Persons supervising an d performing the electric al installation or maintenanc e of a
Drive and/or an exter nal Option Unit mus t be suitably qualified and c ompetent in
these d uties. T hey should be given t he opport unity to s tudy and i f necess ary to
discuss this User Guide before work is started.
The volt ages pr es ent in the Dr ive an d ext ern al Opt ion U nits are cap able of i nflic ting
a severe electric shock and may be lethal. The Stop function of the Drive does not
remove dangerous voltages from the terminals of the Drive and exter nal Option
Unit. Mains supplies should be removed before a n y se r vicing work is performed.
The inst allation ins tructi ons should b e adhered t o. Any questi ons or doubt s hould
be referred to the supplier of the equipment. It is the responsibility of the owner or
user to ens ure that th e installation of the Drive and external O ption Unit, and the
way in whic h they are op erated and maintain ed complies with the req uirements of
the Healt h an d Saf ety at W ork Act i n the U nit ed Ki ngd om and applicable l egis lati on
and regul ati ons an d c od es of pr act ice in the UK or elsewh ere.
The Drive software may incorporate an optional Auto-start facility. In order to
prevent the risk of injury to personnel working on or near th e motor or its driven
equipm ent and to prevent pot ential dam age to equipm ent, users and oper ators, all
necess ar y precauti ons m us t be tak en if operating t h e Dr i ve in th is m o d e.
The Stop and Start inputs of t he Drive should n ot b e r elied upon to ensure safety of
personn el. If a safety haz ard coul d exist from une xpect ed st arting of th e Drive, an
interlock should be in stalled to pre vent the motor be ing inadverte ntly started.
The manufacturer accepts no liability for any consequences resulting from
inappropriate, negligent or incorrect installation or adjustment of the optional
operating parameters of the equipment or from mismatching the Drive with the
The contents of this User Guide are believed to be correct at the time of printing. In
the interests of a commitment to a policy of continuous development and
improv em en t, the m an ufacturer res erves th e right to chan g e the sp ec if ic ation of th e
product or its performance, or the contents of the User Guide, without notice.
All rights reserved. No part of this User Guide may be reproduced or transmitted in
any form or by any means, electrical or mechanical including photocopying,
recordin g or by any inform ation storage or retri eval syst em, without permissi on in
writing f r om th e pu blisher.
5.6.2 Saving UD70 Parameters (Menu 20 and Internal) 4
5.7 Mapping Conflicts 4
5.7.1 Control Word Mapping Conflicts 4
5.8 Fieldbus Control Word for Unidrive 4
5.9 Fieldbus Status Word for Unidrive 4
5.10 Disabling Cyclic Data Channels 4
6 Non Cyclic Data 4
6.1 CT Single Word Format 4
6.1.1 Reading p arameters us in g M ode 1 4
6.1.2 Writin g parame ters using Mode 1 4
6.2 Profibus-DP Set-up using Non-Cyclic Data 4
7 GSD Files 4
7.1 What are GSD Fil es? 4
7.2 Unidrive GSD File 4
7.3 Data Consistency 4
7.4 Profibus-DP Data Formats 4
8 Diagnostics 4
8.1 Fieldbus Code 4
8.2 Firmware Version 4
8.3 System File Version 4
8.4 Node Address 4
8.5 Network Data Rate 4
8.6 Network Status 4
8.7 No Da ta Transfer 4
8.8 Unidrive Trip Codes 4
9 Advanced Featu res 4
9.1 Network Loss Trip 4
9.2 Unidrive Sequencing Mode 3 4
9.3 Drive Reset Using The Profibus-DP Network 4
9.3.1 Reset Without DPL Code 4
9.3.2 Reset U sing CT Mode Non-Cycl ic Communications 4
9.3.3 Reset Using DPL Code 4
9.4 Non-Cyclic Parameter Store 4
9.5 Endian Format 4
9.6 EVENT Task Trigger on UD70 4
9.7 Multi-Master Networks 4
10 Quick R eference 4
10.1 Complete Parameter Reference 4
10.2 Profibus-DP Data Formats 4
10.3 Fieldbus Control Word 4
10.4 Fieldbus Status Word 4
10.5 Unidrive Trip Codes 4
1 Introduction
Unidrive paramet ers are denoted i n this ma nual by “ #MM .PP”, where
MM refers to the menu number, and PP refers to the parameter
number wi thi n that menu. Plea se ref er to t he Un idri ve Ad vanc ed User
Guide for a ful l list of parameter de f init ions.
1.1 Profibus-DP Interface for Unidrive
The Unidr ive Profibus-DP interface is s upplied as an option module,
with th e Prof ibus-DP usi ng a UD70 as th e host. The UD 70 does n ot
lose any functionality when the Profibus-DP interface is fitted. The
fastest data rate currently supported is 1.5 Mbits/sec.
The Unidr ive sup plies all p ower requ irem ents for th e Unidri ve Profi busDP interface. There is no provision for a back-up +24V power supply.
1.2 Product Conformance Certification
The Unidr ive Profibus-DP interf ace (wit h V2.05.00 fir mware, V2.08.00
system file and V5.0 GSD file) was submitted to the PROFIBUS
Nutzer organis ation f or c onfor mance t estin g. All tests wer e succ essf ul,
and the PROFIBUS Nutzerorganisation awarded full Profibus
Conformance Certification. (Profibus Certificate No. Z00600)
Unidrive Profibus-DP interfaces fitted with V2.04.00 firmware or earlier
do NOT have Product Conformance Certification.
1.3 Overview Specification
• Auto slave configuration of data format and data consistency
during Profibus-DP network initialisation.
• Supported data rates (bits/sec): 1.5M, 500k, 187.5k, 93.75k, 19.2k,
• Three 16 bit input/output words, all can be mapped to or from
Unidrive parameters
• CT Single Word Format non-cyclic data channel
Issue Number: 3 5
2 Mechanical Installation
The Unidrive must be disconnected from the mains supply
before installing or removing an option module.
2.1 Unidrive
1. Slide the option modu l e int o th e Uni dr i ve.
2. Push the opt ion modul e int o th e Uni dr i ve u ntil it clicks into place.
6 Issue Number: 3
3 Electrical Installation
3.1 Profibus-DP Connectors
The Unidr ive Profib us-DP interf ace has two 9-way D-typ e sock ets (A
and B) to c onn ec t to t h e Profib us - DP network. Connectors C and D are
the RS232 programming port (C) and RS485 general-purpose
communications port ( D) of the UD 70.
The Profibus-DP connectors are parallel connectors, so either
connect or can be used. The pin - out conn ections are identic al, an d are
given in the table below.
Terminal Function Description
8 A Negative data Line
3 B Positive data Line
5 0V ISO 0V Isolated
6 VDC +5V line for termination resistors
Shell Screen Cable braided screen connection
3.2 Profibus-DP Data Connections
Specific ally desig ned connect ors are avail able for use on P rofibus-D P
networks that accept 2 Profibus-DP cables into colour-coded screw
termin als, and plug dir ectl y into a 9-way P rofibus -DP D-t ype con nect or.
A screen c lamp is also incl uded to ens ure good s creen c ontinuit y and
provide the best possible immunity to noise. Control Techniques
recomm ends that a sui table conn ector should be used to con nect the
Unidrive Profibus-DP interface to a Profibus-DP network.
Details of manuf actur ers of c onnect ors appr oved f or use wit h Profi busDP can be found on the Profibus web site at ““.
Issue Number: 3 7
3.2.1 ERNI Connector
The ERbic range of fieldbus connectors from ERNI includes a
Profibus-DP connector with a vertical cable outlet (Part No. 103658)
that is suitabl e for us e with the Unidrive Profibus-DP interf ace. T his
connect or allows 2 c abl es t o be c onn ect ed t o th e s ame c onn ector , an d
does not br eak t he netw ork if disconn ected f rom th e Unidri ve Profi busDP interf ace. Further details are avai lable fr om the ERNI web sit e at
The ERNI c onnector can only be fitt ed to D-type c onnect or A on the
Unidrive Profibus-DP interface, as shown in the diagram below.
ERNI ER bi c P r of ib us
Connector with vertical
cabl e outlet
Part N o: 103658
Cable S c reen
A termination connector is also available with the appropriate
termin ation r esis tors fitt ed ins id e the connec t or. Refer to secti on 3. 5 for
further details.
8 Issue Number: 3
3.2.2 Siemens Connector
Another suitable Profibus-DP connector for use with Unidrive is
avail able from S iem ens. (P art No. 6G K1 50 0 0EA0 2.) This conn ector
has a s witc h th at c an enab le of dis abl e th e int ern al t ermi nati on r esis tor
network. When termination is enabled, the outgoing bus is isolated.
This connector allows 2 cables to be connected to the same connector,
and does not break the network if disconnected from the Unidrive
Profib us-DP int erfac e. Furth er details are avai lable f rom the Siemens
web site at “ em”.
The Siemens connector can be fitted to either Profibus-DP D-type
connector (A or B) on the Unidrive Profibus-DP interface.
Siemens RS485
Profibus Connector
Part N o: 6GK1 500 0EA02
Cable S c reen Cl am p
Issue Number: 3 9
3.3 Profibus-DP Cable
Profib us-DP cable h as a sing le twist ed pair plus overall s c reening. The
data wires are usually red and green, and should be connected as
shown in the table below.
Cable Data
Green A 8 Negative data line
Profibus-DP networks (like most fieldbus systems) run at high data
rates, and consequently require cable specifically designed to carry
high frequency si gn als. Low quality cable will attenuate t h e signals, and
may render the signal unreadable for the other nodes on the network.
Cable spec ifications and a complete list of appr oved manuf actur ers of
equipm ent for us e on Pr ofi bus-D P net works is avai lab le on the Pr ofi bus
web site at “”.
Control Techni ques can on ly guarante e correct and re liable op eration
of its Pro fibus-DP inter faces if the netw ork cable installed h as been
fully approved by the PROFIBUS Nutzerorganisation.
Red B 3 Positive data line
Screen Shell Cable screen
Terminal Description
Connect to pins 1 or 4 on a Com m and er
SE Profibus-DP interface connector
Connect t o pins 2 or 5 on a Com m and er
SE Profibus-DP interface connector
Connect to pin 3 on a C om m ander SE
Profibus-DP interface connector
10 Issue Number: 3
3.4 Profibus-DP Cable Screen Connections
To ensure th e best scr een arran g ement , strip th e outer plas tic shield off
the Profibus-DP c able, and clamp the bare screen under the screen
clamp. T his will ensur e that a good c onnection is made between the
screens of both network cabl es, and help pr event nois e current s from
flowing into the Profibus-DP interface itself.
Ensure that the screen
clamp makes good
contact with the shield
of the cable
ERNI ER bi c P r of ib us
Connector with vertical
cabl e outlet
Part N o: 103658
3.5 Profibus-DP Network Termination
The ter minati on resist or netw ork is not f itted i nternal ly on th e Unidri ve
Profib us-DP interf ace. It is th e installer ’s respons ibility to ens ure th at
both ends of eac h s ect i on of n etw or k c abl e are correct l y ter m in at ed.
The termination resistor network required is shown in the diagram
It is very important in high-speed communications networks that the
network communications cable is correctly terminated. Failure to
terminate the network properly may mean that the network operates
with substantially reduced noise immunity, or in the worst case, the
network does n’t work at all.
Issue Number: 3 11
3.5.1 ERNI Termination Connector
ERNI supply a sep arat e Prof ibus -DP conn ect or that has the appropr i ate
resist or n etwor k fit ted i nter nal ly. T h e termin ati on c onn ector is yell ow to
distinguish it from the non-terminated Profibus-DP connector.
ERNI ERbic Profibus
Connector with vertical
cable outlet
Part No: 103658
3.5.2 Siemens Connector
The termination resistor network is fitted in the Siemens connector. The
resist ors can be s witch ed in or out of the circ uit as r equired us ing th e
Term ination Resistor Enable Switch .
Termination Resistor
Enable Switch
Siemens RS485
Profibus Connector
Part No: 6GK1 500 0EA02
Cable Screen
Cable Screen Clamp
12 Issue Number: 3
3.6 Maximum Network Length
The maximum number of nodes that can be connected to a single
Profib us-DP net work s egment is 3 2 nod es. Up t o 3 line r epeat ers m ay
be used t o extend th e network t o 4 segments , allowi ng a maxim um of
122 nodes on the network.
Section 1: max 31 stations + 1 repeater
Section 2: max 30 stations + 2 repeaters
Section 3: max 30 stations + 2 repeaters
Section 4: max 31 stations + 1 repeater
Terminating resistors (Rt) MUST be installed at BOTH ends of each
network segm ent.
The maxi mum length of cable f or each segmen t is determi ned by th e
data rat e at which the networ k must oper ate. The table bel ow gives a
summar y of the m a xi m um segment l ength for each d at a r ate.
Data Rate
Maximum Segment
Length (m)
Maximum Total
Network L engt h ( m)
9.6K to 93.75K 1200 4800
187.5K 1000 4000
500K 400 1600
1.5M 200 800
Issue Number: 3 13
4 Getting Started
The Quick Start section shows the basic parameter configurations
required for the Profibus-DP interfaces to establish communications.
Cyclic and non-cycl ic d ata explan ati ons are given in c h apt er s 5 and 6.
Parameters #20.01 to #20.20 and #20.50 are reserved for configuring
the Profibus-DPinterface, and should not be used in DPL programs.
4.1 Basic Communications Quick Start
Profibus-DP communications can be established with the Unidrive
Profib us -D P i nt er face simply by configuring the nod e address.
• Plug the Profibus-DP module into the Unidrive.
• Power up the Unidrive.
• Set the node address (#20.05) as required .
• Set #17.19 to 1 to store #20.05 and reset the UD70.
The Pr ofibus-DP i nterf ace will re-i nitialis e, and conf igure its elf with th e
new nod e addr ess . Th e dat a f ormat an d c onsist enc y ar e aut omati c ally
detected when the master controller initialises the network.
Function Unidrive Recommended Setting
Node Address #20.05 1 to 125
Data Rate Not displayed The data rate is automatically
Network Loss
#20.11 48
detect ed on P r of i bus -D P net w orks
4.2 Profibus-DP Node Address
Unidrive: #20.05
Every node must be given a unique network address. If a node is
assigned an address , and that ad dress alread y exists on the Profi busDP networ k, the node may prevent the network fr om operating. The
valid ran g e of ad dr esses is fr om 1 an d 12 5.
If an inval id node addr ess is set in #20.05, the Profibus-DP interf ace will
reject the c onfigured address , default to 125, and upd ate #20.05 with
the addr ess that is actu all y being us ed.
Change s to #20.PP p arameters do not tak e effect in t he Profibus-D P
interface unti l the UD 70 has be en res et. See section 4.7.
14 Issue Number: 3
4.3 Profibus-DP Data Rate
The Unidrive Profibus-DP interface will automatically detect the data
rate of the network, and synchronise to the master controller. Data
rates above 1.5 Mbits/sec are not supported. The Unidrive P rofibu s- DP
interface does not display the actual network data rate.
1.5M 93.75K
500K 19.2K
187.5K 9.6K
4.4 Data Format
The Unidrive Pr ofibus-DP int erfac e aut omatically det ects the required
data format when the master controller initialises the network. Data
consistency is optional, and is also detected during network
3 Cyclic Words with Mode 1 Non-Cyclic data (with or without
consistency) is the same data format as used on Mentor II and
Commander SE. Each cyclic data word is mapped to a Unidrive
parameter with default mappings as shown in the table below.
IN Word 0 Non-cyclic data word
IN Word 1 Status word
IN Word 2 Post-ramp speed reference
IN Word 3 Motor active current
OUT Word 0 Non-cyclic data word
OUT Wor d 1 Co n t rol wo rd
OUT Word 2 Digital speed reference 1
OUT Wo rd 3 Torque reference
Default Mapping Status
4.5 Network Status
Unidrive: #20.50
The status of the Profi bus-DP net work is displ ayed in #20.5 0, and can
be viewed on the disp l ay on the Unid ri ve.
#20.50 Status Description
>0 Network
0 Network is
not running
Issue Number: 3 15
Indic ates the nu mber of n et w ork cycles per
second, and the slave is exchanging data with
the master controller.
Indicates that th e n etwor k is not currentl y
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