Continental Belt V-Belts Catalog Page

2015 Power Transmission Products V-Belt
Specialty V-belts
When equipment calls for metric precision, you need a belt that not only measures up, but one that won’t get lost in translation. Metric belts belts are engineered to universal metric profiles, but manufactured by Continental ContiTech in North America, so you do not have to go elsewhere to get them.
Strong, flexible and able to work in wide temperature ranges, metric belts replaces many common metric cross section belts such as XPZ, XPA, SPA, XPB, SPB, XPC and SPC.
Double-V or Hex belts
A variation of the Classical belt, Hex belts come in AA, BB, CC or a deep CCP cross section. These belts transfer power from either side in serpentine drives. A drive design using Hex belts is more complicated and engineering manuals should be consulted when replacing or troubleshooting these drives.
Fractional Horsepower belts (FHP)
The 3L, 4L and 5L light-duty FHP belts are part of the V-belt line also. As the name implies, these belts are used solely on drives of 1 horsepower or less.
Narrow V-belts
Effectively handling drives from 1 to 1,000 horsepower, these belts rank high in horsepower-hours per dollar, the ultimate measure of drive value. The Narrow belt cross sections (3V, 5V and 8V), offer higher power capacity for any sheave size and weight.
The Narrow or “wedge” design provides more tensile member support than Classical V-belts. Narrow belts handle an equivalent load, but with narrower face width and smaller diameters than the traditional Classical V-belts. These features allow the use of smaller belts or fewer belts to transmit the load, an important advantage if your goal is to maximize power transmission efficiency by reducing drive weight and size.
Classic V-belts
The most widely used V-belts are A, B, C and D Classical belts. Used more out of habit and convenience than design, these belts can handle fractional to 500 horsepower drives, usually at the lowest cost. However, they occupy more space and the drives weigh more than Narrow belt drives. Also, Classical belts are usually less efficient than Narrow belts. But their versatility and wide range of sizes and types make them an attractive alternative to wedge belts.
Many Classical belts are used for replacement because it is considered too costly to replace sheaves when upgrading from Classical to Narrow or other belt types. Therefore, when replacing Classical sheaves, it is an opportune time to upgrade to Narrow or other belt types .
Not only traditional Classical and Narrow profiled belts, but also Double-V and FHP belts
When synchronization or timing is not required, V-belts make an excellent low-cost, quiet and efficient means of transmitting power. However, not all V-belts perform the same. Depending on your application and your objectives, some V-belts will be better at getting you closer to your end goal.
General InformationAutomotive & TruckSpecialtyBushing HardwareV-BeltBandedSynchronousOverview
2015 Power Transmission Products V-Belt
Cogged, raw-edge construction vs. envelope construction
Continental ContiTech provide a complete offering of cogged, raw-edge belts in Narrow, Classical and FHP styles. Designated 3VX, 5VX, AX, BX, CX, 4L and 5L, cogged, raw-edge V-belts have higher capacity and efficiency and they use smaller sheaves than traditional envelope (wrapped) belts. These belts have a higher coefficient of friction and are more aggressive, which makes them a very efficient belt for power transmission.
Unlike conventional fabric-covered V-belts, raw-edge belts have no cover. Thus, the cross-sectional area normally occupied by the cover is used for more load-carrying cord. Cogs on the inner sur face of the belt increase air flow to enhance cooler running. They also increase flexibility, allowing the belt to operate with smaller sheaves. With Classical V-belts, certain under-designed or problem drives can be upgraded to “satisfactory” by substituting Classical cogged belts for Classical envelope belts without replacing sheaves.
Because of their higher coefficient of friction, cogged belts tend to be more sensitive to alignment. While envelope belts can tolerate some misalignment, cogged belts are more likely to turn over under the same conditions. Cogged belts should not be used in clutching drives , drives with severe shock loads and drives that have changing center distances, such as shaker screens. In these applications, the aggressive nature and flexibility of cogged belts can cause vibration, belt turnover and belt breakage. Cogged belts should also be avoided in drives that require slippage during frequent stops and starts.
OverviewSynchronousBandedV-BeltBushing HardwareSpecialtyAutomotive & TruckGeneral Information
2015 Power Transmission Products V-Belt
Premium, longer-life narrow-profile belts for compact, high-horsepower drives. Excellent in short-centered drives or where high shock loads are present; can be used any place you find traditional Narrow V-belts, but require a more robust composition for improved service life.
Key features & benefits
Homogenous design.
Specialty blended, fiber rich compounding.Higher modulus, higher denier cord.Virtually no maintenance.Static conduc tive,* with oil-resistant surface, for greater peace
of mind.
Supreme durability and wear resistance.
*Dr ive condi tio ns and service variables in com bin ati on with t ime in ope ration c an result in a l oss of static con ducti vit y. I t is re comme nded that a conductivity check be added to drive preventive maintenance programs where belt static conductivity is a requirement.
Construc ted with a homogenous, one-piece design, the Wedge TLP™ Narrow V-belt delivers total lasting performance that is virtually maintenance free. Its high-modulus, high-denier cord can handle a significant increase in horsepower over our current HY-T® Wedge.
Little maintenance with no worries
Wedge TLP™’s unique advanced construction process includes use of a specialized reinforcement and compounds that make this Narrow V-belt virtually maintenance free. Install this belt the first time with proper installation techniques and take advantage of reduced downtime and maintenance.
Increase savings by using fewer belts
With its greater horsepower capacity, Wedge TLP™ allows you to deliver the same amount of horsepower with a lesser number of belts. Fewer belts mean fewer sheave grooves; the combination of the two means lower-cost belt drives.
Durability that goes the distance
Wedge TLP™ belts offer supreme durability and wear resistance – plus better fit even in worn sheaves. That is all because of its two envelope plies and specialty blended, fiber-rich compounding that help support increased horsepower, with less deformation under tension.
Wedge TLP™ Narrow V-Belts
Better belt performance is now within reach
Introducing the newest, longest-lasting narrow V-belt in the Continental ContiTech lineup.
Part Number: 3VT950
3VT 0.38 in. top width – Narrow profile 950 95 in. nominal outside length
Envelope uncogged construction shown
General InformationAutomotive & TruckSpecialtyBushing HardwareV-BeltBandedSynchronousOverview
2015 Power Transmission Products V-Belt
Part #
Eff ective Length (in.) Part #
Eff ective Length (in.) Part #
Eff ective Length (in.)
3VT500 50.0 3VT750 75.0 3VT1120 112 .0
3VT530 53.0 3V T80 0 80.0 3VT1180 118 . 0
3VT560 56.0 3VT850 85.0 3VT1250 125. 0
3VT600 60.0 3VT900 90.0 3VT1320 132 .0
3VT630 63.0 3V T950 95.0 3VT1400 140 .0
3VT670 67.0 3VT1000 100.0
3VT710 71.0 3V T1060 106. 0
5VT530 53 .0 5V T1000 100 .0 5VT1900 19 0.0
5VT560 56.0 5VT1060 106. 0 5VT2000 200.0
5VT600 60.0 5VT1120 112 .0 5VT2120 212.0
5VT630 63.0 5VT1180 118 .0 5VT2240 224.0
5VT670 67.0 5VT1250 12 5. 0 5VT2360 236.0
5VT710 71. 0 5VT1320 132 .0 5VT2500 250.0
5VT750 75.0 5VT1400 14 0. 0 5V T2650 265.0
5VT800 80.0 5VT1500 15 0.0 5V T2800 280.0
5VT850 85.0 5V T1600 160 .0 5VT3000 300.0
5VT900 90.0 5VT1700 17 0. 0 5VT3150 315.0
5VT950 95.0 5VT1800 180. 0
8VT1000 100. 0
180 .0 8VT3000 300.0
8VT1120 112. 0 8VT1900 190. 0 8VT3150 315.0
8VT1180 118 . 0 8VT2000 200.0 8VT3350 335.0
8VT1250 12 5. 0 8V T2120 212.0 8V T3550 355.0
8VT1320 132 .0 8VT2240 224.0 8VT3750 375.0
8VT1400 14 0.0 8VT2360 236.0 8VT4000 400.0
8VT1500 150. 0 8V T2500 250.0 8VT4250 425.0
8VT1600 160. 0 8VT2650 265.0 8VT4500 450.0
8VT1700 17 0. 0 8VT2800 280.0
Wedge TLP™ Narrow V-Belts
Cross Sections and Lengths Available
OverviewSynchronousBandedV-BeltBushing HardwareSpecialtyAutomotive & TruckGeneral Information
HY-T® Wedge Cogged belt s are high-horsepower belt constructions that are identified with a 3VX and 5VX prefix and are available in lengths up to 200 inches. The cogged construction provides the high flexibility required for short center distances. The cogs also provide a larger surface area to dissipate heat and prolong belt life. Improved material properties and advanced construction technology results in an average horsepower increase of 30% over standard “Classical” V-belt and wedge belts.
HY-T® Wedge envelope belts are identified with a 3V, 5V or 8V prefix and are recommended for drives where pulsation, shock loads, high tension and long centers are involved. It features a continuous V-section that is protected by a wide angle, synthetic fabric impregnated with high-quality engineered rubber compound. This unique envelope achieves the high strength HY-T® Wedge belt s need to withstand high loading forces. It also provides the torsional rigidity required in long center drives delivering the traction needed for accurate tracking and precision performance.
*Dr ive condi tio ns and service variables in com bin ati on with t ime in ope ration c an result in a l oss of static con ducti vit y. I t is re comme nded that a conductivity check be added to drive preventive maintenance programs where belt static conductivity is a requirement.
A wedge cross-section means the belts are narrower and weigh less . Narrower belts allow for the use of thinner and lighter sheaves, resulting in a more efficient drive.
The savings continue through the higher horsepower capacity provided by Continental ContiTech HY-T® V-belt construction. Vytacord® tension members provide strength and dimensional stability. Higher horsepower capacity is also provided through a tough engineered rubber compound cushion, adding to belt strength.
HY-T® Wedge, with its narrow cross-section, makes it possible to achieve a required horsepower with fewer HY-T® Wedge belts than with standard V-belts, reducing sheave size, sheave costs and belt costs even more.
Since less power is required to run the smaller, lighter drives, more power gets to the load. Therefore, you may be able to downsize drive motors and/or increase drive efficiency for even more savings.
HY-T® Wedge belts eliminate mismatch problems as each Matchmaker® belt is mirrored in size and performance to every other HY-T® Wedge belt in that size, no matter when or where it was produced.
Cut-edge or envelope constructions provide optimum performance
HY-T® Wedge belts are produced with a highly engineered EPDM compound available in a cut-edge cogged construction for increased flexibility and heat dissipation with a broader temperature range than ever before (-40F to 230F/-40C to 110C). This belt can handle extremely high temperatures and is also available in envelope construction for drives where pulsation shock loads, high tension and long centers are involved.
Part Number: 5V1400
5V 0.62 in. top width – Narrow profile 1400 140 in. nominal outside length
Envelope uncogged construction shown
HY-T® Wedge Belts
A narrower cross section and stronger construction reduces drive costs
The savings start in the basic wedge or narrow design of the HY-T® Wedge belt. It has a narrower cross section than standard V-belts so it distributes stresses more uniformly to deliver more consistent, more reliable power transmission.
Narrow profile belts for compact, high horsepower drives, high shock loading on short centers and small diameters. For designing compact , heavy-duty drives where space limitation is a factor.
Key features & benefits
Narrow profile provides savings through eff iciency. Greater horsepower than the Classical belt.Strong Vytacord® (polyester) tensile members.High-grade engineered rubber.Heat, ozone and abrasion resistant.Available i n raw- edge construction wi th cog s or envelope co nst ruc tion.Matchmaker® to eliminate mismatch.Static conductive.*Operates in a wide ambient temperature range (-400F to 2300F/- 40 0C to 1100C).EPDM construction (cut-edge cogged only).
General InformationAutomotive & TruckSpecialtyBushing HardwareV-BeltBandedSynchronousOverview
2015 Power Transmission Products V-Bel t2015 Power Transmission Products V-Bel t
Part #
Eff ective Length (in.) Part #
Eff ective Length (in.) Part #
Eff ective Length (in.)
3VX250 25.0 3VX450 45.0 3VX850 85.0
3VX265 26.5 3V X475 47.5 3VX900 90.0
3VX280 28.0 3V X500 50.0 3VX950 95.0
3VX30 0 30.0 3VX530 53.0 3VX1000 100 .0
3VX315 31.5 3VX560 56.0 3V X1060 106. 0
3VX335 33.5 3V X600 60.0 3VX1120 112 .0
3VX350 35.0 3VX630 63.0 3VX1180 118 . 0
3VX355 35.5 3VX650 65.0 3VX1250 12 5. 0
3VX360 36.0 3VX670 67.0 3VX1320 132 .0
3VX375 37.5 3VX710 71.0 3VX1400 14 0. 0
3VX400 40.0 3VX750 75.0 3VX1500 150 .0
3VX425 42. 5 3VX800 80.0
5VX450 45.0 5VX690 69.0 5VX1030 103.0
5VX470 47.0 5VX710 71.0 5VX1060 106.0
5VX490 49.0 5VX730 73.0 5VX1080 108 .0
5VX500 50.0 5VX740 74. 0 5V X1120 112 . 0
51. 0
115 .0
5VX530 53.0 5VX780 78 .0 5V X1180 11 8. 0
5VX540 54.0 5VX800 80.0 5VX1230 12 3. 0
5VX550 55.0 5VX810 81.0 5V X1250 12 5. 0
122 .7
5VX570 57.0 5VX840 84.0 5VX1320 132 .0
5VX580 58.0 5VX850 85.0 5VX1400 140. 0
5VX590 59.0 5VX860 86.0 5VX1500 150. 0
5VX600 60.0 5V X880 88.0 5VX1600 160 .0
5VX610 61.0 5VX900 90.0 5VX1700 17 0. 0
5VX630 63.0 5VX930 93.0 5VX1800 180 .0
5VX650 65.0 5VX950 95.0 5VX1900 190 .0
5VX660 66.0 5VX960 96.0 5VX2120 212.0
5VX670 67.0 5VX1000 100. 0
5VX680 68.0 5V X1017 101. 7
8VX100 0 100. 0 8VX1320 132 .0 8VX1800 180. 0
8VX1060 106. 0 8VX1400 140 .0 8V X1900 190 .0
112 .0
150 .0
8VX1180 118 .0 8VX160 0 160. 0
8VX1250 125 .0 8VX1700 170. 0
*Cut-edge cogged construction. EPDM -400 F to 2300 F (-400C to 1100C) temperature range.
Cross Sections and Lengths Available
Cogged Sizes*
OverviewSynchronousBandedV-BeltBushing HardwareSpecialtyAutomotive & TruckGeneral Information
HY-T® Wedge Belts
Cross Sections and Lengths Available
Part #
Eff ective Length (in.) Part #
Eff ective Length (in.) Part #
Eff ective Length (in.)
3V250 25.0 3V475 47.5 3V90 0 90.0
3V265 26.5 3V500 50.0 3V950 95.0
3V280 28.0 3V530 53.0 3V1000 100. 0
3V300 30.0 3V560 56.0 3V1060 106 .0
3V315 31.5 3V600 60.0 3V1120 112 .0
3V335 33.5 3V630 63.0 3V1180 11 8. 0
3V355 35.5 3V670 67.0 3V1250 125 .0
3V375 37.5 3V710 71.0 3V1320 132 .0
3V400 40.0 3V750 75.0 3V1400 140 .0
3V425 42.5 3V80 0 80.0
3V450 45.0 3V X850 85.0
5V500 50.0 5V1060 106. 0 5V2000 20 0.0
5V560 56.0 5V1120 112 . 0 5V2120 212.0
5V630 63.0 5V1180 118 .0 5V2240 224.0
5V670 67.0 5V1250 125 .0 5V2360 236.0
5V710 71.0 5V1320 132 .0 5V2500 250.0
5V750 75.0 5V1400 14 0. 0 5V2650 265.0
5V800 80.0 5V1500 15 0.0 5V2800 280 .0
5V850 85.0 5V1600 160. 0 5V300 0 300.0
5V900 90.0 5V1700 170 .0 5V3150 315.0
5V950 95.0 5V1800 180.0 5V3350 335.0
5V1000 100. 0 5V1900 19 0.0 5V3550 355.0
8V1000 10 0.0 8V1800 18 0.0 8V3150 315.0
8V1060 10 6.0 8V1900 190. 0 8V3350 335.0
8V1120 112 . 0 8V2000 200.0 8V3550 355.0
8V1180 118 . 0 8V2120 212.0 8V3750 375.0
8V1250 12 5. 0 8V2240 224.0 8V4000 400.0
8V1320 13 2.0 8V2360 236 .0 8V4250 425. 0
8V1400 14 0. 0 8V2500 250.0 8V4500 450.0
8V1500 15 0.0 8V2650 265.0 8V4750 475.0
8V1600 16 0.0 8V2800 280.0 8V5000 500.0
8V1700 17 0. 0 8V3000 300.0 8V5600 560.0
Noncogged Sizes
General InformationAutomotive & TruckSpecialtyBushing HardwareV-BeltBandedSynchronousOverview
2015 Power Transmission Products V-Bel t2015 Power Transmission Products V-Belt
Part Number: B75
B 0.66 in. top width – Classical profile 75 Approximate 75 in. inside length
Vytacord® provides the high-strength, high-horsepower rating capacity needed to effectively transmit today’s drive power. It is even tough enough to tolerate slight sheave misalignment that would quickly destroy ordinary belts.
The Vytacord® tensile member provides dimensional stability. As a result, each belt of a given size will maintain its length consistency, no matter when or where it was produced.
The exceptional dimensional stability properties of HY-T® Plus eliminates matching problems, improves performance and increases service life.
Improved materials are the key to the durability and versatility of HY-T® Plus
The vast improvements in all components of HY-T® Plus construction complement the quality of the Vytacord® tensile member.
Our engineered heat- and oil-resistant rubber compound is used in both the cushion and insulation sections of HY-T® Plus. Belt construction provides the flexibility on small pulleys. As a result the belt is able to serve a dual purpose for both Classical and FHP, while offering more versatility than any other Classical belt.
The HY-T® Plus envelope construction assures optimum warp and fill thread angle, providing belt flexibility. In addition, the fabric is treated with Continental ContiTech exclusive engineered rubber compound for long wear and resistance to heat, oil and other environmental hazards. The envelope also assures that the belt dissipates static electricity, as specified in ARPM bulletin IP3-3.
The cushion is also crush-resistant and cool running to maintain its shape, fit and strength longer. And with the longer service
life achieved by HY-T® Plus belts, replacement of belts is less frequent. Overall, belt costs are reduced, downtime is minimized and equipment productivity is maintained.
Less inventory required
The HY-T® Plus can be used in FHP applications. Conversely, rarely do FHP belts perform in HY-T® Plus (Classical) applications.
The result is a reduced inventory that equates to dollars taken off the shelves and into your pockets.
Designed for operating at high speeds over small diameter pulleys and short center distances. Also for use in multiple V-belt drives where high shock load and heavy-duty load
are encountered.
Key features & benefits
Universal Classical profile.
High-strength Vytacord® tensile members.Engineered rubber-impregnated envelope.Engineered rubber compound cushion and insulation.Dual branded (Classical and FHP part numbers).Oil, heat, ozone and abrasion resistant.Matchmaker® to eliminate mismatch.Static conductive.*
HY-T® Plus (Classical) Belts
Less elongation is the key to performance
Whether you are talking about rubber belts or metal chains, most materials will elongate when put to use. The secret to reliable performance is not to eliminate elongation, but to control it so that it is minimal, predictable and uniform. To achieve these criteria, we developed the Vytacord® tensile member.
OverviewSynchronousBandedV-BeltBushing HardwareSpecialtyAutomotive & TruckGeneral Information
*Dr ive condi tio ns and service variables in com bin ati on with t ime in ope ration c an result in a l oss of static con ducti vit y. I t is re comme nded that a conductivity check programs where belt static conductivity is a requirement.
be added to drive preventive maintenance
HY-T® Plus (Classical) Belts
Cross Sections and Lengths Available
Part #
App rox. Outside Length (in.) Part #
App rox. Outside Length (in.) Part #
App rox. Outside Length (in.)
A20 (4L220) 22 A51 (4L530) 53 A82 (4L840) 84
A21 (4L230) 23 A52 (4L540) 54 A83 (4L850) 85
A22 (4L240) 24 A53 (4L550) 55 A84 (4L860) 86
A23 (4L250) 25 A54 (4L560) 56 A85 (4L870) 87
A24 (4L260) 26 A55 (4L570) 57 A86 (4L880) 88
A25 (4L270) 27 A56 (4L580) 58 A87 (4L890) 89
A26 (4L280) 28 A57 (4L590) 59 A88 (4L900) 90
A27 (4L290) 29 A58 (4L600) 60 A89 (4L910) 91
A28 (4L300) 30 A59 (4L610) 61 A90 (4L920) 92
A29 (4L310) 31 A60 (4L620) 62 A91 (4L930) 93
A30 (4L320) 32 A61 (4L630) 63 A92 (4L940) 94
A31 (4L330) 33 A62 (4L640) 64 A93 (4L950) 95
A32 (4L340) 34 A63 (4L650) 65 A94 (4L960) 96
A33 (4L350) 35 A64 (4L660) 66 A95 (4L970) 97
A34 (4L360) 36 A65 (4L670) 67 A96 (4L980) 98
A35 (4L370) 37 A66 (4L680) 68 A97 (4L990) 99
A36 (4L380) 38 A67 (4L690) 69 A98 (4L1000) 100
A37 (4L390) 39 A68 (4L700) 70 A10 0 (4 L1020 ) 102
A38 (4L400) 40 A69 (4L710) 71 A10 3 105
A39 (4L410) 41 A70 (4L720) 72 A10 5 107
A40 (4L420) 42 A71 (4L730) 73 A11 0 112
A41 (4L430) 43 A72 (4L740) 74 A112 114
A42 (4L440) 44 A73 (4L750) 75 A12 0 12 2
A43 (4L450) 45 A74 (4L760) 76 A128 13 0
A44 (4L460) 45 A75 (4L770) 77 A133 13 5
A45 (4L470) 47 A76 (4L780) 78 A136 13 8
A46 (4L480) 48 A77 (4L790) 79 A1 44 14 6
A47 (4L490) 49 A78 (4L8 00) 80 A15 8 160
A48 (4L500) 50 A79 (4L810) 81 A173 17 5
A49 (4L510) 51 A80 (4L820) 82 A18 0 182
A50 (4L520) 52 A81 (4L830) 83
A Section
General InformationAutomotive & TruckSpecialtyBushing HardwareV-BeltBandedSynchronousOverview
2015 Power Transmission Products V-Bel t2015 Power Transmission Products V-Belt
Part #
App rox. Outside Length (in.)
Part #
App rox. Outside Len gth (in .) Part #
App rox. Outside Length (in.)
B22 (5L250) 25 B62 (5L650) 65 B103 10 6
B23 (5L260) 26 B63 (5L660) 66 B104 107
B24 (5L270) 27 B64 (5L670) 67 B105 10 8
B25 (5L280) 28 B65 (5L680) 68 B108 111
B26 (5L290) 29 B66 (5L690) 69 B111 114
B27 (5L300) 30 B67 (5L700) 70 B112 115
B28 (5L310) 31 B68 (5L710) 71 B115 118
B29 (5L320) 32 B69 (5L720) 72 B116 11 9
B30 (5L330) 33 B70 (5L730) 73 B118 12 1
B31 (5L340) 34 B71 (5L740) 74 B120 123
B32 (5L350) 35 B72 (5L750) 75 B124 12 7
B33 (5L360) 36 B73 (5L760) 76 B126 129
B34 (5L370) 37 B74 (5L770) 77 B128 131
B35 (5L380) 38 B75 (5L780) 78 B133 13 6
B36 (5L390) 39 B76 (5L790) 79 B136 13 9
B37 (5L400) 40 B77 ( 5L800) 80 B140 143
B38 (5L410)
B78 ( 5L810)
B39 (5L420) 42 B79 (5L820) 82 B148 151
B40 (5L430) 43 B80 (5L830) 83 B150 15 3
B41 (5L440) 44 B81 (5L840) 84 B154 15 7
B42 (5L450)
B82 (5L850)
B43 (5L460) 46 B83 (5L860) 86 B162 165
B44 (5L470) 47 B84 (5L870) 87 B173 17 6
B45 (5L480) 48 B85 (5L880) 88 B180 18 3
B46 (5L490)
B86 (5L890)
B47 (5L500) 50 B87 (5L900) 90 B195 19 8
B48 (5L510) 51 B88 (5L910) 91 B205 208
B49 (5L520) 52 B89 (5L920) 92 B210 213
B50 (5L530) 53 B90 (5L930) 93 B225 227
B51 (5L540) 54 B91 (5L940) 94 B240 242
B52 (5L550) 55 B92 (5L950) 95 B255 257
B53 (5L560) 56 B93 (5L960) 96 B270 272
B54 (5L570) 57 B94 (5L970) 97 B285 287
B55 (5L580) 58 B95 (5L980) 98 B300 302
B56 (5L590) 59 B96 (5L990) 99 B315 317
B57 (5L600) 60 B97 (5L1000) 100 B330 332
B58 (5L610) 61 B98 (5L1010) 101 B360 362
B59 (5L620) 62 B99 (5L1020) 102 B394 396
B60 (5L630) 63 B100 103
B61 (5L640) 64 B101 10 4
B Section
OverviewSynchronousBandedV-BeltBushing HardwareSpecialtyAutomotive & TruckGeneral Information
Part #
App rox. Ou tsid e
Length (in.) Part #
App rox. Ou tsid e
Length (in.) Part #
App rox. Ou tsid e Length (in.)
E180 187 E300 304 E480 484 E195 202 E330 334 E540 544 E210 217 E360 364 E600 604
E270 274 E420 424
E Section
Part #
App rox. Ou tsid e
Length (in.) Part #
App rox. Ou tsid e
Length (in.) Part #
App rox. Ou tsid e Length (in.)
C48 52 C103 107 C173 17 7
C51 55 C106 11 0 C190 19 4 C55 59 C108 112 C195 199 C60 64 C109 113 C210 214 C62 66 C110 114 C225 227
C71 75 C115 11 9 C255 257 C72 76 C120 124 C270 272 C75 79 C124 12 8 C285 287 C78 82 C128 13 2 C300 302
C81 85 C144 14 8 C330 332 C85 89 C148 152 C345 347 C90 94 C150 154 C360 362 C93 97 C156 160 C390 392
C100 10 4 C162 166 C101 10 5 C165 169
C Section
Part #
App rox. Ou tsid e
Length (in.) Part #
App rox. Ou tsid e
Length (in.) Part #
App rox. Ou tsid e Length (in.)
D112 117 D210 215 D345 348 D120 12 5 D225 228 D360 363 D128 13 3 D240 243 D390 393 D144 149 D255 258 D420 423 D158 163 D270 273 D450 453 D162 167 D285 388 D480 483 D173 178 D300 303 D540 543 D180 185 D315 318
D Section
HY-T® Plus (Classical) Belts
Cross Sections and Lengths Available
General InformationAutomotive & TruckSpecialtyBushing HardwareV-BeltBandedSynchronousOverview
2015 Power Transmission Products V-Bel t2015 Power Transmission Products V-Belt
Part Number: BX75
B 0.66 in. top width – Classical profile X Premium cogged construction 75 Approximate 75 in. inside length
Cut-edge, molded cog construction shown
Torque-Flex® V-belts are fully cogged to provide the flexibility needed to keep their high-traction rubber edges in contact with the sheave grooves. This high efficiency allows you to achieve the horsepower you need at a lower total drive cost.
Produced with a highly engineered EPDM compound, cut-edge cogged construction belts operate in a broader temperature range than ever before (-400F to 2300F/-4 00C to 1100C). Torq ue -Flex® V -b elts can handle e xt rem el y h igh te mp erat ures .
Exacting precision and uniformity
Rigid quality assurance programs imposed during Torque-Flex® V-belt manufacture result in belt angles and belt lengths whic
h are more exact than standard belts. This results in quiet, smooth-running and long-lasting belts. Think what that can save in reduced downtime and belt maintenance.
Of course, with such exacting production requirements, our Torque-Flex® V-belts also achieve consistent uniformity from run to run. This outstanding consistency means you can be sure that two belts of the same size designation will match, no matter when they were produced. As a result:
You el imi nat e m ismatchi ng proble ms caus ed by ind ivi dual
belts that may be too loose or too tight.
You simplify ordering procedures – no lengthy specifications,
detailing match-ups and sizing.
No complicated time-consuming matching. Your
Continental ContiTech belts are automatically matched when you buy them.
You reduce your in-plant inventory. The Matchmaker®
system covers your needs with a minimum of belts to save you space and inventory dollars.
More savings from fewer belts
The high-strength and high horsepower capacity of Torque-Flex® V-belts means you need fewer belts and fewer sheave grooves to deliver the same amount of horsepower.
Energy-saving efficiency
The same design and construction features which lead to high horsepower ratings for Torque -Flex® V-belts also lead to improvements in energy efficiency of up to 4%, depending on sheave diameter.
Designed for the tough, small sheave, high-tension drives.
Key features & benefits
Premium Classical profile construction.
25%–30% higher power ratings than standard V-belts .Strong Vytacord® (polyester) tensile members.Engineered cushion compound.Cut-edge cogged construction on most sizes.Heat, ozone and abrasion resistant.Matchmaker® to eliminate mismatch.Static conductive.*Operates in a wide ambient temperature range (-400F to
2300F/- 400C to 1100C).
EPDM construction (cut-edge cogged only).
Torq ue -Fl ex
More horsepower per dollar
Your drives can deliver the horsepower you want at a lower component cost – and with lower energy costs – when you include Continental ContiTech Torque-Flex® V-belts in the design.
Sheave Diameter (in.)
Belt Efficiency
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Efficiency, %
Cogged vs. Noncogged Belt Efficiency
*Drive conditions and service variables in combin ati on wit h t ime in o pe rat ion can result in a lo ss of static con duc tivit y. I t is recomm ended th at a con duc tivit y che ck be added to drive preventive maintenance programs whe re bel t sta tic co nductivity is a require ment .
OverviewSynchronousBandedV-BeltBushing HardwareSpecialtyAutomotive & TruckGeneral Information
Torq ue -Fl ex
Cross Sections and Lengths Available
Part #
App rox. Ou tsid e Length (in.) Part #
App rox. Ou tsid e Length (in.) Part #
App rox. Ou tsid e Length (in.)
AX21 23 AX49 51 AX76 78
AX22 24 AX50 52 AX77 79
AX23 25 AX51 53 AX78 80
AX24 26 AX52 54 AX79 81
AX26 28 AX53 55 AX80 82
AX27 29 AX54 56 AX81 83
AX28 30 AX55 57 AX82 84
AX29 31 AX56 58 AX83 85
AX30 32 AX57 59 AX84 86
AX31 33 AX58 60 AX85 87
AX32 34 AX59 61 AX86 88
AX33 35 AX60 62 AX87 89
AX34 36 AX61 63 AX88 90
AX35 37 AX62 64 AX89 91
AX36 38 AX63 65 AX90 92
AX37 39 AX64 66 AX91 93
AX38 40 AX65 67 AX93 95
AX39 41 AX66 68 AX94 96
AX40 42 AX67 69 AX95 97
AX41 43 AX68 70 AX96 98
AX42 44 AX69 71 AX97 99
AX43 45 AX70 72 AX98 10 0
AX44 46 AX71 73 AX100 102
AX45 47 AX72 74 AX103 10 5
AX46 48 AX73 75 AX105 107
AX47 49 AX74 76 AX110 112
AX48 50 AX75 77 AX112 114
*Cut-edge cogged construction. EPDM -400 F to 2300 F (-400C to 1100C) temperature range.
Side View
General InformationAutomotive & TruckSpecialtyBushing HardwareV-BeltBandedSynchronousOverview
2015 Power Transmission Products V-Bel t2015 Power Transmission Products V-Belt
Part #
App rox. Ou tsid e Length (in.) Part #
App rox. Ou tsid e Length (in.) Part #
App rox. Ou tsid e Length (in.)
BX28 31 BX67 70 BX103 10 6
BX31 34 BX68 71 BX105 108
BX34 37 BX70 73 BX108 111
BX35 38 BX71 74 BX112 115
BX38 41 BX73 76 BX115 118
BX40 43 BX74 77 BX116 119
BX41 44 BX75 78 BX120 123
BX42 45 BX76 79 BX123 12 6
BX43 46 BX77 80 BX124 12 7
BX44 47 BX78 81 BX126 12 9
BX45 48 BX79 82 BX128 131
BX46 49 BX80 83 BX133 13 6
BX47 50 BX81 84 BX136 139
BX48 51 BX82 85 BX140 143
BX49 52 BX83 86 BX144 14 7
BX50 53 BX84 87 BX148 151
BX51 54 BX85 88 BX150 153
BX52 55 BX86 89 BX154 157
BX53 56 BX87 90 BX158 161
BX54 57 BX88 91 BX162 165
BX55 58 BX89 92 BX173 17 6
BX56 59 BX90 93 BX180 183
BX58 61 BX92 95 BX195 198
BX59 62 BX93 96 BX210 213
BX61 64 BX95 98 BX240 243
BX62 65 BX96 99 BX255 258
BX64 67 BX98 101 BX300 303
BX65 68 BX99 102
BX66 69 BX100 103
*Cut-edge cogged construction. EPDM -400 F to 2300 F (-400C to 1100C) temperature range.
Side View
OverviewSynchronousBandedV-BeltBushing HardwareSpecialtyAutomotive & TruckGeneral Information
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