Selectable Temperature R ange:
–4° to 140°F (–20° to 60°C) or 64° to 95°F (18° to 35°C)
Display: 7-digit LCD— Time ½ " 3-digit LCD— Temperature 9/16"
Temperature Display U pdat e: 5 seconds
HOUR- Advances hour digit & advances tem perature in temperature setting mode
MIN- Advances minute digit
/D.R.- Hold down to set time-of-day or press to set programm ed t im e s ettings to
TEMP.S/CLOCK- Press to toggle the display betw een t he T EM P SET tem perat ure
and the current temperat ure
- (see "Outlet Override" section)
RESET- Clears all s ettings
G:OFF/O:ON- Out let Indicator light
O:ON- Orange light indicat es t hat pow er at the out let module is on.
G:OFF- Green light indic at es t hat power at the outlet module is off.
No light indicates that t he out let module is not receiv ing pow er f rom the w all out let.
1. Time-of-Day controller settings
2. TOO HI- will appear when the t em perat ure is 5° or more above the TEMP SET
3. Low battery display
4. Time-of-day display hr/min/sec
5. Temperature display
6. Celsius/Fahrenheit indic at or
7. Temperature sett ing m ode indic at or
1. Colder (up)/ Heater (down)
2. F° (up)/ C° (down)
3. Temperature Range
–20°C~60°C (up) 18°C-35°C (down)
(–4°F-140°F) (64°F-95°F)
TOO LO- will appear when the t em perat ure is 5° or below the TEMP SET point .
The dip switches are locat ed in the lower right c orner on t he bac k of the display
module. See Fig. 3 for illustrat ed schem at ic .
1. Switch #1 selects Colder or Heat er s etting.
a. Colder (up) selection turns the outlet ON when the temperat ure ris es abov e
the TEMP SET point while in the t em perat ure c ont rolling m ode. (At
temperatures below t he T EM P SET point t he out let is off. )
b. Heater (down) selec t ion t urns out let ON when the t em perat ure f alls below
the TEMP SET point while in the tem perat ur e c ont rolling m ode. (At
temperatures above t he T EM P SET the outlet is off.)
2. Switch #2 selects °F or °C for the tem perat u re dis play .
3. Switch #3 selects the tem perat ure range (w ide or narrow s ee " Spec if ic at ions").
Plug the electronic apparatus t o be c ont rolled int o the Outlet M odule. Turn on the
power switch of the electric al apparat us t o be controlled. Plug the Outlet Module into a
power outlet.
1. Set dip switch #1 to HEATER (down).
2. Set dip switches #2 and #3 to the desired posit i on (s ee "Dip Switch Settings").
3. Press the RESET button. Wait 5 seconds for the clock and current temperat ure
display to reappear.
4. Press the TEMP.S/CLOCK button, "TEMP SET" will appear in the lower right
corner of the LCD display.
5. Press the HOUR button to advance the temperature s et t i ng to the desir ed
6. Press the TEMP.S/CLOCK button to return to the current temperature display.
7. In order to initiate the switching f unc t ion, reduce t he t em perat ure at the probe t o
at least 2° below the TEMP SET point .
8. Press the button to trigger the outlet m odule on. (All subsequent ON / OF F
operations will be automat ic . )
9. Place probe in contact w ith the m aterial to be m eas ured.
The outlet will now automat ic ally turn ON w hen the tem perat ure f alls 2° below the SET
TEMP point and OFF when the temperature ris es abov e
Plug the electronic apparatus t o be c ont rolled int o the Outlet M odule. Turn on the
power switch of the electric al apparat us t o be controlled. Plug t he Out let Module into a
power outlet.
1. Set dip switch #1 to COLDER (up).
2. Set dip switches #2 and #3 to the desired posit i on (s ee " D ip Switc h Settings " ).
3. Press the RESET button. Wait 5 seconds for the clock and current temperat ure
display to reappear.
4. Press the TEMP.S/CLOCK button, "TEMP SET" will appear in the lower right
corner of the LCD display.
5. Press the HOUR▲ button to advance the temperat ure s et t ing to the des ired
6. Press the TEMP. S/CLOCK button to return to the current temperature display.
7. In order to initiate the switching f unc t ion, raise t he temperat ure at t he probe t o at
least 2° above the TEMP SET point.
8. Press the
operations will be automat ic . )
9. Place probe in contact w ith the material t o be m eas ured.
The outlet will now automat ic ally turn ON w hen the tem perat ure ris es 2° abov e the
SET TEMP point and OFF when the temperat ur e f alls below
1. Set dip switch #1 to "colder" (up) and sw itch #3 to -4°F~140°F (up).
2. Press the RESET button. Wait 5 seconds for clock and current temperature
display to reappear.
3. Push the TEMP.S/CLOCK button, TEMP SET appears on the display.
4. Press the HOUR▲ button until the display reads 0.0°F (-18°C ). (T EM P SET
display defaults t o 82° F. Each press of the HOUR ▲ button advances the
display. At 140° F it rolls over to –4° F.)
button to trigger the outlet m odule on. (All subsequent ON / OF F
the TEMP SET point.
the TEMP SET point.
Traceable® is a registered tradem ark of Cont rol Company ©2008 Control Com pany . 92-4130-00 Rev. 2 051908
5. Press the TEMP.S/CLOCK button to return to the time-of-day display.
6. Set time-of-day (see "Time-of-D ay Sett ing" ).
7. Press the PROG button "TM1/ON" will be displayed in upper lef t c orner.
8. Enter the desired "ON" time by press ing t he HOUR▲ and MIN buttons.
9. Press PROG t o adv anc e to "TM1/ OF F " and enter t he des ired " OFF" time (as in
step 8).
10. Repeat steps 7-9 to set "TM2" and "TM 3" times as needed.
11. When all programmed times are ent ered pres s t he TEMP.S/CLOCK button to
return to current time and tem perat ure dis play .
12. Plug the electronic apparatus t o be c ont rolled int o the Outlet M odule. Turn on
the power switch of the elect ric al apparat us to be cont rolled. Plug t he Out let
Module into a power outlet.
In order for the Time-of-D ay Cont roller t o funct ion properly, the temperature at
the probe must not fall below 0. 0°F ( -18°C).
Press the PROG but t on repeat edly t o view all 6 programmed on/ of f times . Press the
TEMP.S/CLOCK button to return to the time-of-day dis play .
Any programmed time(s ) m ay be made inact iv e and stored in m em ory us ing these
instructions. Press t he PROG button until an unwanted time is dis play ed. Press the
/D.R button, the display will show das hes and the C ont roller w ill not sw itch at that
programmed time. T o rec all and activ at e the tim e, press the
the program time will be dis play ed and s et act ive. This f eat ure enables y ou to activate
or deactivate any of the 6 on/ off switchings t hat have been programm ed i nt o t he
1. Press and hold the
2. Press the HOUR▲ button to advance the hour digit (time is display ed in 24
hour format).
3. Press the MIN button to advance minute digit.
The Outlet Override butt on s hould only be us ed under t he f ollow ing c ondit ions :
1. To activate TEMP SET. (See step 8 under Temperature Controlling-
2. If there is power to the outlet and you wis h to turn the power of f press the
button. Not e: If the
reset by pressing the
The unit is supplied with a w all m ount that slips int o the back of the display m odule. It
can be attached to any surf ac e with screw s. It can also be attached t o any clean
smooth surfac e by using the supplied adhes iv e bac k ing. D et erm ine t he mounting
position (metal prong fac ing up and out ) and attach. Both the display module and
outlet module should be placed in a loc at ion w here t hey will not be ex pos ed to liquids.
A suction cup, attac hed to the probe lead, all ow s the probe to be att ached to any
clean, smooth surfac e f or opt imal tem perat ure readings .
The probe and cable are both waterproof and m ay be c om pl et ely immers ed in liquid.
Both the display module and outl et m odule s hould be plac ed in a loc at ion w here t hey
will not be exposed to liquids.
If this controller does not func t ion properly f or any reason, pleas e replac e t he bat t ery
with a new high quality battery (s ee “Battery R eplac em ent ” sect ion). Low bat t ery power
can occasionally c aus e any number of “apparent ” operat ional difficulties. Replacing
the battery with a new fresh battery w ill solve m ost diffic ult ies.
/D.R button.
button is pressed under this condition t he unit m ust be
/D.R button again and
A faint display or no display are indicat ors t hat the battery must be replaced. Remove
the battery cover. R emove t he ex hausted batteries and replace them with two (2) new
"AAA" alkaline batteries . R eplac e the batt ery cover.
For warranty, service, or recalibration, contact:
4455 Rex Road
Friendswood, Texas 77546 USA
Ph. 281-482-1714 Fax 281-482-9448
E-mail sales@control3.com
Control Company is ISO 9001 Quality-
Certified by DNV and ISO 17025 accredited
as a Calibration Laboratory by A2LA.
Traceable® is a registered tradem ark of Cont rol Company ©2008 Control Com pany . 92-4130-00 Rev. 2 051908