Persons supervising an d performing the electric al installation or maintenanc e of a
Drive and/or an exter nal Option Unit mus t be suitably qualified and c ompetent in
these d uties. T hey should be given t he opport unity to s tudy and i f necess ary to
discuss this User Guide before work is started.
The volt ages pr es ent in the Dr ive an d ext ern al Opt ion U nits are cap able of i nflic ting
a severe electric shock and may be lethal. The Stop function of the Drive does not
remove dangerous voltages from the terminals of the Drive and exter nal Option
Unit. Mains supplies should be removed before a n y se r vicing work is performed.
The inst allation ins tructi ons should b e adhered t o. Any questi ons or doubt s hould
be referred to the supplier of the equipment. It is the responsibility of the owner or
user to ens ure that th e installation of the Drive and external O ption Unit, and the
way in whic h they are op erated and maintain ed complies with the req uirements of
the Healt h an d Saf ety at W ork Act i n the U nit ed Ki ngd om and applicable l egis lati on
and regul ati ons an d c od es of pr act ice in the UK or elsewh ere.
The Drive software may incorporate an optional Auto-start facility. In order to
prevent the risk of injury to personnel working on or near th e motor or its driven
equipm ent and to prevent pot ential dam age to equipm ent, users and oper ators, all
necess ar y precauti ons m us t be tak en if operating t h e Dr i ve in th is m o d e.
The Stop and St art inp ut s of t he Drive should n ot b e r elied upon to ensure safety of
personn el. If a safety haz ard coul d exist from une xpect ed st arting of th e Drive, an
interlock should be in stalled to pre vent the motor be ing inadverte ntly started.
The manufacturer accepts no liability for any consequences resulting from
inappropriate, negligent or incorrect installation or adjustment of the optional
operating parameters of the equipment or from mismatching the Drive with the
The contents of this User Guide are believed to be correct at the time of printing. In
the interests of a commitment to a policy of continuous development and
improv em en t, the m an ufacturer res erves th e right to chan g e the sp ec if ic ation of th e
product or its performance, or the contents of the User Guide, without notice.
All rights reserved. No part of this User Guide may be reproduced or transmitted in
any form or by any means, electrical or mechanical including photocopying,
recordin g or by any inform ation storage or retri eval syst em, without permissi on in
writing f r om th e pu blisher.
5.5.1 Saving Unidrive Parameters (Menu 1 to 19) 19
5.5.2 Saving UD70 Parameters (Menu 20 and Internal) 19
5.6 Mapping Conflicts 20
5.6.1 Control Word Mappi ng Conf lic ts 20
5.7 Fieldbus Control Word for Unidrive 21
5.8 Fieldbus Status Word for Unidrive 23
5.9 Disabling Cyclic Data Channels 23
6 Explicit Data 24
6.1 Exp licit P a rame ter Ac c ess 24
7 Support Files 25
7.1 What are EDS Files? 25
7.2 Generic EDS Files 25
7.3 EDS File Revisions 26
7.4 Advanced EDS Files 26
8 Diagnostics 27
8.1 Fieldbus Code 27
8.2 Firmware Version 27
8.3 System File Version 28
8.4 Node Address 28
8.5 Network Data Rate 28
8.6 Number of Network Messages 28
8.7 Node Status 29
8.8 Network Status 29
8.9 No Data Transfer 29
8.10 Unidrive Trip Codes 30
9 Advanced Features 31
9.1 Network Loss Trip 31
9.2 Unidrive Sequencing Mode 3 32
9.3 Drive Reset Using The Devic eNet Network 33
9.3.1 Reset Without DPL Code 33
9.3.2 Reset Using Explicit Communications 33
9.3.3 Reset Using DPL Code 34
9.4 Non-Cyclic Parameter Store 34
9.5 EVENT Task Trigger on UD70 35
9.6 Multi-Master Networks 35
9.7 Supported Drive Prof iles 35
9.7.1 Basic Speed Control 36
9.7.2 Extended Speed Control 37
9.7.3 Basic Speed and Torque Control 37
9.7.4 Extend ed S p eed and Torque Control 38
9.7.5 Basic Speed Control 38
9.7.6 Basic Speed and Torque Control 39
9.8 Object Model 39
9.9 Iden tity Obje ct 40
9.9.1 Vendor ID 40
9.9.2 Device Type 40
9.9.3 Product Code 40
9.9.4 Revision 41
9.9.5 Status 41
9.9.6 Serial Nu mber 41
9.9.7 Product Name 41
9.10 DeviceNet Object 42
9.10.1 MAC-ID 42
9.10.2 Dat a Rat e 42
9.10.3 Bus Off Interrupt 43
9.10.4 Bus Of f Counter 43
Allocati on Byte 43
9.11 Control Supervisor Object 44
9.11.1 RunFwd 44
9.11.2 RunRev 45
9.11.3 NetCtrl 45
9.11.4 RunningFwd 45
9.11.5 RunningRev 45
9.11.6 Ready 46
9.11.7 Faulted 46
9.11.8 FaultRst 46
9.11.9 FaultCode 46
9.11.10 OutputAssembly 47
9.11.11 InputAssembly 47
9.11.12 DriveEnable 48
9.11.13 ZeroParam 48
9.12 AC/DC Drive Object 48
9.12.1 AtReference 49
9.12.2 NetRef 49
9.12.3 DriveMode 49
9.12.4 SpeedActual 49
9.12.5 SpeedRef 50
9.12.6 TorqueActual 50
9.12.7 TorqueRef 50
9.13 Motor Data Object 50
9.13.1 MotorType 51
9.13.2 RatedCurrent 51
9.13.3 RatedVoltage 51
9.14 Control Techniques Object 51
10 Quick R eference 53
10.1 Complete Parameter Reference 53
10.2 DeviceNet Data Format 53
10.3 Fieldbus Control Word 54
10.4 Fieldbus Status Word 55
10.5 Unidrive Trip Codes 56
1 Introduction
Unidrive paramet ers are denoted i n this ma nual by “ #MM .PP”, where
MM refers to the menu number, and PP refers to the parameter
number wi thi n that menu. Plea se ref er to t he Un idri ve Ad vanc ed User
Guide for a ful l list of parameter de f i ni t i o ns.
1.1 DeviceNet Interface for Unidrive
The Unidr ive Devi ceNet int erf ace is suppl ied as an opt ion m odule, wi th
the Devic eN et usi ng a UD 70 as th e host. T h e UD70 d oes n ot los e any
functi onality when the DeviceN et interfac e is fitted. T he fastest d ata
rate curr ent l y sup p or t ed i s 5 00 Kb its/sec.
The Unidrive supplies all power requirements for the Unidrive
DeviceNet interface. A DeviceNet network power supply must also be
connected, but this power supply does NOT keep the UD70 powered up
when the Unidrive is switched off.
1.2 Product Conformance Certification
The Uni dri v e D e viceNet int erface w as sub mi t ted to the O pen DeviceNet
Vendors Association for conformance testing. All tests were successful,
and the Unidrive DeviceNet interface was awarded full DeviceNet
Conformance Certification. Refer to the ODVA Web Site at
““for further details.
1.3 Overview Specification
• Supported data rates (bits/sec): 500k, 250k, 12 5k
• T hree polled 16 bit input/ou tput words, all can be mapp ed to and
from Unidr i ve para mete rs
• Explicit data allows access to all Unidrive parameters
• 6 DeviceNet Drive Profiles supported
Issue Number: 2 7
2 Mechanical Installation
The Unidrive must be disconnected from the mains supply
before installing or removing an option module.
2.1 Unidrive
1. Sli d e the option modu l e into the Unidri ve.
2. Pus h th e opt ion modul e int o th e Uni dr i ve u ntil it clicks into place.
8 Issue Number: 2
3 Electrical Installation
3.1 DeviceNet Connectors
The Unidrive DeviceNet Interface provides a standard 5-way screw
terminal socket (A) to connect to the DeviceNet network. A small
converter board in provided to convert from the 9-way D-type connector
Connectors C and D on th e U nid r i ve D eviceNet int er face are th e RS 23 2
(C) and RS485 (D) ports of the UD70.
The pin c onnect ions f or th e D evic eN et c onnec tor ar e gi ven in t he t abl e
below. (Pins are numbered 1 to 5 from left to right on the above
Terminal Signal Function
1 0v 0V Isolated
2 CAN_L Negative data line
3 SHIELD Cable braided shield connection
4 CAN_H Posi t ive data line
5 VDC +24V DeviceNet power supply
Issue Number: 2 9
3.2 DeviceNet Connections
To conn ect the Commander SE to the Devic eNet networ k, make th e
connect ions as s hown in t he di agr am b elow. Th e leng th of th e "pi gtail"
shiel d connect ion should be ke pt as shor t as possible.
1 2 3 4 5
3.3 DeviceNet Cable
Devic eNet n et works (lik e mos t f ieldbus s ystems ) r un at hi gh d ata r at es,
and consequently require cable specifically designed to carry high
frequency signals. Low quality cable may attenuate the signals, and
thus render the signal unreadable for the other nodes on the network.
Details of app roved cables t ypes and their manuf acturers can be found
on the Open DeviceNet Vendors Association web site at
The Open DeviceNet Vendors Association and Control Techniques
can only guarantee correct and reliable operation of a DeviceNet
network if all components (including the network cable) installed have
full Product Conf orm an ce Certi f ic ati on from the OD VA.
3.4 DeviceNet Cable Screen Connections
The Uni dri ve Devic eN et i nt er f ace shoul d be wired wit h th e cable sh i elds
isolat ed from ear th at each D rive. Th e cable sh ields sh ould be lin ked
together at the point where they emerge from the cable, and formed into
a short p igtail to be c onnected to p in 3 on the D eviceNet conn ector.
(See section 3.2)
10 Issue Number: 2
3.5 DeviceNet Network Termination
There is no termination resistor supplied on the Unidrive DeviceNet
interf ace. It is the us er’s res pons ibi lit y to ensu re that both en ds of each
secti on of n etwork c abl e are c or r ect l y t er mi n ated.
A 120Ω 0. 25W resistor shoul d be c onnect ed bet ween the CAN _H an d
CAN_L lines at each end of the main trunk cable, as shown in the
diagram below.
1 2 3 4 5
Fit 120W 0.25W network
termination resistor between
CAN- L and CAN-H
The above method of connecting the termination resistor ensures that
the network remains terminated when the DeviceNet connector is
disconnected from the node.
It is very important in high-speed communications networks that the
network communications cable is correctly terminated. Failure to
terminate the network properly may mean that the network operates
with substantially reduced noise immunity, or in the worst case, the
network does n’t work at all.
Issue Number: 2 11
3.6 Maximum Network Length
The data rat e that can be us ed depends m ainly on the leng th of cable
that is b eing used in t he netw ork, so th e physic al layou t of th e network
must be considered during the network design stage of a project.
Data Rate (bits/sec) 125K 250K 500K
Max Trunk Distance 500m 250m 100m
Max Drop Length 6m 6m 6m
Cumulative Drop Length 156m 78m 39m
Number of Nodes 64 64 64
Devic eNet n etworks usu ally consist of a main ter minated tr unk cable
length, with a s eries of dr op c able l engt hs ( w ithou t ter min ati on) ru nning
off the main trunk cable.
For a detailed description about the limitations and requirements for
installing a DeviceNet network, refer to Allen Bradley Publication
Number DN-6.7.2. (This docu ment is avai lable fr om the Allen Br adley
web site at “”.)
3.7 External Power Supply
An external isolated +24V power supply is required to power the
transc ei ver ci r c uits in t h e DeviceNet n od es . Th e phys ical location of the
extern al +24V power supply can be very import ant, particul arly if the
networ k has several nodes th at dr aw signific ant power fr om th e su pply.
The Unidr ive DeviceNet int erface is powered b y the Unidrive internal
power supply. However, the external +24V power supply must be
connected to meet ODVA specifications. Each Unidrive DeviceNet
interface draws 5 mA max from the exter n al suppl y.
For detailed instructions on designing the layout of the network and
determining power supply requirements, Allen Bradley Publication
Number DN-6.7.2. (This docu ment is avai lable fr om the Allen Br adley
web site at “”.)
12 Issue Number: 2
4 Getting Started
The Quick Start section shows the basic parameter configurations
required for the DeviceNet interfaces to establish communications.
Polled an d Exp lic it data exp lanations ar e gi ven i n chapters 5 and 6.
Parameters #20.01 to #20.20 and #20.50 are reserved for configuring
the DeviceNet interface, and should not be used in DPL programs.
4.1 Basic Communications Quick Start
DeviceNet communications can be established with the Unidrive
Devic eNet interf ace simpl y by configur ing the n ode addr ess and data
• Plug the De viceNet module into the Unidrive.
• Power up the Unidrive.
• S et the MAC-ID (n od e ad dress) in #2 0. 05 as required.
• Set the Data Rate in #20.08 as required.
• Ensure Product Code Elaboration (#20.12) is set to 0.
• Set #17.19 to 1 to store and reset the UD70.
The DeviceNet interface will re-initialise, and configure itself with the
new node add ress and dat a rate.
Function Unidrive Recommended
Node Address #20.05 1 to 62
Data Rate #20.08 0 to 2
Network Loss Tri p #20.11 48
Product Code
#20.12 0
4.2 DeviceNet Node Address
Unidrive: #20.05
Every node must be given a unique network address. If a node is
assign ed an ad dress , and t hat ad dr ess alr eady e xists on the D evic eN et
network, the node will not join the network. The valid range of
addresses is fr om 1 an d 25 5.
Issue Number: 2 13
4.3 DeviceNet Data Rate
Unidrive: #20.08
All nod es on D eviceNet mus t be configured to run at the same data
rate. The range of data rates available is shown in the table below.
#20.08 Data Rate
0 125K
1 250K
2 500K
4.4 Product Code Elaboration
Unidrive: #20.12
Ensure that this parameter is set to 0. For details on using this
parameter, refer to section 7.4.
4.5 Data Format
The Unidr ive D eviceNet interf ace has a d ata form at of 3 Poll ed Wor ds,
as used on M entor II and C ommander S E. Each poll ed data word is
mapped to a U nidrive parameter with default mappings as shown in the
table below.
IN Word 0 Status word
IN Word 1 Post-ramp speed reference
IN Word 2 Motor active current
OUT Wor d 0 Con t rol wo rd
OUT Word 1 Digital speed reference 1
OUT Wo rd 2 Torq u e reference
Default Mapping Status
14 Issue Number: 2
4.6 Node Status
Unidrive: #20.09
When the Un idrive is p owered up, th e Devic eNet interf ace will in itialis e
the inter nal hardwar e, and go into the standb y mode. The n ode will
switch to “Operational” mode when the master controller starts
communicating with the node.
#20.09 Status Description
1 Operational The node is configured, and is
2 Standby mode The node is configured and on-line,
5 No =+24V external
power supply
10 Hardware fault Internal hardwar e err or , the DeviceN et
4.7 Network Status
Unidrive: #20.10
When the Unidrive is powered up, and the DeviceNet interface has
initialis ed, th e node will attem pt to j oin the n etwor k. If an other n ode is
detected with th e sam e MAC-ID , it will not joi n th e netw ork .
#20.10 Status Description
1 Offline The node is offline. Check the wiring,
2 Online, not connected The node is on-line, but has not been
3 Online, connected The node is on-line and connected to
4 Online, connection
10 Critic al lin k f ail ure Internal hardwar e failure
communicating with a master
but has not been initialised by a
master controller
The external +24V power supply is
not connected. This powe r supply
MUST be connected for the Unidrive
DeviceNet interface to operate
interface could n ot b e ini ti alised
and that there is no node with the
same MAC-ID
initialised by a mast er c ontroller
a master c ontroller
The polled connection is in the timed-
out st ate, or a Bus Off error has
occurred, The node should have
tripped either tr62 )if enabled) of tr60
Issue Number: 2 15
4.8 Network Loss Trip
Unidrive: #17.14
If the DeviceNet network stops operating, the interface will trip the
Unidrive on "tr60". The default time delay between network loss and
Unidri ve trip is 48ms , so the act ual delay t o trip will be between 4 8ms
and 96ms . (See sect ion 9.1 for mor e details.) T he master c ontroll er
will autom aticall y det ect that the sl ave node h as gone mis sing fr om the
networ k, and w ill update relevant s t at us r egis ters.
Changes to #17.PP parameters in the Unidrive do not take effe ct until
the UD70 h as b e en r es et. See section 4. 9.
4.9 Initialising Set-up Changes
UD70 (#1 7.PP) and D eviceNet ( #20.PP) conf iguration parameters are
only read dur ing t he in iti alis ati on s equenc e of the U D70. T his prev ents
corruption of the configuration while parameters are being edited.
When p arameters h ave been conf igured, the UD 70 must b e reset to
implement any changes made to the configuration parameters.
To reset f rom the UD70, set #M M.00 to 1070 , and press the red RE SET
button on the Unidrive. Any changes made to the DeviceNet
configu ration will n ow t ak e effect.
Resetting the UD70 does not store the #20.PP configuration
parameters, so these changes will be lost when the Unidrive is
powered down. See section 5.5.2 for details on how t o store UD70
16 Issue Number: 2
5 Polled Data
The def aul t DeviceN et c onf ig uration c ontains thr ee 16-bit IN data words
and thr ee 16-bit O UT data words. Th ese data w ords are class ed as
“polled d ata channels ”.
“OUT dat a” and “IN data” descr ibe the dir ection of dat a transfer as
seen by the PLC scanner.
5.1 What is Polled Data??
Polled data is a method data transfer that must be set-up during
network configuration, but is transmitted automatically once
configu rati on is c om pl ete. T he hi gh-s pe ed d ata tr ansf er is achie ved by
transmi tting only a 16-bit dat a value for each poll ed chann el over the
Devic eNet netw ork, and relying on loc al mappi ng infor mation w ithin th e
Unidrive to ensure the correct data is sent to the correct locations. This
method relies on the PLC progr am writing and r eading data v alues to
and from the registers allocated to the node during network
configu rati on, an d the sourc e and dest in ation of IN an d OUT data being
set-up correctly in the Unidrive itself.
The flexibility of the Unidrive DeviceNet interface means that each
polled data OUT channel c an be directed to any read-write Unidrive
parameter. Similarly, each polled data IN channel can use any Unidrive
parameter as a source of data.
The mapping configuration cannot be changed dynamically, as the
UD70 must be re set bef ore change s to th e ma pping beco me ac tive.
5.2 DeviceNet Data Format
The Unidrive Devic eNet interface has a data format of 3 polled data
words. Explicit data must be used for non-cyclic communications.
Explicit 3 This is the same data format as Mentor II,
Issue Number: 2 17
and Form at 0.03 on Com m an d er SE
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