2015 Power Transmission Products Banded2015 Power Transmission Products Banded
Part Number: 3/BX112
3/ 3 rib joined construction
B 0.66 in. top width – Classical
profile rib
X Premium cogged construction
112 Approximate 112 in. inside length
Cut-edge, molded cog
construction shown
Vytacord® tension members are tough enough to tolerate the
misalignment that quickly destroys belts. The Vytacord®
material has a very good dimensional stability. Drive
performance is consistent, reliable and predictable over the life
of the belt.
We then add a tough oil- and abrasion-resistant fabric backing
to provide maximum longitudinal flexibility and lateral strength
to withstand the dynamic forces acting within a joined belt . The
backing also has special adhesion characteristics that enable it
to bond inseparably to the V-sections to maintain the unitary
integrity of the belt.
The cushion in both envelope and cut-edge construction is
fiber-loaded. Cut-edge constructions have a fiber-loaded,
latest-technology compound that contributes heat and oil
resistance and strength.
Cut-edge or envelope construction provide
optimum performance
HY-T® Torque Team® Classical belts are available in a cut-edge
construction with cogs for increased flexibility and heat
dissipation or envelope construction for drives where pulsation,
shock loads, high tension and long centers are involved.
HY-T® Torque Team® cogged belts are high horsepower belt
constructions identified with a BX or CX prefix and are available
in lengths up to 136 inches. The cogged construction provides
the high flexibility required for short center distances. The
cogs also provide a larger surface area to dissipate heat and to
prolong belt life.
HY-T® Torque Team® envelope belts are identified with a B or C
prefix and both cogged and non-cogged are static conductive.
They are recommended for drives where pulsation, shock
loads, high tension and long centers are involved.
Matchmaker® performance
Our Matchmaker® technology results in belt consistency run
to run. That means each HY-T® Torque Team® Classical belt is
equal in size and performance to every other HY-T® Torque
Team® Classical belt in that size, no matter when or where it
was produced.
By eliminating mismatch problems, there is no costly and
complicated belt matching to get a drive back on line; no
problems with belts that are too tight or too loose.
For shock load applications. Ideal for pulsating loads,
high-capacity drives and short center heavy-duty drives.
Key features & benefits
Classical profile ribs.
› Joined construction for problem drives.
› High-strength Vytacord® tensile members.
› Available in cut-edge or envelope construction with
fiber-loaded cushion.
› Toug h fabr ic backi ng .
› Heat, ozone and abrasion resistant.
› Matchmaker® to eliminate mismatch.
› Static conductive.*
*Dr ive condi tio ns and service variables in com bin ati on with t ime in
ope ration c an result in a l oss of static con ducti vit y. I t is re comme nded
that a conductivity check be added to drive preventive maintenance
programs where belt static conductivity is a requirement.
HY-T® Torque Team® Classical Belts
Designed and built to deliver
superior performance
HY-T® Torque Team® Classical belts are built with strong
Vytacord® tension members. This provides the high-strength,
high-horsepower rating capacity needed to effectively
transmit drive power.
OverviewSynchronousBandedV-BeltBushing HardwareSpecialtyAutomotive & TruckGeneral Information