Continental Belt Hex Belts Catalog Page

2015 Power Transmission Products V-Bel t2015 Power Transmission Products V-Belt
Used on drives having one or more reverse bends and usually where power must be transmitted to or from the belt in both the usual and reverse positions.
Lawn and garden equipment MixersAgitators Mule drivesConveyors Crushers
Key features & benefits
Dual-sided Classical profile.
High-strength Vytacord® tensile members.Engineered rubber compound-impregnated envelope.Engineered rubber cushion and insulation.Oil, heat, ozone and abrasion resistant.Static conductive.*
*Dr ive condi tio ns and service variables in com bin ati on with t ime in ope ration c an result in a l oss of static con ducti vit y. I t is re comme nded that a conductivity check be added to drive preventive maintenance programs where belt static conductivity is a requirement.
To me et th e mult ip le- bend a nd dua l- power requi rement s, we build Hex belts with rugged Vytacord® tension members. They deliver maximum strength with minimum elongation. They also work with all the other quality materials that are a part of our Hex belts to deliver maximum performance over a long, trouble-free life.
Hex belts are available in AA, BB and CC cross sections. A special Dry Can Hex construction is available with a special deep CC cross section designated CCP.
Part Number: BB75
BB B section double Classical profile
0.66 in. center width
75 Approximate 75 in. inside length
Hex Belts
Dependable power from both sides
Hex belts, also known as double V-belts, are designed for use on drives with one or more reverse bends. They usually transmit power from both sides of the belt.
OverviewSynchronousBandedV-BeltBushing HardwareSpecialtyAutomotive & TruckGeneral Information
Part #
App rox. Ou tsid e
Length (in.) Part #
App rox. Ou tsid e
Length (in.) Part #
App rox. Ou tsid e Length (in.)
AA51 54.4 AA70 73.4 AA96 99.4
AA55 58.4 AA75 78.4 AA105 108 .4
AA60 63.4 AA80 83.4 AA112 115 .4
AA64 67.4 AA85 88.4 AA120 12 3. 4
AA66 69.4 AA90 93.4 AA128 131. 4
AA68 71.4 AA92 95.4
Part #
App rox. Ou tsid e
Length (in.) Part #
App rox. Ou tsid e
Length (in.) Part #
App rox. Ou tsid e Length (in.)
BB35 39.6 BB96 100 .6 BB162 166 .6
BB38 42.6 BB97 101.6 BB168 172 .6
173 .6
BB43 47. 6 BB105 109 .6 BB173 177. 6
BB45 49.6 BB107 111. 6 BB180 18 4.6
BB46 50.6 BB108 112 . 6 BB182 186 .6
BB53 57.6 BB111 115 .6 BB190 194 .6
BB55 59.6 BB112 11 6. 6 BB195 199. 6
BB60 64.6 BB116 120 .6 BB210 214.6
BB64 68.6 BB117 121 .6 BB225 228.1
BB68 72.6 BB118 12 2. 6 BB226 229.1
BB71 75.6 BB120 124. 6 BB228 231.1
BB72 76.6 BB122 12 6. 6 BB230 233.1
BB73 77.6 BB123 127. 6 BB240 243 .1
BB74 78.6 BB124 128 .6 BB255 258.1
BB75 79.6 BB128 132. 6 BB267 270.1
BB81 85.6 BB129 133 .6 BB270 273.1
BB83 87.6 BB130 134 .6 BB273 276.1
BB85 89.6 BB136 140 .6 BB277 280.1
BB90 94.6 BB140 144 .6 BB278 281.1
BB92 96.6 BB144 148 .6 BB285 288.1
BB93 97. 6 BB155 159 .6 BB300 308.1
BB94 98.6 BB158 162. 6
Hex Belts
Cross Sections and Lengths Available
General InformationAutomotive & TruckSpecialtyBushing HardwareV-BeltBandedSynchronousOverview
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