Table of Contents ....................................................................................................................................................... 2
Getting Started .......................................................................................................................................................... 5
Analog Point Wizard ................................................................................................................................................ 16
BACnet Point Addressing ......................................................................................................................................... 19
Control Points .......................................................................................................................................................... 25
Date/Time Point Wizard .......................................................................................................................................... 26
Device Tree .............................................................................................................................................................. 27
Digital Point Wizard ................................................................................................................................................. 28
ESI Point Addressing ................................................................................................................................................ 29
Groups Database ..................................................................................................................................................... 38
HTML Help ............................................................................................................................................................... 39
LonWorks Point Addressing ..................................................................................................................................... 44
Modbus Point Addressing ........................................................................................................................................ 48
Modbus Serial Device ............................................................................................................................................... 49
Modbus Serial Driver ............................................................................................................................................... 50
Multi-State Point Wizard ......................................................................................................................................... 53
Point Addressing ...................................................................................................................................................... 57
Program Wizard ....................................................................................................................................................... 57
Program Editor ........................................................................................................................................................ 57
Revision History ....................................................................................................................................................... 65
Set Date/Time .......................................................................................................................................................... 70
Site Settings ............................................................................................................................................................. 71
String Point Wizard .................................................................................................................................................. 71
System Status........................................................................................................................................................... 72
Contemporary Controls BASview is a stand-alone, embedded, web-based graphical interface for building
automation and process/access control systems. Multiple protocols are supported including LonWorks,
Modbus/485, Modbus/TCP, BACnet/IP and BACnet MS/TP.
Some of the features include animated graphic screens, scheduling, historical trending, runtime
accumulation and alarm monitoring. All of these features are supported even with devices that do not
natively support them. BASview will automatically toggle outputs and change setpoints on schedule,
collect runtime and trend data, and monitor alarm conditions.
The BASview uses Flash memory for internal storage. It contains no hard disk or other moving parts. The
Linux operating system is used for enhanced security and stability. The unit is totally self-contained. All
set up and user interactions are performed via a web browser. No dedicated PC or external applications
are required.
The user interface utilizes Adobe Flash to allow for advanced graphical features, platform-independence
and drag and drop setup. No knowledge of HTML, XML, Flash, JavaScript or any other programming
language is required to set up or use BASview (unless Program objects are used for control logic).
Animated graphics
Internally maintained schedules
Trend collection, display and export
Runtime accumulation with email notification
Alarm condition monitoring with email notification
Calculated point values (average, min, max, etc.)
Database of up to 100 users and 100 user groups
Multiple simultaneous users
Activity log for tracking important user actions
Template system for quickly cloning points, graphics, devices or entire networks
Support for OEM templates that include all points, graphics, schedules, etc. for any device
Flexible point addressing system allows access to most proprietary structures, bit fields and objects
Calculations may be performed on data points when read or written (e.g. Deg. F to Deg. C or scaling)
Support for custom OEM plug-in software device modules for more complex data access
Support for up to 2,000 tree nodes which can be any combination of points, graphics, trends, etc.
There are no hard limits on individual nodes. (Practical limits on control points will depend on
communication speed and network bandwidth used.)
By default, BASview uses a flash Interface — providing a rich user experience. Its login appears below.
The default IP address of the BASview is, but yours may be set to a different address.
You will be prompted to login.
The default authentication strings are ...
o Username: admin
o Password: pass
At the top of the login dialog you can find ...
o Firmware Version Number
o BASview Serial Number
At the bottom of the login dialog is an option to login with the Mobile Interface which uses HTML
and no flash — otherwise, you must proceed with the normal flash Interface.
BASview Screen
After your first login, you see the BASview webpage — which defaults to the Info screen below.
The three basic screen elements are the Toolbar, Device Tree and the Working Area.
The Device Tree that you will build always starts with the Site icon.
Figure 2 — Main Screen
Figure 3 — Admin Options
Figure 4 — Accessing Help Screens
The 10 icons in the Toolbar are:
Site Info
User Groups
Tree View
The Admin icon (the wrench symbol) is a drop-down where you can see logs and status, configure the IP
address, reboot the unit and update the firmware. If running 1.42d or later, any update file containing
".Firmware" somewhere in name can be used for the update.
Help Screens
When you hover over any button,
you see a popup that explains the button function.
Pressing on the Toolbar displays the help system and opens a context-appropriate screen.
Figure 5 — Help Screens
IP Address Setting
Figure 6 — Broadcast Setting in BACnet Systems
Figure 7 — Adding a Driver
Enter your IP address settings — then reboot.
In BACnet systems the Broadcast setting must match the broadcast address in your subnet.
Add a Driver
To communicate with devices, you must load a driver.
Right-click the Site icon in the Device Tree and select New Driver.
In the popup, select the appropriate driver and press Ok.
Driver Configuration
Figure 8 — Driver Configuration
Figure 9 — Adding a Device
Enter in your driver configuration.
For BACnet use a system-wide unique Device ID.
The standard BACnet port number is 47808.
Enter a label for the driver and press Finish.
Add a Device to a Driver
In the Device Tree, right-click a driver and select New Device.
A Device Wizard appears so you can enter device parameters or, with BACnet, discover a device.
For BACnet, as shown below, press the Scan button to discover BACnet devices.
Press Finish on the next popup window.
BACnet Device Scan
If the NetworkID is 0, the device is on the same network as the BASview; otherwise it is
accessed through a router.
For each device you want in your Device Tree, select it, add a label then press the Add button.
Figure 10 — BACnet Device Scan
Add BACnet Points
Figure 11 — BACnet Point Wizard
Figure 12 — BACnet Point Scan
Refresh the Device Tree to see your new BACnet devices.
Right-click a device and select New Point. A Point Wizard appears
Enter a point or discover points.
Press Scan to discover points.
Press Finish on next window.
Select points of interest and press the Add button.
You can select multiple points.
Points will disappear from the list as they are added.
Points To Be Written
Figure 13 — Allow a Point to Be Changed
Figure 14 — Manually Modifying a Point
All points are read-only by default.
To modify a point you must mark it writeable.
Right-click the point and select Properties.
When the Point Wizard appears, press Next.
Press the Modifications tab (if displayed), check the “Allow this point to be manually changed by
users” box and press Finish.
Manually Writing/Reading Points
Left-click a writeable point in the Device Tree. A Point Information/Control popup appears.
Modify its value and press the Apply button.
This can be used to simply view the status of a point.
The lock symbol can be used to view/modify the BACnet priorities for the point.
User Sessions Automatically Terminate after No Activity
A user session will automatically close if no user activity has occurred for one hour. Many BASview
functions entail edit screens. Please realise that any edits you are performing are volatile until saved.
Therefore, unsaved edits will be lost if not saved before the user session terminates.
Advanced Colours
Advanced colours allow the colour and transparency of a component to change based on the value of the
attached point. The component may also be set to flash to help draw attention to it.
Use Advanced Colours
This option must be selected to enable advanced colours.
The list of conditions determines what the current settings for the component will be. Each condition will
be tested, from the top of the list to the bottom of the list. The last condition that is true determines the
settings. The default settings are used if no other conditions are true.
Each condition contains the following settings:
Use Custom Settings
This option must be selected, otherwise the condition is ignored.
The colour to use if this condition is true.
This is the "Alpha" or transparency to use if the condition is true. Zero is fully transparent, 1 is fully opaque.
If selected, the component will flash if this condition is true.
The value to test for this condition. The point value must be greater than (not less than or equal to) this
value for the condition to be considered true.
Example — To change the colour of a label showing the state of an air filter:
Default - green (normal)
Point value is greater than 0 - red and flashing
(A digital value equates to 0 when OFF, 1 when ON.)
Example — To change the colour of text displaying a temperature to blue (too cold), green
(in range) or red (too hot):
Default - blue and flashing
Point value is greater than 65 - green
Point value is greater than 75 - red and flashing
Don't forget to save components with complicated settings as a template so they may be easily
recreated later.
Alarm Wizard
An Alarm is invoked by right-clicking a device driver in the Device Tree. It monitors a set of user-defined
conditions and sends email notifications when the conditions are met. Once an alarm has been added to
the tree, left-click it to edit the conditions. See Alarm Editor for more information. Alarms are also stored
for later viewing using the Alarm Log.
Settings Tab
Label is the name of the item as displayed in the Device Tree.
All items in the Device Tree are sorted alphabetically by label. Folders can be used to organize items.
Description is optional text that describes the item. It can be any descriptive text or be left blank.
Group Settings Tab
These determine which user groups can see this item in the tree. Unchecking the default “Allow Everyone”
enables selecting individual groups. If a group cannot see an item, items under it are also unseen.
There are “Check All” and “Uncheck All” buttons in the upper-right corner to make major changes easier.
Advanced Tab
Name is used for advanced features. If left blank, it will be assigned automatically. It is recommended
that the default value not be changed. It can be up to 48 characters. Only A–Z, a–z, 0–9, period (.) and
underscore (_) are allowed. Names are case sensitive.
Node ID
This internal reference ID of this node is read-only — and rarely needed by the user.
Alarm Log
Click this Toolbar button to view past alarm messages. Both active and optional clear messages are
stored in the log. Several options are available to limit the messages seen:
Filter— Type a word or phrase. Press “Enter” to activate the filter.
Month Selection— Select a month from the list to display only messages from that month.
All/Active/Clear— Choose to display all messages, only activation messages or only clear messages.
Refresh Button— Refresh the list of alarms from the server.
Reset Button— Reset all of the above search options.
Additionally, the “Time”, “Type” and “Message” headers may be clicked to sort the list by that field.
Clicking the header a second time will reverse the sort order. Clicking the alarm message itself will
display the Alarm Editor window if the users’ access permits it.
Alarm Editor
Left-click an alarm icon in the tree to edit alarm conditions, messages and email recipients.
Status Tab
The status tab contains:
The current active/inactive status of the alarm.
The date and time of the last change of state of the alarm.
The last message generated by the alarm.
A refresh button to update the status on the screen.
A disable selection to completely disable the alarm.
Conditions Tab
This is where the alarm conditions are specified.
There are sub-tabs for active conditions and clear conditions. For backward compatibility, the logic used
for alarms is different depending on if clear conditions are present:
If clear conditions are not present (old-style alarms) the original logic still applies:
Alarm is active if active conditions are true for x minutes (x specified on active tab).
Alarm is inactive if active conditions are false for the same x minutes (x specified on active tab).
If clear conditions are present:
Alarm is active if the active conditions are true for x minutes (x specified on the active tab).
Alarm is cleared if the active conditions are not true, and the clear conditions are true for x
minutes (x specified on the clear tab).
Active conditions take precedence over clear conditions. If both are true, the alarm is active.
If neither active nor clear conditions are true, the alarm remains in its current state.
Active if temp > 78
Clear if temp < 74
If temp goes up to 79, the alarm becomes active.
If temp goes down to 75, the alarm remains active.
If temp goes down to 73, the alarm is cleared.
There are two modes for the conditions:
All conditions are true— The alarm will be active or cleared if every condition evaluates to true.
Any condition is true — The alarm will be active or cleared if any condition evaluates to true.
To be considered active or cleared, the condition(s) must be true for at least the number of minutes
specified. If any/all of the conditions become false for the same number of minutes, the alarm will
become active or cleared.
Up to six conditions may be entered. Click the "+" or "X" buttons to add or delete conditions. Each
condition contains the following fields:
Point— Drag a point from the device tree and drop it here. Its value is what will be tested.
Comparison— This is the comparison that will be performed.
Comparison Value— This is what the point value will be compared with.
The comparison value can be any one of the following:
Numerical Value— Type any valid numerical value.
Another Point— Drag a point from the tree to compare with its current value. For digital and
multi-state points, click the drop-down list to display the valid values.
Value Range— For the in/out of range comparisons, type the low value and the high value
separated by a comma (e.g.: 50,100). For the is/is not in list comparisons, type
a list of values separated by commas (e.g. 1,2,3,5,85,1000).
Floating point values (e.g. 72.5) are valid, but will not always give the desired results. What
displays on the screen as 72.5 may actually be 72.499854 because of the way computers round
numbers. Testing a point value for equality with 72.5 will most likely always be false. Use
"greater than", "less than" or a value range instead.
Messages Tab
Active Message
This is the message that is saved to the database and emailed when the alarm becomes active. The
following codes may be embedded in both the active or clear message:
@Ax = point address
@Dx= point description
@Hx = point high limit
@Nx = point name
@Lx = point label
@Sx = point status
@Ox = point low limit
@Ux = point units
(x = condition number)
Clear Message
This optional message is saved to the database and emailed when the alarm is cleared (becomes inactive).
Both messages may contain the following codes to embed information within the text:
@Vx— The value of the point (the point on the left-side)
@Cx— The comparison value (the point or value on the right side)
"x" in both codes is the condition number (1–6)
"Temperature is too high (@V1)." will be recorded as "Temperature is too high (77.4)".
"Temperature (@V1) is greater than setpoint (@C1)." will be recorded as "Temperature (76.3) is greater than setpoint
"@" codes in the active message refer to the points and values on the "Active" tab. "@" codes in the clear message refer
to the points and values on the "Clear" tab.
For old-style alarms with no clear conditions, all @ codes refer to the points and values on the "Active" tab.
Notifications Tab
Email to Groups
Select the list of user groups that should receive this alarms messages. Every person in the group that
has an email address in the user database will receive both active and clear messages.
Additional Email Addresses
Any additional email addresses that should receive the messages may be typed here.
Analog Point Wizard
Below are the settings for points with a point type of analog.
Analog Settings Tab
Engineering Units
The engineering units can be set to specify the units of measure or physical characteristics of the analog
value. Common engineering units would include Degrees F, Amps and Volts.
Type any text or select from a list of common units by clicking the down arrow to the right of the edit area.
Precision controls how the value is displayed. A value of 2 displays 2 digits to the right of the decimal
point (74.25). A value of 0 will truncate the decimal value and not display a decimal point at all (74).
Increment controls how the value can be changed by the user. It should normally be set to the increment
supported by the point in the device. A value of 1 allows the value to be changed in steps of 1 (74, 75,
76, etc.). A value of 0.1 allows steps of 0.1 (74.1, 74.2, 74.3, etc.)
For user modification, check "Allow this point to be manually changed by users" on the "Modifications" tab.
Modifications Tab
The modification settings are used to determine if the value of this point may be modified by users, and
how to handle or restrict the allowed values.
Allow this point to be manually changed by users
This checkbox must be selected for the point to be modifiable by the user.
Low Modify Limit
This is the lowest value to which the user will be allowed to modify the value. If left blank, any value valid
for the data type of the point will be allowed.
High Modify Limit
This is the highest value to which the user will be allowed to modify the value. If left blank, any value
valid for the data type of the point will be allowed.
In/Out Calculations
In and out calculations are optionally used to convert raw point values from a device in to more useable values.
For example, it is fairly common for Modbus devices to represent a temperature as the actual temperature *10.
In this case, 75.5 degrees would be read from the device as 755.
To this value treated properly, an In Calculation of @/10 would be used. The @ sign specifies where in
the calculation to insert the raw value from the device.
So in this example, it would calculate 755 / 10 for a result of 75.5. This calculated value is then used
everywhere else in the system instead of the 755, including on graphics, trends and alarms.
If the point is modifiable by the user, the Out Calculation should be the opposite of the In Calculation.
In this case it would be @*10. If the user then changes the value of the point to 76.2, the calculation 76.2
*10 would be executed and the value 762 sent to the device.
Several common calculation presets, including F to C and C to F conversions, are available by
clicking the down arrow to the right of the edit area.
Two points with the same address can have different calculations (such as a temperature in both F and C.
BACnet MS/TP Device
This screen is used to configure access to a single device on a BACnet/MS/TP network.
Settings Tab
Label is the name of the item as displayed in the Device Tree.
All items in the Device Tree are sorted alphabetically by label. Folders can be used to organize items.
MAC Address
The MAC address of the device must be 0–127 and not match any other attached MS/TP device.
Device ID
The BACnet device ID of the device must be a unique number of 0–4,194,303.
Max. APDU Size
The Maximum APDU size supported by the unit defaults to 480. If problems arise, try a lower value.
Write Priority
The default BACnet priority to use when writing to points on this device. Setting this to zero forces property
writes to the device to use priority "None". Points can use the "@x" syntax to override this setting.
Group Settings Tab
These determine which user groups can see this item in the tree. Unchecking the default “Allow Everyone”
enables selecting individual groups. If a group cannot see an item, items under it are also unseen.
There are “Check All” and “Uncheck All” buttons in the upper-right corner to make major changes easier.
Advanced Tab
Name is used for advanced features. If left blank, it will be assigned automatically. It is recommended
that the default value not be changed. It can be up to 48 characters. Only A–Z, a–z, 0–9, period (.) and
underscore (_) are allowed. Names are case sensitive.
Node ID
This internal reference ID of this node is read-only — and rarely needed by the user.
Disable communication with this device
Check this box to prevent communications with this device. Uncheck for normal operation.
Template Button
With this you can select a saved template and apply its properties to the new device.
Scan Button
With this you can scan the BACnet internetwork to confirm that the new device properties are appropriate.
BACnet MS/TP Driver
This screen is used to configure access to a BACnet MS/TP network. This driver is only used when
connecting the BASview MS/TP module (BASV-MSTP) to the BASview. You can also communicate with
MS/TP networks through a BACnet router (BASRT-B) — in which case you would communicate to these
devices through the BASview BACnet/IP driver.
Settings Tab
Label is the name of the item as displayed in the Device Tree.
All items in the Device Tree are sorted alphabetically by label. Folders can be used to organize items.
Description is optional text that describes the item. It can be any descriptive text or be left blank.
Device ID
This is the device ID to use for the BASview unit itself. It must be unique for the entire BACnet network.
MAC Address
This is the MAC address or node ID for the BASview unit on the MS/TP network. It must be unique for
the MS/TP network.
Baud Rate
This is the baud rate used in the MS/TP network. The standard BACnet baud rates of 9600, 19200,
38400 and 76800 are supported.
Max. Master
This is the highest MAC address used on the network. Setting this too low may cause devices with
higher MAC addresses to not function properly. Setting it too high is inefficient, but will not otherwise be
harmful. If unknown, use 127.
Max. Info Frames
The number of frames or packets of data the BASview should be allowed to transmit each time it is has
control of the network (when it has the MS/TP token). The default of 1 is recommended.
APDU Timeout
This is the APDU timeout, in milliseconds to use for devices on the BACnet network. It should be set to
the highest APDU timeout used by any device on the network. Normally, it should be left at the default of
3,000 (3 seconds).
Group Settings Tab
These determine which user groups can see this item in the tree. Unchecking the default “Allow Everyone”
enables selecting individual groups. If a group cannot see an item, items under it are also unseen.
There are “Check All” and “Uncheck All” buttons in the upper-right corner to make major changes easier.
Advanced Tab
Name is used for advanced features. If left blank, it will be assigned automatically. It is recommended
that the default value not be changed. It can be up to 48 characters. Only A–Z, a–z, 0–9, period (.) and
underscore (_) are allowed. Names are case sensitive.
BACnet Point Addressing
BACnet point addressing is very simple for standard BACnet I/O points. Extended addressing is also
available to access non-I/O or proprietary points.
Address Format
A valid address must have at least a point type and a point number:
AV3 — Analog Value #3
BO14 — Binary Output #14
MSI205 — Multi-State Input #205
The list of supported point types includes:
AI — Analog Input
AO — Analog Output
AV — Analog Value
AVG — Averaging Object
BI — Binary Input
BO — Binary Output
BV — Binary Value
CAL — Calendar Object
CMD — Command Object
DEV — Device Object
EE — Event Enrolment Object
FL — File Object
GRP — Group Object
LP — Loop Object
MSI — Multi-State Input
MSO — Multi-State Output
MSV — Multi-State Value
NC — Notification Class Object
PRG — Program Object
SCH — Schedule Object
TL — Trend Log Object
Please note that even though properties of non-I/O objects can be read and written, there is currently no
support for editing an object as a whole object. For example, a single property of a schedule object may
be changed, but editing the dates and times of a schedule in a grid is not supported.
Other Standard and Proprietary Objects
For standard object types not listed above or for proprietary points, the address may be specified as
22032:89 — Proprietary object type #22032, instance #89.
Property ID
If not specified, property #85 (present value) is assumed. A different property ID may be specified with a
comma, followed by the property ID:
AV32,81 — Analog Value 32, property ID 81 (Out of Service flag)
22032:89,72 — Proprietary object type #22032, instance #89, property 112 (status flags)
Data Type
The data type used for the objects listed above with property #85 (present value) is automatically known
and used. If a property other than present value is used, or for any property of a proprietary object the
default data type is "String". This will allow the value of the property to be viewed but will probably not be
sufficient to write a new value to the property. Note that only NULL, boolean, character string and all of
the numeric data types currently support writing.
To use a different data type, it must be specified immediately following the property ID with a comma and
a data type specifier:
AV32,81,BOOL — Analog Value 32, property ID 81 (Out of Service flag), treat the value as a boolean.
22032:89,72,INT — Proprietary object type #22032, instance #89, property 112 (status flags), treat the value as an integer.
The list of supported point types includes:
NULL — A NULL or empty value
BOOL — Boolean off/on, 0/1, inactive/active, etc.
UINT — Unsigned integer
INT — Signed integer
REAL — A Real" or floating point value
DBL — A double precision floating point value
OCT — Octet String (binary data)
STR — Character string (standard ASCII characters)
BITS — Bit String
ENUM — Enumeration
DATE — Date
TIME — Time
OBJ — Unspecified object type
RES1 — Currently reserved by BACnet
RES2 — Currently reserved by BACnet
RES3 — Currently reserved by BACnet
Array Index
For array type objects, an array index may be specified after the data type with a comma, followed by the
array index to read:
22032:89,72,INT,56 —Proprietary object type #22032, instance #89, property 112 (status flags), treat the value as an
integer, array index 56.
Note: All parameters of an address must be specified in the order listed above. For example, the
array index may not be specified unless the property ID and data type are also specified first.
BACnet/IP Device
This screen is used to configure access to a single device on a BACnet/IP network.
Settings Tab
Label is the name of the item as displayed in the Device Tree.
All items in the Device Tree are sorted alphabetically by label. Folders can be used to organize items.
The IP address of the device or router (Example: Do not include the UDP port.
Device ID
The BACnet device ID of the device must be a unique number or 0–4,194,303.
Max. APDU Size
The Maximum APDU size supported by the unit defaults to 480. If problems arise, try a lower value.
Network #
The BACnet network number (0–65,535) of the unit is only needed for devices behind routers.
Destination Address
The destination address is only needed if the device is behind a router. Usually this is its MS/TP address.
Write Priority
The default BACnet priority to use when writing to points on this device. Setting this to zero forces property
writes to the device to use priority "None". Points can use the "@x" syntax to override this setting.
Group Settings Tab
These determine which user groups can see this item in the tree. Unchecking the default “Allow Everyone”
enables selecting individual groups. If a group cannot see an item, items under it are also unseen.
There are “Check All” and “Uncheck All” buttons in the upper-right corner to make major changes easier.
Advanced Tab
Name is used for advanced features. If left blank, it will be assigned automatically. It is recommended
that the default value not be changed. It can be up to 48 characters. Only A–Z, a–z, 0–9, period (.) and
underscore (_) are allowed. Names are case sensitive.
Node ID
This internal reference ID of this node is read-only — and rarely needed by the user.
Disable communication with this device
Check this box to prevent communications with this device. Uncheck for normal operation.
Template Button
With this you can select a saved template and apply its properties to the new device.
Scan Button
With this you can scan the BACnet internetwork to confirm that the new device properties are appropriate.
BACnet/IP Driver
This screen is used to configure access to a BACnet/IP network. Other BACnet networks, such as MSTP
may also be accessed with this driver through a 3rd party router.
Settings Tab
Label is the name of the item as displayed in the Device Tree.
All items in the Device Tree are sorted alphabetically by label. Folders can be used to organize items.
Description is optional text that describes the item. It can be any descriptive text or be left blank.
Device ID
This is the device ID to use for the BASview unit itself. It must be unique for the entire BACnet network.
UDP Port
This is the UDP port the BACnet network is using. The default is 47808 (BAC0).
APDU Timeout
This is the APDU timeout, in milliseconds to use for devices on the BACnet network. It should be set to
the highest APDU timeout used by any device on the network. Normally, it should be left at the default of
3,000 (3 seconds).
Network Delay
The network delay can be used to throttle traffic on the BACnet/IP network.
The value specified here is the number of milliseconds to wait between network transmissions on the
BACnet/IP network. It may be set higher on busy networks or for slower devices causing read errors. It
may be set lower for faster point updates. Except in extreme conditions, it should be set to 100 or lower.
Group Settings Tab
These determine which user groups can see this item in the tree. Unchecking the default “Allow Everyone”
enables selecting individual groups. If a group cannot see an item, items under it are also unseen.
There are “Check All” and “Uncheck All” buttons in the upper-right corner to make major changes easier.
Advanced Tab
Name is used for advanced features. If left blank, it will be assigned automatically. It is recommended
that the default value not be changed. It can be up to 48 characters. Only A–Z, a–z, 0–9, period (.) and
underscore (_) are allowed. Names are case sensitive.
A calculation reads points from one or more devices and performs a calculation on them, such as
average, minimum or maximum. Custom calculations can also be used. Calculations may be used on
graphics, trends, alarms and other calculations just like physical points.
Add a calculation in the Device Tree by right-clicking the desired node — it can be a site, driver or
device. The Calculation Wizard then appears. After the calculation has been added to the tree, left-click
it to edit it. See Calculation Editor for more information.
Calculation Wizard
Settings Tab
Label is the name of the item as displayed in the Device Tree.
All items in the Device Tree are sorted alphabetically by label. Folders can be used to organize items.
Description is optional text that describes the item. It can be any descriptive text or be left blank.
Group Settings Tab
These determine which user groups can see this item in the tree. Unchecking the default “Allow Everyone”
enables selecting individual groups. If a group cannot see an item, items under it are also unseen.
There are “Check All” and “Uncheck All” buttons in the upper-right corner to make major changes easier.
Advanced Tab
If left blank, it will be assigned automatically. It is recommended that the default value not be changed. It
can be up to 48 characters. Only A–Z, A–Z, 0–9, period (.) and underscore (_) are allowed. Names are
case sensitive.
Calculation Editor
A calculation is edited by left-clinking its node. Points must be dragged from the device tree and dropped
in the points list. Drop every point that will be part of the calculation. The order of the points is generally
not important unless a custom function is used.
Select the function to perform on the points in the point list. For example, to average three temperatures,
drag the three temperature points to the point list and select "Average".
Custom functions are also supported by selecting "Custom" and entering a calculation in the "Postfunction Calculation" below.
Post-function Calculation
The post-function calculation is used to perform an additional calculation on the result of the function, or
to specify a custom function.
Example: To have this Calculation point equal the average of three temperatures, but converted from Fahrenheit to
Celsius, add the three points to the list, select "Average" and enter the following in the post-function calculation:
The result of the calculation function selected above (the average temperature in this example) will be
inserted in to the post-function calculation where the @R code is located.
To use a completely custom function, select "Custom" as the function and then enter a post-function
calculation with @Vx codes where the point values from the list should appear. @V1 is the value of the
first point in the list, @V2 the second point, etc.
Example: To get the sum total of three points and subtract 100 from it, enter the following in the post-function calculation:
Several built-in sub-functions are available to call from within the post-function calculation:
min — Returns the minimum of a list of values: min(@V1,@V2,@V3).
max — Returns the maximum of a list of values: max(@V1,@V2,@V3).
CtoF — Convert a value from Celsius to Fahrenheit: CtoF(@V1)
FtoC — Convert a value from Fahrenheit to Celsius: FtoC(@V1)
Example: To get the lowest of three temperatures and then convert it from Celsius to Fahrenheit, add the three points to
the list, select "Custom" and enter the following in the post-function calculation:
Refresh Button
The refresh button will update the value and status shown on the screen. If changes have been made,
they must first be saved by clicking the "Apply" button.
This is the engineering units to display for this Calculation when used on graphics.
This is the number of digits to the right of the decimal point to display for this Calculation when used
on graphics.
Control Points
A Control Point, usually referred to as just a "point", is any input, output, variable or property on a device
that a value can be read from, and possibly allows a new value to be written to it.
At least one point is required for the unit to do anything useful. Most systems will have dozens or
hundreds of points. For point types see the Analog Point Wizard, Digital Point Wizard, Multi-State Point
Wizard, Date/Time Point Wizard and String Point Wizard.
Settings Tab
Label is the name of the item as displayed in the Device Tree.
All items in the Device Tree are sorted alphabetically by label. Folders can be used to organize items.
The address is the name, number or combination of the two that specifies how to access and interpret
this point. Addressing is different for different types of devices (LonWorks, Modbus, etc.) See Point
Addressing for information on how to specify the address.
Virtual Point
Check this box to declare this point as "virtual". Virtual points hold a value but are not read or written to a
device so they do not require an address. Their value is maintained internally and can be used anywhere
a normal point can be used. They are normally used with program or calculation objects for smart
setpoint logic or to hold user specified values.
Description is optional text that describes the item. It can be any descriptive text or be left blank.
Point Type
The Point Type specifies how the value should be treated and displayed once it has been read from the device.
The available point types are:
Analog — Any numeric value. Digital values are converted to 0 for OFF and 1 for ON.
Digital — The value is treated as ON or OFF. Any non-zero value is considered ON.
Multi-State — One of a limited set of numeric values such as 1 through 4, or -2 through 15.
String — The value is a string of ASCII characters.
DateTime — The value is a packed binary date, time or combined date/time value.
Although the point type should usually be set to match the actual type of point, it is sometimes useful
to use a different setting. For example, an analog input could be set to a point type of Digital so that any
value other than 0 would be displayed as ON or Active.
Point Class
The Point Class is currently used only for informational purposes and has no real effect on how the value
will be treated or displayed. It may be used for more in a future version so it is recommended that it
always be set to the proper value.
The available point classes are:
Input — The point is a physical input of any type.
Output — The point is a physical output of any type.
Variable — The point is a logical device point — such as a setpoint, programming variable or flag.
Object — The point is an object or other logical data structure.
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