Contec AD12-16PCIE User Manual

PCI-bus Analog Input Multi-Function Board
AD12-16(PCI )E
T his b oard is int erface board of t he PCI bus conformit y which input s ana log signal and perform s conversi on (AD t ranslat ion) t o a digit al signal. A gene ral-purpose type is Conversion spee d: 10µsec/ ch, resol ut ion: A/D conversion is performed by 12 bits. By using at t ached API funct i on library API-PAC(W32 ), t he applic at ion soft ware for Wi ndows can b e creat ed by t he various p rogram ming languages which are supporting Win32A PI funct ions, such as Visual Basic, and Visual C/ C++.
- Single end 16ch, 8ch different ial(Analo g input funct ion) Selection of a sin gle, and input and dif ferent ial input is p ossible at t he jumper on board. The t urn of t he channel t o change can be beforehand set as an exclusive register arbitrarily . Moreover, ext ension ( a maximum of 32 channe ls) of t he number of input channels and a simultaneous sampling are r ealiz able by using optional unit.
- Buffer memory loading(Analo g inp ut fun ct ion) T he buffer memor y for 256K dat a whic h can be used in FIFO o r ring form is carrie d on board. T he sampl ing as backgr ound proces sing independent of t h e t hroughp u t of a personal computer is p ossible.
- Colorf ul sampling cont rol funct ion(Analo g input funct ion) A st ar t /st op of a sampling ca n det ect and cont rol t h e siz e of not only t he command of so ft ware but analog signa l, and t he s ignal of T T L level. Moreover, select ion of t he internal sampli ng clock w hich uses t he clock generat or of board loadin g, and t he ext ernal sa mpling clo ck which uses t he digital signal input t ed f rom t he outside is possible fo r t he sampli ng clock whi ch det ermin es sampling sp eed.
- Analog output funct ion Analo g output f unct ion of one chan nel is car ried.
- Digital I/O function It has four digit al inp ut s of T T L level, and four digit al output s, and t he monit or of e xt ernal apparat us and c ont rol can be performed.
- Abundant Option Furt h ermore, t h e op t ion apparat us which ext e nds a function can be used. By using opt ion apparat u s, a funct ional ris e and connection can be performed easily. Pleas e refer t o "cable connect or" a nd "accessories" about an option.
Accessories (Option)
Accessories (Option)
Termi nal unit f or solderl ess t ermi nal : DT P- 3(PC) Termina l unit for l eads : DT P-4 (PC) BNC connector relay terminal unit : ATP -16 *2 Solderless terminal relay terminal s tand : FTP-15 *3 Solderless relay terminal unit : EPD -37 *2 Simul t aneous sa mpling fun ct ional ext ension bo ard :
ATSS-16 *2 Insulated functional extension board : ATII-8A *2 Low path filter extension board : ATLF-8 *2 Channel extens ion board : ATCH-16(PCI)
*2 Option cable of PCB37P S-*P is required (0.5m is recommended).
*3 Option cable of DT/E2 and PCB15P-1.5 are required.
Cable & Connector (Option)
Cable (Option)
37p in D-SUB 37-pin flat ca ble : PCA3 7P-1.5 37p in D-SUB 37-pi n shield c able :
PCA37P S-*P (0.5m, 1.5m)
37p in D-SUB 37 pin D-SUB shield ca ble :
PCB37P S-*P (0.5m, 1.5m) 15p in D-SUB 15pi n flat cab le : PCA15 P-1.5 15p in D-SUB bot h- ends connector flat c able :
PCB15P-1.5 *1 Coaxia l cable fo r single end input (1 6ch) :
PCC16PS-* (1.5m, 3m) 2pin s hield cable for 16ch (8ch) : PCD8PS-* (1.5m, 3m) 16pin flat cable(1.5m) : DT/E1 15p in D-SUB conversion cable : DT /E2
*1 FT P -15 is required only at t he t ime o f use.
Packing List
- Board [AD12-16(PCI)E] - 1
- User's Guide - 1
- CD-ROM [API-PAC(W32)] - 1
Digital I/O
Interface Connectors
I/O Address Warm Up Time
Operation Environment
Analog Input
Number of Channels Input Range Absolute Max. Input Voltage ±20V Input Impedance More than 1M Ohm Resolution Conversion Speed Conversion Accuracy Non-linearity error (Note 1) Buffer Memory Conversion Start Trigger Conversion Stop Trigger
Analog Output
Number of Channel Output Range Output Current Ability Resolution Non-Linea rity Error (Note 1) ±1/2LSB Conversion Speed Power consumption (Note 2) +5VDC, 1100mA Max. Dimensions (inch)
Note 1:
Note 2:
Board size
Item Specification
Number of Output Channels Number of Input Channels
Counter Devi ce Counter Clock
Interrupt Request Level Interrupt Request Causes Up to 15 causes
Item Specification
When the environment temperature is near 0ºC or 50ºC, the non-linearity error may become larger. A maximum ±0.1% FSR non-linearity error is possible. We suppose you to calibrate the board under the work environment that will give you a better accuracy. If an external device requires this AD12 -16 (PCI)E board to supply +5VDC from the CN1 or CN2 connectors, the power consumption of this board will be bigger than what this specification has defined.
TTL Level 4 channels (One is shared by counter output) TTL Level 4 Channels (Two of these are also used as counter control signals)
i8254 compatible Internal 4MHz or external signal
One of IRQ resources
D-Type 37 -Pin female connector #4 -40UNC 16-Pin Pin-header connector 8 bits, 16 ports 15 minutes Temperature = 0~50°C Humidity : 20~90% (No-condensing)
16 single-ended channels or 8 differential Un-isolated ± 10V, or 0~10V
12 bits 10µsec/ch. Max. ±2LSB (Gain= x 1 and x 2) ±4LSB (Gain= x 4 and x 8) 256K Words FIFO or 256K Words Ring Software command, analog input signal Software command, storage data number
1 single-ended channel Un-isolated ±10V, ±5V or 0~10V ±5mA Max. 12 bits
6µsec Max.
6.9 x 4.2 (176.4mm x 107mm)
Support Software
Attached support software
API Function Library API-PAC(W32) It is the library software which offers the command to the hardware of our company in standard Win32API function (DLL) form for Windows. By the various programming languages which are supporting Win32API functions, such as Visual Basic, and Visual C/C++, the high-speed application software which harnessed the spe­cial feature of the hardware of our company can be created. Moreover, it can use also for the check of hardware of opera­tion by the installed diagnostic program. For details, please refer to Help or the homepage of our com­pany in appending CD-ROM. Main correspondences OS Windows XP, 2000, NT, Me, 98, etc. Main adaptation languages Visual C/C++, Borland C++, Visual Basic, etc. Others The hard disk which has 20MB empty domain for ev­ery library software is required. The newest driver and download service (http://www.contec. of difference file are also offered.
Optional Support Software
Collection for measurement systems development of ActiveX components ACX-PAC(W32)BP It is convenient measurement systems development tool for Windows in which collection of examples which can be used immediately, and collection (collection of software parts) of components which can program easily only by combining were mentioned. Component for control of the input-and-output board (card) of our company is made the one package. Analog I/O, digital I/O, control of each interface of GPIB communication and X-Y graph display, and file preservation are possible. Collection for measurement systems development of ActiveX components ACX-PAC(W32)AP It is convenient measurement systems development tool for Windows in which collection of examples which can be used immediately, and collection (collection of software parts) of components which can program easily only by combining were mentioned. In addition to the function of ACX-PAC(W32)BP, components, such as display systems, such as various graph, switch, and
lamp, and operation / analysis, serve as a package. DDE server DDE SERVER(W32) It is the software which transmits to DDE client by the cycle which specified the data from the hardware of our company, or setup. Data collection / analysis system can be easily created combining DDE client software, such as Excel97, and Wonderware InTouch, Visual Basic. MS-DOS correspondence driver SUPPORT-PAC(PC)306 It is a driver dealing with MS-DOS which supports the hard­ware of our company. Much high-class language is supported and the function to provide is supplied per command (function).
External Connection
Connection method with a connector
Connec t ion bet we en t his board and ext ernal apparat us is made by t h e int erfac e connect or on board (CN1 and CN2). Int erf ace connec t or has two, t he obje ct for ana log I/O (C N1: D-SUB 3 7p in Femal e), and t h e object fo r cont rol signals, s uch as digital I/O and counter control, (CN2: 16pin Pin-header).
I nter face connector(CN1)
Interface connector (CN 3)
Interface connector (CN 2)
It is the connector (CN 3) f or ATUH -16(PCI )
Examples of Connecting Options
1 6CH Multiplexer Sub-Board ATU H-16 (PCI )
* A n external power supply is
required to use a combination of channel expansion and extension boar ds.
Analog E Series
Option Cable
PCB37PS * 1
- Connector used A 37pin D type connector [F (female)type] DCLC-J37SAF-20L9 [ JAE ] equivalent
- Applicable connector 17JE-23370-02(D8C) [mfd by DDK, M(male)type]
CN 1
- Applicable connector PS-16SEN-D4P1-1C [ JAE]
Rel ay t er min a l st a nd
Ter minal unit EPD-37
For Solder Terminal
D TP-3(PC) * 1 -m shielded cable bundled
For leads D TP-4(PC) * 1 -m shielded cable bundled
The accessory with this mark ca n be mounted on a DI N ra il by u sin g DIN -ADP 1.
* 1 : PCB 37PS-0.5 P is recommended .
Digital I/O Cable DT/E1
Digital I/O Cable DT/E2
Opt ion Cabl e
Option Cable
Option Cable
For BNC connector ATP-16
Extended functional board
Isolated functional extension ATII-8A
Extended functional boar d
1 6 Ch a nnel Simultaneous Sample A TSS-16
Low path filter extension board ATL F-8
Relay terminal stand
Multi-function board FTP-15
Option Cable
PCB37PS *1
Opti on Cabl e
PCB37PS *1
Opti on Cable
Extended functional boar d
Isolated functional extension ATII-8A
Relay terminal sta nd
Terminal unit EPD-37
For Solder Terminal
DTP-3(PC) * 1-m shielded cable bundled
For leads DTP-4(PC) * 1 -m shielded cable bundled
For BNC connect or ATP-16
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