Control Techniques SE11200037, SE11200025, SE2D200150, SE11200055, SE2D200110 User Manual

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User Guide
Commander SE
Sizes 1 to 5
Variable speed drivefor 3 phase induction motors
from 0.25kW to 37kW
Part Number: 0452-0061
Issue Number: 8
General Information
The manufacturer accepts no liability for anyconsequences resultingfrom inappro- priate, negligent or incorrect installation or adjustment of the optional operating pa- rameters ofthe equipment orfrom mismatching the variable speed drive (Drive) with the motor.
The contentso f thisUser Guide are believed tobe correctat the time ofprinting. In the interests of a commitment to a policy of continuous development and improve- ment,themanufacturerreservestheright to changethespecificationof theproduct or its performance, or the contents of the User Guide, withoutnotice.
All rights reserved. No parts of this User Guide may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electrical or mechanical including photocopying, re- cording or by an information storage or retrievalsystem,without permissionin writ- ing from the publisher.
Drive software version
Thisproductissuppliedwiththelatestversionofuser-interfaceandmachinecontrol software. If this product is to be used in a new or existing system with other Com- manderSE Drives,there may be some differences between their software and t he software in this product. These differences may cause this product to function dif- ferently. Thismay also applyto Drives returnedfroma Control TechniquesService Centre.
If there is any doubt, contact a ControlTechniques Drive Centre.
Copyright © December 2001 Control Techniques Drives Limited Issue Code: 8 Software: V02.00.00 onwards
Commander SE User Guide Issue Number 8
1 Safety Inform ation 1
1.1 Warnings, Cautions and notes 1
1.2 Electrical safety - general warning 1
1.3 System design and safety of personnel 1
1.4 Environmental limits 2
1.5 Compliance with regulations 2
1.6 Motor 2
1.7 Adjusting parameters 2
2Options 3 3 Technical Data 4
3.1 Power dependant ratingdata 4
3.2 Generaldata 12
3.3 RFI Filters 14
4 Installing the drive 16
4.1 Safety information 16
4.2 Planning the installation 16
4.3 Mechanical installation 17
4.4 Electrical installation 23
4.5 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) 27
5 Terminals 34
5.1 Power terminal connections 34
5.2 Control terminal connections 35
5.3 Serial communication connections 36
5.4 Control terminal specifications 37
6 Handling and Programming 40
6.1 Display and keypad 40
6.2 Display Messages 41
6.3 Selecting and changing parameters 41
6.4 Saving parameters 42
6.5 Security codes 42
6.6 Setting a security code 42
6.7 Unlocking a security code 43
6.8 Set security back to zero ( 0) - no security 43
6.9 Setting to default values 43
6.10 Level1 and level 2 parameter descriptions 43
7 Getting Started - Bench T esting 61
7.1 Terminal control 61
7.2 Keypad control 63
8 Diagnostics and Protective Features 65
8.1 Trip codes 65
8.2 Alarm warnings 67
8.3 HF-Hardware fault tripcodes 67
Commander SE User Guide
Issue Number8
9 Parameter List 68 10 Advanced Functions 69
10.1 Speed control 69
10.2 Ramps 69
10.3 Torque control 69
10.4 Stopping 69
10.5 Programmable I/O 69
10.6 Motor protection 69
10.7 Monitoring 69
10.8 Auxiliary functions 69
10.9 Second motor selection 69
11 UL Listing Information 70
11.1 Common UL information 70
11.2 Power dependantUL information 70
Commander SE User Guide Issue Number 8
Declaration of Conformity
Control Techniques, The Gro, Newtown, Powys, UK. SY16 3BE
The AC variable speed drive products listed above, have been designed and manufactured in accordance with the following European harmonised, national and international standards:
*Applies to Size 1 units only. **SE11200025, SE11200037, SE11200055: input choke required. All other units where input
current <16A: for professional use only. ***Applies to the followingmodels:SE11200025 - SE11200075, SE2D200075, SE2D200110,
SE23400075 - SE23400220, SE23400300, SE23400400, SE33400550, SE33400750.
These productscomplywith the Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC,the Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)Directive 89/336/EEC and the CE Marking D irective93/68/EEC.
These electronic Drive products are intended to be used with appropriate motors, controllers, electrical protection components and other equipment to form complete end products or systems. Compliance with safety and EMC regulations depends upon installing and configuring Drives correctly, including using the specified input filters. The Drives must be installed only by professional assemblers who are familiar with requirements for safety and EMC. The assembler is responsible for ensuring that t he end product or system complieswithalltherelevantlawsinthecountrywhereitistobeused.RefertothisUser Guide.A Commander SE EMC Data Sheet is also available giving detailed EMC information.
SE11200025 SE11200037 SE11200055 SE11200075 SE2D200075 SE2D200110 SE2D200150 SE2D200220 SE23200400 SE23400075 SE23400110 SE23400150 SE23400220 SE23400300 SE23400400 SE33200550 SE33400550 SE33200750 SE33400750 SE43401100 SE43401500 SE43401850 SE53402200 SE53403000 SE53403700
EN60249 Base materials for printed circuits IEC60326-1 Printed boards: general information for the specification writer
Printed boards: specification for single- and double-sided printed boards with plated- through holes
IEC60326-6 Printed boards: specification for multilayer printed boards IEC60664-1
Insulation co-ordination for equipment within low-voltage systems: principles, requirements
and tests EN60529 Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP code) UL94 Flammability rating of plastic materials UL508C Standard for power conversion equipment *EN50081-1 Generic emission standard for the residential, commercial and light industrial environment EN50081-2 Generic emission standard for the industrial environment EN50082-2 Generic immunity standard for the industrial environment
Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems - Part 3: EMC product standard including
specific test methods **EN61000-3-2
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Limits. Limits for harmonic current emissions
(equipment input current <16A per phase) ***EN61000-3-3
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Limits. Limitation of voltage fluctuations and flicker in
low-voltage supply systems for equipment with rated current < 16A
W. Drury Executive VP Technology Date: 1 November 2001
1 Commander SE User Guide Issue Number 8
1 Safety Information
1.1 Warnings, Cautions and notes
A Warnin g contains information which is essential for avoiding a safety hazard.
Caution contains information which is necessary for avoiding a risk o f damage to
the product or other equipment.
Note contains information which helps to ensure correct operation of the product.
1.2 Electrical safety - general warning
The voltages used in the drive can cause severe electrical shock and/or burns, and could be lethal. Extreme care is necessary at all times when working with or adjacent to the drive.
Specificwarnings are givenat the relevant places in this User Guide.
1.3 System design and safety of personnel
The driveis intended as a component for professional incorporation into complete equipment or a system. If installed incorrectly, the drivemay present a safety hazard. The driveuses highvoltage and currents, carries a high level of storedelectrical energy, and is used to control equipment whichcan cause injury.
Close attention is requiredto the electrical installation and the system design to avoid hazards, either in normal operat ion or in the event of equipment malfunction. System design, installation, commissioning and maintenance mustbe carried out by personnel whohave the necessarytraining and experience. They must readthissafety information and this User Guide carefully.
The STOP function of the drive does not remove dangerousvoltages fromthe outputof the drive or from any external option unit.
Careful consideration must be given to the functions of the drive which might result in a hazard, either through their intended functions or through incorrect operation due to a fault.
In any application where a malfunction of the drive could lead to damage,loss or injury, a risk analysis must be carried out,and where necessary, further measures takento reduce the risk.
The STOP and START controls or electrical inputs of the drive must not be relied upon to ensure safety of personnel. If a safety hazard could exist from unexpected starting of the drive, an interlock that electrically isolates the drive from the AC supply must be installed to prevent the motor being inadvertently started.
To ensure mechanical safety, additional safetydevices such as electro-mechanical interlocks and overspeed protection devices may be required. The drive must not be used in a safety critical application without additional high integrity protectionagainst hazards arising from a malfunction.
Under certainconditions, the drive can suddenly discontinue control of the motor. If t he load on themotor could cause the motor speed to be increased (e.g. in hoists and cranes), a separate method of braking and stopping must be used (e.g. a mechanical brake).
Commander SE User Guide 2
Issue Number 8
1.4 Environmental limits
Instructions in this User Guide regarding transport, storage, installation and use of the drive must be complied with, including the specified environmental limits. Drives must not be subjected to excessive physical force.
1.5 Compliance with regulations
The installer is responsible for complying with all relevant regulations, such as national wiringregulations, accidentprevention regulations and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) regulations. Particular attention must be given to the cross-sectional areas of conductors, the selection of fuses or otherprotection, and protective earth (ground) connections.
This User Guide contains instruction for achieving compliance with specific EMC standards.
Within the European Union, all machinery in which this product is used must comply with the following directives:
97/37/EC: Safety of machinery.
89/336/EEC: Electromagnetic Compatibility.
1.6 Motor
Ensurethe motor is installed in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations. Ensure the motor shaftis not exposed.
Standard squirrel cage induction motors are designed for single speed operation. If it is intended t o use the capability of the driveto run a motor at speeds above its designed maximum, it is strongly recommended that the manufacturer is consulted first.
Low speeds may cause the motor to overheat because the cooling fan becomes less effective. The motor should be fitted with a protection thermistor. If necessary , an electric forced vent fan should be used.
1.7 Adjusting parameters
Some parameters have a profound effect on the operation of the drive. They must not be altered without careful consideration of the impact on the controlled system. Measures must be taken to prevent unwanted changes due to error or tampering.
3 Commander SE User Guide Issue Number 8
The following options are available for Commander SE;
Quickey for rapid parametertransfer (SE55)
Standard and low earth leakage footprint / side mounting RFI filters andlow cost panel mounting RFI filters
UniversalKeypad, IP65, hand held or door mounting plain t ext, LCD display
based set-upsoftware for advanced programming
+10V to -10V analog input card for bi-directional input reference (SE51)
Cable screening bracket and screening clamps to provide a convenient way of connecting supply, motor and control cable screens to ground (SE11, 12, 13, 14 &
15) (SE15 for Size 5 control cables only)
EMC Data Sheets
Through hole mounting plate drawings to allow heatsink to be put outside main cubicle (Size 2 ~ 4 only)
EIA232 to EIA485(2 wire) converterfor connecting betweenthe driveandPC when using SE Soft (SE71 Communications lead)
Fieldbus C ommunications:
Profibus DP (SE73) Device Net (SE77) CAN Open (SE77) Interbus (SE74)
Commander SE Advanced User Guide: (See Chapter 10 Advanced Functions on page 69 for a list of advanced functions).
AC input line r eactors
Braking r esistors and mounting plate (Size 2 ~ 4 only)
For f urther details on the above options and availability, contact your local Control Techniques Drive Centre or Distributor.
Commander SE User Guide 4
Issue Number 8
3 Technical Data
3.1 Power de pendant rating data
Model code explanation
SE 1 1 2 xxxxx
Drivekilowatt rating:00025 = 0.25kW etc. Drive voltage rating: 2 = 230V, 4 = 400V Number of input phases: 1 = 1,3=3,D=1 and 3 Frame size.
Table 3.1 Commander SE Size 1
* Seesection 3.1.1. ** For an explanation of inrush current, see section 3.1.2.
Table 3.2 Recommended supply fuses and cables
MODEL SE11200...
025 037 055 075
AC supply voltage and frequency Single phase 200 - 240V +/- 10% 48 - 62Hz Input displacement factor (cos φ) >0.97 Nominal motor power - kW 0.25 0.37 0.55 0.75 Nominal motor power - hp
0.50 1.0 Output voltage and frequency 3 phase, 0 to input voltage, 0 to 1000Hz 100% RMS output current - A 1.5 2.3 3.1 4.3 150% overload current for 60 secs - A 2.3 3.5 4.7 6.5 Typical full load input current - A* 5.6 6.5 8.8 11.4 Typical inrush current - A** (duration <10ms) 100 Drive power losses at 230Vac at 6kHz switching
frequency - W 18 24 37 56 Weight - kg/lb 1.1/2.4 1.25/2.75 Cooling fan fitted No
MODEL SE11200...
025 037 055 075
Recommended input supply fuse - A 6 10 16 Control cable mm² 0.5
AWG 20
Recommended input cable mm² 1.0 1.5
AWG 16 14
Recommended motor cable mm² 1.0
AWG 16
5 Commander SE User Guide Issue Number 8
Table 3.3 Commander SE Size 2, 200V dual rated units
* See section 3.1.1. ** For an explanation of inrush current, see section 3.1.2.
Table 3.4 Recommended supply fuses and cables
Table 3.5 Braking resistors
* Based on recommended braking resistor value.
Before fitting a braking resistor please read the information on Braking, and the Warnings on High Temperatures and Overload Protection at the end of this section.
MODEL SE2D200...
075 110 150 220
AC supply voltage and frequency Single or 3 phase 200 to 240V +/- 10%, 48 to 62Hz Input displacement factor (cos φ) >0.97 Nominal motor power - kW 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 Nominal motor power - hp 1.0
2.0 3.0 Output voltage and frequency 3 phase, 0 to input voltage, 0 to 1000Hz 100% RMS output current - A 4.3 5.8 7.5 10.0 150% overload current for 60 secs - A 6.5 8.7 11.3 15.0 Typical full load input current - A* 1ph/3ph 11.0 5.5 15.1 7.9 19.3 9.6 26.2 13.1 Typical inrush current - A**(duration <10ms) 55 35 Drive power losses at 230Vac at 6kHz switching
frequency - W 54 69 88 125 Weight - kg/lb 2.75 / 6 Cooling fan fitted No Yes
MODEL SE2D200...
110 150 220
1ph 3ph 1ph 3ph 1ph 3ph 1ph 3ph
Recommended input supply fuse - A 16 10 20 16 25 16 32 20 Control cable m 0.5
AWG 20
Recommended input cable mm² 1.5 1.0 2.5 1.5 2.5 1.5 4.0 2.5
Recommended motor cable m 1.0 1.5
AWG 16 14
Recommended braking resistor cable mm² 1.0 1.5
AWG 16 14
MODEL SE2D200...
075 110 150 220
Minimum braking resistor value - 50 40 Recommended braking resistor value - 100 75 50 Resistor peak power rating - kW* 1.8 2.4 3.5
Commander SE User Guide 6
Issue Number 8
Table 3.6 Commander SE Size 2, 200VThree phase units
* Seesection 3.1.1. ** For an explanation of inrush current, see section 3.1.2.
Table 3.7 Recommended supply fuses and cables
Table 3.8 Braking resistors
* Based on recommended brakingresistor value.
Before fitting a braking resistor please read the information on Braking, and the Warnings on High Temperatures and Overload Protection at the end of this section.
MODEL SE23200400
AC supply voltage and frequency 3 phase 200 to 240V +/- 10%, 48 to 62Hz Input displacement factor (cos φ) >0.97 Nominal motor power - kW 4 Nominal motor power - hp 5 Output voltage and frequency 3 phase, 0 to input voltage, 0 to 1000Hz 100% RMS output current - A 17.0 150% overload current for 60 secs - A 25.5 Typical full load input current - A* 21 Typical inrush current - A** (duration <10ms) 35 Drive power losses at 230Vac at 6kHz switching
frequency - W 174 Weight - kg/lb 2.75 / 6 Cooling fan fitted Yes
MODEL SE23200400
Recommended input supply fuse - A 32 Control cable m 0.5
AWG 20
Recommended input cable m 4.0
AWG 10
Recommended motor cable m 2.5
AWG 12
Recommended braking resistor cable mm² 2.5
AWG 12
MODEL SE23200400
Minimum braking resistor value - 30 Recommended braking resistor value - 30 Resistor peak power rating - kW* 5.9
7 Commander SE User Guide Issue Number 8
Table 3.9 Commander SE Size 2, 400V Three phase units
* See section 3.1.1. ** For an explanation of inrush current, see section 3.1.2.
Table 3.10 Recommended fuses and cables
Table 3.11 Braking Resistors
* Based on recommended braking resistor value.
Before fitting a braking resistor please read the information on Braking, and the Warnings on High Temperatures and Overload Protection at the end of this section.
MODEL SE23400...
075 110 150 220 300 400
AC supply voltage and frequency 3 phase 380 to 480V +/- 10%, 48 to 62Hz Input displacement factor (cos φ) >0.97 Nominal motor power - kW 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3.0 4.0 Nominal motor power - hp 1.0
2.0 3.0 5.0 Output voltage and frequency 3 phase, 0 to input voltage, 0 to 1000Hz 100% RMS output current - A 2.1 3.0 4.2 5.8 7.6 9.5 150% overload current for 60 secs - A 3.2 4.5 6.3 8.7 11.4 14.3 Typical full load input current - A*400V, 50Hz/480V, 60Hz 3.6 4.8 6.4 9.3 11 14 Typical inrush current - A** (duration <10ms) 90 60 Drive power losses at 480Vac at 6kHz switching
frequency - W 43 57 77 97 122 158 Weight - kg/lb 2.75 / 6 Cooling fan fitted No Yes
MODEL SE23400...
075 110 150 220 300 400
Recommended input supply fuse - A 10 16 20 Control cable mm² 0.5
AWG 20
Recommended input cable mm² 1.0 1.5 2.5
AWG 16 14 12
Recommended motor cable mm² 1.0 1.5
AWG 16 14
Recommended braking resistor cable mm² 1.5
AWG 14
MODEL SE23400...
075 110 150 220 300 400
Minimum braking resistor value - 100 75 Recommended braking resistor value - 200 100 Resistor peak power rating - kW* 3.4 6.9
Commander SE User Guide 8
Issue Number 8
Table 3.12 Commander SE Size 3, 200V units
* Seesection 3.1.1. ** For an explanation of inrush current, see section 3.1.2.
Table3.13 Recommended fuses and cables
*It is recommended that6mm
/ 8AWG cable is used t o minimisevolt drops whencable
lengthgreaterthan 100m are used
Table 3.14 Braking Resistors
* Based on recommended brakingresistor value.
Before fitting a braking resistor please read the information on Braking, and the Warnings on High Temperatures and Overload Protection at the end of this section.
MODEL SE33200...
550 750
AC supply voltage and frequency 3 phase 200 to 240V +/-10%, 48 to 62Hz Input displacement factor (cos φ)>0.97 Nominal motor power - kW 5.5 7.5 Nominal motor power - hp 7.5 10.0 Output voltage and frequency 3 phase, 0 to input voltage, 0 to 1000Hz 100% RMS output current - A 25.0 28.5 150% overload current for 60 secs - A 37.5 42.8 Typical full load input current - A* 22.8 24.6 Typical inrush current - A** (duration <10ms) 44 Drive power losses at 230Vac at 6kHz switching
frequency - W
230 305
Weight - kg/lb 6 / 13.2 Cooling fan fitted Yes
MODEL SE33200...
550 750
Recommended input supply fuse - A 30 Control cable mm² >
AWG 20
Recommended input cable mm² 4.0*
AWG 10*
Recommended motor cable mm² 4.0*
AWG 10*
Recommended braking resistor cable mm² 4.0
AWG 10
MODEL SE33200...
550 750
Minimum braking resistor value - 12.0 Recommended braking resistor value - 15.0 Resistor peak power rating - kW* 11.8
9 Commander SE User Guide Issue Number 8
Table 3.15 Commander SE Size 3, 400V units
* See section 3.1.1. ** For an explanation of inrush current, see section 3.1.2.
Table 3.16 Recommended fuses and cables
Table 3.17 Braking Resistors
* Based on recommended braking resistor value.
Before fitting a braking resistor please read the information on Braking, and the Warnings on High Temperatures and Overload Protection at the end of this section.
MODEL SE33400...
550 750
AC supply voltage and frequency 3 phase 380 to 480V +/-10%, 48 to 62Hz Input displacement factor (cos φ)>0.97 Nominal motor power - kW 5.5 7.5 Nominal motor power - hp 7.5 10.0 Output voltage and frequency 3 phase, 0 to input voltage, 0 to 1000Hz 100% RMS output current - A 13.0 16.5 150% overload current for 60 secs - A 19.5 24.8 Typical full load input current - A* 13.0 15.4 Typical inrush current - A** (duration <10ms) 80 Drive power losses at 480Vac at 6kHz switching
frequency - W
190 270
Weight - kg/lb 6 / 13.2 Cooling fan fitted Yes
MODEL SE33400...
550 750
Recommended input supply fuse - A 16 20 Control cable mm² >
AWG 20
Recommended input cable mm² 2.5
AWG 12
Recommended motor cable mm² 2.5
AWG 12
Recommended braking resistor cable mm² 2.5
AWG 12
MODEL SE33400...
550 750
Minimum braking resistor value - 39.0 Recommended braking resistor value - 50 Resistor peak power rating - kW* 13.8
CommanderSE User Guide 10
Issue Number 8
Table 3.18 Commander SE Size 4, 400V units
* See section 3.1.1. ** For an explanation of inrush current, see section 3.1.2. *** 3kHz for 18.5kW
Table3.19 Recommended fuses and cables
Table 3.20 Braking Resistors
* Based on recommended brakingresistor value.
Before fitting a braking resistor please read the information on Braking, and the Warnings on High Temperatures and Overload Protection at the end of this section.
MODEL SE4340...
1100 1500 1850
AC supply voltage and frequency 3 phase 380 to 480V +/-10%, 48 to 62Hz Input displacement factor (cosφ) >0.97 Nominal motor power - kW 11 15 18.5 Nominal motor power - hp 15 20 25 Output voltage and frequency 3 phase, 0 to input voltage, 0 to 1000Hz 100% RMS output current - A 24.5 30.5 37 150% overload current for 60 secs - A 36.75 45.75 55.5 Typical full load input current - A* 23 27.4 34 Typical inrushcurrent - A** (duration <10ms) 40 Drive power losses at 480Vac at 6kHz***
switching frequency - W
400 495 545
Weight - kg/lb 11/ 24.2 Cooling fan fitted Yes
MODEL SE4340...
1100 1500 1850
Recommended input supply fuse - A 32 40 Control cable mm² >
AWG 20
Recommended input cable mm² 4.0 6.0
AWG 10 8
Recommended motor cable mm² 4.0 6.0
AWG 10 8
Recommended braking resistor cable mm² 6.0
MODEL SE4340...
1100 1500 1850
Minimum braking resistor value - 24 Recommended braking resistor value - 40 30 24 Resistor peak power rating - kW* 17.2 23 28.7
11 Commander SE User Guide Issue Number 8
Table 3.21 Commander SE Size 5 units
* See section 3.1.1. ** For an explanation of inrush current, see section 3.1.2.
Table 3.22 Recommended fuses and cables
Table 3.23 Braking resistors
* Based on recommended braking resistor value.
Before fitting a braking resistor please read the information on Braking, and the Warnings on High Temperatures and Overload Protection at the end of this section.
MODEL SE5340...
2200 3000 3700
AC supply voltage and frequency Three phase 380 - 480V +/- 10% 48 - 62Hz Input displacement factor (cos φ)>0.97 Nominal motor power - kW 22 30 37 Nominal motor power - hp 30 40 50 Output voltage and frequency 3 phase, 0 to input voltage, 0 to 1000Hz 100% RMS output current - A 46 60 70 150% overload current for 60 secs - A 69 90 105 Typical full load input current - A* 40 52 66 Typical inrush current - A** 28 Typical inrush current duration - ms 49 Drive power losses at 480Vac at 3kHz switching
frequency - W
730 950 1090
Weight- kg/lb 22/ 49 Cooling fan fitted Yes
MODEL SE5340...
2200 3000 3700
Recommended input supply fuse - A 60 70 80 Control cable m 0.5
AWG 20
Recommended input cable m 10 16 25
AWG 6 4 4
Recommended motor cable mm² 10 16 25
AWG 6 4 4
Recommended braking resistor cable mm² 10 16 25
AWG 6 4 4
MODEL SE5340...
2200 3000 3700
Minimum braking resistor value - 10 Recommended braking resistor value - 20 12 Resistor peak power rating - kW* 34.5 57.5
CommanderSE User Guide 12
Issue Number 8
Braking R esist ors - High Temperatures Braking resistors can reach high temperatures. Locate braking resistors so that damage cannot result. Use cable having insulation capable of withstanding high temperatures.
Braking R esist ors - Overload Protection It is essential that an overload protection device is incorporated in the braking resistor circuit. This is described in section 5.1.1 Thermal Protection Circuit for an Optional Braking Resistor.
3.1.1 *Input current
The inputcurrentvalues given could be exceeded where the supply faultcurrent is greater than 5kA or the phase voltages are not balanced. In thesecases, input line reactors are recommended. See section 4.4.3 Useoflinereactorson page 26.
3.1.2 **Temperature effects on inrush currents
Due t o the design ofthe inrushcircuit, the inrush currentwill be lower on the firstpower up of the drive after a period of non-use and when the drive is cold. The inrush current will increase when the time between power ups is short and the internal ambient temperature within the drive is high.
3.2 General data
IP Rating
NEMA Enclosure Rating
Size 1: IP20
The Ingress Protection rating is applicable to the drive when the supplied rubber grommetsare fittedinto the gland plate.
Sizes 2, 3 & 4: IP20
The IngressProtectionratingis applicable to t he drivewhen the supplied rubber grommetsare fittedinto the gland plate and the drive is mounted on a solid flat surface.
Size 5: IP00 - Gland plate not fitted
IP10 - Glandplate fitted, cable glandsnot fitted (unused holes covered) IP20 - Glandplate fitted, cable glands fitted(blanking caps covering unused holes)
Size 1: The drive has a NEMA 1 enclosure ratingwhen a suitable
methodof cable entry is used, e.g. conduit
Sizes 2, 3 & 4: ThedrivehasaNEMA1enclosureratingwhenmountedona
solid flat surface and a suitable method of cable entry is used,
e.g. conduit Size 5: ThedrivedoesnothaveaNEMA1enclosurerating. NEMA1isanenclosureconstructedforindoorusetoprovideadegreeofprotectionto
personnel against incidental contact with the enclosed equipment and to providea degree of protection against falling debris.
13 Commander SE User Guide Issue Number 8
If the drive is not mounted as indicated, hazardous live parts will be exposed and the IP Rating or NEMA 1 enclosure rating of the drive will be invalid.
Input phase imbalance:
Phase imbalance not to exceed 2% negative phase sequence
Ambient temperature:
-10°Cto+40°C(14°Fto104°F) at 6kHz switchingfrequency.
-10°Cto+50°C(14°Fto122°F) at 3kHz switchingfrequency with derating on somemodels.
-10°Cto+40°C(14°Fto104°F) at 3kHz switching frequency for SE4, 18.5kW and SE Size 5.
See CommanderSE AdvancedUser Guide for Derating Curves.
Storage temperature: -40°Cto+60°C (-40°Fto140°F) for12 monthsmax Altitude: Reduce the normal full-load current by 1% for every 100m
(325ft) above 1000m (3250ft) to a maximum of 4000m (13000ft).
Humidity: Maximum relativehumidity 95% (non-condensing) Materials: Flammability rating of main enclosure :UL94-5VA (Size 1 to 4)
Flammability rating of main enclosure:UL94-V0 (Size 5) Grommets:UL94-V1
Vibration (random):
Vibration (sinusoidal)
Unpackaged - tested to 0.01g²/Hz (equivalent to 1.2g rms) from 5 to 150Hz for 1 hour in each of 3 axes in accordance with IEC68-2-34 and IEC68-2-36.
Unpackaged - tested from 2-9Hz, 3.5mm displacement; 9- 200Hz 10m/s
acceleration; 200-500Hz, 15m/s2acceleration. Duration - 15 minutes in each of 3 axes. Sweep rate 1 octave/ minute.
Test in accordancewith IEC68-2-6.
Bump: Packaged - tested to 40g, 6ms, 100 times/direction for all 6
direct ions as in IEC68-2-29 Unpackaged - tested to 25g, 6ms, 100 times/direction for all 6
directions in accordance with IEC68-2-29
Frequency accuracy:
Resolution: 0.1Hz Output frequency
Starts per hour: By using the electronic control terminals: Unlimited
By switching of the supply: 20 starts per hour maximum (3 minute intervals between starts)
Power up delay: 1.5 seconds maximum (Allow at least 1 second for Sizes 1 to 4
and 1.5 seconds for Size 5 before monitoring the state of the status relay contacts, communicating with the drive via serial communications etc.)
CommanderSE User Guide 14
Issue Number 8
3.3 RFI Filters
RFI filters are available as optional extra parts where required.
Table 3.24 Commander SE Size 1
Table 3.25 Commander SE Size 2 - 200V, 26A, 1 phase
Table 3.26 Commander SE Size 2 - 200 / 400V, 16A, 3 phase
Table 3.27 Commander SE Size 2 - 200 / 400V, 16A, 3 phase
Serial Communications:
2-wireEIA485 via RJ45 connector ANSI and Modbus RTU protocols supported
Switching Frequencies:
3, 6, and 12 kHz are available with Intelligent Thermal Management software automatically changing the switching frequenciesdepending on load conditions, heatsink temperature and output frequency, to prevent heatsink overtemperature trips.
EMC: EN50082-2 and EN61800-3for immunity
EN50081-1*, EN50081-2 and EN61800-3 first environment, with optional RFI filter. See section 3.3 and section 4.5.
* Size 1 units only.
This is a product of the restricted distribution class according to IEC61800-3. In a domestic environment this product may c ause radio interference in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures.
Used with Filter Part
Filter Type Mounting Max motor
cable length
Standard Low leakage Low cost Footprint Side
SE11200025 to SE11200075
4200-6101 Y Y 20 4200-6102 Y Y Y 75 4200-6103 Y Y Y 15
Used with Filter Part
Filter Type Mounting Max motor
cable length
Standard Low leakage Low cost Footprint Side
SE2D200075 to SE2D200220
4200-6201 Y Y Y 100 4200-6204 Y Y 50 4200-6205 Y Y Y 15
Used with Filter Part
Filter Type Mounting Max motor
cable length
Standard Low leakage Low cost Footprint Side
SE2D200075 to SE2D200220
4200-6202 Y Y Y 100 4200-6304 Y Y 15 4200-6207 Y Y Y 45
Used with Filter Part
Filter Type Mounting Max motor
cable length
Standard Low leakage Low cost Footprint Side
SE23400075 to SE23400400
4200-6202 Y Y Y 100 4200-6304 Y Y 15 4200-6207 Y Y Y 20
15 Commander SE User Guide Issue Number 8
Table 3.28 Commander SE Size 2 - 200V, 26A, 3 phase
Table 3.29 Commander SE Size 3 - 200V, 30A
Table 3.30 Commander SE Size 3 - 400V, 17A
Table 3.31 Commander SE Size 4
Table 3.32 Commander SE Size 5
For complete EMC information, r efer to section 4.5 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) on page 27.
Used with Filter Part
Filter Type Mounting Max motor
cable length
Standard Low leakage Low cost Footprint Side
4200-6203 Y Y Y 100 4200-6303 Y Y 20 4200-6209 Y Y Y 45
Used with Filter Part
Filter Type Mounting Max motor
cable length
Standard Low cost Footprint Side
SE33200550 to SE33200750
4200-6302 Y Y Y 100 4200-6303 Y Y 15
Used with Filter Part
Filter Type Mounting Max motor
cable length
Standard Low cost Footprint Side
SE33400550 to SE33400750
4200-6301 Y Y Y 100 4200-6304 Y Y 15
Used with Filter Part
Filter Type Mounting Max motor
cable length
Standard Low cost Footprint Side
SE43401100 to SE43401500
4200-6401 Y Y Y 100 4200-6402 Y Y 15
4200-6403 Y Y Y 100 4200-6404 Y Y 20
Used with Filter PartNoFilter Type Mounting Max motor
cable length
Standard Bookcase
SE53402200 4200-6116 Y Y 100 SE53403000 4200-6117 Y Y 100 SE53403700 4200-6106 Y Y 100
CommanderSE User Guide 16
Issue Number 8
4 Installing the drive
4.1 Safety information
Follow the instructions The mechanical and electrical installation instructions must be adhered to. Any
questions or doubt should be referred to the supplier of the equipment. It is the responsibility of the owner or user to ensure that the installation of the drive and any external option unit, and the way in which they are operated and maintained, comply with the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act in the United Kingdom or applicable legislation and regulations and codes of practice in the country in which the equipment is used.
Competence of the installer The drive must be installed by professional assemblerswho are familiarwiththe
requirements for safety and EMC. The assembler is responsible for ensuring that the end product or system complies with all the relevant laws in the country where it is to be used.
4.2 Planning the installation
The following considerations must be made when planningthe installation:
Access must be restricted to authorised personnel only. Safety regulations which apply at the place of use must be complied with. If it is a requirement that authorised personnel manually adjust drive settings while power is applied, t hen the drive itself must meet the requirements of IP20. See section 3.2 General data on page 12 for details.
Environmental protection
The drive must be protected from:
moisture, including dripping water or spraying water and condensation. An anti- condensation heatermay be required, whichmust be switchedoff whenthe driveis running.
contamination with electrically conductive material
temperature beyond the specified operating and storage ranges
The heat produced by the drive must be removedwithoutits specified operating temperature being exceeded. Note that a sealed enclosure gives much reduced cooling compared with a ventilated one, and may need to be larger and/or use internal air circulating fans. For further information on enclosure design, please refer to the
Commander SE Advanced User Guide.
Electrical safety
The installation must be safe under normal and fault conditions. Electrical installation instructions are given later in thischapter.
Fire protection
The drive enclosure is not classified as a fire enclosure. A separate fire enclosure must be provided.
Electromagnetic compatibility
Variable speed drives are powerful electronic circuits which can cause electromagnetic interference if not installed correctly with careful attention to the layout of the wiring.
Some simple routine precautions can prevent disturbance to typical industrial control
17 Commander SE User Guide Issue Number 8
equipment. If it is necessary to meet strictemission limits, or if it is knownthat electromagnetically
sensitive equipment is located nearby, then full precautions must be observed. These willinclude the use of RFI filters at the drive i nputs, which must be locatedvery close to the drives. Space must be made available for the filters and allowance made for carefully segregated wiring. Both levels of precautions are given further on in this chapter.
Hazardous areas
The drive must not be located in a classified hazardous areas unless it is installed in an approved enclosure and the installation is certified.
4.3 Mechanical installation
4.3.1 Drive and Mounting Dimensions
Figure 4.1 Size 1 to 4 Drive and mounting dimensions
Commander SE Size 1 & 2 4xM4holesinheatsink
Commander SE Size 3 & 4 4xM5holesinheatsink
Drive A B C D E F G
Size mm in mm in mm in mm in mm in mm in mm in
1 191
2 280
3 336
4 412
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