CML Semiconductor Products
Call Progress Tone Detector
1.0 Features Provisional Issue
•• Worldwide Tone Compatibility •• Wide Dynamic Signal Range
•• Single and Dual Tones Detected •• Low Voltage Operation
•• Special US Busy-Detect Output •• Standard 8-Pin DIP Package
•• Special Voice-Detect Output •• Standard 3.58MHz Xtal
D/633/3 March 1996
1.1 Brief Description
The FX633 detects the audible tone signals used by most of the world's Telecom Systems to indicate
Dial, Ringing, Busy and other conditions found when placing a call. Detection of these call progress
stages is essential to the proper operation of automatic calling products.
The FX633 adds new features to Call Progress monitoring. It detects and indicates separately the "US
Busy" tones, reducing the need to measure "tone cadence" to identify "US Busy". It detects and
separately indicates "Voice" and other signals from Call Progress tones, reducing voice-falsing and
adding voice-answer as a connection prompt.
The FX633 uses the latest signal processing techniques to provide these advantages. It is a low cost,
low power product with superior performance. It is available in the industry standard package.
1996 Consumer Microcircuits Limited

Call Progress Tone Detector FX633
Section Page
1.0 Features..........................................................................................................1
1.1 Brief Description............................................................................................1
1.2 Block Diagram................................................................................................3
1.3 Signal List.......................................................................................................4
1.4 External Components....................................................................................5
1.5 General Description.......................................................................................6
1.5.1 Overall Function Description...........................................................6
1.5.2 Glossary .......................................................................................... 6
1.5.3 Block Diagram Description..............................................................7
1.5.4 Decode Output Truth Table.............................................................7
1.6 Application Notes..........................................................................................7
1.6.1 General............................................................................................7
1.7 Performance Specification ...........................................................................8
1.7.1 Electrical Performance .................................................................... 8
1.7.2 Packaging......................................................................................12
1996 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 2 D/633/3

Call Progress Tone Detector FX633
1.2 Block Diagram
Figure 1 Block Diagram
1996 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 3 D/633/3

Call Progress Tone Detector FX633
1.3 Signal List
Signal Description
Pin No. Pin No. Name Type
2 1 XTAL/CLOCK I/P The input to the on-chip oscillator, for external
Xtal circuit or clock.
3 2 XTALN O/P The inverted output of the on-chip oscillator.
5 3 ENABLE I/P A logic "0" pulse of at least 1µs applied to this
input resets the decoder circuits and forces both
DETECT1 and DETECT2 outputs to a logic "0".
7 4 DETECT1 O/P When a call progress signal is detected, this
output goes to a logic "1".
10 5 SIGIN I/P Signal input. Signals to this pin should be ac
coupled. The dc bias of this pin is set internally.
12 6 V
Power The negative supply rail (ground).
13 7 DETECT2 O/P This output is used in conjunction with
When DETECT1 is at a logic "1", this output
goes to a logic "1" if a Call Progress High Band
signal is detected.
15 8 V
1, 4, 6,
8, 9, 11,
14, 16
Notes: I/P = Input
O/P = Output
When DETECT1 is at a logic "0", this output
goes to a logic "1" if a Non Call Progress signal
is detected.
Power The positive supply rail. This pin should be
decoupled to V
by a capacitor.
NC Internal Connection. Do not make any
connection to these pins.
1996 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 4 D/633/3