Contour Design ShuttlePro v2
The Contour Design ShuttlePro v2 USB control knob is an excellent way to tune the SDR-1000 using the
PowerSDR software. Below are instructions detailing how to get the ShuttlePro to recognize the PowerSDR
Figure 1 ShuttlePro v2 USB Control Knob
If you already have the ShuttlePro software installed and running, skip to the section called Setup
Control Panel for PowerSDR.
Download Latest Software
Go to the following URL and download the latest software from Contour Design:
http://www.contourdesign.com/shuttlepro/shuttle_downloads.htm#win. Save the file and run it to begin the
driver installation. You should see the following dialog.

Figure 2 Contour Shuttle Welcome
Click the Next button to continue.

Figure 3 Contour Shuttle License Agreement
Click Yes, I agree with all the terms of this license agreement and then Next to continue.

Figure 4 Contour Shuttle Destination Folder
While the installation folder can be changed, it is strongly recommended to use the default
location for easier file location if problems should arise. Click the Next button to continue.