To make the ink flow into the felt tip
Push the felt tip against a solid surf ace unt il the felt tip moves up into the spring-loaded metal tip opening. Jog (pump) the
felt tip to start the ink f l owing.
In a few seconds you will notice ink appea ri ng in the felt tip. Release the press ure bef ore the ink covers the tip complet el y or
you will create a mess with too m uch ink in t he tip.
The Touch-Counter is now ready t o use. Repeat t he above procedure wheneve r the ink dots become light.
To use for making and counting
Push the felt tip against t he item t o be counted. P ush just hard enough to make the counter click. Do not push hard enough
to make the felt tip move into the spring loaded metal tip opening.
Remember, when the felt t i p m oves int o t he i nking chamber more i nk is put into the tip. You will flood t he t i p if you use
excess p re ssure.
Following the click, remo ve t he pres sure. You will have a dot of ink on t he item and t he count er wil l have moved up one
digit. Continue t o poi nt, press, click and release until cou nt i ng i s complet ed. Your Touch-Counter show s t ot al count ed at al l
When you wish to count without a dot of ink on the item, simply use the Touch-Cou nter with the cap on it.
Rotate the reset butt on on t he side to reset the counter to zero.
Different colors have dif f erent rates of flow. The light er the color, t he slower the flow.
To remove the pen from the assembly, twist the met al cap on the end of the assembly. It will snap loose and slide of f the
end. (You may need to use pliers until the connection works easily. ) The pen wi ll now slide out of the bracket.
Replacement pack of five pens ( bl ac k, red, bl ue, green, and yellow) is available.
For warranty, service, or recalibration, contact:
4455 Rex Road
Friendswood, Texas 77546 USA
Ph. 281-482-1714 Fax 281-482-9448
E-mail sales@control3.com
Control Company is ISO 9001 Quality-Certified by DNV and ISO 17025
accredited as a Calibration Laboratory by A2LA.
Traceable® is a registered tradem ark of Cont rol Company ©2011 Control Company. 92-3130-00 Rev. 0 050911