845.778.5566 ● Fax: 845.778.7123 ●
The Nicholson Drain Orifice Trap is an
engineered, continuous flow device. The
controlling element in the Drain Orifice
Assembly is a flat S.S. plate, 1/4" thick. Drain
Orifices discharge air, condensate and all other
non-condensible gases with minimal live steam
loss. The fixed orifice size is calculated, for a
given application, to discharge the condensate
load at a maximum thermal efficiency.
Approximately 10-25% of discharging hot
condensate flashes to steam at the downstream
side of the orifice, at a constant pressure drop.
This flashing effect further restricts the flow of
saturated steam, In actual conditions, a minimum
percentage of steam, by weight, is discharged with
condensate, since the specific volume of steam is large
compared to that of the condensate. The velocity
through the orifice is highly turbulent. The initial calculated steam loss can be expected to remain relatively
constant over the expected 10+ years trap life. The major
factor for energy efficient performance is based on initial
orifice sizing for the application. Properly sized, thermal
efficiencies of 98%+ can be attained. The Drain Orifice
Trap is ideally suited for use on high pressure steam
(saturated or superheated) from 300 PSIG to 3000 PSIG
with minimum steam loss, zero maintenance and long
service life.
Pressures To 3000 PSIG (207 barg)
Temperatures to 850°F (454°C)
Reliable Operation — High reliability labyrinth-type seal:
leak tight seal is maintained when subjected to
expansion or contraction due to temperature or pressure
changes in the line. Positive, leak-tight seal eliminates
loss of product.
Ease of Installation — No danger of damaging seats or
losing seal by overtorquing during installation. Requires
normal torque to obtain a leak-tight seal. Welding repairs
reduced; no need to replace union components welded
to pipe.
Low Cost Maintenance — Downtime, labor and material
costs drastically reduced. Service is required only when
the union is disassembled, then only a change of gaskets
is required to put it back in service. Eliminates the need
to replace the union housing.
Flexibility — Orifice easily replaced where a different
orifice size is required for a specific application. Orifice
can be redrilled to a larger size, if necessary, eliminating
need to replace the entire assembly. Infinite range of
orifice sizes available from a minimum 0.020" diameter.
DUA–Orifice Union
●RUA–Orifice Kit includes 2 gaskets, orifice plate and
inlet screen.
●DUR–Gasket Kit includes 2 gaskets and inlet screen.
●SUG–Gasket Kit includes 10 gaskets.
Condensate Removal
●Pressure Reduction
●Ratio of Flow-mixing two or more fluids at
fixed ratio
●Fixed Flow-i.e. gland seal recirculation of
cooling water on pumps, compressors,
process analyzers, etc.
●Intermittent Drainage-i.e. air tools, air storage
tanks, cleaning fixtures, air vents, etc.
●Cryogenic Storage Venting
●Low Pressure Blanking
●Sampling of process fluids at a fixed flow rate
for use with Instrument Analyzers
SW - Socketweld
Canadian Registration # 0E0591.9