Installation Guide
Second Processor Options
for Unidrive and Mentor II
Part Number: 0460-0098
Issue Number: 3

Safety Information
The option c ard and its associated drive are intended as componentsfor professional
incorporationinto complete equipment or systems. If installed incorrectlythe drive may
present a safety hazard. The drive uses high voltages and currents,c arries a high level
of stored electricalenergy,and isused tocontrolmechanicalequipmentthat can cause
Close attention is required to the electrical installation and the system design to avoid
hazards either in normal operation or in the event of equipmentmalfunction. System
design,installation, commissioning and maintenancemust be carried out by personnel
whohave the necessary training and experience. They must read this safety information
and this InstallationGuide carefully.
Carefulconsideration must be given tothe functions ofthe drive and option c ard which
mightresultin a hazard, either through theirintendedfunctions, e.g. auto-start,or through
incorrectoperationdue toa faultor trip,e.g.stop/start,forward/reverse,m aximum speed,
loss of a communications link.
In any application where a malfunctionof the drive oroption card could lead todamage,
loss or injury, a riskanalysis mus t be carried out, and where necessary, further measures
taken to reduce t he risk.To ensuremechanical safety, additionalsafetydevicessuch as
electro-mechanical interlocks may be required. The Drive mustnot be used in a safetycritical application withoutadditionalhigh-integrity protectionagainsthazards arising
from a malfunction.
General Information
The manufacturer accepts no liability for any consequences resultingfrominappropriate,
negligent or incorrectinstallation or adjustment of the optional operating parameters of
the equipment or from mismatching the Drive with the motor.
ThecontentsofthisUserGuidearebelievedtobecorrectatthetimeofprinting. Inthe
interests of a commitment toa policyof continuous development and improvement, the
manufacturer reserves the rightto change the specification of the productor its
performance, or the contents ofthe U ser Guide, without notice.
Allrightsreserved. No part of this U ser Guidemay be reproduced or transmitted in any
form or by any means, electrical or mechanicalincludingphotocopying, recording or by
any informationstorage or retrieval system, without permission in writingfrom the
Copyright © 25/1/02ControlTechniquesDrives Ltd
IssueCode: 3
Hardware: UD70 All Issues, MD29 Issue 3 and later
Firmware: N/A

1 Mechanical Installation 1
1.1 Unidrive and UD70 1
1.2 MentorII and MD29/MD29AN 3
2 Electrical Installation 5
2.1 UD70 5
2.2 MD29 5
2.3 MD29AN 6
2.4 RS232Port Connections 6
2.5 RS485Port Connections 6
2.6 I/O Box Port Connections(MD29 Only) 8
2.7 Digital I/O Connections 8
3 RS485 Port Configuration 9
3.1 Node Address 9
3.2 Data Rate 10
3.3 RS485 Port CommunicationsModes 10
3.4 Storing configuration parameters 12
UD70/MD29 Installation Guide
Issue Number: 3 www.controltechniques.com

1 Mechanical Installation
1.1 Unidrive and UD70
Before attempting to installoption modules or cards, e nsure that the U nidrive
or Me ntor II is switched off. AC Drives should be left for 5 minutes to ensure
that the DC link capacitorshave completely discharged.
• Slidethe UD70 moduleunder the displaypanelof theUnidrive,and push the
modulein untilthe connector locates withthe plug insidethe Unidrive.
1 UD70/MD29 Installation Guide
www.controltechniques.com Issue Number: 3

• Applyfirm pressure, andthe module will click securely into place.
• To remove the UD70, pullfirmly on the black tab,and the module will
disengagefrom the connector.
Do not attempt to remove the UD70 modulewhile the Unidrive is still powered
up, as this may caus e damage to the Unidrive.
UD70/MD29 Installation Guide 2
Issue Number: 3 www.controltechniques.com