LV or Unidrive LFT LV is to
be used in a closed-loop system and with
long motor cables, the corresponding
length of the encoder cable may cause an
excessive supply-voltage drop between the
Drive and encoder. In this case, do not use
the Drive to supply the encoder; install a
DC supply close to the encoder.
2-4Installing the Drive
Normal capacitance
Shield or armour
separated from the cores
High capacitance
Shield or armour close
to the cores
Figure 2–1Cable construction influencing
the capacitance
Multiple motors
Special requirements apply when the Drive is to
control more than one motor. Refer to
Appendix A Motor Connections.
Unidrive LV model sizes 1 to 3 Installation Guide
Issue code: uliu1
Isolator switch in the motor cable
An isolator switch may be connected in the
motor cable for safety purposes. Refer to the
following Warning and Note.
The isolator switch must not be
operated when the Drive is
AC-rated switch
enabled. (If an
is used and the Drive is
producing a low output
frequency when the switch is
opened, severe arcing can occur
which will prevent the switch
from breaking the circuit.)
A suitable interlock
arrangement can be used, such
as an isolator switch fitted
with additional contacts that
open before the main contacts.
These additional contacts
should be used to disable the
If the isolator switch is closed when the
Drive is enabled, the Drive may trip.
When EMC compliance is required, refer to Variations
in the EMC wiring recommendations later in this
The Drive has two forms of thermal protection for
the power output stage (IGBT bridge), as follows:
1. A thermistor mounted on the heatsink monitors
the heatsink temperature. If this exceeds 95°C
(203°F), the thermistor will cause the Drive to
trip. The display will indicate Oh2.
2. Intelligent thermal modelling estimates (by
calculation) the junction temperature of the
IGBTs. There are two temperature thresholds
which cause the following to occur:
• If the first threshold is reached, the
switching frequency is halved in order to
reduce dissipation in the IGBTs. (When the
frequency is halved, the value of parameter
PWM switching frequency remains at the
value set by the user; if the frequency is 3kHz
or 4.5kHz, no halving occurs). Then at one
second intervals, the Drive will attempt to
restore the original
PWM switching
frequency. This will be successful if the
estimated temperature has reduced
• If the estimated temperature has continued
to rise and reaches a second threshold, the
Drive will trip. The display will indicate Oh1.
TEP 4Note that the Drive can deliver an
overload current, as shown in Table 2–4.
Table 2–4Overload current
Output current,
PWM switching frequency,
Ambient temperature
Thermal protection
The Drive can supply the rated current up
to an ambient temperature of 40
(depending on the
PWM switching frequency
The Drive can be operated in an ambient
temperature up to 50
C (122oF) at de-rated
output current. In this case, ensure the
value of parameter 0.46 Motor rated current
does not exceed the value given in
Table 2-5.
C (104°°F)
Unidrive LV
Up to 150% of the rated current for 60 seconds
Closed-loop Vector
Up to 175% of the rated current for 60 seconds
Closed-loop Servo
Up to 175% of the rated current for 4 seconds
Unidrive VTC LV
For a variable-torque load
Up to 120% of the rated current for 60 seconds
Unidrive LFT LV operating on
standard S4/S5 duty cycle
Up to 150% of the rated current
Closed-loop Vector
Up to 175% of the rated current
Closed-loop Servo
Up to 175% of the rated current
Unidrive LV model sizes 1 to 3 Installation Guide
Issue code: uliu1
Installing the Drive2-5
Frequency / speed
Figure 2–2Standard S4/S5 duty cycle
(Unidrive LFT LV)
Unidrive LV and Unidrive VTC LV Refer
to Table 2–5 to find the maximum continuous
output current that can be obtained for the
required ambient temperature and
PWM switching frequency. The maximum
ambient temperature can be 40°C or 50°C
(104°F or 122°F). Note that the nominal power
rating of the Drive may not be achieved above
Unidrive LFT LV Refer to Table 2–6 to find
the maximum continuous output current that
can be obtained for the ambient temperature
for a standard S4/S5 duty-cycle or for
continuous operation. Refer to a Drive Centre
or distributor for information on other duty
Make a note of this step number and the
• Unidrive LV and Unidrive VTC LV
Chosen maximum ambient temperature.
• Unidrive LV and Unidrive VTC LV
PWM switching frequency for
each Drive.
• All Unidrive LV versions From Table 2–
7, the maximum power dissipation (heat)
figure (PP
) at the chosen PWM switching
frequency for each Drive (this figure is the
total power dissipation at the maximum
continuous output current available at the
PWM switching frequency, and
includes power dissipated in option modules
when fitted). Power dissipation in the
Unidrive LFT is the same as that for the
standard Unidrive when operating at 9kHz
PWM switching frequency.
Operation in a maximum
ambient temperature of 50°°C
Unless the precaution described
here is taken, the Drive will
limit the maximum continuous
output current only to the
value for 40°°C, and not to the
value stated in Table 2–5 for
Make a note of the value for
50°°C; you will need to refer to
it when you reach Configuringthe Drive for the motor in
Chapter 2 of the User Guide.
At that point, ensure that the
value to be entered in
parameter 0.46 Motor – ratedcurrent does not exceed the
noted value.
• Unidrive LV and Unidrive VTC LV If
the maximum ambient temperature will be
50°C (122°F), note the value of the
maximum permissible output current
obtained from Table 2–5. This will be the
maximum value that parameter 0.46 Motor– rated current should be set at.
2-6Installing the Drive
Unidrive LV model sizes 1 to 3 Installation Guide
Issue code: uliu1
Table 2–5Maximum permissible continuous output current for Unidrive LV and Unidrive VTC LV
40°°C (104°F)
UNI 12010.37 kW0.52.1 A2.1 A2.1 A2.1 A2.1 A
UNI 12020.55 kW0.752.8 A2.8 A2.8 A2.8 A2.8 A
UNI 12030.75 kW1.03.8 A3.8 A3.8 A3.8 A3.8 A
UNI 12041.1 kW1.55.6 A5.6 A5.6 A5.6 A4.5 A
UNI 12052.2 kW3.09.5 A9.5 A8.5 A7.0 A5.5 A
UNI 22013.0 kW4.012.0 A12.0 A12.0 A12.0 A11.7 A
UNI 22024.0 kW5.016.0 A16.0 A16.0 A14.2 A11.7 A
UNI 22035.5 kW10.025.0 A21.7 A18.2 A14.2 A11.7 A
UNI 32017.5 kW15.034.0 A34.0 A34.0 A28.0 A23.0 A
UNI 320211 kW20.046.0 A46.0 A40.0 A32.0 A26.6 A
UNI 320315 kW25.060.0 A47.0 A40.0 A32.0 A26.7 A
UNI 320422 kW30.074.0 A56.0 A46.0 A35.0 A28.0 A
50°°C (122°F)
UNI 12010.37 kW0.52.1 A2.1 A2.1 A2.1 A2.1 A
UNI 12020.55 kW0.752.8 A2.8 A2.8 A2.8 A2.8 A
UNI 12030.75 kW1.03.8 A3.8 A3.8 A3.8 A3.3 A
UNI 12041.1 kW1.55.6 A5.6 A5.1 A4.0 A3.3 A
UNI 12052.2 kW3.06.9 A5.9 A5.1 A4.0 A3.3 A
UNI 22013.0 kW4.012.0 A12.0 A12.0 A11.6 A9.7 A
UNI 22024.0 kW5.016.0 A16.0 A14.7 A11.6 A9.7 A
UNI 22035.5 kW10.020.0 A17.3 A14.7 A11.6 A9.7 A
UNI 32017.5 kW15.034.0 A34.0 A28.0 A21.0 A17.9 A
UNI 320211 kW20.044.0 A36.0 A31.0 A24.0 A20.6 A
UNI 320315 kW25.044.0 A36.0 A31.0 A24.0 A20.9 A
UNI 320422 kW30.050.0 A41.0 A34.0 A26.0 A23.0 A
Maximum permissible
continuous output current
Maximum permissible
continuous output current
Unidrive LV model sizes 1 to 3 Installation Guide
Issue code: uliu1
Installing the Drive2-7
Table 2–6Maximum permissible output current for Unidrive LFT LV
operation at 40°C
2.1 A
2.8 A
3.8 A
4.0 A
4.3 A
12.0 A
14.2 A
14.2 A
28.0 A
32.0 A
33.0 A
35.0 A
UNI 1201
UNI 1202
UNI 1203
UNI 1204
UNI 1205
UNI 2201
UNI 2202
UNI 2203
UNI 3201
UNI 3202
UNI 3203
UNI 3204
(at 9kHz
PWM switching frequency)
kWHPStandard duty cycle
at 40°°C
UNI 1201 LFT0.37 kW0.52.1 A
UNI 1202 LFT0.55 kW0.752.8 A
UNI 1203 LFT0.75 kW1.03.8 A
UNI 1204 LFT1.1 kW1.55.6 A
UNI 1205 LFT2.2 kW3.09.5 A
UNI 2201 LFT3.0 kW4.012.0 A
UNI 2202 LFT4.0 kW5.016.0 A
UNI 2203 LFT5.5 kW10.025.0 A
UNI 3201 LFT7.5 kW15.034.0 A
UNI 3202 LFT11 kW20.046.0 A
UNI 3203 LFT15 kW25.060.0 A
UNI 3204 LFT22 kW30.074.0 A
Maximum permissible output current
operation at 50°°C
2.1 A
2.8 A
3.3 A
3.3 A
3.3 A
11.0 A
11.0 A
11.0 A
21.0 A
24.0 A
24.0 A
26.0 A
Table 2–7Maximum total power dissipation (Unidrive LV, Unidrive VTC LV and Unidrive LFT LV)
0.37kW0.580 W80 W90 W90 W90 W
0.55kW0.7590 W90 W100 W100 W110 W
0.75kW1.0100 W110 W110 W120 W130 W
1.1kW1.5130 W130 W140 W150 W150 W
2.2kW3.0180 W190 W190 W190 W170 W
3.0kW4.0210 W230 W250 W280 W310 W
4.0kW5.0270 W290 W310 W320 W310 W
5.5kW10.0400 W380 W360 W330 W310 W
7.5kW15.0570 W620 W670 W660 W630 W
11kW20.0730 W800 W770 W730 W700 W
15kW25.0950 W830 W790 W740 W710 W
22kW30.01090 W990 W920 W850 W800 W
Maximum total power dissipation
The default PWM switching frequency is a follows...
standards such as EN 50081-1 or EN 50081-2, use
the recommended RFI filter as shown in
Table 2–8. Use one RFI filter for each Drive.
(Standards that are met are specified in
Appendix C Data)
Make a note of this step number and the
following for each filter to be used:
• Size code or part number
• Maximum power dissipation figure
• IP rating
Table 2–8RFI filter data
ModelRFI filter
UNI 1201
UNI 1202
UNI 1203
UNI 1204
UNI 1205
UNI 2201
UNI 2202
UNI 2203
UNI 3201
UNI 3202
UNI 3203
UNI 3204
Model size 1
When the motor cable is to exceed 50m (165 feet),
use RFI filter size B (4200–0027).
Braking occurs when the Drive is decelerating the
motor, or is preventing the motor from gaining
speed due to mechanical influences. During braking,
energy is returned to the Drive by the motor.
When the motor is being braked by the Drive, the
maximum regenerated power that the Drive can
absorb is equal to the power dissipation (losses) of
the Drive.
When the regenerated power is likely to exceed
these losses, a braking resistor must be connected.
By default, the Drive brakes the motor under
PI control which extends the deceleration time as
necessary in order to keep the
DC bus at a constant
voltage. The method of braking can be changed; if
required, refer to Appendix D Menu 0 Parameters in
the User Guide.
When a braking resistor is used, the Drive
should be operated in FASt ramp mode. If
this is not done, instability may arise. See
Braking resistor in Chapter 2 of the User
Housing the resistor, and routing the
connecting cable
High temperatures
Braking resistors can reach
high temperatures. Locate
braking resistors so that
damage cannot result.
Use cable having insulation
capable of withstanding high
Overload protection
Unidrive LV model sizes 1 to 3 Installation Guide
Issue code: uliu1
It is essential that an overload
protection device is
incorporated in the braking
resistor circuit; this is
described in Protection circuitfor an optional braking resistor in
TEP 8.
Installing the Drive2-9
STEP 6When a braking resistor is to be mounted
outside the enclosure, ensure that it is mounted
in a ventilated metal housing that will perform
the following functions:
• Prevent inadvertent contact with the
• Allow adequate ventilation for the resistor
When compliance with EMC emission standards
is required, external connection requires the
cable to be armoured or shielded, since it is not
fully contained in a metal enclosure.
Internal connection does not require the cable
to be armoured or shielded.
Minimum resistances and power ratings
Table 2–9Minimum resistance values and
peak power rating for the
braking resistor at 40°°C (104°°F)
UNI 1201 ~ UNI 120520Ω15kW
UNI 220120Ω15kW
UNI 2202, UNI 220315Ω20kW
UNI 3201 ~ UNI 32045Ω60kW
The minimum resistance allows the braking resistor
to dissipate up to approximately 300% of the power
rating of the Drive for up to 60 seconds.
For high-inertia loads or under continuous braking,
the continuous power dissipated in the braking
resistor may be as high as the power rating of the
Drive. The total energy dissipated in the braking
resistor is dependent on the amount of energy to be
extracted from the load.
The instantaneous power rating refers to the
short-term maximum power dissipated during the on
intervals of the pulse width modulated braking
control cycle. The braking resistor must be able to
withstand this dissipation for short intervals
(milliseconds). Higher resistance values require
proportionately lower instantaneous power ratings.
In most applications, braking occurs only
occasionally. This allows the continuous power
rating of the braking resistor to be much lower than
the power rating of the Drive. It is essential,
though, that the instantaneous power rating and
energy rating of the braking resistor are sufficient
for the most extreme braking duty that is likely to
be encountered.
power rating
Optimization of the braking resistor requires a
careful consideration of the braking duty. This is
described more fully in Optimizing an optional brakingresistor in the Unidrive Advanced User Guide.
TEP 7Select a value of resistance for the braking
resistor that is not less than the specified
minimum resistance. Larger resistance values
may give a cost saving, as well as a safety
benefit in the event of a fault in the braking
system. Braking capability will then be
reduced, which may cause the Drive to trip
during braking. If this occurs, refer to
Deceleration rate in Chapter 2 of the User Guide.
TEP 8Estimate the average power that will be
dissipated in the resistor. A method of
estimating this power is described in Optimizing
an optional braking resistor in the Unidrive
Advanced User Guide. Make a note of this step
number and the average power to be dissipated
in the resistor.
Thermal protection circuit for the
braking resistor
The thermal protection circuit must disconnect the
AC supply from the Drive if the resistor becomes
overloaded. Figure 2–3 shows a typical circuit
RFI filter
Start /
Braking resistor
Figure 2–3Typical protection circuit for a
braking resistor
2-10Installing the Drive
Unidrive LV model sizes 1 to 3 Installation Guide
Issue code: uliu1
Enclosure layout
STEP 9Use one of the following enclosure
layouts, depending on the requirements of the
Routine EMC precautions Refer to
Figure 2–4 which shows the recommended
layout for two Drives, and the signal and power
Compliance with EMC emission
standards Refer to Figure 2–5 which shows
the recommended layout for two Drives, two
RFI filters, and the signal and power cables.
TEP 10 Decide whether the enclosure is to be
sealed or ventilated, as follows:
A sealed enclosure can give a high ingress-
protection rating, but with reduced heat
removal capabilities. If possible, locate heatgenerating equipment (other than braking
resistors) in the lower part of the enclosure to
encourage internal convection. If necessary, a
taller enclosure, and/or air-circulation fans
inside the enclosure, can be used. For
calculating the minimum size of sealed
enclosure that will adequately cool the Drive(s),
refer later in this chapter to Calculating the size
of a sealed enclosure.
If a high ingress-protection rating is not
required, a ventilated enclosure can be used
with a fan to supply forced air cooling; this can
give a lower ambient temperature than a sealed
enclosure. For calculating the minimum
required volume of cooling air, refer later in this
chapter to Calculating the air-flow in a ventilatedenclosure.
TEP 11For compliance with EMC emission
standards, ensure the enclosure is fitted with an
unpainted metal back-plate for mounting the
Drive and RFI filter. For example, a zinc plated
steel back-plate is suitable (see Figure 2–5).
TEP 12 Ensure the Drive is installed vertically for
best flow of cooling air through the Drive and
TEP 13 Ensure the clearances around the Drive are
as follows:
Above and below: ≥100mm (4 in)
Both sides: ≥5mm (
/4 in)
When surface mounting a model size 3,
allow a clearance of 150mm (6in) above the
Drive; this is required for dismounting. A
minimum clearance of 100mm (4in) is
required for ventilation.
For overall dimensions and weights of the Drive
and RFI filter, see Appendix C Data.
TEP 14 When compliance with EMC emission
standards is required, the RFI filter must be
installed at the specified position for each Drive
(see Figure 2–5).
TEP 15 When a braking resistor is to be used, it
can be installed outside or inside the enclosure.
When installed inside, it must be mounted in
the upper part of the enclosure to prevent it
heating the other equipment by convection.
Unidrive LV model sizes 1 to 3 Installation Guide
Issue code: uliu1
Installing the Drive2-11
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