Continental 3290Z, 3290X User Manual

RoadLog™ Owner’s Manual
Version 1.3
Includes Instructions on:
• Fleet Management Software
• RoadLog Installation
Table of Contents Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................................. 5
The RoadLog device is used in conjunction with: ...................... 5
Getting Started ......................................................................... 5
Chapter 1: VDO RoadLog™ Fleet Management
Software .......................................................... 6
1. Managing your Fleet with the VDO RoadLog™ System....... 7
2. Getting Started ......................................................................8
System Requirements ............................................................... 8
Activating the RoadLog Fleet Management Software ................. 9
Software Installation .................................................................. 9
3. Navigating RoadLog Fleet Management Software:
First Look .............................................................................. 13
The Quick Start Screen: ......................................................... 13
The Navigation Buttons: ......................................................... 13
The Action Palettes: ................................................................ 14
4. Navigating work area Screens and Tabs............................ 15
Viewer Screen ......................................................................... 15
HOS Tab: ............................................................................... 15
IFTA/IRP Tab: .......................................................................... 15
DVIR Tab: ................................................................................ 15
Supporting Documents Tab: .................................................... 15
Speed Graph Tab: ................................................................... 16
Events Tab: ............................................................................. 16
Report Screen ......................................................................... 16
Supporting Documents Screen ............................................... 16
Drivers / Vehicles .....................................................................17
Driver Profile Tab: .................................................................... 17
Trailer Assignments Tab: ..........................................................17
Shipping Assignments Tab: ..................................................... 17
Company Configuration Screen............................................... 18
Company Tab: ........................................................................ 18
Shipping Documents Tab: ....................................................... 18
Supporting Documents Tab: .................................................... 18
Annotations Tab: ..................................................................... 19
Fuel Vendor List Tab: ............................................................... 19
Fuel Types Tab: ....................................................................... 19
Asset Part List Tab: ................................................................. 20
Application Tab: ...................................................................... 20
Support .................................................................................. 20
5. Creating and working
with Driver Keys ................................................................... 21
Creating Drivers ...................................................................... 21
Creating a Driver Profile ........................................................... 21
6. Transferring data .................................................................. 23
Uploading Driver data to the Fleet Management Software ....... 23
Exporting to RoadLog ............................................................. 23
7. Screens & Tabs: Features & Functions ..............................24
Viewer Screen – HOS Tab ....................................................... 24
Events Grid ............................................................................ 25
Map View and IFTA / IRP Tabs ................................................. 27
DVIR Tab ................................................................................. 27
Exporting DVIRs to RoadLog................................................... 29
Importing DVIRs from RoadLog ............................................... 29
Supporting Documents Tab ..................................................... 29
Speed Graph Tab ................................................................... 30
This functionality will be introduced in 2013. ............................ 30
Events Tab .............................................................................. 30
Report Screen ......................................................................... 31
DVIR Status Report ................................................................. 31
HOS Download Reminder Report ............................................ 32
IRP Driven Miles and IRP Vehicle List Reports .........................32
Vehicle Trip Report .................................................................. 32
Supporting Documents Screen ............................................... 33
Drivers / Vehicles Screen .........................................................33
Driver Tab ............................................................................... 34
Vehicle Screen ........................................................................35
Creating Trailers ...................................................................... 37
Trailer Screen .......................................................................... 38
Trailer Assignments Tab ...........................................................38
Shipping Assignments Tab ...................................................... 39
Company Configuration Screen............................................... 40
Company Tab ......................................................................... 40
Creating Shipping Documents ................................................. 42
Supporting Documents Tab .................................................... 42
Annotations Tab ...................................................................... 43
Fuel Vendor List Tab ................................................................ 43
Fuel Types Tab ........................................................................ 43
Asset Part List Tab .................................................................. 44
Application Tab ....................................................................... 45
Support Screen ....................................................................... 46
Update RoadLog Software ...................................................... 46
Update RoadLog Fleet Management Software ........................ 46
Start Remote Control (FastViewer) ........................................... 46
Technical Support ................................................................... 46
Collect Software Diagnostics ................................................... 47
Adding Vehicle Licenses .......................................................... 47
Purging old data ..................................................................... 48
Replacing Lost or Damaged RoadLog Keys ............................ 48
8. Resolving Conflict Files .......................................................49
9. Backing up your RoadLog Data ..........................................50
Chapter 2: VDO RoadLog™
Installation ..................................................... 51
1. VDO RoadLog™ Installation ...............................................51
1. Make sure you have the correct Installation Kit! ................... 52
2. Choose your Mounting Option. ........................................... 52
3. Choose your Mounting Location. ........................................ 53
4. Attach your Bracket or Mount. ............................................ 53
5. Prepare the RoadLog. ......................................................... 53
6. Connect Cable. ................................................................... 54
7. Install RoadLog into Mount. ................................................ 54
8. Load Paper Roll. ................................................................. 54
9. Compliance Sticker. ............................................................ 54
Instructions for Open End “Basic” Cable ................................. 55
6-pin and 9-pin Wiring Configurations ..................................... 56
OBDII Vehicle Connector ......................................................... 56
Chapter 3: VDO RoadLog™ Operation .............. 57
1. VDO RoadLog Fundamentals ..............................................57
Operating RoadLog: ............................................................... 58
On/Off Button and Operation Modes ....................................... 60
USB Connector....................................................................... 60
Printer .................................................................................... 61
GPS Antenna / Connector ..................................................... 61
Connector Cables ................................................................... 61
Battery .................................................................................... 62
Touch Screen Display ............................................................. 62
System Icons .......................................................................... 62
2. First Device Start Up After Installation Into Vehicle .......... 63
3. Company Log In ...................................................................64
4. Configuration Parameters ...................................................65
Setting Configuration Parameters ............................................ 65
Setting the Vehicle Synchronization Parameter ........................66
Setting the Vehicle Synchronization Parameter Automatically ...67
Setting the Vehicle Synchronization Parameter Manually ..........67
Setting the Vehicle Odometer Parameter ................................. 68
Setting the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN).........................69
Setting the Wake up condition ................................................69
Setting the Vehicle Type ..........................................................70
Setting the Printing Speed....................................................... 71
Setting the W Factor ............................................................... 72
Saving new Configuration Parameters to the Fleet Key ............ 74
5. The User Settings Menu ......................................................75
Adjusting Illumination .............................................................. 75
Change Language .................................................................. 75
Diagnostic Functions ............................................................... 76
About – RoadLog Device Information ...................................... 76
6. Daily Operations ...................................................................77
Driver Log In ........................................................................... 77
Enter your Status .................................................................... 78
If you are not the first Driver to Log In: ..................................... 79
Manual Log In ......................................................................... 80
Manual Location Entry ............................................................ 81
Performing DVIRs at Log In and Log Out ................................. 81
The Driver Overview Options Screen: ..................................... 82
Company Data Transfer .......................................................... 83
Update the Company Assets File ........................................... 84
Upload the Company Support Data Lists ................................ 84
Data Download to a normal USB Flash Drive ......................... 84
Change Status ........................................................................ 85
Status Lock ............................................................................ 85
View Logs (Grid) ...................................................................... 86
View Logs (Details) .................................................................. 86
Event Details ........................................................................... 87
Driver Log Out ........................................................................ 88
Data Download at Driver Log Out ............................................ 89
7. Trailer management ............................................................. 90
Adding a Trailer ....................................................................... 90
Removing a Trailer ................................................................... 91
8. Shipment Documents management ...................................92
9. Supporting Documents .......................................................93
Generating a Supporting Document Automatically ................... 93
Generating a Supporting Document Manually.......................... 94
10. Vehicle Inspection Reports: Creating DVIRs ..................... 96
Performing DVIRs.................................................................... 96
Pre-trip Inspection ................................................................... 96
Creating a Pre-trip DVIR .......................................................... 96
Creating a Post-trip DVIR ........................................................ 97
Assigning Defects to a Part in the DVIR ................................... 98
DVIR Summary ..................................................................... 100
Printing a DVIR ..................................................................... 100
Viewing Driver Vehicle Inspection Reports (DVIR) ................... 101
11. Enabling/Disabling Exemptions ....................................... 102
Automatic deactivation of Exemptions ................................... 102
Disabling the 100 or 150 Air-miles Radius Exemptions ..........103
12. Adding a Pre-Trip or Post-Trip Activity ............................ 104
13. Performing a Roadside Inspection .................................. 105
Retrieving and Printing DVIR Reports .................................... 105
Retrieving, Printing and Transferring HOS logs....................... 106
14. Company Log Out from RoadLog ................................... 107
15. Software Updates .............................................................. 108
16. Diagnostic Warning Screens ............................................ 109
17. RoadLog Files .................................................................... 129
Company-Related Files (Fleet Management Software Files) ... 129
Company Identification File ................................................... 129
Company Tractor List File ...................................................... 130
Company Support Data File .................................................. 130
Company Vehicle Activities Data File .....................................130
Company Vehicle DVIR Data File ........................................... 130
Company Configuration Session File ..................................... 131
Company Assets Parts List File ............................................. 131
Device Related Files .............................................................. 131
Device Configuration Parameters Data .................................. 131
Device Diagnostic Events Data .............................................. 132
Vehicle Data .......................................................................... 132
Device Software Update History File ...................................... 133
Driver Related Files ............................................................... 133
Driver Identification Data File ................................................. 133
Driver Support Data File ........................................................ 133
Driver RODS Binary Data File ................................................ 134
Driver RODS Text Data File .................................................... 134
Printouts ............................................................................... 135
Daily Log ............................................................................... 136
DVIR Report .......................................................................... 137
Supporting Document ........................................................... 138
18. Support / Warranty ............................................................ 142
19. Glossary ............................................................................. 143
20. Legal Notices ..................................................................... 145
DOT Certificate of Compliance
VDO RoadLog is the simple, affordable, all-in-one solution for automated daily log
book and compliance reporting. It provides cost-effective HOS monitoring that you can have up and running in minutes.
The VDO RoadLog electronic logging sys tem has been s ufficiently tested, under the conditions in which it will be used, to m eet or exceed the requirements of section 49 CFR 395.15 of the United States Federal M otor Carrier Safety Regulations in effect at the time of its manufacture. This VDO RoadLog electronic log ging sys tem can b e used to record, tran sfer and a rchive all hours of service data as required by the United States Department of Trans portation F ederal Motor Carrier Safety Ad minis tration as of the date of its manufacture.
Authorized by
Ekkehard Kraemer Head of Finance and Quality Tachographs, Telematics and Services Commercial Vehicles & Aftermarket
RoadLog was designed to keep Drivers in compliance with all FMSCA regulations by recording data for:
• Hours-of-Service (HOS)
• Driver Vehicle Inspection Reports (DVIR)
• International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) (This feature will be implemented in an upcoming release)
• International Registration Plan (IRP) (This feature will be implemented in an upcoming release)
RoadLog Fleet Software is designed to enable Fleet Managers and Owner / Operators to collect and archive driver data to maintain compliance with FMSCA regulations and to help manage trucking operations more efficiently.
RoadLog is used in conjunction with:
RoadLog Fleet Management Software
The Fleet Management Software allows the Fleet Manager or Owner / Operator to collect and archive Driver data, make notes in the Driver data and prepare reports
on Driver history.
RoadLog Fleet Key
The RoadLog Fleet Key USB flash drive is used to log in to the RoadLog Fleet Software. The Fleet Key can also be used to download and upload data to and from RoadLog. Each company must have at least one Fleet Key and the RoadLog Fleet Management Software.
RoadLog Driver Key
The RoadLog Driver Key USB flash drive is used by the Driver to log in and out of RoadLog and to transfer data.
Getting Started
To set up your VDO RoadLog, you’ll follow these steps:
1. Install the RoadLog Fleet Software.
2. Activate the RoadLog Fleet Key.
3. Set up your Company and Drivers in the RoadLog Fleet Software.
4. Install RoadLog in your Vehicle.
5. Download and upload Driver data.
Fleet Key
Driver Key
Managing your Fleet with the VDO RoadLog™ System
Chapter 1: VDO RoadLog
Fleet Management Software
1. Managing your Fleet with the VDO RoadLog
VDO RoadLog was designed to allow Drivers, Fleets and Owner Operators to record and report Hours of Service (HOS), Driver Vehicle Inspection Reports (DVIR), Fuel Tax Reporting and other data quickly and easily, and without monthly fees.
VDO RoadLog Fleet Management Software lets you collect and manage that data to ensure that your fleet complies with regulations. By having accurate data on hand, Fleet Managers and Owner Operators can see if they are operating within regulations, and where changes need to be made to improve efficiency and increase profits.
RoadLog eliminates the chance of manual logbook entry errors that can result in big fines. RoadLog printouts provide all the information that a manual log provides and more, but RoadLog is faster, easier and more accurate, for both the Driver and the Compliance Officer.
The VDO RoadLog Fleet Management Software generates accurate, up-to-date reports far quicker than paper-based methods, saving time and money. RoadLog Fleet Management Software can manage an unlimited number of Drivers and trucks. And, since the RoadLog Fleet Management Software is a one-time purchase, it represents an excellent value compared to subscription­based solutions.
Entry errors in traditional paper logbooks interfere with your asset tracking and operations planning. They can also lead to big fines! The RoadLog system is faster, easier and more accurate, for both the Driver and the fleet manager or compliance officer.
Permission to access data from RoadLog and the Fleet Management Software is possible only with the Driver Key or Fleet Key USBs, so that data is fully protected and tamper resistant, to ensure data integrity and data privacy.
VDO RoadLog Fleet Management Software is used in conjunction with:
• VDO RoadLog – the in-vehicle device that records vehicle and Driver activities.
• VDO RoadLog Driver Key – a proprietary USB drive that allows Drivers to log in to RoadLog and that is used to transfer data between RoadLog and the PC that is running the Fleet Management Software. The Driver Key can also transfer Driver data between vehicles, if the Driver uses different vehicles through out the workday/workweek. The Driver Key can also enable use of a limited feature set of the Fleet Management Software.
• VDO RoadLog Fleet Key – a proprietary USB drive that is required to log in to the Fleet Management Software, assuring the integrity and authenticity of your RoadLog data files.
RoadLog records a range of data that helps make trucking operations safer and more efficient:
• Hours-of-Service (HOS) according to US rules
• Driver Vehicle Inspection Reports (DVIR) according to US rules
• International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA)
• International Registration Plan (IRP)
RoadLog’s software is flexible and up-dateable to meet anticipated DOT compliance requirements. Free upcoming software updates will include:
• Hours-of-Service (HOS) according to Canadian rules
• Vehicle Inspection and Repair Maintenance (DVIR) according to Canadian rules
• Compliance with Alaska and oilfield rules
• The Fleet Key and Driver Keys are also used to transfer data between the PC that is running the Fleet Management Software and the RoadLog device.
Driver Key
Fleet Key
Getting Started Getting Started
2. Getting Started
System Requirements
VDO RoadLog Fleet Management Software requires:
• A PC with Windows or Windows XP with Service Pack 3.
• Adobe
• An Internet connection.
• Two open USB ports.
• A CD drive.
• 400 MB of free hard drive space.
Windows XP (SP3)
Windows VistaSP2 Enterprise
Windows VistaSP2 Ultimate
PDF Reader (or any software that allows reading of PDFs).
8, Windows® 7, Windows Vista with Service Pack 2,
Windows XP (SP3)
Windows 7 Ultimate
Windows 7 x64 Home Premium
Activating the RoadLog Fleet Management Software
In order to use the RoadLog Fleet Management Software, you will need to install the Software and activate the VDO RoadLog Fleet Key. Whenever you use the Fleet Management Software, an activated VDO Fleet Key or VDO Driver Key must be inserted in the PC.
If the Fleet Key is not already activated, it can be activated by filling the data in the Company window that appears after installation of the RoadLog Fleet Software application.
The application connects to the VDO Internet portal. The company will be registered, and the PC will receive a download of the CID file for the activation of the Fleet key.
Note: The activation described here requires an Internet connection. If you do not have an Internet connection, see Activating Your Fleet Key through the RoadLog Portal for how to activate the Fleet Key using Internet access from another PC.
Windows VistaSP2 Home Basic
Windows VistaSP2 Home Premium
Windows VistaSP2 Business
Windows 7 Ultimate
Windows 7 Home Premium
Windows 7 Home Basic
Windows 7 Enterprise
Windows 7 Professional
Windows 8 Consumer
Windows 8 Professional
Windows 8 Enterprise
NOTE: PostgreSQL 9.0 Database supported for all Operating Systems.
The installer will check to see if the PostgreSQL database is installed on the machine. If it is not installed, setup will automatically install it.
Windows 7 x64 Home Basic
Windows 7 x64 Enterprise
Windows 7 x64 Professional
Windows 8 Consumer
Windows 8 Professional
Windows 8 Enterprise
Software Installation
1. Insert the Fleet Key into a USB port on your PC.
2. Insert the Fleet Management Software CD into the PC. When the CD appears, double click the setup.exe file. The Fleet Management Software installation will start.
3. Follow the InstallShield Wizard prompts, and make all the required user choices.
While running the InstallShield Wizard, there is an option to choose a Client/Server installation.
> If you select “Complete installation,” all parts of the application
(database, client application, etc.) will be installed on one computer. This option is selected by default.
> If you select “Client installation,” only the client portions
(application, JRE, etc.) will be installed.
> If the user selects “Server installation,” only the server parts will
be installed.
> If “Client installation” is selected, you will be prompted for a
database server name / address. You will also have to enter the US DOT Number for the company.
> If there is a PostgreSQL database already installed, you will have
to enter the admin password.
Getting Started Getting Started
Note: The installer will check to see if PostgreSQL database is installed on the machine. If it is not installed, the setup will automatically install it. You may see a message(s) indicating that there are software updates available. Click Yes to allow installation of the updates.
When you see the Fleet Key Activation screen, enter your company information in the fields shown. Be careful to enter the information accurately – once saved, the US DOT number cannot be changed. We recommend using an email address that all users will have access to, for example:
You’ll need to know your company data, including your US DOT Number. The serial number of the Fleet Key will be read from the Key and entered into the field automatically.
When the information entry is completed, click Save. The software will automatically activate your Fleet Key (this may take several minutes - again, Internet access is required). When the activation is complete, your Fleet Key will be activated. The Fleet Manager Software will start up automatically, and a “RoadLog Fleet Management Software” shortcut icon will appear on your desktop.
To start the RoadLog Fleet Management Software, double click on this shortcut icon.
Activating your Key will create a Company account for you on the RoadLog User Portal ( You will be able to use this account to purchase additional RoadLog Fleet Keys and Vehicle licenses when you need them.
4. At first start up, no Driver data will be present. You’ll need to complete your Company and Driver profiles, create Trailers and Tractors and export the data to the Fleet Key and Driver Key(s). Then, you’ll be ready to log your Company in on your RoadLog(s) with the Fleet Key and then have your Driver(s) begin using the system. When the Driver(s) return from driving with data from RoadLog, you will be able to download the data from the Driver Key(s), view Driver activities and manage Driver records.
Note: You will be notified by e-mail when software updates are available. If you do not have Internet access from the PC where you’ll use the Fleet Management Software, you must make arrangements to get the software updates. Software updates may be necessary to maintain compliance with changes to the FMCSA regulations. Updates will be available on the VDO RoadLog web portal:
When the Fleet Management Software starts up and the Fleet Key is authenticated, you’ll see the Quick Start Screen. The Quick Start Screen provides shortcuts to create Drivers, Tractors, Trailers and Supporting Documents, as well as import and export data.
Instructions on how to perform each of these steps are featured below.
Create Driver
Create Tractor
Create Trailer
Create Documents
Import to RoadLog
Export to RoadLog
Important note: It is recommended to read the instructions prior to using this software. However, some users may choose to create these entries before reading this manual completely. If you are going to immediately create entries, please read “Backing Up Your RoadLog Data” and follow the guidance there to ensure that the results of your work are secure.
Activating your Fleet Key through the RoadLog Portal
If your computer is not able to connect to the Internet and the RoadLog Portal, the Fleet Management Software will not be able to download the .CID file needed to activate your Fleet Key.
If this is the case, you must use a computer that can connect to the RoadLog Portal and use the Portal to manually register your company and activate your Fleet Key. You will also need an email account that you can access from the Internet-connected computer.
To perform a manual registration and .CID file download:
• Insert the Fleet Key into a USB port on the Internet-connected PC.
• Using the PC’s Internet browser, go to the RoadLog User Portal at and click on “Register.”
• Enter your company information in the fields shown. You’ll need to know your company data, including your US Department of Transportation (DOT) number and the serial number of the Fleet Key. This serial number is available on the package of the Fleet Key and in the file KEY_DATA.txt on the root directory of the Fleet Key.
Once you enter your registration information, an email with a download link will be sent to the email address that you registered with. Click on the link to begin the download. Save the download as a file in your Documents folder. The downloaded file, with the extension .CID, is your Company ID registration file.
• Copy this file to your Fleet Key’s “Company” folder. You can now use your Fleet Key to launch the Fleet Management Software as described above in Software Installation.
Getting Started Navigating RoadLog Fleet Management Software: First Look
Note: The .CID file is unique to your Fleet Key. It will not work with other Fleet Keys or with generic USB flash drives. The activated Fleet Key must be plugged into a USB port on the computer for the Fleet Management Software to run.
Adding additional Fleet Keys
You may wish to have more than one Fleet Key for your company. Additional Fleet Keys can be purchased from VDO RoadLog retailers or by contacting RoadLog Customer Support:
Customer Support
Tel.: (855) ROADLOG, or (855) 762-3564
Fax: (800) 752-7224 or (610) 366-9837
Customer service is available 8:00 am – 5:00 pm EST
IMPORTANT: All additional Fleet Keys purchased for your company must be activated using the same US DOT number and company address as the original Fleet Key, or the new Fleet Key cannot be used with your original company file.
3. Navigating RoadLog Fleet Management Software: First Look
The RoadLog Fleet Management Software four main elements:
The Quick Start Screen:
This floating layer is seen at the first start up and it is designed to help you through your initial software configuration and to enable easy access to common tasks at start up. The Quick Start Screen includes buttons that allow you to quickly create Drivers, Tractors, Trailers, and Supporting Documents, as well as to import data from your RoadLog device and export data to RoadLog.
Note: If you don’t want the Quick Start Screen to appear at start up, check the box “Don’t show again” in the Screen.
The Navigation Buttons:
Seen at the lower left, the Navigation Buttons select among the various screens designed for different activities. The Navigation Buttons include:
Viewer: For viewing tabs that show Driver logs and records associated with their activities.
Report: For viewing various reports reflecting the status of Drivers, Vehicles and IRP information.
Supporting Documents: For viewing Supporting Documents, which are records created by the Driver to document activities during trips such as meals, fueling and vehicle maintenance.
Drivers / Vehicles: For creating and viewing Driver profiles and assignments of tractors and shipments made to each Driver.
Company Configuration: For creating and viewing the company profile as well as creating Shipping Documents, Supporting Document Categories, frequently used Annotations, pre­established Fuel Vendors and Fuel Types, and Asset Part Names. In addition, the Company Configuration screen includes the Application tab for configuring the VDO Fleet Management Software user preferences.
Navigating RoadLog Fleet Management Software: First Look Navigating work area Screens and Tabs
The Action Palettes:
Seen at the upper left, the Action Palette provides access to the frequently used actions. The options shown in the Action Palette change, depending on which Navigation button is active.
Viewer Action Palette:
When the Viewer Navigation Button is active, the Action Palette shows the interactive calendar used to select dates you’ll view and buttons to import or export data from or to a RoadLog Fleet Key or Driver Key. The the Action Palette toggles to reveal the list of all Drivers that have been created for the company. You may also select the Driver or vehicle from the drop-down menu. The “Show Original Data” check box will cause the HOS tab screen to show original data automatically recorded by the RoadLog device rather than data that was manually edited by a RoadLog Fleet Management Software user.
Report Action Palette:
When the Report Navigation Button is active, the Action Palette is inactive and shows only the Company icon. You may use the default Company Icon, or if you wish, you can change the Company icon to an image of your choosing, such as your logo, by clicking on it.
icon at the top of
Support Action Palette:
When the Support Navigation Button is active, the Action Palette is inactive, and shows only the Company icon.
The Work Area:
The Work Area displays the tabbed screens and fields you’ll work in. The screens seen here change according to which of the Navigation Buttons is active and which tab you’ve clicked on.
Note: As with the Company icon mentioned above, you can change the icons for Driver, Trailer or Vehicle, to images of your choosing. Create your icon at 75 x 75 pixels. Click on the icon you wish to replace and choose your icon from the dialog box that appears.
4. Navigating work area Screens and Tabs
The easiest way to understand the Fleet Software’s capabilities is to review the screens and their tabs’ functions. An overview of the functions of each section is described below; a detailed explanation of how to work in the screen and tabs is provided
Screens & Tabs: Features & Functions.
Viewer Screen
HOS Tab:
• View, edit and print Driver HOS data in logbook, tabular and map form.
• View start/end times for Events, Violations, Exemptions and Supporting Documents.
• View and edit accumulated times for each Duty Status recorded; Off Duty, Sleeper Berth, Driving and On Duty
Supporting Documents Action Palette:
When the Supporting Documents Navigation Button is active, the Action Palette shows timeline selectors that define the time period from which you will see recorded Supporting Documents. The “Display only new entries” checkbox will cause the software to display only newly recorded entries.
Drivers / Vehicles Action Palette:
When the Drivers / Vehicles Navigation Button is active, the Action Palette shows buttons to create Drivers, vehicles and trailers as well as buttons to import or export data from or to a RoadLog Fleet Key or Driver Key.
icon at the top of the Action Palette toggles to
The reveal the list of all Drivers that have been created for the company.
Company Configuration Action Palette:
When the Company Configuration Navigation Button is active, the Action palette shows buttons to import or export data from or to a RoadLog Fleet Key or Driver Key.
• [This feature will be implemented in a free upcoming release]
• View and annotate DVIR records created by the Driver.
Supporting Documents Tab:
• View Supporting Documents records such as fuel and meal receipts.
• Manually create new Supporting Documents.
• Add scanned documents to the Supporting Documents records.
Navigating work area Screens and Tabs Navigating work area Screens and Tabs
Speed Graph Tab:
• [This feature will be implemented in a free upcoming release]
Events Tab:
• View a complete list of all events recorded automatically by RoadLog, including vehicle status changes and Driver actions.
Report Screen
Create, view, save and print reports for:
• DVIR status.
• HOS download reminders.
• IRP driven miles [This feature will be implemented in a free upcoming release].
Drivers / Vehicles
Driver Profile Tab:
• Create RoadLog identities for Drivers.
• Choose from existing profiles for Drivers and vehicles (using the
icon in the actions palette).
Trailer Assignments Tab:
• Assign trailers to the currently selected Driver.
• Un-assign trailers from the currently selected Driver.
• IRP vehicles list. [This feature will be implemented in a free upcoming release].
• Vehicle trips.
Supporting Documents Screen
• View Supporting Documents records such as fuel and meal receipts.
• Add scanned documents to the Supporting Documents records.
Shipping Assignments Tab:
• Assign Shipping Documents to the currently selected Driver.
• Un-assign Shipping Documents from the currently selected Driver.
Navigating work area Screens and Tabs Navigating work area Screens and Tabs
Company Configuration Screen
Company Tab:
• Enter and maintain Company and IRP data as well as time zone settings and download warnings.
Shipping Documents Tab:
• Create new Shipping Document numbers for use in making Shipping Assignments to Drivers.
Annotations Tab:
• Create a list of predefined annotations such as “Waiting while loading.”
Fuel Vendor List Tab:
• Create a predefined list of fuel vendors and fueling types such as “Normal refueling” or “Bulk refueling.”
Supporting Documents Tab:
• Create a list of predefined Supporting Document types, such as “Receipt Fuel” and “Receipt Meal,” to allow Drivers easy and consistent creation of Supporting Documents.
Fuel Types Tab:
• Create a predefined list of fuel types such as “Gasoline” or “Diesel” for use in creating reports on fueling events.
Navigating work area Screens and Tabs Creating and working with Driver Keys
Asset Part List Tab:
• Create a predefined list of Part Names and associated Part Codes to be used in creating DVIRs for tractors and trailers.
• Create a predefined list of Types of Defects associated with each Part Name and assign each Type of Defect with a priority level and Defect Code, both for use in creating DVIRs.
Application Tab:
• Set the language to be used.
• Set the file types that can be used for Supporting Document scans.
• Set the maximum file size for Supporting Document scans.
• Set whether or not the Quick Start Screen will appear at start up.
• Set the region whose regulations will be used to calculate HOS compliance.
• Check box to show Sold Tractors / Terminated Drivers.
• Set the distance, volume and speed units that will be used.
• Set the location where backup files will be stored and the number of days before a backup warning is given to the user.
• Check box to select whether Automatic Backup will be performed or not.
• Check for updates to the RoadLog software.
• Check for updates to the RoadLog Fleet Management Software.
5. Creating and working with Driver Keys
Creating Drivers
To use RoadLog, each Driver must have a profile in the Fleet Management Software and must have a personal Driver Key activated with that profile.
The RoadLog Driver Key is a proprietary USB drive that allows Drivers to log in to RoadLog and download and transfer their records to the Fleet Management Software or transfer their data between multiple vehicles equipped with RoadLog devices.
The Driver Key can also be used to transfer software updates to the RoadLog device.
Creating a Driver Profile
• To create a Driver profile, click on the Drivers/Vehicles
button in the main navigation.
• Click on Create Driver from the Action Palette.
• Enter the data for the Driver – fields outlined in orange are mandatory and must be completed.
• The Driver Key serial number (S/N) can be found on the Driver Key package, or it can be read from the key_data.txt file on the Driver Key. Enter the serial number exactly as it
appears, including all zeros.
• If you wish to enter the optional Latitude and Longitude information for the “Work Reporting Location” can be found using free websites such as
• The Last 15 days RODS file name is set automatically for the file that contains the most recent RODS data for the selected Driver.
• When data has been entered, click Save. The Driver’s profile is now part of the Fleet Management Software data.
• Start Remote Control (FastViewer), allowing RoadLog support personnel to diagnose problems and answer questions.
• Collect and open software diagnostic data for evaluation by RoadLog support personnel.
• Enter license extension activations to enable management of additional vehicles.
• View RoadLog legal notices.
• Purge operational data that is older than the required time period.
After the Driver’s profile has been created in the Fleet Management Software, the profile must be transferred to a Driver Key to activate the Key.
Activating a Driver Key
• Insert the Driver Key you want to activate into an open USB port.
• Click the Drivers/Vehicles button in the main naviagtion.
• From the Action Palette click Export to RoadLog.
• A popup for selecting the Key appears. Select the drive icon for the Driver Key you wish to activate.
Creating and working with Driver Keys Transferring data
6. Transferring data
• Click the Driver icon in the Action palette, and select the Driver you wish to assign to the Key from the drop down box that appears.
Note: Only Drivers for whom a serial number is not already assigned will appear on the drop-down list of Drivers.
Once the Driver’s profile data and relevant company information has been downloaded to the Driver Key, that Driver can now automatically log in to the RoadLog device by inserting the Key. When the Driver changes vehicles within a working day or within a working week, the data is transferred from one vehicle to another and it is recognized by each RoadLog device installed in those vehicles at log in and log out. When the Driver’s workday is complete, updated records can be downloaded to the Driver Key for transfer to the Fleet Management Software.
Note: The Fleet Key can also double as a Driver Key for one Driver. To use the Fleet Key as a Driver Key, insert the Fleet Key and follow the steps listed above for activating a Driver Key.
Uploading Driver data to the Fleet Management Software
At the end of the workday, Drivers will download their data from RoadLog to their Driver Key. Once Drivers download their data from RoadLog to the Driver Key, the data can be entered into the Fleet Management Software:
• Insert the Driver Key into the PC’s USB port.
• Select Drivers / Vehicles from the main navigation.
• From the Action palette click Import From Roadlog.
• Select the key from which you wish to import. Click Yes to import all, No to cancel, or Details to choose specific files to import.
The RoadLog Fleet Software will detect when a new trailer, not currently in the company data, is included in the data being imported from the Driver Key. If a new trailer is detected, a “Create Trailer” pop-up window will appear. Data for the trailer must be entered and it will be saved along with the data imported from the Driver Key.
Note: If there are two usable Keys available to the computer when you chose Export to RoadLog, you will be asked to choose which Key is the one you wish to activate.
For complete instructions on downloading data from the device, see the RoadLog User Manual.
Reassigning a Driver Key
A Driver Key can be reassigned to a new Driver by deleting the Driver’s data from they key, deleting the Key’s Serial Number from the profile of the old Driver and assigning the Key’s Serial Number to the new Driver.
WARNING!!! DO NOT DELETE the BOS_ LICENSE.dat file or the driver folder as this will turn RoadLog Driver Key into a plain USB flash drive, and you will not be able to use it as a RoadLog Driver Key.
When importing the files from the Fleet Key or Driver Key the data are archived in the installation folder (e.g. C:\Program Files\VDO\BOS\dist\Archive).
Exporting to RoadLog
In addition to downloading data from RoadLog to the Fleet Management Software, there will also be data that must be uploaded from the Fleet Management Software to RoadLog. Examples include:
• When a Driver has been assigned a new trailer or shipping document.
• When company configuration data has been updated.
• When a Driver’s records have been annotated in the Fleet Manager Software.
To export data from the RoadLog Fleet Management Software to RoadLog:
• Insert the Driver Key into the PC’s USB port.
• Select Drivers / Vehicles from the main navigation.
• From the Action Palette click on Export to RoadLog. Company and Driver files are automatically downloaded to the Driver Key.
Note: If there is more than one Key inserted, you will be asked to choose the one you want to download to.
Screens & Tabs: Features & Functions Screens & Tabs: Features & Functions
7. Screens & Tabs: Features & Functions
Viewer Screen – HOS Tab
The HOS tab displays Driver information across the top of the work area: name, employee number, date of birth, Driver ID, the currently displayed date as selected in the action palette calendar and the cycle chosen for the HOS schedule.
Note: The Driver information seen here is entered and maintained on the Driver Data Tab of the Master Data screens.
In the work area, the Driver’s hours of service are shown in several formats:
Logbook Timeline
The logbook timeline displays a running line of a Driver’s Duty Status (On Duty, Driving, Sleeper Berth, Off Duty) and also shows color-coded indicators for Events, Violations, Exemptions and Supporting Documents associated with times recorded in the Driver’s log.
Annotating the logbook
The recorded record shown in the logbook timeline can be changed if necessary. An example would be a period of time when the Driver neglected to switch from On Duty to Off Duty.
• Click and drag on a segment of the timeline, to select it.
• Right-click on the selection to change (annotate) the status recorded. A “Create Duty Status” pop-up appears.
• Enter the revised time span and status you wish to record and click OK.
Events Grid
Below the logbook view, the events grid shows a record of the same data seen in the logbook.
Annotating the Events Grid
Clicking on some cells in a segment row allow you to edit the value in the cell, either by directly typing in a new value or by selecting a new value from a drop-down menu. While the grid and logbook record displayed will reflect the changes made, the Fleet Management Software will annotate the data as having been changed and will retain the original data as well as the revised data. To view the original, unchanged data, click the “Show Original Data” checkbox in the Action Palette.
The data points in the Events Grid include (from left to right):
Events: Colored dots that coincide with the dots seen on the
events timeline indicating Events (Green), Violations (Red), Exemptions (Yellow), and Supporting Documents (Blue).
From: Start time for the trip segment.
To: End time for the trip segment.
Duty Status: Duty Status indicated by the Driver during the
segment (Duty Status can be edited by clicking on the cell and selecting another status from the pull-down menu).
Entry Type: Indication of whether the recorded segment was
entered manually in the Fleet Management Software (RFS manual record) or recorded automatically by RoadLog (RoadLog automatic record).
Login Role: Indication of whether the record was made under a
Driver or Co-Driver log in (Login Role can be edited by clicking on the cell and selecting another status from the pull-down menu).
VLPN: The Vehicle License Plate Number of the vehicle recorded for
the segment (the VLPN can be edited by clicking in the cell choosing another VLPN from the pull-down menu).
Note: Segments can only be selected for editing as they were recorded. Therefore some edits will require you to individually select and edit multiple adjacent segments to create one continuous new segment. Segments can also be edited in the events grid below the logbook view.
While the logbook record displayed will reflect the changes made, the Fleet Management Software will annotate the data as having been changed and will retain the original data as well as the revised data. To view the original, unchanged data, click the “Show Original Data” checkbox in the Action Palette.
Data can also been added manually when clicking on a calendar day. If no data is available this message appears: “No HOS data for the Driver available. To create HOS data please click here.” Clicking brings up a pop-up where data can be entered. This can also be used to enter activities recorded for the previous 15 days for a new Driver or when starting up a new company record.
Start Odometer: The odometer reading at the beginning of the
End Odometer: The odometer reading at the end of the segment.
Note: The odometer reading can be edited by clicking in the cell and entering another value. However, the End Odometer reading entered cannot be lower than the Start Odometer reading from the previous cell.
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Violations / Exemptions
Note about Odometer readings: The RoadLog device is typically calibrated
to observe the odometer reading from the engine’s computer. The engine computer’s odometer reading can vary significantly from the odometer reading displayed on the dashboard. These conflicting odometer readings both come from different message sources within the vehicle. Therefore, odometer readings from this device may not match the odometer reading displayed on the dashboard.
State: The state traveled during the segment (the State can be edited by clicking in the cell and choosing another state from the drop-down menu).
Location: The nearest populated area to the area traveled during the segment.
Distance to nearest populated location: Distance to the nearest populated area as recorded by the US census.
Bearing Data: Your current location relative to the closest most populated place – for example, “7 miles West of Allentown, PA.”
Description: Remarks recorded by the Driver regarding changes of duty status.
Violations are instances where the Driver’s record of duty status has violated FMCSA regulations. Violations are highlighted by red dots on the Logbook Timeline and by red dots in the Events Grid.
Clicking on the red dot in the Events Grid reveals a second grid showing details of the Violation including Date / Time, Odometer, Event Code, Type, Short Description and Description.
Exemptions are instances where the Driver has encountered circumstances that affected HOS compliance. Exemptions are predefined in the RoadLog device and include Emergency Conditions, Adverse driving conditions, 16 hours extension, 100- or 150-mile radius Driver, and Personal Use.
Accumulated Duty Status Durations Grid
Additional Events Grid data
Clicking on some of the other cells in a segment row in the events grid opens an additional grid view showing additional details for the segment including:
Date/Time: Exact recording time for an Event.
Odometer: ECM Odometer reading at the time of the event (may not match the instrument cluster odometer).
Event Code: Predefined codes for diagnostic events recorded by the RoadLog device, including FMCSA type events and events related specifically to the RoadLog device.
FMSCA Diagnostic Code: FMCSA codes for events that are detected and recorded in order to maintain compliance with US HOS regulation.
Abbreviation: FMCSA abbreviations for events that are detected and recorded in order to maintain compliance with US HOS regulation. Examples include “ENG_ON” (Engine On) and “BATLOW” (Battery Low).
Short Description: Predefined descriptions for predefined events. An example would be “Successful Driver log in using Driver Key.”
Description: A longer text version of the activity described in the “Short Description.”
Below the events grid view, the accumulated Duty Status view shows daily and weekly cumulative totals of each Duty Status, based on the values seen in the logbook and events grid displays.
Map View and IFTA / IRP Tabs
[These features will be implemented in a free upcoming release]
The DVIR Tab displays Driver Vehicle Inspection Reports recorded by the Driver in the RoadLog device and imported into the Fleet Management Software as well as DVIRs created in the Fleet Management Software.
To select the vehicle that you wish to view o r create a DVIR for:
• Click on Viewer form the main navigation.
• Click on the vehicle from those shown.
• Select the date that you wish to view or create a DVIR for from the interactive calendar in the Action Palette.
icon at the top of the Action Palette. Select the
The drop down menu field below the calendar is self-populated with the times for all the DVIRs created on the selected date. If there is more than one DVIR for a selected date, choose the time from the drop down menu for the DVIR you want to view.
At the top of the screen, the work area data displayed reflects the vehicle and the date selected including License Plate Number, VIN, Displayed date, and Make and Model of the vehicle.
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Creating a DVIR in the Fleet Management Software
The Driver in the RoadLog can create DVIRs, or they can be created in the Fleet Management Software. To create a DVIR in the Fleet Management Software:
• Click on Viewer in tha main navigation.
• Select the date you want to record the DVIR for in the calendar, and then click on Create new DVIR in the Action Palette.
• Complete the fields in the tab. Fields outlined in orange are mandatory.
The DVIR fields include:
Driver submitting DVIR: The Driver who has reported the vehicle inspection details.
Odometer Reading (miles): Odometer at the time the report is made.
State: The state from which the DVIR was filed.
Location: The location from which the DVIR was filed.
Driver approving repair: Driver who has viewed the repairs made to defects reported in the DVIR and has judged them to be complete.
Approval Date: Date that the Driver approving the repair reported that the repairs had been made satisfactorily.
Approval notes: Comments made by the Driver or user on the repairs and approval.
No defects detected: A check box to indicate that the Driver detected no defects.
Repair person: The person making repairs to the reported defects.
Exporting DVIRs to RoadLog
To export DVIRs to RoadLog, insert a Driver Key in the USB port.
• Click on Drivers / Vehicles in the main navigation.
• Click on Export to RoadLog in the Action Palette.
• Click on the Key you wish to export to. If more than one Key is inserted, select the correct drive. All Driver files are automatically transferred to the Driver Key.
Importing DVIRs from RoadLog
To import DVIRs from RoadLog, insert a Driver Key in the USB port.
• Click on Drivers / Vehicles in the main navigation.
• Click on Import from RoadLog in the Action Palette.
• Click on the Key you wish to export to. If more than one Key is inserted, select the correct drive. All Driver files are automatically transferred from the Driver Key to the Fleet Management Software.
Supporting Documents Tab
Supporting Documents are electronic records of costs incurred by the Driver during the trip. Examples include “Fuel Receipt” and “Meal Receipt.” The Supporting Document records are created by the Driver on the RoadLog device and transferred to the Fleet Management Software when data is exported from RoadLog and imported into the RoadLog Fleet Management Software.
Repair date: The date the defects were repaired.
Repair certification: Predefined list of repairs for annotations to the repair
person’s report; None, Repairs made, Repairs not necessary.
Safety certification: Predefined list of safety conditions for annotations to the
repair person’s report; None, Safe to operate, Unsafe to operate.
Repair notes: Comments made by the repair person or user on the
repairs and approval.
You can add defective parts to the DVIR by clicking the Add Part button at the lower right of the screen and selecting from the list of predefined parts. Once you have entered the defective part, you may add the defect(s) you want to record for the part by clicking on the Add Defect bar, and selecting the defect(s) from the list of predefined defects.
When all fields and defect part listings are completed, click Save to record the DVIR. To print the DVIR, click on the Print button at the lower right of the screen.
Note: There is a list of predefined defective parts that comes with the Fleet Management Software. You can add additional parts to the list by clicking on the Add button below the Part Name / Part code grid on the Asset Part List tab. Once uploaded to RoadLog, these parts and defects will appear in the RoadLog menus for easy creation of DVIRs.
To allow Drivers easy and consistent creation of Supporting Documents, predefined Supporting Document Categories can be created in the Fleet Management Software, in the Company Configuration screen’s Supporting Documents tab (not to be confused with the Supporting Documents tab in the Viewer screen). Supporting Document Categories that are created here will appear as choices for the Driver in the RoadLog device, once data has been exported from the Fleet Management Software to the RoadLog device.
A paper receipt for each Supporting Document can be printed from the RoadLog device, using the RoadLog’s built-in thermal printer. In addition, physical documents such as paper receipts can be scanned, and the scanned file can be “attached” to the Supporting Document’s electronic record.
The Supporting Documents tab displays vehicle information across the top of screen in the work area: Vehicle License Plate Number, VIN, Make and Model, and the currently displayed date period as selected in the action palette.
The work area shows a table of Supporting Documents associated with the currently selected vehicle, listed in order by entry date and time.
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Each Supporting Document record shows:
Entry date/time: Entered automatically when the record is created.
Supporting Document Number: The number assigned automatically by
the software when the supporting Document is created.
Description: The description is selected from the list of predefined
Supporting Document types established in the Company Configuration / Supporting Documents tab.
Link: A scan of a physical document that is added to the Supporting Document
Browse: Click the Browse button to navigate to and select the scan file
you wish to make a Link.
Note: File types accepted and the maximum file size that can be used as a link is set in the Company Configuration / Application tab.
Driver: The Driver who created or is associated with the Supporting
Processed: A check box that indicates that the user has finished working
with this record. Once clicked, the record is processed and the Supporting Document will no longer be displayed in the list.
To create a new Supporting Document in the Viewer / Supporting Documents tab:
• Click on the Viewer in the main navigation.
• Click on the Supporting Documents tab.
• Click the Add Entry button. The Add Supporting Document Number dialog is displayed.
• Select a description from the drop-down menu.
• Select a Driver from the drop-down menu.
• If appropriate, select a scanned document to add to the record by clicking the
••• button. Navigate to the file and click on Open to select the file and add it to the record.
Report Screen
The report screen displays information about the Fleet Key currently in use across the top of the work area, including its DOT number, serial number, IFTA number and memory capacity.
In the work area, a drop-down menu allows you to select the type of report you wish to view:
• DVIR Status.
• HOS Download Reminder.
• IRP Miles Driven. (Future feature.)
• IRP Vehicle List. (Future feature.)
• Vehicle Trip. (Future feature.)
Reports can be printed directly from the Fleet Management Software or saved in a variety of formats, including PDF, RTF, ODT, DOCX, HTML, XLS and CSV.
DVIR Status Report
The DVIR Status Report data includes:
• Vehicle number
• Most Recent Pre-Trip Date
• Most Recent Post-Trip Date
• Most Recent Pre-Trip Driver
• Most Recent Post-Trip Driver
• Repair Certification
• Safety Certification
Speed Graph Tab
This functionality will be introduced in 2013.
Events Tab
The events tab displays vehicle information across the top of the work area and a table of events automatically logged by the RoadLog device, listed in order by date and time.
Select the date to be displayed from the interactive calendar in the Action Palette.
For each event, the table shows the odometer reading, the event code, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) diagnostic code (if applicable), a short description and a longer description.
• Clicking and dragging on the column divider allows you to view the full contents of any cell.
To view the DVIR Status Report click on the Report button.
• Select DVIR Status Report from the drop-down menu.
• Click on the Create Report button. The Fleet Management Software generates the report and shows an on-screen view. From the on-screen view you can print or save the report.
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HOS Download Reminder Report
The HOS Download Reminder Report shows a list of Drivers and their IDs along with:
• Last Downloaded Date
• Next Download Due Date
• Days until Next Download
To view the HOS Download Reminder Report, click on the Report button.
• Select HOS Download Reminder Report from the drop-down menu.
• Click on the Create Report button. The Fleet Management Software generates the report and shows an on-screen view. From the on-screen view you can print or save the report.
IRP Driven Miles and IRP Vehicle List Reports
[These features will be implemented in a free upcoming release]
Vehicle Trip Report
Supporting Documents Screen
The work area shows a table of Supporting Documents by entry date and time. The range of entry dates shown is selected with the interactive calendar in the action palette.
This Supporting Document Screen also displays the company’s Fleet Key information across the top of the work area.
The table shows the Entry date / time, Vehicle License Plate Number, Driver, Supporting Document number, Supporting Document (linked scan file), a Browse button to locate and open scanned document files, a document Description and a checkbox indicating whether the document has been processed.
• To add a scanned file to a Supporting Document record, click the Browse button to find and select the file.
Note: File types accepted and the maximum file size that can be used as a link is set in the Company Configuration / Application tab.
The Vehicle Trip Report shows the selected vehicle’s trip data, including state traveled, route used, odometer reading at border crossing(s), distance driven in each state, date of the trip/segment, fuel type used, gallons refueled and fuel price per gallon.
• To view the Vehicle Trip Report, click on the Report button.
• Select Vehicle Trip Report from the drop-down menu.
• Select the vehicle you wish to view from the drop-down menu.
• Select a start date and end date from the interactive calendar.
• Click in the date field to display the interactive calendar.
• Use the double arrows to select the year.
• Use the single arrows to select the month.
• On the interactive calendar, select your desired date.
Note: The Today button provides a shortcut to enter today’s date.
• Click on the Create Report button. The Fleet Management Software generates the report and shows an on-screen view. From the on-screen view you can print or save the report.
Drivers / Vehicles Screen
The Drivers / Vehicles screen shows the Driver Profile tab as well as tabs for Trailer Assignments and Shipping Document Assignments.
When the Drivers / Vehicles screen is chosen, the the Action Palette allows you to view and make selections from the lists of existing Drivers, vehicles and trailers.
When Drivers / Vehicles is seleted from the main naviagtion, the Action Palette will also allow you to:
• Create new Driver.
• Create new vehicle.
• Create new trailer.
• Import data from a RoadLog device via a Fleet or Driver Key.
• Export data to a RoadLog device via a Fleet or Driver Key.
icon in
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Driver Tab
The Driver tab shows three types of data: Common Data about the Driver, Hours of Service (HOS) settings and data on the Driver’s work reporting location. Many of the fields provide drop-down menus for quick selections from a list.
To create a new Driver Profile see Creating and Working With Driver Keys.
Driver data includes:
Common Data:
• First / Last name.
• Date of birth.
• Employee Number (assigned by the Fleet Manager).
• Driver’s License Number.
• Driver ID (this is a unique identifier assigned when the Driver entry is created and cannot be edited once set).
• Home terminal time zone.
• Date hired.
• Termination date.
• Type (type of vehicle driven by this Driver, Property Carrying (Truck) or Passenger Carrying (Bus)).
• Driver Key Serial Number.
• Language.
• Personal use distance limit.
HOS Settings:
• US HOS schedule (7 days or 8 days).
• US HOS starting time (in 24-hour format).
• Canadian HOS schedule (Cycle 1 or Cycle 2).
• Canadian HOS starting time (in 24-hour format).
• 34 hours restart function (Allowed or Not Allowed).
• Warning time before violation occurs (No warning or 30, 60 or 90 minutes in advance).
• HOS type.
• 100/150 air-miles radius (Not assigned, 100 miles or 150 miles).
• Last 15 days RODS file name. File name for RODS (Record of Duty Status) file covering the last 15 days (file and file name is created automatically by the Fleet Management Software).
Work Reporting Location:
• State (or Canadian province).
• Location.
• Latitude.
• Longitude.
Note: If you wish to enter the optional Latitude and Longitude information for the “Work Reporting Location” it can be found using free websites such as
Vehicle Screen
The Vehicle Screen can be seen by clicking on the icon in the Action Palette and selecting the Vehicle that you want to view. If no vehicles exist, you must first create one to see the Vehicle screen.
The vehicle screen shows the Vehicle Profile including: Common Data about the vehicle, Calibration Data to ensure accurate speed and mileage records, IRP/IFTA data and GSM/GPRS network registration data. Many of the fields provide drop-down menus for quick selection from a list.
Note: IRP/IFTA and GSM/GPRS functionality will be implemented in an upcoming release.
Creating a Vehicle
Vehicles must have a profile created before they can be assigned to a Driver.
To create a new Vehicle profile from the Drivers / Vehicles screen:
• Click on Drivers / Vehicles in the main navigation.
• Click on Create Vehicle in the Action Palette.
• Enter the Vehicle’s data. Fields with orange borders are mandatory and must be completed.
• Click Save. The Vehicle record is created.
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Vehicle data includes:
Common Data
• License Plate Number.
• VIN.
• Make.
• Model.
• Type.
• Seats.
• Axle.
• Weight.
• Fuel Type.
• Tire Size.
• Vehicle Number (this is a unique identifier assigned when the vehicle entry is created, and cannot be edited).
• Manufacturing Date.
• Can Pull Trailer (checkbox to indicate whether or not the vehicle can pull a trailer).
• Is Active (checkbox to indicate whether or not the vehicle is active in the fleet).
Configuration and Calibration Data
• RoadLog serial number (The RoadLog device serial number can be found on the sticker on the RoadLog’s underside. It is the number on the right side of the sticker).
• W (a calibration factor). See
Setting Configuration
• Synchronization type: The type of cable connection used to connect RoadLog to the vehicle (see
the Vehicle Synchronization Parameter).
• Total vehicle odometer: The odometer reading at the time you create the vehicle profile.
• Wake up condition: The event that triggers the device to begin recording data (see
Setting the Wake up
• Low pressure: The lower tire-pressure threshold that generates a warning to the Driver and records a RoadLog device event in vehicles with a Tire Pressure Management System (TPMS).
• High pressure: The upper tire-pressure threshold that generates a warning to the Driver. (This feature is not
yet implemented)
• Printing speed (for instructions on selecting the printing speed see
Setting the Printing Speed).
Additional fields are included that will not be used until GSM/GPRS functionality is made available in a future release:
• Automatic update server query.
• Update server query period.
• Update server IP address.
• Update server URL.
IRP/IFTA data fields are included but will not be used until IRP/IFTA functionality is made available in a future release:
• Purchase date.
• IRP Registration Date.
• Date of Sale.
• Apportional Vehicle (checkbox).
• List Price.
• Purchase price.
• Sale price
• Owner.
GSM/GPRS network registration data
GSM/GPRS data fields are included but will be optional in future GSM RoadLog enabled devices:
• ICCID (Integrated Circuit Card ID).
• PIN (Personal Identification Number).
• Username.
• Password.
• GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) usage in roaming.
Calibration Data
“W” and “N” factors are utilized in RoadLog calibration on trucks that feature a non-computerized interface with RoadLog. These trucks are uncommon, and are usually older models. Installation on these trucks is done with the RoadLog Open-end cable.
The vehicle’s W factor is the number of pulses that are generated by the vehicle speed sensor when the vehicle travels a distance of 1 kilometer. By default, the W factor parameter is set to 8,000 pulses / km. If the vehicle’s W factor is not known, it can be set by direct measurement through the RoadLog device while driving. See
Setting the W Factor.
If the W factor setting is changed in the vehicle, the value in the Fleet Management Software will be overwritten. This will happen when the data from the vehicle is downloaded to the Fleet Management Software from the Driver Key.
Creating Trailers
To create a new Trailer profile from the Drivers / Vehicles screen:
• Click on Drivers / Vehicles in the main navigation.
• Click on Create Trailer in the Action Palette.
• Enter the Trailer’s data. Fields with orange borders are mandatory and must be completed.
• Click Save. The Trailer record is created.
Important note: Improper calibration of the WakeUp Condition may result in the RoadLog device screen failing to turn off after the engine has been shut off. This can lead to failure of the vehicle’s battery.
• PUK (Pin Unlocked Key).
• APN (Access Point Name).
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Trailer Screen
To view the Trailer screen:
• Click Drivers / Vehicles in the main navigation.
• Click the trailer that you want to view. If no trailers exist, you must first create one to see the Trailer screen.
When a Trailer is selected in the Action Palette, the Trailer Profile screen in shown. Data includes:
• Trailer number (this is a unique identifier assigned when the trailer entry is first created and cannot be edited).
• Make.
• Type.
• Axle.
• Weight.
Icon in the Action Palette and select the
Trailer Assignments Tab
To view the Trailer Assignments tab:
• Click Drivers / Vehicles in the main navigation.
• Click the Driver that you want to assign trailers to or from. The Trailer tab shows two columns used to assign trailers to a Driver and to remove trailer assignments from a Driver.
Note: Trailer numbers shown in the columns are assigned in the Create Trailer tab.
Icon in the Action Palette and select the
Shipping Assignments Tab
When a Driver is selected using the icon in the Action Palette, the Shipping Assignments tab shows two columns used to assign Shipping Documents to a Driver and to remove Shipping Documents assignments from a Driver. The Shipping Documents shown in the columns are created in the Shipping Documents tab in the Company Configuration screen.
To assign a Shipping Document to a Driver from the Shipping Assignments tab:
• Click Drivers / Vehicles in the main navigation.
• Click on the Shipping Assignments tab.
• From the Action Palette, click on the Driver icon and select the Driver that you want to assign Shipping Documents to.
• Click on a Shipment number in the left column to highlight it.
• Click on the right-facing arrow buttons to move a Shipment number from the “Not assigned” column to the “Assigned” column. You can move all Shipments at once by clicking on the double arrow buttons.
• When you have completed your Shipment assignments, click Save.
• To remove a Shipping Document assignment from a Driver, use the left-facing arrows to move document numbers from the “Assigned” column to the “Not assigned” column.
• When completed, click Save.
To assign a trailer to a Driver from the Trailer Assignments tab:
• From the Action Palette, click on the Driver icon and select the Driver that you want to assign the trailer to.
• Click on a trailer number in the left column to highlight it.
• Clicking on the right-pointing and left-pointing arrow buttons will move Trailer numbers from the “Not assigned” column to the “Assigned” column for the selected Driver.
Note: The double arrow buttons will move all entries in the column.
• To remove a trailer assignment from a Driver, use the left-facing arrows to move trailer assignments from the “Assigned” column to the “Not assigned” column.
• When completed, click Save.
Screens & Tabs: Features & Functions Screens & Tabs: Features & Functions
Company Configuration Screen
The Company Configuration screen contains tabs for the company’s profile as well as information that supports other aspects of the RoadLog Fleet Management Software. Some of this information is used to automatically complete on-screen fields and reports. It also provides the settings that control how the software operates.
Company Tab
When you used the Fleet Management Software for the first time, you entered your company information to activate the software. Some of the information seen in the Company tab will have been entered automatically during your activation. Complete any empty fields, and correct any fields with incorrect or incomplete information.
Note: The fields with orange borders are mandatory and must be completed.
Company data fields include:
Common Data
• Name (company name).
• Password.
• Confirm Password (must match Password).
• Address (address of the company’s headquarters or the field office that the fleet is deployed from).
• City, ZIP.
• State.
• US DOT Number.
• Latitude.
• Longitude. (The button for “Fetch Latitude Longitude” provides
the entry for the coordinates automatically. An Internet connection is required.)
• IFTA Number (International Fuel Tax Agreement).
• Phone.
• Fax.
• Email.
• Contact Person.
• Serial Number (for the Fleet Key).
• Days between Download Data Reminders (lets you select the number of days that will pass before you receive a reminder to back up your data).
• IRP Address Identical (If checked, the software automatically fills out the appropriate IRP data fields with entries identical to those in the Common Data).
IRP Address
• Name (company name).
• Address (address used for IRP reporting for the fleet).
• City, ZIP.
• State.
• IRP Account Number.
• IFTA Number.
• Phone.
• Fax.
• Email.
Time Zone and Download Warnings
The Company’s home terminal time zone is the time zone from which the Fleet being managed is deployed.
Some types of data must be downloaded from RoadLog more frequently than other types. The Fleet Management Software provides warnings to remind you to perform downloads regularly. Download Warnings are displayed to the Driver three days before the oldest data is overwritten by default. The default download warnings can be modified to your preference.
The download warnings are as follows:
Drivers download warning for data due every 30 days: 30-day data must be downloaded before the end of the 30th day, or the oldest data will be lost. The “Drivers download warning for data due every 30 days” sets the number of days before the end of the 30th day that the Driver receives a reminder to download data before it is lost.
The RODS download warning time: RODS data must be periodically downloaded or the oldest data will be lost. The “RODS download warning time” sets how far in advance the Driver receives a warning before it is lost.
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Shipping Documents Tab
Shipping Documents are records relating to Bills of Lading or Pro Numbers.
Note: Shipping Documents are assigned to Drivers in the Shipping Documents tab in the Drivers / Vehicles screen.
Creating Shipping Documents
To create a new Shipping Document:
• Click on Company Configuration in the main navigation.
• Click on the Shipping Documents tab. An Add Shipping Document pop-up window appears.
• Add the Shipping Document number and click OK. The number is added to the list.
Supporting Documents Tab
Supporting Documents are records of transactions that Drivers collect on a trip such as fuel bills, food bills, Bills of Lading, or, and Shipping Documents. Supporting Documents can be created by the Driver in the RoadLog device or in the Fleet Management Software. In addition, physical documents can be scanned and added to a Supporting Document record in the Fleet Management Software.
Having predefined Document types makes creating Supporting Documents in the RoadLog device faster and more consistent. The Supporting Documents tab in the Company Configuration screen is where you can add to the list of predefined Supporting Document types.
Annotations Tab
Annotations are comments or corrections made to Duty Status records submitted by Drivers on their Driver Keys.
In the Annotations tab, you can create predefined Annotations to explain changes made in Duty Status records, such as “waiting while loading” or “traffic stopped.” Having predefined Annotations makes creating reports from the RoadLog device faster and more consistent.
To create a predefined Annotation from the Annotations tab:
• Click on Company Configuration in the main navigation.
• Click the Annotations tab. An Add Annotation pop-up appears.
• Add text explaining each Annotation you’ll want to use. After each entry, click OK.
Note: Annotations are shown on the daily logs as required by FMCSA regulations.
Fuel Vendor List Tab
The Fuel Vendor List tab allows you to create a predefined list of fuel suppliers and the Fuel Types purchased from them. The Fuel Vendor names are recalled when creating Supporting Documents.
To add a Fuel Vendor from the Fuel Vendor List tab:
• Click on Company Configuration in the main navigation.
• Click the Fuel Vendor List tab.
• Click Add. An Add Fuel Vendor pop-up is displayed.
• Enter the Fuel Vendor Name and select the Fueling Type from the pull-down menu.
• Click OK. The vendor and type are added to the list.
To add a Supporting Document Category:
• Click on Supporting Documents in the main navigation.
• Click on the Supporting Documents tab.
• Add Supporting Documents categories you wish to track. After each entry, click OK.
To learn how to create a Supporting Document in the RoadLog device, see
To learn how to create a Supporting Document in the RoadLog Fleet Management Software, see the Supporting Documents Tab.
RoadLog Supporting Documents.
Fuel Types Tab
The Fuel Types tab allows you to create predefined Fuel Types. The Fuel Types are used in your Fuel Vendor list records.
To add a Fuel Type from the Fuel Types tab:
• Click on Company Configuration in the main navigation.
• Click the Fuel Type tab.
• Click Add. An Add Fuel Type pop-up is displayed.
• Enter the Fuel Type.
• Click OK. The Fuel Type is added to the list.
Screens & Tabs: Features & Functions Screens & Tabs: Features & Functions
Asset Part List Tab
The Asset Part List allows you to create predefined lists of Part Names and Part Codes for the Part Names. It also allows you to create predefined lists of Defects for each of the Part Names. Each Defect Name is assigned to a specific Part Name. Defect Codes are assigned to each Defect name and Defects can be flagged as being “High Priority.”
The Part Names and Codes and Defect Names and Codes are used by the Driver when creating DVIRs in the RoadLog device. All Part Names are established as either a Trailer part or a Tractor part.
To add Part Name and Part Code to the Asset Part List:
• Click on Company Configuration in the main navigation.
• Click the Asset Part List tab.
• Select Tractor or Trailer from the Asset Type list.
• Click the Add button below the Part Name / Part Code grid to add a Part Name for the vehicle type selected. An Add Part pop-up appears.
• Enter the Asset Part Name and Part Code and click OK. The Asset Part Name and Code are entered.
Application Tab
The Application Tab allows you to set the parameters for the Fleet Management Software itself. The application settings are established during first start up, but they can be edited at any time.
To edit the application parameters:
• Click on Company Configuration in the main navigation.
• Click the Application tab.
• Click in the appropriate field to edit settings for Common Data, Regulations and Measurement and Path.
Application Tab fields include:
Common Data
Language: Choose the language to be used from the pull-down menu.
SD Type: A list of the file types that can be used for Supporting Document scanned file links. Only image files (jpeg, png, gif), .pdf and .txt files can be linked as Supporting Documents. The .doc, .exe and .cmd files cannot be used.
SD Max Size: Set the maximum file size for scans
associated with Supporting Documents.
Note: Limiting the scan file size will help maintain lower times required for transfers and back ups.
Regulations and Measurements
Regulation: Select the region whose regulations will be
used to calculate HOS compliance.
Distance: Choose miles or kilometers as unit for
Volume Unit: Choose gallons or liters as the unit for
Speed Unit: Choose either miles/hr or km/hr as the
unit for speed.
Database Backup Path: Sets the location where
backup files will be stored.
Database Backup Period: The number of days before
a backup reminder is given to the user.
For each Asset Part, you can establish a list of predefined Defects and Defect Codes associated with that part.
To create a Defect Name and Defect Code for a specific asset:
• Click on Company Configuration in the main navigation.
• Click on the asset in the Part Name list.
• Click the Add button below the Defective Name grid.
• Enter the Defect Name and a Defect Code. Check High Priority, if appropriate and click OK. The Defect Name and Code are entered.
• After each Defect is entered, click OK.
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