Day 2: The Arduino IDE
This time there's a breadboard behind the door. On it, you can quickly and easily assemble the hardware layouts of the Advent calendar. Since
only the NanoESP is available so far, we'll start with it.
It's best if you plug the controller into the breadboard as shown in the picture. That way, the greatest space remains free for experiments; the
WLAN module sticks out behind past the breadboard. The micro-USB cable then hangs between the contact sides and is only a minimal
disruption. The board needs to be pressed in gently until it touches the contacts.
Today we also want to deal with the software with which the board can be programmed. This is the Arduino development environment (Arduino
IDE for short). You can download the latest version for your individual system at and then install it.
Please note that you should work with at least Arduino Version 1.6.5.
Programming occurs here in a somewhat simplified C/C++. You can now open an initial sample programme in the IDE by clicking File > Samples
> 01.Basics > Blink. The programme causes the LED D3 on the board to flash in a one-second cycle. In order to execute it on the NanoESP, you
first have to transfer it via the USB interface to the board. Before you do that, select the right board and the right communications port (COM for
short) in the software:
1 Under Tools > Board select "Arduino Nano"
2 Under Tools > Processor select "ATmega328"
3 Under Tools > Serial Port select the corresponding COM port
Then click the Upload button. The programme is now compiled and transferred to the NanoESP. You can follow the progress in the status bar
below. During the upload, you can also see the two centre LEDs (TX1 and RX1) flashing rapidly. If everything was successful, the LED D3 on the
board begins to flash in a one-second cycle. You've just successfully uploaded your first Arduino programme.
This was only a test of whether the board functions correctly in principle. Now comes the IoT part of today's test. First, though, you still have to
download something, namely the library, which will enormously simplify handling the board for you. You'll find the latest version at http:// Now you have to integrate this ZIP file into Arduino by selecting it under
Sketch > Integrate library > Add .ZIP library
. You may have to restart the Arduino IDE so that you can find the sample programme under
File > Samples > NanoESP > Basics > Wifi_Scanner
and open it. Now you have to upload this programme. Then open the serial monitor and set the baud rate 19200. After a short time, you will first
see information about the firmware and finally a list of all WLAN networks in range of your NanoESP board.
Day 3: The NanoESP in access point mode
Behind the third door is the jumper wire, which is important for many tests. To prepare for later tests, you can place the supply lines GND and
VCC on the outermost lanes. You'll thereby have better access to these important lines later.
The jumpers to GND and VCC
In the project for today, you now get around to changing something in a programme even on your own. The following sample programme serves
as a basis:
File > Samples > NanoESP > Basics > AccessPoint
When you upload this programme, you won't see any change at first. There is still an open WLAN with the name NanoESP in range. However, if
you now change line 16 in the programme with the configWifi command, the access point settings also change. You can replace the "NanoESP" in
quotation marks with another WLAN name, or you can even define a password for the network by adjusting the last parameter of the function.
The password must have at least eight characters. A possible example is:
nanoesp.configWifi(ACCESSPOINT, “MyNanoESP”, “MyPassword”);
Then you need to upload the programme again. If the configuration was successful, the LED D3 lights up for confirmation. If there is an error, the
LED does not light up and you need to check the settings. It's never been easier to create your own WLAN.
Day 4: Setting up Internet connection
Behind today's door is a 1-kohm resistor. We're not going to do much with it today, but tomorrow it becomes important. In today's test, we want
to set up an initial connection to your home WLAN network. For this purpose, you need, as you will on many days to come, to enter your WLAN