The manufacturer accepts noliability for any consequences resulting from
inappropriate, negligent or incorrect installation or adjustment of theoptional
operating parametersofthe equipment or from mismatchingthe variablespeed
drive (Drive)with the motor.
The contentsof thisUser Guideare believedto be correct at the t ime of printing.
In the interestsof a commitmentto a policy of continuousdevelopment and
improvement, the manufacturer reserves the right to change the specification of
the product or its performance, or the contents of the UserGuide, without notice.
All rightsreserved. No parts ofthis UserGuide maybe reproduced or transmitted
in any form or by any means, electrical or mechanical including photocopying,
recording or by an informationstorage or retrievalsystem, without permission in
writing from the publisher.
Drive software version
This product is supplied with the latest version of user-interface and machine
control software. Ifthis product isto beused in a new or existingsystem withother
Commander SE Drives, there may be some differences between their software
and the software in this product. These differences may causethis productto
function differently. Thismay also a pply to Drives returned from a Control
Techniques Service Centre.
If there is any doubt, contact a Control Techniques Drive Centre.
The AC variable speed drive products listed above, have been designed and
manufactured in accordancewith the following European harmonised,national
and international standards:
IEC326-6Printed boards: specification for multilayerprinted boards
EN60529Degrees of protection provided by enclosures(IP code)
UL94Flammability rating of plasticmaterials
UL508CStandard for power conversion equipment
EN50081-2Generic emission standard forthe industrial envi ronment
EN50082-2Generic immunity standardfor the industrial envir onment
*Applies to Size 1 units only.
Printed boards: specification for single- anddouble-sided printed boards
with plated-throughholes
Insulation co-ordinationfor equipment within low-voltage systems:
principles, requirements and tests
Generic emission standardfor the residential, commercialand light
industrial environment
Adjustable speed electricalpower drive sy stems - Part 3: EMC produc t
standard including specific test methods
These products comply with the Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC, the
Electromagnetic Compatibility(EMC) Directive 89/336/EEC and the CE Marking
Directive 93/68/EEC.
These electronic Drive products are intended to be used with appropriate
motors, controllers, electrical protection components and other equipment
to formcompleteend productsor systems. Compliance with safetyand EMC
regulations depends upon installing and configuring Drives correctly,
includingusing thespecified input filters. TheDrives must beinstalled only
by professional assemblers who are familiar with requirements for safety
and EMC. Theassembler is responsible forensuringthat theend product or
system complies with all the relevant laws in the country where it is to be
used.Refer to this User Guide. A Commander SE EMC Data Sheet is also
available giving detailed EMC information.
W. Drury
Executive VP Technology
Date: 8th March 2000
Commander SE User Guide
Issue Number 51
Addendum: Spinning motor software
to the use of spinning motor software,parameter33 (parameter 6.09 in
The firstissue appears both in open loop vectorcontrol (as default)and fixed
boost mode. A conditionoccurs whenthe Drive's software releases the motor
from spinningmotor control back to normal control. This issue is more
pronounced on Commander SE sizes 3 and 4 but is present to a lesser extent
on CommanderSEsizes 1 and 2. Itis notbelievedthatthisissuewillcause any
field problems.
The secondissue relates to the operation of the spinningmotor software while
infixedboostmode,parameter5.14 setto mode2. (Note that Fixed boostmode
can only be selected from the advanced parameters throughserial
communications). The problem occurs if the motorto be 'caught' is rotating in
the reversedirection. While attempting to 'catch' the motor, theDrive will tripon
OI.AC. If the motor to be 'caught' is rotating in the forward direction or at
standstill, thisproblem will not occur. Also, if the Drive is set up in open loop
vectormode (as default) this problem will not occur.
Commander SE User Guide
1Safety Information
1.1Warnings, Cautions and notes
A Warning contains information which is essential for avoiding a safety hazard.
Caution contains information which isnecessary for avoiding a risk of damage to
1.2Electrical safety - general warning
1.3System design and safety of personnel
the product or other equipment.
Note contains information which helps to ensure correct operation of the product.
The voltages used in the Drive can cause severe electricalshock and/orburns, and
couldbe lethal. Extreme care is necessaryat alltimes when workingwithor adjacent
to the Drive.
Specific warnings are given at the relevant places in this User Guide.
The Driveis intendedas a componentfor professional incorporation into complete
equipmentor a system. Ifinstalledincorrectly,theDrivemaypresentasafetyhazard.
The Drive uses high voltage and currents, carries a high level of stored electrical
energy,and is used to control equipment which can cause injury.
Close attention is required to the electrical installation andthe system designto avoid
hazards,either in normal operationor in the eventof equipment malfunction. System
who have the necessary training and experience. They must read this safety
information and this User Guide carefully.
The STOP function of the Drive does notremove dangerous voltages from the output
of the Drive or from any external option unit.
Carefulconsiderationmust be givento the functionsof t he Drive which might resultin
a hazard, either throughtheir intendedfunctions or throughincorrect operationdue to
In any application where a malfunction of the Drive could lead to damage, loss or
injury,a risk analysismust be carried out, and where necessary,further measures
The STOPand STARTcontrols or electrical inputs of the Drivemust notbe relied
upon to ensure safety of personnel. If a safety hazard could exist from
unexpected startingof t he Drive, an interlock that electricallyisolatesthe Drive
from the AC supply must be installed to prevent the motor being inadvertently
To ensuremechanical safety, additionalsafety devices suchas electro-mechanical
interlocks and overspeed protection devices may be required. TheDrive must not be
used in a safety critical applicationwithout additional high integrity protection against
hazards arising from a malfunction.
Undercertain conditions, the Drivecan suddenlydiscontinue control of the motor.If
the load on the motor couldcausethe motor speed to be increased( hoistsand
Commander SE User Guide
Issue Number 53
cranes),a separatemethod of brakingand stopping must be used(e.g. a mechanical
1.4Environmental limits
Instructions in thisUser Guideregarding transport, storage, installation and use of the
Drivemustbecompliedwith,includingthespecifiedenvironmentallimits. Drivesmust
not be subjected to excessive physical f orce.
1.5Compliance with regulations
The installeris responsible for complyingwith all relevantregulations, such as national
wiring regulations, accident preventionregulationsand electromagnetic compatibility
(EMC) regulations. Particular attention must be given to the cross-sectional areas of
conductors, the selectionof fuses or other protection, and protectiveearth (ground)
This UserGuide contains instruction for achieving compliance with specificEMC
Within the European Union, all machinery in which this product is used must comply
with the following directives:
•97/37/EC: Safety of machinery.
•89/336/EEC: Electromagnetic Compatibility.
Ensure the motorisinstalled in accordance withthe manufacturer’srecommendations.
Ensure the motor shaft is not exposed.
Standard squirrel cage induction motors are designedforsingle speed operation. Ifit
is intended to use the capabilityof the Drive to run a motor at speedsabove its
designed maximum,it is strongly recommended that the manufacturer is consulted
Low speeds may causethe motor to overheatbecausethe cooling fan becomes less
effective. The motor should be fitted with a protection thermistor. If necessary, an
electric forced vent fan should be used.
1.7Adjusting parameters
Some parameters havea profoundeffect on the operation ofthe Drive. Theymust not
be altered without careful consideration of the impact on the controlled system.
Measures must be taken to prevent unwanted changes due to error or tampering.
Commander SE User Guide
The following options are available for Commander SE;
•Universal Keypad, IP65, hand held or door mounting plain text, LCD display
•+10V to -10V analog input card for bi-directional input reference (SE51)
•Cablescreeningbracket and screeningclamps to providea convenientway of
connecting supply, motor and control cable screensto ground (SE11, 12, 13 &
•EMC Data Sheets
•Through hole mounting plate drawings to allowheatsink to be put outside main
•EIA232 to EIA485 (2 wire) converter for connecting between the Drive and PC
when using SE Soft(SE71 Communications lead)
•Fieldbus Communications:
•Commander S E Advanced User Guide: (See Chapter 10 of this User Guide for a
list of advanced functions).
•AC inputline reactors
•Braking resistors and mounting plate
For further details on the above options and availability, contact your local Control
Techniques DriveCentre or Distributor.
™ based set-upsoftwarefor advancedprogramming
Profibus DP (SE73)
Device Net (SE77)
CAN Open (SE77)
Interbus (SE74)
CT Net (SE75)
Commander SE User Guide
Issue Number 55
3.1Power dependant rating data
Model code explanation
SE1 -framesize1,SE2 -framesize2,SE3 - frame size 3,
SE4 -framesize4.
1 - single phase,D - Dual rating (single and three phase), 3 - three phase
2-230VAC nominalinput voltage, 4 - 400VAC nominal input voltage
00 - for expansionof Drive powerrange
025 to 1500 -0.25kWto15kWoutputpower
Table 3.1 CommanderSE Size 1
AC supply voltage andfrequencySingle phase 200 - 240V +/- 10% 48 - 62Hz
Input displacement factor (cosφ)>0.97
Nominal motor power - kW0.250.370.550.75
Nominal motor power - HP
Output voltage and frequency3 phase, 0 to input voltage,0 to 1000Hz
100% RMS output current - A1.
150% overload current for 60 secs- A2.
Typical full loadinput current - A*
Typical inrush current - A** (duration <10ms)100
Drive power losses at 230VAC at 6kHz switching
frequency - W18243756
Weight - kg/lb1.1/2.41.25/2.75
Cooling fan fittedNo
* See section 3.1.1.
** For an explanation of inrush current, see section 3.1.2.
Table 3.2 Recommended supply f uses and cables
Recommended input supply fuse - A61016
Control cablemm²≥ 0.5
Recommended input cablemm²1.01.5
Recommendedmotor cablemm²1.0
Commander SE User Guide
Table 3.3 Commander SE Size 2, 200V dual rated units
AC supply voltage andfrequencySingle or 3 phase 200 to 240V +/- 10%, 48to 62Hz
Input displacement factor (cosφ)>0.97
Nominal motor power - kW0.751.11.52.2
Nominal motor power - HP1.0
Output voltage and frequency3 phase, 0 to input voltage, 0 to 1000Hz
100% RMS output current - A4.35.87.510.0
150% overload current for 60 secs- A6.58.711.315.9
Typical full loadinput current - A* 1ph/3ph11.0 5.5 15.1 7.9 19.3 9.6 26.2 13.1
Typical inrush current - A**(duration <10ms)5535
Drive power losses at 230VAC at 6kHz switching
frequency - W546988125
Weight - kg/lb2.75 / 6
Cooling fan fittedNoYes
* See section 3.1.1.
** For an explanationof inrush current, see section 3 .1.2.
Table 3.4 Recommended supply fuses and cables
Recommended input supply fuse - A1610201625163220
Control cablemm²≥ 0.5
Minimum braking resistor value - Ω5040
Recommended brakingresistor value - Ω1007550
Maximum braking current- A911
Resistor peak power rating - kW1.82.43.5
Before fitting a braking resistor please read the information on Braking, and
the Warnings on High Temperatures and Overload Protectionat the end of
this section.
Commander SE User Guide
Issue Number 57
Table 3.6 CommanderSE Size 2, 200V Three phase units
AC supply voltage andfrequency3 phase 200 to 240V +/- 10%,48 to 62Hz
Input displacement factor (c osφ)>0.97
Nominal motor power - kW4
Nominal motor power - HP5
Output voltage and frequency3 phase,0 to input voltage, 0 to 1000Hz
100% RMS output current - A17.0
150% overload current for 60 secs- A25.5
Typical ful lload input current- A*21
Typical inrush current - A** (duration <10ms)35
Drive power losses at 230VAC at 6kHz switching
frequency - W174
Weight - kg/lb2.75 / 6
Cooling fan fittedYes
* See section 3.1.1.
** For an explanation of inrush current, see section 3.1.2.
Table 3.7 Recommended supply f uses and cables
Recommended input supply fuse - A32
Control cablemm²≥ 0.5
Recommended input cablemm²4.0
Recommended motor cablemm²2.5
Recommended braking resistor cablemm²2.5
Table 3.8 Braking resistors
Minimum braking resistor value - Ω30
Recommended brakingresistor value - Ω30
Maximum braking current- A14
Resistor peak power rating - kW5.9
Before fittinga braking resistor please read the information on Braking, and
the Warnings on HighTemperaturesand Overload Protection at the end of
this section.
Commander SE User Guide
Table 3.9 Commander SE Size 2, 400V Three phase units
AC supply voltage andfrequency3 phase 380 to 480V +/- 10%, 48 to 62Hz
Input displacement fac tor(cos φ)>0.97
Nominal motor power - kW0.751.
Nominal motor power - HP1.0
Output voltage and frequency3phase, 0 to input voltage, 0 to 1000Hz
100% RMS output current - A2.
150% overload current for 60 secs - A3.
Typical full loadinput current - A*400V, 50Hz/480V, 60Hz3.
Typical inrush current - A** (duration <10ms)9060
Drive power losses at 480VAC at 6kHz switching
frequency - W43577797122158
Weight - kg/lb2.75 / 6
Cooling fan fittedNoYes
* See section 3.1.1.
** For an explanationof inrush current, see section 3 .1.2.
Table 3.10 Recommended fuses and cables
Recommended inputsupply fuse - A101620
Control cablemm²≥ 0.5
Recommended inputcablemm²1.01.52.5
Recommended motor cablemm²1.01.5
Recommended brak ingresistor cablemm²1.5
Table 3.11 Braking Resistors
Minimum braking res istor value - Ω10075
Recommended brak ingresistor value - Ω200100
Maximum braking current - A1012.5
Resistor peak power rating - kW3.46.9
Before fitting a braking resistor please read the information on Braking, and
the Warnings on High Temperatures and Overload Protectionat the end of
this section.
Commander SE User Guide
Issue Number 59
Table 3.12 CommanderSE Size 3, 200V units
AC supply voltage andfrequency3 phase 200 to 240V +/-10%,48 to 62Hz
Input displacement factor (c osφ)>0.97
Nominal motor power - kW5.57.5
Nominal motor power - HP7.510.0
Output voltage and frequency3 phase, 0 to input voltage, 0 to 1000Hz
100% RMS output current - A25.028.5
150% overload current for 60 secs- A37.542.8
Typical full loadinput current - A*22.824.6
Typical inrush current - A** (duration <10ms)44
Drive power losses at 230VAC at 6kHz switching
frequency - W
Weight - kg/lb6 / 13.2
Cooling fan fittedYes
* See section 3.1.1.
** For an explanation of inrush current, see section 3.1.2.
Minimum braking resistor value - Ω11.0
Recommended brakingresistor value - Ω15.0
Maximum braking current - A28.0
Resistor peak power rating - kW11.8
Before fittinga braking resistor please read the information on Braking, and
the Warnings on HighTemperaturesand Overload Protection at the end of
this section.
Commander SE User Guide
10Issue Number5
Table 3.15 Commander SE Size 3,400V units
AC supply voltage and frequency3 phase 380 to 480V +/-10%, 48 to 62Hz
Input displacementfactor (cos φ)>0.97
Nominal motor power - kW5.57.5
Nominal motor power - HP7 .510.0
Output voltage and frequency3 phase, 0 to input voltage, 0 to 1000Hz
100% RMS output current - A13.016.5
150% overload current for 60 secs - A19.524.8
Typical fullload input current - A*13.015.4
Typical inrush current - A**(duration <10ms)80
Drive power losses at480VAC at 6kHz switching
frequency - W
Weight - kg/lb6 / 13.2
Cooling fan fittedYes
* See section 3.1.1.
** For an explanationof inrush current, see section 3 .1.2.
Table 3.16 Recommended fuses and cables
Recommended inputsupply fuse - A1620
Control cablemm²>
Recommended inputcablemm²2.5
Recommended motor cablemm²2.5
Recommended braking resistor cablemm²2.5
Table 3.17 Braking Resistors
Minimum braking resistor value - Ω33.0
Recommended braking resistor value - Ω50
Maximum braking current - A16.6
Resistor peak power rating - kW13.8
Before fitting a braking resistor please read the information on Braking, and
the Warnings on High Temperatures and Overload Protectionat the end of
this section.
Commander SE User Guide
Issue Number 511
Table 3.18 CommanderSE Size 4, 400V units
AC supply voltage andfrequency3 phase 380 to 480V +/-10%,48 to 62Hz
Input displacement factor (c osφ)>0.97
Nominal motor power - kW1115
Nominal motor power - HP1520
Output voltage and frequency3 phase, 0 to input voltage, 0 to 1000Hz
100% RMS output current - A24.530.5
150% overload current for 60 secs- A36.7545.75
Typical full loadinput current - A*2327.4
Typical inrush current - A** (duration <10ms)40
Drive power losses at 480VAC at 6kHz switching
frequency - W
Weight - kg/lb11 / 24.2
Cooling fan fittedYes
* See section 3.1.1.
** For an explanation of inrush current, see section 3.1.2.
Table 3.19 Recommended fuses and cables
Recommended input supply fuse - A3240
Control cablemm²>
Recommended input cablemm²4.0
Recommended motor cablemm²4.06.0
Recommended brakingresistor cablemm²6.0
Table 3.20 Braking Resistors
Minimum braking resistor value - Ω27
Recommended brakingresistor value - Ω4030
Maximum braking current- A30
Resistor peak power rating - kW25.5
Before fittinga braking resistor please read the information on Braking, and
the Warnings on HighTemperaturesand Overload Protection at the end of
this section.
Commander SE User Guide
12Issue Number5
Braking Resistors - High Temperatures
Braking resistors can reach high temperatures. Locatebraking resistors so
that damage cannot result. Use cable having insulation capable of
withstanding high temperatures.
Braking Resistors - Overload Protection
It is essential that an overload protection device is incorporated in the
braking resistor circuit. This is described in section 5.1.1 ThermalProtection Circuit for an Optional Braking Resistor.
3.1.1 * Input current
The input current values given could be exceeded where the supply fault current is
greater than 5kA or the phase voltages are not balanced. In thesecases, input line
reactors are recommended. See section 4.4.3.
3.1.2 **Temperature effects on inrush currents
Due to the design of the inrushcircuit,the inrushcurrentwill be loweron thefirst power
upof the Drive aftera periodofnon-useandwhentheDriveiscold.Theinrushcurrent
will increase when the time between power ups is short and the internal ambient
temperature within the Drive is high.
3.2General data
IP Rating.
The IngressProtectionrating is applicableto theDrive
when the suppliedrubber grommetsare fitted into the
Sizes 2, 3 & 4:
The IngressProtectionrating is applicableto theDrive
when the suppliedrubber grommetsare fitted into the
If the Drive is not mounted in this way, hazardouslive parts will be exposed
and the IP Rating of the Drive willbe invalid.
Input phase
Phase imbalance not to exceed 2% negative phase
Ambient temperature: -10°Cto+40°C(14°Fto104°F) at 6kHz switching
-10°Cto+50°C(14°Fto122°F) at 3kHz switching
frequency with derating. SeeCommanderSEAdvanced User Guide for DeratingCurves.
Storage temperature: -40°Cto+60°C (-40°Fto140°F) for 12 months
Altitude:Reduce the normal full-load currentby 1% for every
100m (325ft) above 1000m (3250ft)to a maximum of
Commander SE User Guide
Issue Number 513
Humidity:Maximum relative humidity 95% (non-condensing)
Materials:Flammability rating of main enclosure:UL94-5VA
Vibration (random):
Vibration (sinusoidal)
Bump:Packaged - tested to 40g, 6ms, 100 times/directionfor
Frequency accuracy: 0.01%
Output frequency
Starts per hour:By using the electronic control terminals: Unlimited
Power up delay:1 second maximum (Allow at least 1 second before
EMC:EN50082-2and EN61800-3 for immunity
Unpackaged - tested to 0.01g²/Hz (equivalentto 1.2g
accordance with IEC68-2-34and IEC68-2-36.
Unpackaged - tested from2-9Hz, 3.5mmdisplacement;
acceleration. Duration- 15 minutes in each of 3 axes.
Sweep rate 1 octave/minute.
Test in accordancewith IEC68-2-6.
all 6 directions as in IEC68-2-29
Unpackaged - tested to 25g, 6ms, 100 times/direction
for all 6 directions in accordancewith IEC68-2-29
By switching of the supply: 20 starts perhour maximum
(3 minute intervals between starts)
monitoring the state of the status relay contacts,
communicating with the Drivevia serial
ANSI 2-wire EIA485 protocol via RJ45 connector
3, 6, and 12 kHzare available with Intelligent Thermal
Management software automaticallychangingthe
switching frequencies depending on load conditions,
heatsink temperature and output frequency, to prevent
heatsink overtemperature trips.
EN61800-3 second environment, withoutRFI filter
EN50081-1*, EN50081-2 and EN61800-3 first
environment,with optionalRFI filter.See sections3.3
and 4.5.
* Size 1 units only.
acceleration; 200-500Hz, 15m/s
3.3R FI Filters
RFI f ilters are availableas optionalextra partswhere required.
For compliance with EN61800-3 in the second environment, no filter is
For complete EMC information, refer to Section 4.5 Electromagnetic compatibility
Commander SE User Guide
16Issue Number5
4Installing the Drive
4.1Safety information
Follow the instructions
The mechanical and electrical installation instructions must be adhered to.
4.2Planning the installation
Any questions or doubt should be referred to thesupplierof the equipment.
It is the responsibility of the owner or user to ensure that the installation of
the Drive and any external option unit, and the way in which they are
operated and maintained, comply with the requirements of the Health and
Safety at Work Act in the United Kingdom or applicable legislation and
regulations and codes of practice in the country in which the equipment is
Competence of the installer
The Drive must be installed by professional assemblers who are familiar
with the requirements for safetyand EMC. The assembler is responsible for
ensuring that the end product or system complies with all the relevant laws
The following considerations must bemade when planning the installation:
Access must be restricted to authorised personnel only. Safety regulations which
apply at the place of use must be complied with.
Environmental protection
The Drive must be protectedfrom:
•moisture, including dripping water or spraying water and condensation. An anticondensationheatermay be required, which must be switchedoff when the Drive
is r unning.
•contamination with electrically conductive material
•temperature beyond the specified operating and storage ranges
The heat produced by the Drive mustbe removed without its specified operating
temperature being exceeded. Note that a sealed enclosure gives much reduced
air circulatingfans. For furtherinformation on enclosure design, pleaserefer to the
Commander SE Advanced User Guide.
Electrical safety
The installationmust besafe undernormaland fault conditions. Electricalinstallation
instructions are given later in thischapter.
Fire protection
The Drive enclosureis not classified as a fire enclosure. A separate fire enclosure
must be provided.
Electromagnetic compatibility
Variable speed Drives are powerful electronic circuits which can cause
electromagneticinterferenceif not installed correctlywith careful attentionto the layout
of the wiring.
Some simple routine precautions canprevent disturbance to typical industrial control
Commander SE User Guide
Issue Number 517
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