9.1 Engraving with EMS-2 Engraver..........................................................31
9.2 Starting the Engraving..........................................................................33
10. Calibrating the Plotter...............................................................................37
11. Firmware update of the plotter..................................................................38
12. Printing on other output devices...............................................................39
12.1 Printing on endless TT-Printer............................................................39
12.2 Printing on standard Office Printer.....................................................40
1. System Requirements
Pentium II PC (200 MHz or higher)
CD-ROM drive
VGA graphics adapter and monitor (256 colors, resolution 640 x 480)
Operating system: Windows 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, Vista (32bit)
2. Software Installation
First close all other applications. Insert the “CONTA Sign CS” CD into the CD-ROM
drive of your PC. Installation will start automatically. Please follow the on-screen
instructions. If the auto-start feature has been switched off on your PC, please start the
set-up program by double-clicking.
When the installation is complete, connect the plotter to the PC with the parallel
interface cable or USB -cable and switch the plotter on.
3. Selecting the Output Device and Changing Settings
Now start the CONTA Sign CS program by a double click on the symbol located on
the desktop. Before working with the software, you must first install the plotter you
intend to use. To do this, select the output
device in the window. As example, if you are
using the
EMS-2 select the output device and check the
clickbox as Use always this type of Printer.
You will not be asked any more in the future.
With the button Accept the setting will be
saved and the window be closed.
If you like to connect another output device in
the future, like the EMS-2 (half size) Engraver, endless Thermal-Transfer Printer or an
Office Printer, you can always get back to the window from the Menu bar > File
choose > New. The EMS-2 is default set as standard output device, connected
through the USB.
In addition, the EMS-2 has a parallel port,
to be used with the CONTA Sign CS. For
using you need to change the output to
parallel, go to the main menu bar > Output
> Output device and check the
Interface tab. Confirm LPT1 as the new
interface port and click on Apply.
Connect the parallel cable on both ends
and switch on the EMS-2, the software will
recognize the plotter accordingly.
4. Definitions
Base Plate
Segment 1
Plate 1
Example of
Label Sequences
displayed with
Zoom Function
Zoom Function
click on Zoom Icon Zoom on
position the mouse and click the right mouse button Zoom in (enlarge)
position the mouse and click the left mouse button Zoom out (reduce)
click on Zoom Icon Zoom off
Segment 2
Segment 3
Segment 4
5. Getting Used to the Software
Our prime concern when developing this software was that users should be able to
carry out all labeling jobs quickly and easily.
For this reason, every task follows the same basic pattern:
5.1 Create a new Project.
The EMS-2 has an integrated support plate recognition system included. The software
CONTA Sign CS reads the code of each field, starting with the left support plate.
Assuming the EMS-2 is turned on, the communication cable is connected and support
plates are placed on the plotter itself, the software pre-selects the marker cards
already. If you click on the icon New Project
> New from the main menu, the message comes up, if you like to use the recognition
system and read the
support plates.
After you confirm with Yes,
the support plates are
recognized and shown on
the screen together with the available marker cards. If you
confirm with No, all available elements and manufacturer
are presented in the list to be selected from.
After changing the support plate on the plotter or after
deleting a segment within the software, you could click on
the icon Rescan support plates
support plates.
and read the new
of the menu bar, or select > File and
5.2 Open an existing Project
If you click on the icon Open Project
from the main menu, existing projects could be loaded. You are able to work with
up to 10 different projects at the same time and could use all the Copy and Paste
functions between them.
5.3 Selecting tags / marking elements
After you double click on one of the segments on the
screen, a list of the available marker you can work with
and select from comes up. Just choose the type you have
placed on the support plate and the selection will be
presented on the screen.
If the no. of marker presented are not sufficient in order to
complete your job on one base plate (holding up to 4
support plates), new base plates with respective support plates could be added upon
your convenience.
of the menu bar, or select > File and > Open
In order to do so, please select > Edit and > Add Plate from the main menu or use the
right mouse button.
A new blank base plate comes up to be used with more
segments. Up to 16 base plates could be used in one
project (max. 10 projects in one file).
To move from one base plate to the other just click on
their names in the lower left corner. Base plates could
also be renamed just with a double
click, or moved in the position to each other with drag
and drop.
5.4 Marking the selected tags / marking elements
Double-click the tag or element where the labeling process is to begin.
This opens the labeling dialog box, which contains all the setting options. In order to
open the edit window, please click on the first tag to start with, use the right
mouse button and choose > Labeling
keyboard (check under > Option from the menu first). The exact description of the
selected tag and the number of tags available both appear in
the top line of the dialog box.
An outline of the selected marking element
is shown in the top third of the box.
Angle and text alignment options are found
next to this diagram.
The number of lines per tag can also be
specified here.
from the menu or start typing a character on the
Note that the program will only allow
options that are appropriate for the
selected element.
The various tabs for different methods of data input and import appear in the middle of
the box. This is where you can enter all the data and text for one-time, multiple, and
serial marking, and files to be imported from different programs, as well as text for
custom labeling (for example, row labeling).
The font, font width, font size, underline, line spacing, tip width of the plotter pen, and
plotting speed settings can be adjusted in the lower part of the box.
The values match the chosen marking element, but can be altered within reasonable
limits. A warning message is displayed if text length exceeds the size of the tag.
This enables you to adjust the font, font size or
font width so that the text fits onto the tag
or element.
From a certain font height upward, only capital
letters and certain special characters are allowed
in order to make best use of the available labeling
In such cases the following warning is displayed:
> Only upper case letters, special characters
and symbols are allowed <
Characters as "g, j, y, Ä, Ö, Ü" are not allowed in order to make best use of the
labeling area.
Restore Default values:
If you change parameters (font types, text height, line numbers etc.) for
each element the data will be stored in a separate file. If you choose the element
again, you will find the previously used parameter settings.
Click Default values , if you want to restore the original settings.
Note: After updating the software the user´s specific parameters
remain valid.
Extended character set
Country specific characters are directly
available by selecting
extended character set, the labeling
for other countries is easy to achieve.
Selecting the option, a new window
opens up at the right side with the
provided characters.
Without looking into the windows
character set for characters not
available through the keyboard directly,
country specific characters can be
selected with a click.
Country specific characters will be
provided according to the selected
typeface, e.g. if you choose the
font ISO_3098_ee, characters for
eastern European countries are
Additional character sets such as
Cyrillic, Baltic, Turkey, Greek, will be
available by selecting the spec. font
under ISO_3089.
Also ornate fonts can be selected,
specifically to be used for engraving.
5.5 One-time, multiple and serial modes
By choosing the tab for one-time, multiple, and serial modes, corresponding
sequences of text, numbers, characters and
symbols can be entered. At the right-hand corner
of the marking window you will find a large choice
of symbols which can be selected by a click.
The number of lines opened for editing
corresponds to the number of lines set per tag.
Text can now be entered. The number of tags to
be labeled with the same text should be
entered in the Repeat field.
The data input is shown in the preview window.
If the number of repetitions exceeds the number of tags available, the following
warning is displayed: > Not enough tags selected to fit your request <,
and the number of repetitions must
either be corrected or more tags
must be provided for labeling by
confirming with Yes.
Clicking OK transfers the labeling to the tags.
If sequential numbering is to be carried out, after
selecting the number of lines you must specify
the line in which the sequential numbering is to
appear. To allow this, the Series check box to the
right of the line is activated.
Checking this box then activates the
consecutive no. button and prevents input in the
editing field. Clicking the Consecutive no. button
opens a further window, allowing serial marking to
be entered.
Here the start value, final value, preceding text
(prefix), following text (suffix), step size, counting method, and number of repetitions
can be entered, the counting method can be chosen
to be in ascending order.
The count could be chosen in decreasing nos. (start
value higher than final value) or increasing nos. (start
value lower than final value).
The left part of the window is separated in two parts,
primary serial number and secondary serial number,
in order to create two interlinked consecutive numberings, with free chosen character for separation. The
example shows as primary series TP-1 to 5 and the
secondary series 10 to 15 –HA, with a separation
character of --, TP- is the preceding text (prefix) and
–HA the following text (suffix).
If the series labeling job specified exceeds the number of tags available, the following
warning is displayed: > Not enough tags marked for labeling <.
The number of tags must either be reduced for example, by changing the final value or
more tags must be provided for labeling.
The sequences entered are listed in the preview window.
Clicking OK returns you to the previous window, and any necessary
parameter changes can be made there.
Clicking OK again transfers the labeling to the
tags. You can edit the data in the preview window.
It is possible to delete texts, insert empty rows and
special symbols or other texts.
Note: If you want to insert more data in series,
sequences cannot be shown and edited in the
series modus.
5.6 Importing files
After choosing the Import file tab, data can be imported from other files.
Data can be imported from other CAD/CAE programs, text files,
or spreadsheet programs.
An efficient import function is available to allow
extraction of the required data from a range of file
Clicking the Browse button makes it possible to
locate the file to be imported. Click to
select the file name, and then click Open to
access the file for importing.
A window will now open displaying the data for
importing, in table format.
You can choose the separator to be “tab”, “space”, “comma” or “semicolon” as single
or in combination. In addition further character can be
defined by clicking the box Other and entered in the
next field, e.g. “B”, enter “B” in the field and confirm
with OK.
Another possibility for separating imported files is
the no. of character.
Select the click box Text length fixed and enter the
no. of character in the empty field, clicking OK
activates the new separator.
If you want to import Conta Sign,Excel,Access or E-Plan files, the program will
automatically recognize the format and open the first worksheet for importing.
This is the default setting. You can also select other sheets from the file.
You can now copy either part or the entire table and use it for marking.
Please follow these steps:
Use the mouse to select individual or multiple cells,
individual or multiple columns, individual or multiple
rows, and click the Copy marked range button.
The data will be inserted into the editing field, and
you can check whether the copied data is correct.
It is possible to edit the data in this window, like
input of new data, delete data, correct data and copy data.
The following functions exist to aid data import:
Overwrite existing data
If you enable this function, newly copied data will automatically overwrite previously
copied data. If this function has not been enabled, the data will be appended to the
existing data.
Ignore null values
If this function is enabled, cells containing no data
will not be imported.
Left Right
This function allows the import sequence to be
changed. In the default setting, the data is transferred
by column from top to bottom. If the left-to-right
function is enabled, the data is transferred by row
from left to right.
Data can also be easily imported from files using Copy and Paste and the Windows
To do this, open the relevant file and copy the data to the Clipboard.
When the original file has been closed, the data on the Clipboard can be pasted into
the editing field on the right-hand side of the import box either by pressing the
CtrlV keys or by using the shortcut menu which pops up after clicking
the right mouse button.
After the data has been transferred to the preview window, it can be modified as
required. Available functions include deleting data, inserting data, etc.
Clicking OK transfers the labeling to the tags.
If the number of requested tags exceeds the number of tags available, the following
warning is displayed: > Not enough tags selected to fit your request <,
and the number of imported tags must either be corrected or more tags must be
provided for labeling.
Another direct import function is available from the main menu,
The import filter is specially designed for the import of files created
by former software programs, supporting a direct import of a
complete marker card.
There is no “select from” available, the file is recognized and
opened in the background upon importing the data. The software
opens the dedicated segment on a new base plate and transfers
the labeling to the tags accordingly. Post import of the data, all edit
functions can be used as previously described.
Special import formats are available at sales support.
> File and > Import file.
5.7 Row labeling
After choosing the row labeling tab, marking can be easily carried out on individual
row. Please ensure that you have selected complete row, since otherwise proper
labeling will not be possible.
The editing field is used to enter the text to be printed on the
row. The characters for each tag must be separated by
commas for example, “ab, cd, ef, symbol, symbol” means print
“ab” on the first tag, “cd” on the second tag , “ef” on the third
tag, "symbol" on the forth tag and "symbol" on the fifth tag .
Clicking OK transfers the labeling to the tags.
5.8 Marking of endless strips
This software has special features for marking of endless strips:
Insert a strip
If you choose strip-material, the above mentioned functions for
sectioning and marking of strips are available on the menu > Edit
By clicking you can select the strip you wish to mark.
Note: In order to mark a section of strip you have to prepare it first
via menu > Edit > Strip partitioning.
Strip partitioning
You can open a window via > Edit
allows you to divide the strip into various sections.
First put in the width of the strip and then the amount of
elements required in that width and confirm by pressing the
button Append .
Thereafter you can select and add further sections with
different widths.
If you wish to insert a section between other sections you have to mark-out the
section before which you want to insert.
Then press the button Insert to start the process.
You can delete sections by marking-out the section and pressing the Delete button.
At the bottom part of the window you can check strip-length already occupied and the
remaining strip-length.
After completion of sectioning press OK button and the strip will show up with the
corresponding divisions.
> Strip partitioning which
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