2015 Power Transmission Products V-Belt2015 Power Transmission Products V-Belt
102 101
Part Number: 4L560
4L 0.50 in. top width
560 56 in. nominal outside length
Cut-edge, molded cog
construction shown
Figure 1
FHP V-Belts (4L Section) Efficiency
1½ 2 2½ 3 3½ 4 4½ 5
Efficiency, %
Cogged vs. Noncogged FHP V-Belts
(4L Sect ion) Effi cien cy
You no longer have to accept the lower energy efficiency
associated with envelope belts on fractional horsepower
light-duty drives. Advanced V-belt technology has resulted in
the development of a cut-edge, molded cog construction which
exceeds conventional envelope belts in every performance
category except oil resistance confirmed in extensive testing.
Cogged for cooler running
The cogged design of our FHP V-belts (standard on 4L and
5L sizes) provides a greater sur face area for heat dissipation
and allows increased air flow around the belt during operation.
These factors help to reduce internal belt temperatures and
greatly improve belt life. Of course, the cogged design also
improves flexibility, an especially important consideration where
minimum or substandard sheave diameters are involved.
Low vibration for low noise
Low cross section vibration in rubber-edged, cogged belts
reduces noise generation. This allows you to take advantage
of the longer life and high efficiency of FHP V-belts in
noise-sensitive equipment. But even in typical fac tory settings,
our FHP V-belts contribute to a quieter operating environment.
Superior efficiency for
improved performance
The historic inefficiency of FHP drives can be traced directly
to the inability of a relatively large envelope belt to transmit
a low-power force efficiently. Transmission loss is especially
significant in factories using large numbers of drives and
where small diameter sheaves are involved. The aggregate
loss can be significant enough to have an adverse effect on
equipment performance.
The FHP V-belt’s efficiency begins at 93% when used with
smaller sheaves and increases dramatically as the sheave
diameter increases (Figure 1). Since more of the rated power
of the drive is delivered, actual performance nearly matches
design performance.
In addition, the efficiency of our FHP V-belts of fers you the
opportunity to achieve full operating power requirement s with
a lower horsepower drive, reduced energy requirements or
both. These considerations can provide highly desirable
economic advantages whether you are a drive manufacturer
or a drive user.
For light-duty fractional horsepower motors. Molded cogs allow
for use in applications where the belt is expected to perform
around smaller sheave diameters.
› Shop equipment › Home appliances
› Light-duty machinery › Blowers
Key features & benefits
Universal Classical profile.
› Engineered rubber cushion and insulation.
› Cut-edge, molded cogged construction.
› Heat, ozone and abrasion resistant.
FHP V-Belts
Quiet, smooth-running,
exceptionally energy efficient
Our FHP V-belts run smoother and quieter, last longer
and substantially improve energy efficiency compared to
noncogged belts.
Sheave Diameter (in.)
OverviewSynchronousBandedV-BeltBushing HardwareSpecialtyAutomotive & TruckGeneral Information