2015 Power Transmission Products V-Bel t2015 Power Transmission Products V-Belt
Part Number: BX75
B 0.66 in. top width – Classical profile
X Premium cogged construction
75 Approximate 75 in. inside length
Cut-edge, molded cog
construction shown
Torque-Flex® V-belts are fully cogged to provide the flexibility
needed to keep their high-traction rubber edges in contact with
the sheave grooves. This high efficiency allows you to achieve
the horsepower you need at a lower total drive cost.
Produced with a highly engineered EPDM compound, cut-edge
cogged construction belts operate in a broader temperature
range than ever before (-400F to 2300F/-4 00C to 1100C).
Torq ue -Flex® V -b elts can handle e xt rem el y h igh te mp erat ures .
Exacting precision and uniformity
Rigid quality assurance programs imposed during Torque-Flex®
V-belt manufacture result in belt angles and belt lengths whic
are more exact than standard belts. This results in quiet,
smooth-running and long-lasting belts. Think what that can
save in reduced downtime and belt maintenance.
Of course, with such exacting production requirements, our
Torque-Flex® V-belts also achieve consistent uniformity from
run to run. This outstanding consistency means you can be
sure that two belts of the same size designation will match, no
matter when they were produced. As a result:
› You el imi nat e m ismatchi ng proble ms caus ed by ind ivi dual
belts that may be too loose or too tight.
› You simplify ordering procedures – no lengthy specifications,
detailing match-ups and sizing.
› No complicated time-consuming matching. Your
Continental ContiTech belts are automatically matched when
you buy them.
› You reduce your in-plant inventory. The Matchmaker®
system covers your needs with a minimum of belts to
save you space and inventory dollars.
More savings from fewer belts
The high-strength and high horsepower capacity of
Torque-Flex® V-belts means you need fewer belts and fewer
sheave grooves to deliver the same amount of horsepower.
Energy-saving efficiency
The same design and construction features which lead to
high horsepower ratings for Torque -Flex® V-belts also lead to
improvements in energy efficiency of up to 4%, depending on
sheave diameter.
Designed for the tough, small sheave, high-tension drives.
Key features & benefits
Premium Classical profile construction.
› 25%–30% higher power ratings than standard V-belts .
› Strong Vytacord® (polyester) tensile members.
› Engineered cushion compound.
› Cut-edge cogged construction on most sizes.
› Heat, ozone and abrasion resistant.
› Matchmaker® to eliminate mismatch.
› Static conductive.*
› Operates in a wide ambient temperature range (-400F to
2300F/- 400C to 1100C).
› EPDM construction (cut-edge cogged only).
Torq ue -Fl ex
More horsepower per dollar
Your drives can deliver the horsepower you want at a lower
component cost – and with lower energy costs – when
you include Continental ContiTech Torque-Flex® V-belts in
the design.
Sheave Diameter (in.)
Belt Efficiency
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Efficiency, %
Cogged vs. Noncogged Belt Efficiency
*Drive conditions and
service variables in
combin ati on wit h t ime
in o pe rat ion can result
in a lo ss of static
con duc tivit y. I t is
recomm ended th at a
con duc tivit y che ck be
added to drive
preventive maintenance
programs whe re bel t
sta tic co nductivity is a
require ment .
OverviewSynchronousBandedV-BeltBushing HardwareSpecialtyAutomotive & TruckGeneral Information